Media Fail — Majority Believe Cheating
Affected 2020 Election Results
John Nolte
Original Article
Posted By: Black Conservative Voice,
4/16/2021 5:46:18 AM
Those looking for more proof of just how little influence the corporate media have need only look at the fact that a majority, 51 percent, believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 election.
One of the few remaining reputable pollsters out there is Rasmussen. All media pollsters, including Fox News, have been exposed as fakes and frauds, but Rasmussen has consistently gotten it right, and here’s what it found:
A majority (51%) of voters believe it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 35% who say it’s Very Likely cheating affected the election.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
edgar 4/16/2021 8:08:32 AM (No. 756530)
And to ignore this without credible investigations makes us no better than a Banana Republic. People need to be held accountable, but our state and federal leadership want to turn a blind eye. Day-O, busy day, ay, ay, o.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
dolphin 4/16/2021 8:21:54 AM (No. 756542)
When I see evidence and people presenting it suppressed by big tech and the media, I am convinced that the election was stolen. That pretty much is all the proof I need.
21 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
wakeupcall 4/16/2021 8:24:08 AM (No. 756546)
Another election stolen by vote fraud by Marxist Communist democrats Global Marxist Communist One World Government.
According to Biden the Marxist Communist democrats did this very same thing twice before in the elections of Obama and Biden and got away with it easily.
The Marxist Communist democrats, rinocrat's GOPe, etc., are the real danger to America from within. Biden himself with a slip of his tongue for once told the truth of the Marxist Communist democrats and they are all guilty of treason.
Speaking to former Barack Obama staffers on Pod Save America, host Dan Pfeiffer asked Biden what his message was to people who have not yet voted.
https colon slash slash youtu dot be slash C6u1uKznCYw
Joe Biden:
"Well, first of all, you know, uh, what really rankles, uh, my opponent is I say that, uh, the thing that bothers him most is he’s not a patch on Barack’s jeans."
"Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together — and you’d [sic] guys, did it for our, the president Obama’s administration, before this — we have put together, I think, the most extensive and and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."
You can still find the complete video on line. It has not been debunked or removed completely.
RUMBLE has all the videos.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
reefdiver 4/16/2021 9:24:01 AM (No. 756617)
The corrupt Media don't seem to care, as we more and more ignore them.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
bpl40 4/16/2021 9:38:45 AM (No. 756631)
I am fully aware of (and awash in) the massive false propaganda being conducted day and night but am puzzled why 49% STILL don't believe it.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Strike3 4/16/2021 10:01:31 AM (No. 756664)
If one counts the people who gave the "right" answer only because they were afraid of being chastised and prosecuted for even mentioning the possibly that the democrats could have cheated, I would bet the estimate of non-believers in an honest election is much higher. It was obvious half-way through the night of November 6th and it's obvious now. Donald Trump is still the legitimate POTUS.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
red1066 4/16/2021 10:25:36 AM (No. 756701)
That only 51% believe fraud took place in the last election means there are too many misinformed people out there who watch way too much MSM news programs.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
clayusmcret 4/16/2021 11:13:33 AM (No. 756778)
Every time I watch TV news on one of the networks, whether local or nationally reported, I see them telling lies; either lies of omission or outright lies. Whether it's about gun control, the election, the riots, law enforcement, national government policies (both foreign and domestic), etc., they're telling lies in their reports. It takes a well informed public to see it and it looks like the public has chosen to get well informed.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 4/16/2021 11:15:29 AM (No. 756782)
You can fool all of the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all of the time.
But you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
Most are not fooled. The election had massive fraud. Traitor Joe was fraudulently installed in the WH.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Jebediah 4/16/2021 11:33:10 AM (No. 756805)
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!! You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to recognize the blatant corruption in the Presidential race.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
columba 4/16/2021 12:25:01 PM (No. 756861)
It is not difficult to believe the truth, and the truth remains that the election was rigged.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
TLCary 4/16/2021 1:31:51 PM (No. 756921)
Lifetime Twitter and Facebook ban of Rasmussen Polling in 3... 2... 1
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Anyone with a working brain knows that.. States don't stop counting midstream on election night unless there's cheating and corruption happening in the polls.