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Biden's accident

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Posted By: PageTurner, 11/2/2021 10:02:46 AM

The twitterverse is all abuzz over a #1 trending hashtag, #PoopypantsBiden, so at the risk of soiling my very soul, I perused Twitter's website to see why. The story starts with our president meeting the pope at the Vatican, presumably to discuss Jesus's thoughts about climate change and whether one can claim to be a good Catholic while facilitating the dismemberment of unborn babies. Three things stood out about the meeting. One is that the Vatican canned the traditional live footage of the event, instead providing only still shots and small snippets of conversation between the two pale, frail old men.


It rhymes with 'Descartes.'

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Stencil 11/2/2021 10:12:25 AM (No. 964484)
Dear OP, how many people on this board do you think really know how to pronounce Rene‘s name?
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: curious1 11/2/2021 10:15:18 AM (No. 964487)
I think the tweets need the hashtag #poopypantsDemocrats. Hang Zhou Bai Den (and Mattress Mo) around the democrats necks and sink them with it.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Right Time 11/2/2021 10:19:19 AM (No. 964492)
Let's Go, PoopyPants should be heard from the crowd of every football stadium this weekend
21 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: marbles 11/2/2021 10:25:19 AM (No. 964501)
#1 Don't underestimate us. Day- cart
34 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Son of Grady 11/2/2021 11:05:58 AM (No. 964561)
Biden is a master showman. He was simply showing the pope that he was serious about cutting methan gas by 30%.
7 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Trump'sCousin 11/2/2021 11:06:35 AM (No. 964566)
When I purchase dog feces disposal bags at the pet store I refer to them as bidens. As in "better get a couple of boxes of bidens"! Yes I say it out loud in the store. In our home he is referred to as a $hit bag. I also refer to her droppings as democrats. Yes also said out loud in piblic.... "Good girl! Look at that democrat you just cranked out! Let me grab a Biden to clean it up! GOOD GIRL!!!!!"
21 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Rumblehog 11/2/2021 11:16:12 AM (No. 964585)
Life Rule #1: When you think it's just 'gas' - it's not. Imagine being within arm's reach of Christ's 'chief representative' on earth, and daring to "cut cheese!" The Lord has a great sense of humor! Joke's on you, Joe Bite-me!
20 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Hazymac 11/2/2021 11:42:04 AM (No. 964622)
Leaving in a different color suit than he arrived in? The Resident has delivered a mud monkey. Yeah, he messed his suit pants. He shat. "Film at 11." This apparent unintended discharge--couldn't resist using gun terminology since this ridiculous codger is a hoplophobe--might not be karma, but it's cosmic justice of a sort, something deserved: a just desert.
14 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: 3XALADY 11/2/2021 11:46:35 AM (No. 964629)
The old suit could be his 'blue dress?'
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: cold porridge 11/2/2021 11:52:00 AM (No. 964635)
I really believe 2 things about this: 1, I believe that the reason Biden was standing off to the left from the other world leaders is that he was Stinky Joe and no one wanted him standing next to them. 2, I believe that when he came to talk to reporters on the lawn a few weeks ago and yelled "My Butt's Been Wiped!" he had just been cleaned up from an accident or just been scolded by Obama that he screws up so much that Obama feels he needs to continually wipe his azz.
14 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Hazymac 11/2/2021 11:59:25 AM (No. 964641)
Maybe it was a "Pull my finger, Holy Father--oh no!!!" mishap, one that rhymes with art Sort of like Oddjob dropping the golf ball down his pants leg in Goldfinger, only browner. And naturally, the Resident unintentionally insulted every Catholic who drinks. FTA: "Biden told the pope he (Pope Francis) was now talking to the only Catholic who's never had a drink. Although a devoted leftie himself, the pope undoubtedly did not appreciate the inference that his flock comprises alcoholics and must surely have wondered how deeply golden-fried a clearly senile Biden would be if he'd been a drinker." Very good. As W.C. Fields said, "Never trust a man who doesn't drink."
7 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: anniebc 11/2/2021 12:11:47 PM (No. 964658)
First of all, Brandon is not our president.
