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Arkansas Legislature Overrides Veto To
Ban Genital Mutilation Of Children

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Posted By: earlybird, 4/7/2021 11:57:33 AM

The majority-Republican Arkansas General Assembly voted Tuesday to override Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s veto of a bill banning experimental genital mutilation and hormone treatments for those under 18-years-old. The passage of HB 1570, the Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act, makes Arkansas the first state in the union to prohibit doctors from administering hormone treatment, puberty blockers, or other treatments to minors. The veto passed in the House at a vote of 71 to 24 and in the Senate 25 to 8. Hutchinson vetoed the legislation on Monday, which originally passed on March 29. The governor claimed the measure was a “product of the cultural war in America” and violated the relationship


The Republican legislature overcame the mindless act of a very wrongheaded Hutchnson.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 4/7/2021 12:02:50 PM (No. 747441)
What the heck is wrong with Hutchinson? What kind of a fool would veto this bill? Another fake Republican reveals himself when the chips are down. Asa needs to be gone, permanently. This is a career killing move, IMO.
39 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: marbles 4/7/2021 12:04:57 PM (No. 747446)
Any sane person would think this is not even a debatable issue
40 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Zeek Wolfe 4/7/2021 12:06:17 PM (No. 747448)
When a Republican governor or other elected official uses the word 'diversity," think RINO.
37 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: itsonlyme 4/7/2021 12:31:40 PM (No. 747483)
Hutchinson sealed his fate. Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be the next Governor, and rightfully so. Hutchinson's RINO mind has become dangerous to the United States Constitution.
29 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Heraclitus 4/7/2021 12:39:24 PM (No. 747489)
Tucker tried to get Hutchinson to explain in rational terms why he vetoed the bill. Hutchinson could not do so, it was the same gobbledegoop that advocates for these barbaric procedures give. Children have no idea of sexuality. They are children. Adults plant the sickness... and that is abuse. Once a person leaves home, let them pursue their wishes. It is sad, but some people will self-destruct no matter how hard others try to intervene.
36 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Patchy Groundfog 4/7/2021 1:02:08 PM (No. 747510)
Hutchinson proved himself a RINO squish with his shameful antics over yet another run at amnesty and open borders during the GWB years. Who cares what the Waltons want? Are they going to leave Arkansas over 200 kids getting their bits mangled and mainlining hormones? Doubtful.
12 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: dst4life 4/7/2021 1:18:01 PM (No. 747529)
I watched Tucker Carlson last night when he was interviewing this nutty Hutchinson. What a confused man!!
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: 68BattleofBealeVet 4/7/2021 2:47:57 PM (No. 747612)
Asa Hutchinson is toast in Arkansas as Governor! However, a 7 figure job awaits as a lobbyist for Tyson & Walmart. IMHO He's always been a RINO politician bought and paid for by the Clintons.
14 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Zarin 4/7/2021 3:39:14 PM (No. 747668)
I can half-way understand his argument that the state should not come between a doctor & patient. However in this case - the procedures & practices are out & out quackery and do harm to children & adults. It is not medicine nor health care. The NIH has been funding a 'clinic' run by so called doctor Johanna Olson Kennedy in LA for several years. There are also 50 clinics in the US founded by multi-millionaires who are transgender activists. - they are making money and spreading havoc. The so called studies are crap - the weasel words used to promote this abuse of children are very deceptive. There is rarely follow up if a person drops out of a study - and about 20% to 50% do drop out - likely the patient ends up homeless living on the street or commits suicide - but the studies do not know. Any legitimate study or medical trial would be closed down if they lost that many patients. And once a person starts hormone blockers etc there is no getting off them at least without major difficulty. The so called doctors who do the plastic surgery to remove of a boy's penis want to be able to do the operation while the child is still at home. This is because the recovery and follow up procedures are so troublesome that the parents need to be there to supervise daily care of the wounds etc. If you can find the Heritage Foundation site go there - they had a conference about this travesty 2 years ago - or look for Hacsi Horvath. Heritage Foundation has the conference on YouTube.
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: anniebc 4/7/2021 3:48:02 PM (No. 747674)
Good for them! We need to get rid of the evil insane on our side too. Go Sarah!
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: MrDeplorable 4/7/2021 3:54:33 PM (No. 747680)
Folks, calm down for a moment and look at this thing through the lens of POLITICS. Young Asa may very well have been in favor of that bill but he knew if he signed it, that would PO a lot of people, but he also knew that there were enough votes in the legislature to PASS IT OVER his veto, which is in fact what happened, so now he can sit back and smile because the bill is passed and he isn't blamed for it. See how POLITICS works?
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: 24tea@Mag 4/7/2021 4:03:52 PM (No. 747690)
Sinful and disgusting
7 people like this.

