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Posts on Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Trump ex-campaign aide Manafort leaves
prison for home amid coronavirus
Posted by poster 5/13/2020 11:51:14 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was released from a federal prison in Pennsylvania on Wednesday to finish his sentence at home due to the coronavirus pandemic, his lawyer said, drawing fresh Democratic criticism over Justice Department actions that have benefited Trump associates. Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, imprisoned in a separate case, also is expected to be released based on the threat of the coronavirus, a U.S. official familiar with the decision-making regarding inmates said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Todd Blanche, a lawyer for the Manafort, said the 71-year-old veteran Republican political operative (snip) would serve the remainder of his 7-1/2 year sentence in home
Michigan Gov. Whitmer says GOP challenging
her ‘unconstitutional actions’ in lawsuit is
‘power grab’
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/13/2020 11:47:22 PM Post Reply
Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer blasted state Republican lawmakers on Tuesday over a lawsuit they have filed challenging her emergency authority to deal with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, ironically accusing them of a “power grab.” Whitmer’s office filed a legal response to the suit this week, claiming that while the Republican majority in the Legislature represents a “coequal” branch of government, they somehow don’t have the authority to question her, no matter what she does. “This is more than a political bluff for a dissatisfied coequal branch of government holding a losing hand under applicable law,” Whitmer wrote, according to the Detroit News.
Schumer Hyperventilates About Obamagate.
Cruz Gives Him One Word To Live By.
Posted by Imright 5/13/2020 11:47:08 PM Post Reply
Speaking rapidly, New York senator Chuck Schumer started ranting about the GOP’s focus on the recent revelations about the Flynn investigation, saying, “These ridiculous conspiracy theories, on Obama — Chairman Johnson wants to go after Biden and this Hunter Biden conspiracy theory, which came from the Russians, of all people. This is amazing to me. What alternative universe do they live in? Spending their time on discredited conspiracy theories, against Obama, against Biden …Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) noted the frantic nature of Schumer’s rant, then tweeted a deathless reply consisting of one word of advice:
Illinois coroner blames overdose
spike in part on virus
Posted by AltaD 5/13/2020 11:19:33 PM Post Reply
There has been a spike in opioid overdose deaths in a northern Illinois county in recent weeks and it could be because of increased isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic, a coroner said Wednesday. DuPage County Coroner Richard Jorgensen said 20 people in the county have died from overdoses in the past three weeks, in comparison to 96 in all of 2019. (Snip) Many of the recent deaths were people who lived alone, were having personal or marital difficulty, depression and recent treatment for drug use, he said. There was no demographic pattern in the new fatalities, and the overdoses were “found in all areas of the county,” Jorgensen said.
Federal Judge Orders Arguments on
Whether Michael Flynn Should Be Jailed
for Perjury
Posted by earlybird 5/13/2020 11:17:49 PM Post Reply
Federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan late Wednesday issued a stunning ruling in the prosecution of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump‘s former National Security Advisor. The two-pronged order (1) appoints a former federal judge to argue against dismissing the case; and (2) considers holding Flynn in criminal contempt for perjury. “Upon consideration of the entire record in this case, it is hereby ORDERED that the Court exercises its inherent authority to appoint The Honorable John Gleeson (Ret.) as amicus curiae to present arguments in opposition to the government’s Motion to Dismiss,” the judge wrote. “[I]t is further ORDERED that amicus curiae shall address whether the
Whitmer to take part in Biden roundtable
on coronavirus Thursday
Posted by Daria 5/13/2020 11:13:46 PM Post Reply
Washington — Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, will hold a conference on coronavirus response on Thursday afternoon which will include Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Biden's campaign put out a notice Wednesday night saying Biden would have what it called a virtual roundtable on the national response to the virus. Biden has been critical of President Donald Trump's handling of the crisis, saying his administration moved too slowly to respond as the threat emerged.
Trump warns that ‘rich guys’ could be
talking down stock market to profit
Posted by poster 5/13/2020 9:20:47 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump pointed the finger at wealthy investors for supposedly manipulating the stock market by making strong statements. In a tweet Wednesday, Trump said to be wary of wealthy investors using their platform to comment negatively about stocks, when they tend to profit from betting against the market. “When the so-called ‘rich guys’ speak negatively about the market, you must always remember that some are betting big against it, and make a lot of money if it goes down,” Trump tweeted. “Then they go positive, get big publicity, and make it going up. They get you both ways. Barely legal?” (snip) his comments followed billionaire hedge fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller’s
Hillary Clinton fires smug shot off to
Jared Kushner over delaying the
election, gets hit with blowback
Posted by Imright 5/13/2020 8:01:19 PM Post Reply
Two-time presidential failure Hillary Clinton took President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to task in a tweet Wednesday after insinuating that he has the power to decide whether or not the November elections take place.In response to a New York Times story claiming that Kushner “doesn’t rule out delaying 2020 election,” Clinton wrote: “I can’t believe I have to write this sentence, but the president’s son-in-law doesn’t get to decide when the election is.” (Tweet) The Times’ story lede noted: Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser,
Michigan strikes back by
suspending elderly barber's license
Posted by poster 5/13/2020 7:09:43 PM Post Reply
State regulators on Wednesday suspended the license of a 77-year-old Michigan barber who insisted on cutting hair despite an order to stay closed during the coronavirus pandemic. Karl Manke has pledged to keep his shop open “until Jesus comes.” A judge declined the state's request to shut down his shop Monday without first holding a hearing. Regulators took a different path by suspending his barber license and his shop license. “It is paramount that we take action to protect the public and do our part to help save lives,” Attorney General Dana Nessel said. (snip)“It’s pure retribution. It’s abuse of power: How dare you stand up to me?”