9 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Kumoan 11/2/2021 12:12:46 PM (No. 964660)
Does the fact that Biden apparently schiffed himself while visiting Comrade Pope in Xi's house [formerly God's house] at the Vatican show he has some vestige of human decency and had a come to Jesus moment, or merely that he needs a bigger size of Depends?
2 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Maggie2u 11/2/2021 12:13:45 PM (No. 964663)
Instead of trending as #1, I think it's trending as #2...
17 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Catfur27 11/2/2021 12:43:04 PM (No. 964710)
...note that this "rumor" supposedly started in Switzerland right after the meeting..??...wait a minute...WHO is in charge of the Pope's Security??... why, it's The Swiss Guard.....maybe one of them let the shat out of the bag...??
8 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Come And Take It 11/2/2021 12:45:17 PM (No. 964712)
Xiden's accident was actually his fathers' - using a cheap gas station condom.
3 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: mc squared 11/2/2021 12:46:36 PM (No. 964713)
Why does any president think he needs an audience with the Pope? Italian votes?
4 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: red1066 11/2/2021 12:51:13 PM (No. 964720)
These secret service agents don't make enough money if they have to handle Decartes' soiled suits. Also, is it standard practice to have another suit on hand for a president, or just for Biteme?
3 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: formerNYer 11/2/2021 12:56:07 PM (No. 964734)
rhymes with scoop!
3 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Laotzu 11/2/2021 12:57:40 PM (No. 964738)
#poopygate, not #poopypants. The later is simply juvenile.
5 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: edgar 11/2/2021 1:02:53 PM (No. 964747)
I remember when George HW hurled in Japan. The media was all over it.
7 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Newtsche 11/2/2021 1:45:51 PM (No. 964798)
Pope: "Was that a fahrt?" Joe: "Some of it."
11 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Hazymac 11/2/2021 2:06:59 PM (No. 964819)
I couldn't resist. From Revenge of the Pink Panther: "The Peup" (Pope): Peter Sellers used to go through the (later) Pink Panther screenplays looking for words his Clousseau character could hilariously mispronounce. He found quite a few, speaking English as though it were very, very bad French.
4 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Faithfully 11/2/2021 5:45:23 PM (No. 965067)
This man shows signs of hepatic encephalopathy.
1 person likes this.

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Pete Buttigieg's 2-Month-Old Son Spends
First Halloween in the Hospital: 'Gus
Has Been Having a Rough Go'
33 replies
Posted by PageTurner 11/2/2021 10:26:30 AM Post Reply
The Buttigieg family is spending Halloween in the hospital. U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, 39, and his husband Chasten, 32, recently welcomed twins Joseph August and Penelope Rose in August. But on Sunday, Chasten announced on Instagram that 2-month-old Joseph had been hospitalized. "Happy Halloween from these #twinfrastructure safety advocates! 🎃🚗 🚧🚸," he captioned photos of the twins dressed up as orange traffic cones in a nod to the politician's mission to pass the nation's infrastructure bill.
Pete Buttigieg says supply chain disruptions
won't really go away until we 'put the
pandemic in the rearview mirror'
27 replies
Posted by PageTurner 11/2/2021 10:24:31 AM Post Reply
Though the federal government and private companies have both tried to find solutions to the supply chain crisis, bottlenecks and inflation aren't going away, says the Biden Administration — at least while COVID-19 is still around. According to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, the supply chain crisis is the result of myriad factors tied directly to the ongoing pandemic. Speaking on a circuit of morning shows on Sunday, Buttigieg touted the Biden Administration's budget reconciliation bill in combatting inflation and supply chain stressors as it continues to battle COVID-19.
Biden's accident 24 replies
Posted by PageTurner 11/2/2021 10:02:46 AM Post Reply
The twitterverse is all abuzz over a #1 trending hashtag, #PoopypantsBiden, so at the risk of soiling my very soul, I perused Twitter's website to see why. The story starts with our president meeting the pope at the Vatican, presumably to discuss Jesus's thoughts about climate change and whether one can claim to be a good Catholic while facilitating the dismemberment of unborn babies. Three things stood out about the meeting. One is that the Vatican canned the traditional live footage of the event, instead providing only still shots and small snippets of conversation between the two pale, frail old men.