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Posted by earlybird 4/11/2021 4:38:01 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 4/11/2021 10:50:17 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 4/10/2021 2:39:45 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 4/10/2021 2:22:28 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 4/10/2021 2:19:01 PM Post Reply
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2 replies
Posted by earlybird 4/10/2021 1:31:20 PM Post Reply
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JoeBama Turns His Eye of Chaos Toward
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7 replies
Posted by earlybird 4/10/2021 1:19:18 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 4/10/2021 12:37:09 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 4/10/2021 12:28:12 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 4/10/2021 12:22:14 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 4/9/2021 4:47:49 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 4/11/2021 3:19:18 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/11/2021 12:25:35 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden may have been something like a moderate, once. As a senator, he defended the Hyde Amendment, which protects pro-life taxpayers from footing the bill for something they consider to be murder. Senator Biden also voted for the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in 1993. Even as late as 2003, Biden voted for a bill to prohibit partial-birth and late-term abortion. Biden did indeed work with Republicans to pass legislation. In 1987, Biden condemned Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s scheme to pack the Supreme Court to support the New Deal. Alas, that Joe Biden is nowhere to be found in the White House.
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Posted by Ribicon 4/11/2021 11:04:41 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 4/10/2021 6:47:52 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 4/10/2021 3:31:59 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 4/10/2021 7:45:41 PM Post Reply
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Posted by OhioNick 4/11/2021 2:20:16 PM Post Reply
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illegals to stay home
24 replies
Posted by PageTurner 4/11/2021 9:57:32 AM Post Reply
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Delta, UA? Pick another airline.
Woke Coke? Pick Pepsi.
24 replies
Posted by pros7767 4/10/2021 8:13:35 AM Post Reply
When corporations pick one political party over another, it's time to take sides with your feet and your money. This spark was lit in the state of Georgia when major companies joined the woke destroyers of America. It was bad enough when Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines joined the feeding frenzy over Georgia's legal right to hold transparent and honest elections, an anathema for a Democrat party looking to advance a voting system void of voter identification.
Portland Plans to Combat Crime
with Unarmed Park Rangers
23 replies
Posted by mc squared 4/11/2021 9:32:58 AM Post Reply
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler reportedly backed down from his request the police bureau be given $2 million in emergency funds and instead voted with city commissioners to spend $6 million on grants to community groups and also hire 24 park rangers. “The deal gives police no money but calls for the Portland Police Bureau to assemble a new gun violence team to replace the one eliminated last June, when the city defunded its police by $15 million in the midst of nightly social justice protests,” Fox News reported Friday. The group will be known as the Focus Intervention Team (FIT) and have civilian oversight, the article read.
Joe Biden Delayed in Sending Condolences
After Death of Prince Philip
23 replies
Posted by Imright 4/10/2021 10:18:33 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden issued a tardy statement of condolences to the United Kingdom in response to the death of Prince Philip on Friday.The news of The Duke of Edinburgh’s death broke early Friday morning but it took more than four hours for the Biden White House to issue a statement to the United Kingdom, frequently described by leaders of both countries as one of America’s closest allies.Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison was among the first leaders with a statement within the hour of the news. Several other foreign leaders issued statements to offer condolences before the Bidens including
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