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The Conservative Case For
Cyberbullying America’s Generals

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Posted By: Ruhn, 7/27/2021 6:03:41 AM

On July 22, Major General Patrick Donahoe, the Commanding General of Fort Benning, reported from his official Twitter account that he was seeing a “surge” in ICU visits among young soldiers due to Covid. He reported that he would mandate the vaccine if he had the power to do so. I replied, pointing out that the DOD has lost a total of 26 out of over 2 million personnel in the last year and a half to the virus. In the fourth quarter of 2020, there was a 25 percent surge in suicides across all services.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: F15 Gork 7/27/2021 6:54:14 AM (No. 858310)
President Trump should have fired every last General we had who was promoted under Obama....they were not warriors, they were ticking woke time bombs. Those who joined for all the right reasons will soon have had a belly full and head for the exits. The best and brightest will not be staying onboard.
19 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: usmc0302 7/27/2021 7:05:00 AM (No. 858324)
A very short read and a must if you have to understand the institutional rot in the flag ranks of our military. The arrogance of this general is breathtaking. I have stated many times that a private who loses his rifle gets in more trouble than a general who loses a war.
17 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: GO3 7/27/2021 7:05:23 AM (No. 858326)
This article is a classic. Beautifully sums up the rot in our military leadership. Thank you, Marine, for telling it as it is.
16 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Rotten in Denmark 7/27/2021 7:30:11 AM (No. 858359)
Perfumed Princesses. Not my military.
11 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: MDConservative 7/27/2021 10:01:05 AM (No. 858550)
Who around here was swooning over General Mad Dog Mattis as Secretary of Defense? How'd that work out? It is very apparent that the US military has a use other than fighting and winning. This is an example of that is the CRT training.
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Deborah Grannet 7/27/2021 11:45:45 AM (No. 858728)
Oh #5, if only the rest of us were as smart as you-- . /s Still waiting on those T-shirts, btw.
2 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: bighambone 7/27/2021 11:54:10 AM (No. 858743)
A good example of a General who never won a war wearing their Soviet style dressed up uniforms is the picture of General Milley in the article. All you have to do to figure that example out is look at all the rows of ribbons and medals on Miley’s uniform, a man who never won a war but appears to be extremely politically “woke”and compare them against the uniform worn by General Eisenhower at the end of the Second World War. Eisenhower was at the time the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe over all American and British forces, had just won the war against the Nazis on the European Western Front, and on his uniform were just about two rows of ribbons. It is not a coincidence that the Second World War is the last real war where the USA was victorious. When the USA invaded Afghanistan, the USA the real enemy was the Islamist Taliban who along side other historic Islamist irregular armies known by differing names, had engaged in total and vicious warfare in Afghanistan for hundreds of years. Right after that US invasion top Russian Generals who had served in Afghanistan and who obviously had no love for the place, warned the USA that the Taliban could only be defeated through total warfare using the extreme tactics reminiscent of Ghengis Khan that would never be used by the Western democracies today. Not withstanding those facts the USA which was running the Western military coalition decided to use ineffective limited warfare tactics against the Taliban that included trying to talk them out of their multi-centuries long Islamist philosophy of either killing their enemies using any tactic possible and running the enemy survivors out of Afghanistan. As we can see, while a lot of American military officers loaded up medals on their uniforms and with stars on their shoulders, the ultimate result for Afghanistan was the USA being run out of Afghanistan, with the Taliban now claiming that instead of killing a lot more American military members that they allowed the USA a way out of Afghanistan. If you have been around for awhile what is now happening with Afghanistan with the US military, leaving sometimes with no notice in the middle of the night, and the USA bringing a massive number of Afghan Refugees to America is clearly reminiscent of what occurred at the end of the Vietnam War.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Come And Take It 7/27/2021 11:58:15 AM (No. 858752)
Well you don't have the power to, so bugger off. Little tin-plated dictator type. Most likely another Obama promotion.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: RuckusTom 7/27/2021 12:18:20 PM (No. 858801)
Generals are politicians first, soldiers second.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: pmcclure 7/27/2021 1:02:02 PM (No. 858867)
General Milley Vanilli is also pathetic.