Killing off the Zombie again: Joe Manchin
drives another stake into Biden's Build-Back-Better agenda
8 replies
Posted by PageTurner 11/2/2021 9:57:06 AM Post Reply
It was the thing that wouldn't die, the thing that wouldn't go away... No, not the Halloween zombies and vampires, but Joe Biden's once, twice, now thrice, dead, Build Back Better agenda -- with its twin porkulus infrastructure and social spending bills. It seems to have gotten the stake again from West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin. The guy just doesn't want it. According to the Associated Press: WASHINGTON (AP) — Pivotal Sen. Joe Manchin wavered on his support for President Joe Biden's sweeping $1.75 trillion domestic policy proposal, but Democratic leaders vowed to push ahead, with initial voting possible on the bill
Snakehead Carville turns up to defend
Lincoln Project's sleazy political trick
12 replies
Posted by PageTurner 10/31/2021 10:05:27 AM Post Reply
Normally, when a political campaign screws up so egregiously there's no denying they've gotten caught, the best thing to do is apologize to voters and to one's wronged opponent, and then proceed to move along. That should have been the response from Terry McAuliffe's team, after their ally, the Lincoln Project, pulled a disgusting dirty trick on Glenn Youngkin's team ahead of Tuesday's Virginia gubernatorial vote. The creeps of the Lincoln Project sent in a bunch of operatives to pose with tiki torches in front of a Glenn Youngkin campaign bus in a bid to falsely smear Youngkin as racist. They couldn't find real racists
Kamala Harris tries to 'wow' a crowd in
Virginia -- and nobody claps
25 replies
Posted by PageTurner 10/30/2021 9:39:10 AM Post Reply
While Joe Biden was out making a fool of himself in event after event across Europe, Kamala Harris was doing her best to match him back home: Get a load of her performance out on the campaign trail with Virginia's flailing Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Terry McAuliffe: (Snip for tweet) How embarrassing. Notice that she's getting little response from her crowd, which presumably is a big friendly Democrat-voting crowd. Why is she doing this? Quite possibly because she has nothing else to do. Biden didn't seem to invite her to the global warming summit he was heading for in Europe --- the one with 85 cars in his entourage.
Get a load of this latest TikTok teacher
who sings of parents as terrorists
7 replies
Posted by PageTurner 10/26/2021 10:13:35 AM Post Reply
Does anything good ever come from TikTok? Get a load of its latest charmer: an apparent public school teacher, shrilly "singing" in kindergarten cadence her own ditty about parents at school boards being "terrorists." Caution: You can't unsee it: (Snip for tweet) Here are her genius lyrics to what she's grandly called an ostinato: Terrorists. Terrorists. Purple for Parents are… Terrorists. Terrorists. Purple for Parents are… While some had good intentions, they all were misinformed. Now threatening violence, doxing teachers has become the norm. They come to school board meetings with lots of things to say, and they will bully, cuss or scream if they don't get their way.
Texas governor tells the U.N. to go 'pound sand' 18 replies
Posted by PageTurner 10/25/2021 7:57:27 AM Post Reply
The United Nations, awash in greenie ideology, has decided that now would be a good time to horn in on the state of Texas's internal energy production. For its own good, of course: NEW YORK — The leader of the United Nations says Texas must end its reliance on oil and gas production to remain prosperous in the era of climate change. At a UN summit next month, world leaders will be asked to rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. A vast increase in the production of renewable energy will be required to reach those targets.
Biden gives strongest signal he’s ready
to move to end Senate filibuster
23 replies
Posted by PageTurner 10/22/2021 10:59:33 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden has given the strongest indication yet that he is willing to end or whittle down the Senate filibuster as a means of overcoming Republican intransigence and moving ahead with reforms to voting rights, the debt ceiling and possibly more. Speaking in Baltimore a day after Senate Republicans yet again blocked major legislation designed to secure access to the ballot box for all Americans, Biden expressed mounting frustration at the filibuster which effectively gives the conservative minority a stranglehold over large swathes of policy.
