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Ellen DeGeneres’s Relatability Crisis

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Posted By: humboldt, 8/14/2020 3:39:46 PM

“I’m a good person,” Ellen DeGeneres says in her standup special “Relatable,” which came out on Netflix at the end of 2018. “I know I am. But I’m a human being, and I have bad days.” This wasn’t an apology for some perceived offense but a mild pushback against her genial public persona, epitomized by DeGeneres’s sign-off on her daytime talk show-snip-In the year and a half since, DeGeneres’s be-kind brand has taken one hit after another, culminating, this past month, in an all-out revolt by the present and former staff of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.”


I think "there is no there" in little but innuendos in this article, but it is nonetheless nice to see one of the most notorious promoters of wolkness trapped by her own hypocrisy.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: PlayItAgain 8/14/2020 4:04:58 PM (No. 510110)
The real-life Ellen came out simultaneously, on the cover of Time, and her niceness doubled as a kind of survival mechanism: But, she wasn't nice. She has never been either a nice or a particularly kind person. Neither was Rosey O'Donnel or Oprah Winfrey or Phil Donahue or Barack Obama. These leftists are all phony. Which isn't so out of the ordinary for most of us. But they are all so damn judgmental!
22 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: ho72 8/14/2020 4:23:01 PM (No. 510121)
An article about DeGeneres in the New Yorker. I could not be paid to care.
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DVC 8/14/2020 4:46:29 PM (No. 510137)
She's a lesbian, which means she has serious mental problems, very deep seated, fundamental mental problems. How surprising is it that she isn't a nice person?
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Reply 4 - Posted by: seamusm 8/14/2020 4:56:07 PM (No. 510149)
What do all those who've complained expect to get? An unemployment check when they shut down her show? Being a mean boss isn't a compensable employment crime. These petulant twits have killed their own careers as well.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: SALady 8/14/2020 4:58:55 PM (No. 510152)
I remember when Ellen first started showing up on sitcoms back in what seems like the late 1980's. Then she got her own show, where she decided to "come out" as a lesbian. When her acting options sort of dried up after that, she became a really angry, obnoxious, and evil lesbian "comic" (though there was nothing funny about her act back then). I assume someone finally told her that her successful (pre-coming-out) persona was sweet and funny, and that she would win over more people with that persona, so she went back to being the "nice lesbian". And a bunch of "woke" producers decided to make her their poster child for their wokeness. However, the last few years, her sadistic and evil side has been sneaking out more and more. She loves to play jokes on guests on her show, and they are often really mean ones (that she laughs off as "just joking"). Then she started that game show where her sadistic side is very apparent -- though, once again, masked under the excuse of "being funny". Sadly, if she gets canned for her sadism, expect her to follow in Rosie O'Donnell's steps and become the angry, obnoxious and evil lesbian persona again. -- whose whole schtick about how she is such an oppressed lesbian because "homophobia" is still so rampant. Blah, blah, blah...
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Reply 6 - Posted by: bad-hair 8/14/2020 5:05:15 PM (No. 510157)
S E P Somebody Else's Problem.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: GO3 8/14/2020 7:06:22 PM (No. 510264)
Good, evil, nice, mean it all doesn't matter to me. The thing about her show is it's in the tank without a studio audience and having guests over the blurry shaky cam. Without the woo-hoo's and other audience stupidity Ellen really comes across as a boring idiot. It's no wonder they are now showing reruns with a live audience.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: ColonialAmerican1623 8/14/2020 8:38:28 PM (No. 510339)
Sorry Ellen. Never too big to fail.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: BigGeorgeTX 8/15/2020 7:09:03 PM (No. 511244)
I'm old enough to remember when Rosie O'Donnell was known as "the queen of nice". Left-wing lesbians are some of the nastiest people on earth. They declare they're happy in their lifestyle choice yet resent men especially and are unable to relate to them, viewing them as competitors and build their lives all about hating them. Gay men do NOT hate women, enjoy their company and many actually want to be like one.
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Posted by humboldt 9/4/2020 1:09:28 PM Post Reply

