Media continue to cover up
Joe Biden’s mental decline
Boston Herald,
Howie Carr
Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect,
10/4/2020 4:55:40 AM
Get well soon, Mr. President!
But with President Trump unfortunately sidelined at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a few days, do you think the media will now be able to devote more attention to examining the incoherent babbling of Dementia Joe Biden?
Nah, won’t happen. The media have been ignoring and/or covering up Biden’s obvious mental decline for more than a year now, even though the video evidence is at their fingertips.
So while Trump is recuperating, let us consider some of Joe’s recent Greatest Hits. Since it’s the big story of the weekend, let’s get the veep’s latest takes on the virus.
During the two-on-one debate, Biden attacked
Reply 1 - Posted by:
former lurker 10/4/2020 6:04:25 AM (No. 561361)
A picture is worth a thousand words! Notice the pencil in Joe’s hand. People who have Parkinson’s carry pencils like that to make them the tremors less noticeable. The posture, the way Jill is leading him in.......not too long ago I thought her being labeled an elder-abuser was unfair. No longer, poor guy just needs to be allowed to sit down and fade away.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 10/4/2020 7:04:24 AM (No. 561378)
#1 you are correct. I just lost my brother to dementia. It is a HORRIBLE disease. Yes, Biden has all the characteristics of dementia. What I saw from the debates in the primary to now, he is progressing fast. Jill his wife is an elder-abuser because the DNC promised her something and as his caregiver she is subjecting him to this abuse. What a horrible woman, but based on the Biden family history, she fits right in.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
laurenc 10/4/2020 7:34:26 AM (No. 561402)
I noticed the pen he always has in his hand, even when he is reading a speech on the teleprompter. I always assumed it was to help prevent him from waving his arms around wildly, but maybe not. There is some deep seated reason he always carries that pen around.
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And to think I can remember a time not that long ago when we were appalled by the lies and cover-ups of Pravda and Izvestia.
Remember Baghdad Bob? He's alive and well at both CNN and MSNBC.
The state of American "journalism" is beyond redemption.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
bpl40 10/4/2020 8:07:58 AM (No. 561425)
I still remember the faux outrage when Trump first reported that 0bama was 'wiretapping' him. He has called this one correctly. All the more reason we need Judge Barrett seated before Nov 3.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/4/2020 8:16:54 AM (No. 561432)
To his rare credit, even Obie revealed he told Bite Me that he didn't have to go ahead with running for president. But, Bite Me persisted and told him that medical science could mask over his advancing dementia. Or is it Altzheimers. You saw Bite Me's demeanor during last Tuesday's debate show. The lights were on, but, nobody, was home. Having someone in this condition become the most powerful person on the planet during a time of global crisis is a really bad idea. And having someone in this condition spew the hate speech on behalf of his party faithful is beyond evil.
My late mother's lewy body dementia developed and worsened over a short time of maybe 3 years. What was her as a person was gone after a year. The last two years at a skilled care facility finished her off when science ran out of options to keep her mind working.
Even if I agreed with the dims' and the msms' selection of Bite Me as their candidate, I don't agree with exploiting anyone in this condition for political gain and power. But, then we have Ruthie Ginsburg who decided to battle terminal cancer and stay in the SCOTUS until her last days. Go figure.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
udanja99 10/4/2020 8:28:27 AM (No. 561447)
The better question, Howie is - would you ride in a car that Biden was driving?
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
jj1319 10/4/2020 9:02:04 AM (No. 561478)
He needs to carry a pen/pencil in each hand. The way he waves them around he may stab himself in the eye (ouch).
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 10/4/2020 9:36:46 AM (No. 561516)
Hey man, when you go out on that “nine-eleven call” bring Sleep Joe a tall boy, any kind, just cold. Since I started watching Newsmax TV, I have learned to appreciate what a stitch Howie is. He is a great read, but a better ''watch.''
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
gone2pot 10/4/2020 9:57:53 AM (No. 561539)
Really? No kidding? The media continues to cover up Benghazi, illegal weapons to Mexico used to murder Americans, the Russia hoax, the truth about "cages", the truth about Ukraine, the truth about Carter Page, the truth about Mike Flynn, the truth about FBI corruption, the truth about State Dept corruption, the truth about Soros, the truth about DOJ corruption, the truth about FISA corruption, the truth about the difference between absentee and mail-in ballots. What truth have they NOT covered up in the past twelve years?
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
red1066 10/4/2020 10:14:48 AM (No. 561553)
I wouldn't say the media is covering up Biden's mental state. It's evident to anyone with just a few more functioning brain cells than Biden. It's why Biden has spent all his time at home in the basement. I'll bet Biden needed a 24 hour nap after the debate just to recover. Meanwhile, Trump was flying every which way campaigning and holding rallies.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Philipsonh 10/4/2020 10:49:08 AM (No. 561602)
Biden is a sick person; everyone knows he is a sick person. He is just the 'front man' for the Democrats, and will not be in office for even 6 months if elected. The problem is he is a DANGEROUS sick man, because if elected, he can start a major war and destroy half the planet. The further his cognitive decline, the more dangerous the World will be. He reads notes, reads a teleprompter, but down deep, has little idea what he is talking about. Many people with dementia get VERY angry and aggressive easily. Those behind his candidacy are INSANE because EVERYONE might suffer. I have no idea what they are thinking, because he may NOT resign gracefullty and may have to be made incapacitated to remove him from office.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Sandbar 10/4/2020 11:51:42 AM (No. 561658)
Remember when Rick Perry had a Biden moment and could recall the 3 departments he would do away with if elected Pres.? The press just tore him apart. When Biden flubs somehow almost at every appearance, they either ignore it or provide the info to cover for him.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
DVC 10/4/2020 1:35:24 PM (No. 561799)
While this is real, it is amazing that it seems to be so effectively ignored by the Dems and their voters, and especially the Enemedia.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Zigrid 10/4/2020 1:57:19 PM (No. 561822)
As a woman of faith... I find it difficult to pick on's not a Christen act to attack a fellow human being who is in trouble mentally....cannot express himself completely unless jacked up on falls on his wife to step in and protect him....I don't see that happening.... do you?
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
NotaBene 10/4/2020 3:26:29 PM (No. 561894)
He may have Alzheimer’s but he’ll open the door for Marxism. The Democrat Party is very dangerous. Vote straight Republican ticket. Those in California also please vote as suggested by Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association in the statewide propositions:
No on 14; No on 15; No on 18; No on 19; No on 21; Yes on 22; No on 23; No on 24; No on 25.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Knotwyrkin 10/4/2020 4:15:03 PM (No. 561932)
Joe is not available during the day because they are resetting his circadian rhythm to make him be more attentive and alert in the evening.
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