Time Is Running Out for the COVID Coverups
Amerian Greatness,
Adam Mill
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
2/6/2022 1:35:58 PM
The Left has a word for misinformation that turns out to be true. They call it, “misinformation.” Over and over again, the tech giants, cheered on by power-drunk government officials, have censored and deplatformed people who have contradicted the official narrative regarding COVID and heavy-handed public health measures that restrict freedom with dubious health benefits.
Tellingly, the demands to censor Joe Rogan rarely identify the supposed “misinformation” he peddled. Even more tellingly, the censors totally fail to acknowledge that Rogan-promoted “conspiracy theories” have a better track record than many of the articles of faith his critics promoted.
Let’s start at the beginning. In March 2020, at the start of the pandemic, a
Reply 1 - Posted by:
seamusm 2/6/2022 2:13:18 PM (No. 1063674)
It is hard to stand up for freedom and truth. And I certainly take note of Rogan's capitulation to censorship. I guess he put his balls in one of those 'lock boxes'.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
formerNYer 2/6/2022 2:18:14 PM (No. 1063677)
If I had a love one die from Covid, I would sue YouTube, Fascistbook and other 'social media' outlets that censored facts and labeled them misinformation while meanwhile published misinformation and pushed as facts! Where's all the lawyers out there to start a class-action suit? 1 - 10 billion should do the trick!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
DVC 2/6/2022 2:57:04 PM (No. 1063699)
The truth is out. They cannot put it back in their box of lies.
These mRNA shots do not prevent infection.
These mRNA shots do not prevent transmission.
The mRNA shots MIGHT reduce symptoms, as yet, not proven.
The mRNA shots have harmed around 1 million people or more, and killed, at least 22,000.
Ivermectin and HCQ are safe and effective early treatments. There are many specific, existing, safe drugs which treat the symptoms effectively and save lives. Monoclonal antibodies are safe and effective.
Remdisivir is unsafe, and ineffective. The doses of steroids used in most hospitals' "standard treatment" are too low, by a huge margin, to be effective.
The majority of our doctors are killing people, under orders from Dr. Fraud, and have their brains turned off, and their hearts closed to the dying patients.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
DiegoDude 2/6/2022 3:25:18 PM (No. 1063729)
Sue the "fact cheers." Wanna bet if this starts happening, "fact checking" will disappear.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
dbdiva 2/6/2022 4:54:49 PM (No. 1063771)
I've lost much trust on the medical establishment over the last 2 years. Doctors have abandoned "first, do no harm" in favor of the siren call of $$$$$. Once trust is lost it is not regained easily....at least not for me.
82 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
coldoc 2/7/2022 6:30:40 AM (No. 1064093)
I hate liars almost as much as thieves. Every time one of those "doctors" gets on tv and pushes the jab or tells me its a pandemic of the unvaccinated it makes me mad as hell, which is where fauci and the scarf are headed for their part in this disaster.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Krause 2/7/2022 8:08:59 AM (No. 1064149)
Zuckerburg is smart about tech, which is his element, but in others areas he seems pretty dumb, and quite confident about his dumbness.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Hazymac 2/7/2022 8:34:35 AM (No. 1064179)
The line that stood out above the others: "If social media wants to play doctor, they should prepare to be sued for malpractice."
The author has definitely got that right. Social media companies should be liable for the harm they have caused, and should be sued out of existence.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
bpl40 2/7/2022 9:08:16 AM (No. 1064204)
I frankly cannot say "My eyes were opened" because I was never fooled them. But what really got me was the position that mass get togethers to Burn, Loot , Murder were OK because racism is a bigger health threat than COVID. Enough of this charade!
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 2/7/2022 9:17:53 AM (No. 1064213)
It seems the word hasn't circulated yet - - even among savvy L-Dotters.
The best preventative for Wuhan flu is - - - - - Vitamin D! And it's the cheapest preventative of all. You just have to go outside for a few hours on a sunny day - - and eccola! - - you're 99% safe from the communist-created killer.
Put some sunshine in your life - - and thumb your nose at the commies and the petty tyrants.
28 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Zigrid 2/7/2022 10:09:20 AM (No. 1064282)
It seems to be a written rule with the woke crowd that anyone who has a differing opinion is wrong and then they try and blacklist them...or cancel them...as they did with President Trump from tweeter..didn't help their cause...now President Trump has his own media site and Rogan is more popular than ever...in ole fashion terms...they have cut off their nose to spite their face...
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 2/7/2022 11:09:33 AM (No. 1064386)
I agree with #8 - the most impactful line of the article is, "If social media wants to play doctor, they should prepare to be sued for malpractice." I would also say the same about Big Government; sue the governors, county supervisors and city mayors for their murderous lock-down edicts, mandates to wear filthy masks, the destruction of ties between family and friends, and the psychological horror to which they have subjected our children. I don't want just a pound of flesh. I want to see our modern aristocrats stripped of all assets and their sorry backsides breaking rocks on a chain gang. Hang them all and hang them high!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
jasmine 2/7/2022 12:46:26 PM (No. 1064494)
"One of then-Governor Andrew Cuomo’s first official responses to the pandemic was to issue a March 3, 2020 executive order prohibiting off-label use of hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus."
As we've seen repeatedly, American politicians across the country arranged early in the pandemic to deny COVID patients off-label treatment with Hydroxychloroquine. The FDA quickly shut down a short-ived emergency use designation. For our own good, of course. Despite being approved for other conditions for the past 60 years, politicians told us with a straight face that treating COVID patients with Hydroxychloroquine was hazardous to their health.
Anthony Fauci declared it to be "ineffective," saying in an MSNBC interview, “You look at the scientific data and the evidence. And the scientific data ... on trials that are valid, that were randomized and controlled in the proper way, all of those trials show consistently that hydroxychloroquine is not effective in the treatment of coronavirus disease or Covid-19.”
I am definitely not a "math mind," and it has been a very long time since I took a course in statistics, but one thing I recall clearly is that in order for a study to be valid, it must measure what it is supposed to measure. So while the MSM presented an early VA retrospective study showing Hydroxychloroquine was "ineffective" in treating elderly hospitalized patients with COVID infections, the study sample was hardly random. For one thing, the patients were mostly male, and already suffered from a variety of serious medical conditions, meaning they died WITH COVID, but not necessarily FROM COVID.
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Tyranny in America at Orwellian levels. Really scary.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Strike3 2/7/2022 1:37:55 PM (No. 1064552)
It seems that government by the people, for the people and of the people has rapidly turned into government is the enemy of the people. How many believe that republican victories in 2022 and 2024 will change any of this? Unless they fail in their efforts to get rid of Donald Trump. If they succeed it will be Insurrection 2.0.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
udanja99 2/7/2022 7:12:19 PM (No. 1064833)
#10, the amount of vitamin D you can get by going outside depends a great deal on where you live. The further north, the less you get. There are many, many Ldotters who have been taking extra D3 since this whole mess began. I take 6,000 IUs per day.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Stork14 2/7/2022 7:45:44 PM (No. 1064848)
I HAVE a loved one who died from COVID. He had just begun Ivermectin. His wife was monitoring his O2. It dipped to 85 (still early in Ivermectin therapy). She took him to the hospital. They took his Ivermectin from him, and refused to give it to him even when he asked for it. They wouldn’t allow his wife (my sister), to come see him. They pumped him full of remedesivir and put him on a vent. He died two weeks later while on the vent. This is criminal negligence!
We are looking for a class action lawsuit.
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