A long way from Penny Lane! Palm Beach
mansion once owned by John Lennon which
boasts a wet bar, beachfront cabana and
separate 'sunrise' and 'sunset' swimming
pools hits the market for $47.5 million
Posted by Ribicon 5/13/2020 7:05:46 PM Post Reply
A Palm Beach mansion bought by John Lennon shortly before his untimely death has hit the market for a whopping $47.5 million. The luxury 14,145-square-foot home, listed by Christian Angle Real Estate, is located down the road from President Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort and boasts seven bedrooms, nine bathrooms and its own beachfront cabana. The waterfront property, built in 1925, sits on nearly two acres of land, and features a guest house, tennis court and separate 'sunrise' and 'sunset' swimming pools.(Snip) According to The Wall Street Journal, Lennon and Ono bought the home sight-unseen. He was pursued by screaming fans
Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes
down stay at home order
Posted by shalimar 5/13/2020 7:04:05 PM Post Reply
In a 4-3 decision, the Wisconsin Supreme Court on Wednesday struck down the state's stay at home order, handing a defeat to Democratic Gov. Tony Evers in his administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the governor's stay-at-home order suspended, Gov. Tony Evers and legislative Republicans will need to work quickly to come up with a replacement plan, otherwise it may be up to individual counties to implement a patchwork of their own COVID-19 regulations. In its order, the Supreme Court said Evers' stay at home order is "invalid, and therefore, unenforceable," so businesses and restaurants presumably may open immediately.
Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont
fires health commissioner in
middle of coronavirus crisis
Posted by Ribicon 5/13/2020 5:56:14 PM Post Reply
Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont has fired his health commissioner while the Nutmeg State grapples with reopening plans amid the coronavirus pandemic. Lamont bounced Department of Public Health Commissioner Renee Coleman-Mitchell late Monday and replaced her with the state’s Department of Social Services commissioner, Deidre Gifford. Lamont refused Tuesday to say why he removed Coleman-Mitchell. “I thought this was a good time to make a change,” Lamont told Connecticut reporters. “I think the job has changed, and I want closer coordination with our different departments.”(Snip) As in New York, Connecticut has struggled to contain the COVID-19 outbreak in its nursing homes.
Rand Paul: Biden ‘Caught Red-Handed’ Using
Govt. Spy Powers Against ‘Political Opponent’
Posted by Imright 5/13/2020 5:41:05 PM Post Reply
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) reacted Wednesday to former Vice President Joe Biden being one of several top Obama officials who may have received intelligence from unmasking requests targeting former Trump national security advisor Mike Flynn — according to newly-declassified documents by acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell — stating that the presumptive Democrat nominee was “caught red-handed” using U.S. spy powers to “go after a political opponent.”
Republican Mike Garcia defeats
Democrat Christy Smith in the special
election for California's 25th
congressional district
Posted by IowaDad 5/13/2020 5:10:26 PM Post Reply
State Assemblywoman Christy Smith conceded the election to Republican Mike Garcia in a Wednesday afternoon statement. (snip) In the 2018 midterm elections, former Rep. Katie Hill flipped the district from Republican to Democratic with an eight-point victory over the then-incumbent GOP Rep. Steve Knight.
Why Trump Doesn’t Get Rid of Fauci replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/13/2020 5:06:09 PM Post Reply
RUSH: Anthony Fauci. Can somebody explain something to me? Why is Anthony Fauci the only medical and health official anybody ever consults? Why wasn’t there a panel of doctors the Senate committee talked to yesterday? There’s all kinds of different doctors out there. There’s all kinds of different health experts.(Snip) Why is Anthony Fauci the only health official and doctor that’s consulted? “Well, Rush he wasn’t. They had Redfield from the CDC.” That’s my point. They bring in all the government people. CDC, FEMA, Homeland Security, the same people we’ve been hearing from since this whole thing began,
The Politicized Order Inviting Amicus Briefs
against the Flynn Case’s Dismissal
Posted by earlybird 5/13/2020 5:01:03 PM Post Reply
Late Tuesday, federal district judge Emmet Sullivan issued a bizarre order, inviting third-party groups with no legal interests in the case to file amicus briefs addressing the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the false-statements charge against Michael Flynn, President Trump’s former national-security adviser. The cantankerous jurist is stoking opposition to the dismissal. He knows the law calls for him to accede to attorney general Bill Barr’s decision. But Barr can’t stop Sullivan from turning the dismissal into anti-Trump group therapy — and who knows, maybe the grieving Legal Left will figure out some way for the judge to convict Flynn despite DOJ’s retreat.