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Oh My, Something About That New York
Times Journalist Who Recently Called Trump
Supporters "Enemies of the State"
13 replies
Posted by Ruhn 7/28/2021 6:23:52 PM Post Reply
Katie Benner sounds like an American girl next door right? Alas, a little digging below the surface reveals something rather specific about the New York Times journalist. Ms. Katie Benner made headlines yesterday by tweeting: “Today’s #January6thSelectCommittee underscores the America’s current, essential natsec dilemma: Work to combat legitimate national security threats now entails calling a politician’s supporters enemies of the state,” the previously little-known Benner wrote. Perhaps the purposeful avatar knocked people off the trail. Yes, the statement is jaw-dropping from a New York Times journalist who is openly calling Trump supporters “enemies of the state,” a tweet she soon deleted once the sunlight poured in. CORRECTION*
The Conservative Case For
Cyberbullying America’s Generals
10 replies
Posted by Ruhn 7/27/2021 6:03:41 AM Post Reply
On July 22, Major General Patrick Donahoe, the Commanding General of Fort Benning, reported from his official Twitter account that he was seeing a “surge” in ICU visits among young soldiers due to Covid. He reported that he would mandate the vaccine if he had the power to do so. I replied, pointing out that the DOD has lost a total of 26 out of over 2 million personnel in the last year and a half to the virus. In the fourth quarter of 2020, there was a 25 percent surge in suicides across all services.
The Other Side of the COVID Argument, Video 8 replies
Posted by Ruhn 7/25/2021 11:40:18 PM Post Reply
There is a lot of incoming information from government and the private sector promoting the vaccine. Recently, there has been a significant uptick in compulsory demands for taking the COVID vaccine. This forced vaccination approach has made many people start to question why this coordinated pressure campaign has increased with such ferocity. As a result of such one-side information, people are increasingly skeptical. In this video below you can review the counter-position for why people do not want to take the vaccination shot.
With Narrative Established CDC Announces
Withdrawal of Rapid Response COVID Test to
Belatedly Stop Diagnosing Influenza as
15 replies
Posted by Ruhn 7/25/2021 8:52:55 PM Post Reply
Well this is seriously sketchy, and feel free to correct me if my interpretation is incorrect, but the CDC has recently released a Lab Alert notifying healthcare providers they are withdrawing their emergency use request of the SARS-COV-2 rapid response diagnostic; and informing test centers to adopt new, modified, COVID testing that does not conflate influenza (the flu) with positive results for COVID-19. This looks like a back-door admission that many of the COVID positive results were actually, perhaps intentionally & purposefully, Flu cases diagnosed as COVID. If so, this would explain why the number of cases of influenza disappeared over the last 18 months…..
Why Afghanistan has Crumbled 21 replies
Posted by Ruhn 7/25/2021 10:48:44 AM Post Reply
Much like Iraq in 2011, the departure of the U.S. military from Afghanistan has created a security vacuum causing the situation in the country to deteriorate at an alarming rate. Emboldened by the U.S. military withdrawal, the Taliban have captured over 120 of Afghanistan’s 387 districts. (snip) Such a massive loss of territory to the Taliban in just sixty days of fighting is sending shockwaves around the world and is reminiscent of the dreadful chaos created by the Islamic State in the Iraq region in 2011 after President Barack Obama withdrew U.S. troops from that country.
Critical Witchcraft Theory 7 replies
Posted by Ruhn 7/25/2021 9:33:18 AM Post Reply
“Systemic racism” is not a sociological theory. It is theology. More precisely, it is a demonology: a theory of witchcraft. It was good enough for William Stoughton in 1692. Stoughton was the chief justice who presided over the Salem witchcraft trials that sent 20 people to their deaths. What was good enough for Stoughton was “spectral evidence,” which referred to the testimony of witnesses as to what they had seen in their dreams. If a witness said that he dreamed of a neighbor engaging in witchcraft, Stoughton’s court admitted that as evidence against the neighbor.