Riverside teacher, in faux headdress,
on leave after mimicking Native Americans
in video
22 replies
Posted by PageTurner 10/22/2021 10:54:18 AM Post Reply
A Riverside high school teacher has been placed on leave after a viral video recorded by a student showed her hollering and dancing around a classroom in a fake feathered headdress, sparking outrage from the Native American community, school officials and local politicians. The video, which was posted online on Wednesday, shows the teacher chanting a mnemonic device — “Sohcahtoa,” often used in math courses to remember trigonometric functions — while stomping around the classroom and making chopping motions. The video has more than 3.7 million views on Twitter and hundreds of reactions on Instagram. The Riverside Unified School District released a statement on Thursday, saying the teacher’s
Bernie is getting mean and Manchin is
starting to fight
12 replies
Posted by PageTurner 10/22/2021 10:19:09 AM Post Reply
After weeks of playing nicey-nice and hailing their "unity," the mask is starting to slip for Senate Democrats at the extremes of the spectrum: According to the Washington Examiner: Sens. Joe Manchin and Bernie Sanders had a tense exchange during a closed-door meeting about President Joe Biden's social spending plan on Wednesday, marking the latest flare-up between the pair of ideological opposites who are both members of the Senate Democratic Caucus.(Snip) Suffice to say, both Manchin and Sanders have their careers on the line regarding this bill and one of them gets the political death knell if the other one gets his way.
Migrants using QR code to organize caravan
headed toward Mexico City
7 replies
Posted by PageTurner 10/21/2021 9:52:46 AM Post Reply
Migrants from Central American countries and Haiti are turning to technology to organize a caravan headed toward the country's capitol where they intend to ask immigration officials there for help establishing their refugee status to avoid getting deported from the country. A QR code is being shared among migrants that links to an online consent form saying the person agrees to pay for their own travel expenses. The announcement is in Spanish and Haitian Creole, according to the organization Pueblos Unidos Migrantes. Most migrants are heading north from Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico after growing frustrated while waiting for permission from Mexico's National Institute for Migration to stay in the country as refugees.
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/3/2021 12:45:02 AM Post Reply
Republican Glenn Youngkin was declared the winner of the Virginia gubernatorial race by a number of outlets and election analysts on Tuesday night after a hard-fought campaign that he entered as a significant underdog. Despite trailing former governor Terry McAulife by as much as six and a half points in the RealClearPolitics polling average as late as the last week of August, Youngkin ultimately triumphed thanks to a hyper-focus on local issues and a commitment to walking the line between Trump supporters in rural, southern Virginia and wealthier suburbanites who were alienated by the MAGA wing of the party. Youngkin will take office in 2022 after eight years of Democratic control
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Posted by Ribicon 11/3/2021 1:39:30 PM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 11/2/2021 8:40:41 AM Post Reply
Following a Monday press conference, where Sen. Joe Manchin said he needed "more clarity" on the Biden administration's Build Back Better framework, Rep. Cori Bush called him out in a statement for being one of two key Democratic holdouts on the bill. "Joe Manchin's opposition to the Build Back Better Act is anti-Black, anti-child, anti-woman, and anti-immigrant," the representative from Missouri said in her statement. "Joe Manchin does not get to dictate the future of our country." The Build Back Better reconciliation bill focuses on, in part, climate change solutions along with child care and medical care. Democrats are trying
Biden: Americans Have ‘Seen the Lord’
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Posted by hershey 11/2/2021 3:21:39 PM Post Reply
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'This is your bride...please don't beat
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Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 3:53:41 PM Post Reply
An Afghan father who has been forced to sell his nine-year-old daughter to a 55-year-old man as a child bride so he can buy food has pleaded for his child's new husband not to beat her. Parwana Malik, nine, is being sold by her parents to a stranger who the youngster describes as an 'old man' due to his white beard and eyebrows. On the day Parwana was taken away by her 55-year-old buyer, Qorban, her weeping father, Abdul Malik, pleaded for him to not hurt his child, reports CNN.(Snip)Parwana's family said they had no choice, and are among scores of destitute
Pete Buttigieg's 2-Month-Old Son Spends
First Halloween in the Hospital: 'Gus
Has Been Having a Rough Go'
33 replies
Posted by PageTurner 11/2/2021 10:26:30 AM Post Reply
The Buttigieg family is spending Halloween in the hospital. U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, 39, and his husband Chasten, 32, recently welcomed twins Joseph August and Penelope Rose in August. But on Sunday, Chasten announced on Instagram that 2-month-old Joseph had been hospitalized. "Happy Halloween from these #twinfrastructure safety advocates! 🎃🚗 🚧🚸," he captioned photos of the twins dressed up as orange traffic cones in a nod to the politician's mission to pass the nation's infrastructure bill.