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Posted by humboldt 9/2/2020 2:50:46 PM Post Reply
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Ellen DeGeneres’s Relatability Crisis 9 replies
Posted by humboldt 8/14/2020 3:39:46 PM Post Reply
“I’m a good person,” Ellen DeGeneres says in her standup special “Relatable,” which came out on Netflix at the end of 2018. “I know I am. But I’m a human being, and I have bad days.” This wasn’t an apology for some perceived offense but a mild pushback against her genial public persona, epitomized by DeGeneres’s sign-off on her daytime talk show-snip-In the year and a half since, DeGeneres’s be-kind brand has taken one hit after another, culminating, this past month, in an all-out revolt by the present and former staff of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.”
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Posted by Calvinesq 3/8/2021 10:37:51 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/8/2021 9:11:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/8/2021 11:38:50 PM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 3/8/2021 5:28:52 AM Post Reply
Nancy Pelosi’s top priority is to turn America into a one-party nation ruled by Democrats. Her bill HR 1 trashes the U.S. Constitution in an attempt to rig the system and make it virtually impossible to elect a Republican president or Congress again. It’s a power grab. The bill eviscerates state voting laws and forces all the states to conform to a set of rules that includes automatic voter registration. Anyone who goes to a DMV or applies for food stamps, Medicaid or other social services, or attends a public college will be automatically enrolled to vote. Noncitizens are obligated to identify themselves and opt out,
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Posted by Ribicon 3/8/2021 8:37:17 PM Post Reply
President Biden on Monday seemed to forget Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s name at a White House event—calling the Pentagon chief “the guy who runs that outfit over there.” Biden was announcing the nomination of two female generals to lead US military combatant commands. “And I want to thank the sec—the, the, ah former general. I keep calling him general, but my, my—the guy who runs that outfit over there,” Biden said.(Snip) Earlier at the event, Biden mentioned the Defense Department leader by his name, “Secretary Austin,” while appearing to read from a teleprompter.
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Posted by Imright 3/8/2021 8:21:02 AM Post Reply
The Royal Family was left reeling this morning after Meghan Markle tearfully revealed that the stress of royal life made her suicidal when she was five months pregnant, claimed Archie was denied the title of prince because he is mixed-race and said Kate Middleton made her cry before she married Harry in a bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey.The couple also chose to reveal that they are having a baby girl to the tens of millions of people watching the CBS show broadcast in the US before accusing the Royal Family of racism and revealing the deep rift 'Megxit' has caused with Prince Charles and Prince William.
Meghan Markle openly
accuses the Royals
of racism
26 replies
Posted by Magnante 3/8/2021 5:26:07 AM Post Reply
I’m probably second to none in my dislike for Meghan Markle. There’s something unattractive about a mature woman marrying into the British Royal family with one of the world’s most expensive weddings, hanging out with the Queen, living in insane luxury…and then whining non-stop about the horror of her life. There’s something even less appealing when that woman accuses the Royal family of race hatred. And the problem is that, when it comes to that left-wing diva, Meghan Markle, it’s hard to believe most of what she says. After weeks of hype, CBS finally televised Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s interview with Oprah.
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Posted by Imright 3/8/2021 4:56:55 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 3/8/2021 2:56:29 PM Post Reply
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guilty of elder abuse
23 replies
Posted by Magnante 3/9/2021 4:40:38 AM Post Reply
“There must have been a moment, at the beginning, when we could have said –-no. But somehow we missed it.” Tom Stoppard The millions of Americans who were paying attention throughout the 2020 election campaign all became painfully aware of the fact that Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities were slipping and slipping fast. His wife, as the person closest to him, should have been the one to call the campaign quits in order to reduce stress on the man. Instead, apparently so anxious to become the First Lady by any means necessary, Mrs. Biden continued to push her failing husband’s campaign forward as if he were mentally qualified.
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