Biden’s sweeping vaccination mandates
Power Line,
Paul Mirengoff
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
9/10/2021 1:23:41 AM
Joe Biden today announced sweeping new coronavirus vaccine mandates of the kind he and key administration officials have previously said they would not impose.
Biden will require that all federal employees be vaccinated, with no option for those who prefer to be regularly tested instead. More audaciously, Biden will mandate all employers with more than 100 employees to require that their employees be vaccinated or, alternatively, that the employees take weekly coronavirus tests.
The White House estimates that Biden’s new policy will affect about 80 million workers — about two-thirds of the country’s workforce. Businesses that ignore the mandate could be fined up to $14,000 per violation.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
qr4j 9/10/2021 1:39:21 AM (No. 909581)
FJB will become an increasingly well used abbreviation, I should imagine.
Last year, the Dems were saying they wouldn’t take the vax because Donald Trump was behind getting it done. Now they are pushing it, requiring it. I am not anti-vax. But this isn’t how you encourage people to get the shot.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
NotaBene 9/10/2021 1:54:17 AM (No. 909586)
Soft-brain jumped the shark today. First they came for the unvaccinated, then for me.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
singermom9 9/10/2021 2:45:07 AM (No. 909595)
Just like with immigration. Dementia Joe and Fauci rail at us about getting vaxxed and then biden lets in 2 million illegal aliens this year and spreads them out in our entire country. (At least the red states he wants to turn blue). Then has the audacity to blame red state Governors for the rise in covid cases.
Now we ALL have to get "the shot" EXCEPT for the USPS. Sounds fishy to me.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
singermom9 9/10/2021 2:47:59 AM (No. 909597)
Only God can give ultimatums and biden is NOT God. (Although I think he THINKS he is) He is one man. And I am not at all sure this is the pandemic or the PLANDEMIC.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Rinktum 9/10/2021 4:25:10 AM (No. 909605)
When is enough, enough? The Afghanistan disaster should have been the catalyst for his resignation, yet, here he is on television issuing orders like some tin pot dictator to American citizens while the border is wide open and hundreds of thousands pour in with zero mandates. Also, Afghans are arriving daily without being properly vetted. What disease do they bring here? We don’t know and the Biden administration has zero interest in finding out. The most head scratching revelation is that he actually exempted the USPS from the mandate. Do they have some magical anti-Covid aura that makes them immune to the disease or makes them unable to pass it along? The most interactive agency with the public and yet, THEY are exempt? To say that Biden makes no sense is an understatement. The most galling aspect is Biden’s arrogant assumption that because he declares it, we will comply. We are a free people. This is a tyrannical government. A clash of ideologies is inevitable. Biden believes he has the power and is wielding it against us. The Constitution and Bill of Rights beg to differ. Here is the rub. What do free people do when they are faced with an imperialistic oppressive government?
I am begging New Yorkers on Saturday, September 11th, to peacefully defend liberty when this wretched tyrannical sock puppet shows up for his photo op to turn your backs on him. Show your disgust for him when he dares to come to that sacred ground with blood of Patriots on his hands. We have to make Biden and his entire administration uncomfortable every time they show up in public. They must know that they will face the disgust of the American people because they have betrayed us all. Lawsuits are fine but they will not have the visual impact that this gesture will have. A nice touch would be to break out into God Bless America while this creep speaks. These leftists are ego driven and this demonstration will sting especially the singing God Bless America.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
mifla 9/10/2021 5:01:49 AM (No. 909617)
Not gonna happen Joe. Please deliver a message to your handlers. "Go pound sand."
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
bad-hair 9/10/2021 6:34:44 AM (No. 909673)
Sure thing JoeBoy. Do something ridiculous and so obviously unconstitutional that all those journalists will have a screeching fit and stop talking about Afghanistan. How about we start by decreeing that all US citizens in Afghanistan MUST be vaccinated.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 9/10/2021 7:31:47 AM (No. 909721)
The communists in the administration and government are seeing how much of the country they can enslave. They have already been very successful over the past 18 months. Either we the people start resisting or we will lose all our freedoms and be a constitutional republic in name only.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
ronbet 9/10/2021 7:40:49 AM (No. 909730)
"Joe Biden today announced sweeping new corona virus vaccine mandates of the kind he and key administration officials have previously said they would not impose."
But that was before they needed to get the Afghanistan disaster out of the news, get talking heads raving about something else.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
red1066 9/10/2021 9:32:35 AM (No. 909854)
How is this going to be enforced? What company is going to tell it's employees to get the vaccine or take a hike especially with number of companies begging for workers.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
udanja99 9/10/2021 9:50:58 AM (No. 909881)
#10, that’s part of the plan. Put companies out of business, bring the supply chain to a stop, get everyone on the dole, overwhelm the system and usher in socialism.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
DVC 9/10/2021 10:02:51 AM (No. 909916)
Absolutely unconstitutional, and why aren't there already four or five different federal judges blocking this outrageous overstepping of authority?
Traitor Joe is NOT a king!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
earlybird 9/10/2021 12:45:39 PM (No. 910064)
Has anyone in his top talent staff told him this will now make him the Most Hated Man in America?
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#1, I remember FJB was what Hillary called Dickie Morris ( now relegatèd to peddling precious metals on tv as often as the My Pillow ads).
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
MickTurn 9/10/2021 7:10:56 PM (No. 910362)
Well Joey Pervy, we'll sweep your mandates into the trash just like you did with the Afghanistan Fiasco...Deal?
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