Navy investigation reveals sub hit uncharted
underwater mountain
32 replies
Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 2:01:36 PM Post Reply
A U.S. Navy investigation has determined that the nuclear attack submarine damaged in a collision in the South China Sea in early October struck an uncharted underwater mountain, defense officials said Monday. The Navy’s U.S. 7th Fleet commander Vice Adm. Karl Thomas is now conducting a review of the findings to determine whether any additional accountability measures will be taken, U.S. Naval Institute News reported. "The investigation determined USS Connecticut grounded on an uncharted seamount while operating in international waters in the Indo-Pacific region,” 7th Fleet spokesperson Cmdr. Hayley Sims said in a statement. Vice Adm. Thomas “will determine whether follow-on actions, including accountability, are appropriate.”
News FLASH: Large, naked Scottish man
exposes himself to President's motorcade
as it drives past his house to COP26
29 replies
Posted by Ribicon 11/2/2021 4:06:27 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden was flashed by a 'large naked Scottish man' as he travelled with his motorcade from Edinburgh to Glasgow. The American leader had been en route to the COP26 summit inside his armoured Cadillac 'Beast' when the naked man took a picture of the president's fleet of vehicles from his front window, according to the White House pool report.(Snip)Today, BBC reporter Jon Sopel tweeted: 'From the White House pool report on @POTUS journey from Edinburgh to Glasgow: ''At one point when we were still on smaller country roads, a large, naked Scottish man stood in his front window taking a picture of the motorcade with his phone
'The pace at which China is moving is
stunning': Vice Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff says Beijing's military
advancements have rattled the US
29 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 11/2/2021 10:36:38 AM Post Reply
China's growing military muscle and its drive to end American predominance in the Asia-Pacific is rattling the U.S. defense establishment. American officials see trouble quickly accumulating on multiple fronts — Beijing's expanding nuclear arsenal, its advances in space, cyber and missile technologies, and threats to Taiwan. 'The pace at which China is moving is stunning,' said General John Hyten, the No. 2-ranking U.S. military officer, who previously commanded U.S. nuclear forces and oversaw Air Force space operations. At stake is a potential shift in the global balance of power that has favored the United States for decades.
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Posted by Imright 11/2/2021 6:16:14 AM Post Reply
Seconds after being shot by Alec Baldwin, cinematographer Halnya Hutchins told a boom operator on the “Rust” movie set, “That was no good. That was no good at all.” Hours later, she was pronounced dead.The haunting final words of the 42-year-old mom, who had been working as the director of photography on Baldwin’s upcoming Western flick, were reported by the Los Angeles Times based on interviews with 14 crew members, emails and text messages.A few moments earlier, Baldwin had been preparing for a shootout scene inside a church
Pete Buttigieg says supply chain disruptions
won't really go away until we 'put the
pandemic in the rearview mirror'
27 replies
Posted by PageTurner 11/2/2021 10:24:31 AM Post Reply
Though the federal government and private companies have both tried to find solutions to the supply chain crisis, bottlenecks and inflation aren't going away, says the Biden Administration — at least while COVID-19 is still around. According to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, the supply chain crisis is the result of myriad factors tied directly to the ongoing pandemic. Speaking on a circuit of morning shows on Sunday, Buttigieg touted the Biden Administration's budget reconciliation bill in combatting inflation and supply chain stressors as it continues to battle COVID-19.
Anti Mandate New Yorkers Greet The VP
Outside Carnegie Hall With Chants Of ‘Kamala
Is A Wh**e’ – No MSM Coverage(Videos)
27 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 11/2/2021 8:54:35 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris visited New York City Monday, touring John F. Kennedy International Airport as part of an effort to see how climate action can create jobs. “To meet our climate commitment, we must, we must, I say to my fellow Americans, put in the work,” she said. Harris was joined at JFK Airport by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, as they touted two new initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gases. “First, a new partnership between our government and private companies to drive innovation in electric heat pumps,” Harris said. Later she participated in a celebration marking the 30th anniversary of the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network.
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