Lancet Medical Journal: ‘Racism Is the
Public Health Crisis’
Thomas D. Williams PhD
Original Article
Posted By: dst4life,
4/9/2021 12:59:44 PM
The woke Lancet medical journal praises the Black Lives Matter protests in its latest issue, urging greater activism to overcome white supremacy.
In an article titled “Racism Is the Public Health Crisis,” UK-based Professor of Black Studies Kehinde Andrews asserts that the Black Lives Matter movement “needs to be seen in the wider context of the mobilisations during the 20th century, ranging from civil rights and Black Power to the Third World movements across the globe.”
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Proud Texan 4/9/2021 1:04:17 PM (No. 749599)
ANti-racist racists are the medical problem. Their brain cells only detect skin color.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
marbles 4/9/2021 1:05:43 PM (No. 749601)
P.C garbage that does not speak to all the ( and it's a lot ) black on Asian and white people violent crime .
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
SALady 4/9/2021 1:07:55 PM (No. 749605)
I agree. The massive racism of groups like BLM, Antifa, the Black Panthers, La Raza, and so many other hate-filled and racist groups, are so destructive and dangerous to this nation.
This horrible, and very vocal and public, racism against white people by minority groups is destroying this country -- and it must stop!!!!!
Oh wait, you mean they aren't talking about all that massive and very public racism?!?!?!? Why not?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Newtsche 4/9/2021 1:19:06 PM (No. 749621)
I fully expect my pos pcp to broach this subject. Hope I handle my response with my best interests in mind.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
jimincalif 4/9/2021 1:26:17 PM (No. 749631)
They've seen how much they can get away using a "health crisis" justification. They've basically ignored our rights as endowed by our Creator and reaffirmed in the Bill of Rights and gotten away with it for over a year now! And the courts are woefully underequipped to reign them in. So far just a few nips and tucks. They won't forget this lesson. We must resist it at every turn.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 4/9/2021 1:35:32 PM (No. 749641)
Let me guess, pause, correct again
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Nope..... liberalism is the public health crisis.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
planetgeo 4/9/2021 2:01:45 PM (No. 749663)
Indeed...imagined fake racism is a serious mental health crisis, pretty much at pandemic levels among liberals/leftists/Democrats/socialists. Not only are they not in a suitable institution, but they seem to have somehow taken over all societal institutions (government, education, entertainment, corporate HR, sports, etc.).
Nurse Ratched, answer your dang beeper!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 4/9/2021 3:34:18 PM (No. 749736)
No, it is mostly stupidity. Minorities continue to do large numbers of behaviors which have been known for many years, even decades to cause serious, deadly health problems.
They do bad things to their bodies, and it is "whitey's fault" that they get sick.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
caljeepgirl 4/9/2021 4:06:17 PM (No. 749764)
Did the CDC director cry this time as well?
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Stupidity is the Health Crisis...
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
JimJr 4/9/2021 4:32:31 PM (No. 749800)
Let us undo racism by setting up this deal. You say the U.S. is racist, you can either: Confirm your belief by renouncing your citizenship, now and forever, and decamping the country of your choice and to sweeten the deal, we'll toss in airfare and $50,000. OR, you publicly on all social media platforms renounce and denounce the moronic statement. Your choice.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
dst4life 4/9/2021 5:29:08 PM (No. 749862)
Pay attention to the color of Walensky's (CDC head) lips, besides the fact that they constantly run. They are almost blue. Her mucous membranes and brain are obviously starved of oxygen. This is causing delirium and psychosis. This explains her desperate and nonsensical statements.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
mifla 4/10/2021 6:47:12 AM (No. 750163)
I thought racism was a climate change crisis. Or an economic crisis. I'm so confused.
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The CDC director of the United States is also making this claim. This administration is moving at lightning speed to pervert public opinion. This doesn't end well, unless Americans rise up against this. Otherwise, secession is in order.