White House Occupant Delivers Angry
Speech in Philadelphia Demanding All
Resources Must Activate to Defend His
26 replies
Posted by Ruhn 7/14/2021 5:41:12 AM Post Reply
The speech Joe Biden delivered Tuesday in Philadelphia was not the rant of a righteous or confident man.  [READ IT HERE]  Instead the speech was a bitter, angry and divisive plea for help from those extreme leftists who supported his installation.  The need for control is a reaction to fear. That fear was what Biden displayed above all other attributes. A fear that more American people will begin to see the false construct of his installation. A fear that those who perpetrated the fraud of his election will be exposed because the scale of their manipulation is far too great to continue hiding. The fear that a small amount of actual investigation, with more audits looming, will reveal how a few key corrupt counties coordinated a massive election fraud. (Snip) The angry speech was full of projection, denial and extreme defensiveness. CORRECTIONS*
During Speech President Trump Reveals
Letter from Pennsylvania U.S Attorney Detailing Bill Barr Blocking Philadelphia Vote Fraud Investigation
19 replies
Posted by Ruhn 7/12/2021 5:41:56 AM Post Reply
This is interesting. In the middle of his CPAC speech President Donald Trump dropped a bombshell story about a Pennsylvania U.S. Attorney who was intending to investigate voter fraud in Philadelphia and was blocked by Attorney General Bill Barr. The excerpt is below (snip) In previous comments attributed to AG Bill Barr, he claimed to have seen no evidence of election fraud. The Atlantic Article cites Bill Barr stating to an AP journalist December 1st 2020: ” To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,”
Chinese Coronavirus Commies Censored 3 replies
Posted by Ruhn 4/14/2020 3:07:55 PM Post Reply
The Daily Telegraph on Tuesday received an article submitted by Sydney’s Chinese consulate. In keeping with China’s own media traditions of censorship and concealment, the article was subject to official pre-publication review. We’ve done to the Chinese communist dictatorship what China's communist dictatorship does to its own citizens:
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Posted by Come And Take It 7/28/2021 12:08:49 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/27/2021 6:25:22 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Magnante 7/28/2021 3:35:51 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 7/27/2021 5:51:23 PM Post Reply
As protesters poured into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, a Black Capitol Police officer passionately testified Tuesday that he faced racist epithets, the likes of which he had never heard while serving in uniform. “You hear that, guys, this n***** voted for Joe Biden!” a woman in a pink MAGA shirt yelled toward Capitol Police Pfc. Harry Dunn, he recounted, after Dunn said he voted for President Biden. “Boo! F****** n*****!” the crowd of about 20 yelled back, Dunn recalled.
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Posted by natpock1 7/27/2021 12:22:09 PM Post Reply
DC Police Officer Daniel Hodges during a House hearing regarding January 6 on Tuesday repeatedly referred to pro-Trump insurrectionists who stormed the US Capitol as "terrorists." Hodges during his testimony pointed to the hypocrisy of the rioters carrying symbols of support for law enforcement as officers were simultaneously and brutally assaulted.
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Posted by Ribicon 7/27/2021 5:53:22 PM Post Reply
Missouri residents are allegedly wearing disguises and getting COVID-19 vaccines in secret in fear of blowback from members of their communities. Dr Priscilla Frase, who works at Ozarks Healthcare, a hospital in West Plains—200 miles southwest of St Louis—told ABC News that many patients do not want their family and friends to know they got the shots.(Snip) Frase, who works in the Internal Medicine department at Ozarks, told ABC News that she has seen multiple people in disguise. 'I've had several people come in to get vaccinated who have sort of tried to disguise their appearance and even went so far as to say
'Signs of Senility': Brit Hume Calls
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Posted by Imright 7/27/2021 7:02:54 AM Post Reply
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Sympathy for Simone Biles 34 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/28/2021 10:29:23 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/27/2021 6:17:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 7/27/2021 2:15:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/27/2021 1:34:25 PM Post Reply
Mayor Bill de Blasio rolled out the lineup for the end-of-summer Central Park show celebrating New York City’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, comparing the internationally broadcast “concert of a lifetime” to Woodstock.The mostly free Aug. 21 “homecoming concert” — produced by Clive Davis and featuring Bruce Springsteen, Patti Smith, Jennifer Hudson and Paul Simon — will also star Carlos Santana with Rob Thomas, Elvis Costello, Earth, Wind & Fire, The Killers, LL Cool J, Journey, Kane Brown, and Wyclef Jean, among others, de Blasio announced Tuesday. Jon Batiste, Andrea Bocelli, Barry Manillow, The New York Philharmonic, Polo G, Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds
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