Timeline: Why Biden's Call With Ghani Matters
PJ Media,
Bryan Preston
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
9/3/2021 2:08:51 PM
Joe Biden came into office inheriting the war in Afghanistan. But unlike previous presidents, he inherited a war that was relatively quiescent by Afghanistan standards, involved few American troops on the ground, and was in a phaseout due to an agreement his predecessor had struck with the Afghan government and the Taliban. Under that deal, the U.S. would remove its troops by May 1, 2021, if the Taliban and Afghan government met certain conditions.
Biden has played both sides of the Trump deal, both arguing that it tied his hands and that he would have sought a similar deal himself. This, plus Biden’s campaign to overturn as many Trump policies
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Birddog 9/3/2021 2:31:42 PM (No. 903303)
"Trumps Fault"?? No matter how thin you slice it, as of May 2nd, 100% of what happened is on Biden.(actually april 15th when he announced his alteration date) He had from early Nov. to plan it all out, from early January to order it all done, yet took EVERY weekend off, most weekday afternoons off, didn't bother to inform, let alone work with NATO/UN/European Allies on any of it. Then totally Undercut the Abraham Accord Arab nations who were the Logical "Step into the Void" partners for a stable afghanistan.
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The closure of Bagram on July 4 defies logic. It ruined any capability of averting disaster. I am sure that the military commanders advised Biden against doing this. He overrode them. I am a former US Army officer. I was taught in ROTC that any military order had to be legal, ethical, and LOGICAL. My instructor at the time asked the cadet class that if a superior ordered you to jump off of a cliff, must you obey that order? The answer to that question is "no". It is not logical. Biden's order to close Bagram was not logical. Milley and those that could have countermanded the order are thus culpable in enabling this disaster.
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At the end of all this, they will blame the damage on Biden’s dementia, and how no one, even the doctors, saw how badly he degraded so quickly. And they’ll be lots of noise on working together to repair the damage, but the repairs will be as much of the leftist wish list as they think they can pull off.
And the Republicans will continue to write stern letters.
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And, using our "substantial leverage" we will continue to hold the Tollybon accountable for their actions. S/o.
Another strongly-worded statement warning of accountability from our useless UN Ambassador. With leverage like that, we have nothing to fear from regional control by Afghanistan's new strategic partner, the PRC!
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
downnout 9/3/2021 3:38:21 PM (No. 903354)
The way he pronounces Taliban as “Tally Bon” makes it sound like a child’s toy. I wonder if it is deliberate.
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FTA: "Ghani asks for Afghan military pay to increase to improve morale and 'rally' them...The U.S. had been paying the Afghan military’s salaries."
So, while the fecal matter is flying the troops need a raise at US expense. This from the guy who reportedly skedaddled with $169 million in cash. Okay... One would think living in "freedom" and keeping one's life would be an incentive to fight. Apparently, not enough. Guess they wanted $15 an hour like eveyone else.
FTA: "When he spoke with Ghani on July 23, all of that was already either done or in motion. This doesn’t absolve the Afghan units that chose not to fight, or Ghani for fleeing the country."
This is the crux. By all accounts the Afghan National Army had the advntages in numbers and equipment, not to mention 20 years of US-military training, that is now coming to light was "make work employment" more than actual military duties. The Taliban had advantages in leadership and motivation. Ghani showed no courage as his Titanic government went down. Neither did his military leadership. They stacked arms rather than use them to defend their families from a well-known adversary. And like Patton, I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for them.
As bad as Biden (or his puppet masters) were...as bad as our own military performed from planning to execution...the Afghans were worse by far. Imagine had Washington "surrendered" at Yorktown...think the French would have done more than sailed away? What did they owe us for helping?
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
AmericaYes 9/3/2021 4:00:57 PM (No. 903382)
What was deliberate was the abandonment of the Afghan government and military; American citizens and green-card holders; and those who aided the USA against the Taliban for 20 years.
Some argue Biden was blackmailed by China. Others say he was persuaded by the "One-world" State Department. And others say it is because he is both stubborn and stupid. It's probably all three
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
paral04 9/3/2021 4:35:15 PM (No. 903415)
Well, Trump inherited from the Obama-Biden reign. The difference is, nobody's sons and daughters were coming home horribly injured or in body bags as the did under Obama -Biden
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
bighambone 9/3/2021 6:58:55 PM (No. 903505)
Can you imagine the leftist and socialist Democrat response if Trump had made the same telephone call to Ghani? Chances are Trump would already be impeached. The reason that Biden rolled back his full retreat date from September 11 to August 31 was so that Congress would be out of session, thus allowing the Congressional Democrats to stay home and duck.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
snakeoil 9/3/2021 8:28:25 PM (No. 903540)
If what the writer alleges is true this is treason. The old fool is now Benedict Biden.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 9/3/2021 8:54:29 PM (No. 903550)
So we left behind a few A-29 Super Tucanos. Cheap turboprops at $18 million a pop. And only 13 other nations have bought them so the Taliban can get parts and training with ease. Imagine the advantage having your own personal regional airfare with no upfront cost. Nice job Johnsonhead Biden!
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