Stop Letting Them Test You: Breaking The
COVID Construct
The Federalist,
Christopher Bedford
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
12/30/2021 6:26:09 PM
D.C. Health is giving out “Home COVID-19 Testing Kits” at libraries across the capital city.
“Isn’t that wonderful!” you might be thinking, as you tear open the seal. “I want to be sure these winter sniffles aren’t COVID before I see my mother, or visit grandpa,
Staring at this kit Wednesday morning, sniffling, I thought, “Why would I do that?”
Seriously, why the hell would I do that? Do I live in Florida, where if seriously ill, I’ll be given access to monoclonal antibody treatments while family, friends, and neighbors go about their lives? (snip) Or do I live in a city where the
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Otis Gill 12/30/2021 6:32:00 PM (No. 1023462)
Since when do people who feel healthy need to go and get a test to see if they're sick.?
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Corndoggies 12/30/2021 6:33:34 PM (No. 1023463)
Both the hubs and I had something at the beginning off December. Pretty sure it was just run of the mill ickies. I didn’t sound sick until I was mostly over it but that’s usually how colds affect me. Neither of us got tested cause what difference would it have made? We’re both pretty healthy for old farts.
We do have a friend whose emphysema was so bad one of his lungs collapsed and he had a positive covid test at the hospital. With the money they throw at that virus, who really knows if he had it?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
marlon 12/30/2021 6:39:04 PM (No. 1023472)
Excellent article. I just went through this dilemma myself this week I had a slight case of sniffles. Something I get every seasonal change. I wrestled with getting tested but there are no at home tests available and was not about to wait for hours somewhere. Meanwhile no fever, no cough, no sneezing no aches. No fatigue. I stayed home for two days and I feel fine. Why add to the fear pork statistics? Meanwhile my restaurant had to cancel our New Year's Eve gala due to lack of reservations as have two other restaurants I've spoken to.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
stablemoney 12/30/2021 6:51:42 PM (No. 1023488)
Take the test, and you just registered your Covid status with the government. What do think is going to be done to you, if you test positive? The swab tests have just been discontinued by the CDC because they do cannot differentiate between the flu, covid, and the common cold, meaning they are useless.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Safari Man 12/30/2021 6:56:08 PM (No. 1023492)
I've never once been tested, non even close. I have only worn a mask for maybe 60 minutes grand total in the last two years, and haven't had one on ie 8 months. I will not comply. I am probably in the danger group with my weight, but PHOOEY to them. I have zero fear.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
mean Gene 12/30/2021 7:03:02 PM (No. 1023504)
There are covid home tests that you can BUY.
Those tests will tell YOU whether or not you have tested positive.
Why let the gov't have 1st dibs on your test results?
They can collect these tests and "report" whatever they need to to create panic and fear forever.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 12/30/2021 7:39:58 PM (No. 1023537)
My wife tested positive. Since I don’t trust the test I had her tested again Monday....positive. I tested negative. She has the symptoms of a mild cold. I woke up a couple of weeks ago with a mediocre cold. Gone in three days so I could have had it and probably did. I told her since I have been sleeping with a leper I hope I am now immune. Trust nothing our current government tells you. They want more power and will do anything including murder to expand and hold onto it.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 12/30/2021 7:40:43 PM (No. 1023539)
How many people have tested positive for COVID without ever exhibiting a single symptom?
Is a person without any symptoms really sick?
How many of those were false positives?
Seriously, you cannot catch COVID if never tested. Considering the accuracy of the tests, that might be wise.
Of course, if you are sick, and your doctor wants you to be tested, go ahead.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 12/30/2021 7:50:11 PM (No. 1023552)
Well, they'll test ya when you're trying to be so good
They'll test ya just like they said they would
They'll test ya when you're tryin' to go home
Then they'll test ya when you're there all alone
But I would not feel so mad and bested,
Everybody must get tested.
With apologies to Bob Dylan.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
DVC 12/30/2021 7:52:20 PM (No. 1023555)
#7, our dear leader is disappointed that you didn't freak out and run in circles screaming.
As for me, best wishes for having gotten the ultimate immunity cheaply.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
pearlyjo 12/30/2021 8:26:10 PM (No. 1023585)
Three people in my department didn’t feel well this week. They had sore throats, congestion, malaise and aches. All three tested negative for Covid. They’re sick. There are other things out there besides Covid.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
NamVet70 12/30/2021 10:39:31 PM (No. 1023676)
I suppose there are some who crave the pity and attention they wish to gleam by announcing that they have discovered they have the horrible COVID cold.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
ladydawgfan 12/30/2021 11:16:36 PM (No. 1023700)
When I had the Kung Flu in May, I actually tested negative using a PCR test at my local CVS. The immediate care center, finding out that I had tested negative treated me for bronchitis, including prescribing a 2 week Z-pack followed by a 1 week scrip for Bactrim. My doctor finally realized I had Covid when I lost my sense of taste and smell among other common COVID symptoms.
At the end of the three weeks, I felt better but the coughing lasted another three weeks. After about 3.5 weeks, mutate and smell came back, although they do still kick out when I am over tired. I also havecmild tinnitus and the most annoying fatigue that just comes out of nowhere, regardless of how much sleep I had the night before.
The tests are unreliable and can lead to people being treated for the wrong thing, or not treated at all. The Kung Flu has been around long enough for people to know they common symptoms by now. Do your research beforehand and leave the tests alone unless you are feeling really ill!!
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