CNN Poll Shows Trump Crushing
Biden in Battleground States
Posted by Imright 5/13/2020 3:42:07 PM Post Reply
A CNN poll of 15 crucial battleground states shows President Trump crushing Joe Biden by seven full points, 52 to 45 percent.The poll covered the expected swing states of Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.In its national poll, the fake news outlet shows Burisma Biden beating Trump 51 to 46 percent, but the presidency is not a national race, it is a race in each of the 50 states.Earlier this week, CNN was forced to publish another bad news poll (if you are CNN), a poll that showed Trump tying his highest approval number ever
Instead Of Dismissing, Michael Flynn Judge
Opens His Court To Litigate Russiagate
Posted by earlybird 5/13/2020 3:37:40 PM Post Reply
Late on May 12, the federal judge presiding over the Michael Flynn criminal case entered a short order announcing to the world his intent to accept outside briefing on the Department of Justice’s motion to dismiss the charges against Flynn with prejudice. Absent reconsideration or reversal of that order, Judge Emmet Sullivan has just ensured that the Russia collusion hoax will be relitigated on the federal docket. While Flynn’s connection to the broader Russia conspiracy theory was tangential, he was caught up in the plot to take down the president when FBI agents discovered he had spoken with the Russian ambassador in late December 2016.
List of officials who sought to 'unmask’
Flynn released: Biden, Comey, Obama
chief of staff among them
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 5/13/2020 3:19:14 PM Post Reply
Top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday. The list was declassified in recent days by Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, and then sent to GOP Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, who made the documents public. It features top figures including then-Vice President Joe Biden, then-FBI Director James Comey and intelligence chiefs John Brennan and James Clapper. It also included Obama's then-chief of staff, Denis McDonough.
Seattle Cop Fired for Protesting Lock Down
Just As Jay Inslee Declares He Will Confine
People Without Food Who Don’t Cooperate
With Contact Tracers
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/13/2020 2:42:48 PM Post Reply
Sometimes two stories appear that that fit so nicely together that if you imagine this is all being done by a novelist with a gift for foreshadowing. One Monday, Port of Seattle Police Officer and Special Forces veteran Greg Anderson was terminated. His offense, a viral Instagram post which he refused to take down. You really need to read it. [Video] I’ve seen officers nationwide enforcing tyrannical orders against the people and I’m hoping it’s the minority of officers, but I’m not sure anymore. We don’t get to violate someone’s constitutional rights because somebody in our chain of command tells us otherwise. Bingo.
Reminder: Brennan and Co. Targeted Flynn
In Part Because He Knew About Billions
They Were Running Off The Books
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/13/2020 2:30:36 PM Post Reply
Word broke nationally Tuesday that former Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan had suppressed evidence that Vladimir Putin was more interested in a Hillary Clinton win in 2016 than a Donald Trump win. My colleague Nick Arama covered the rumblings of that story in late April. Brennan, in fact, seems to the be the big fish under U.S. Attorney John Durham’s microscope, but not just because of the latest news about suppressing Putin’s preferences. Sidney Powell, the formidable attorney responsible for helping Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn successfully battle the drummed-up charges against him, has very specifically said Brennan has his fingerprints all over the smearing of her client
‘Obamagate’ Isn’t A Conspiracy Theory, It’s
The Biggest Political Scandal Of Our Time
Posted by Imright 5/13/2020 2:29:26 PM Post Reply
When former president Barack Obama told supporters last week that the Justice Department’s decision to drop the case against former White House National Security Adviser Mike Flynn is a “threat to the rule of law,” he was relying wholly on the fiction, willingly propagated for years by a pliant media, that the Russia-Trump collusion probe launched by his administration was lawful and legitimate.But of course it wasn’t. A string of recently released documents have confirmed that the entire Russia-Trump investigation, which eventually entrapped Flynn and forced then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself, was an unprecedented abuse of power that amounted to organized effort by the Obama administration to nullify
CNN’s ‘Expert’ Coronavirus Panel Is a Must
See and Will Have You Laughing Out Loud
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/13/2020 2:25:30 PM Post Reply
I mean “must see” from the standpoint of pointing and laughing, not that you should actually waste your time watching CNN. The network is hosting an “expert” panel on the coronavirus pandemic in a town hall format on Thursday. Who’s on the panel? Well, you’ll be less than shocked to learn two of the three people appearing are failed, former Obama officials who presided over disastrous aspects of Obamacare. You may be more surprised, though, that CNN lacks enough shame for the third participant to be none other than Greta Thunberg, the teen climate activist from Sweden. Yes, this is real life.
McConnell Pronounces Dem $3 Trillion
Stim Bill 'Dead on Arrival'
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/13/2020 2:13:42 PM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Republican Senate caucus took House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s $3 trillion extravaganza of waste and delusion and declared the package “dead on arrival.” In truth, it was dead before it was born. Donald Trump doesn’t want another massive bailout bill and Mitch McConnell isn’t keen on the idea either. So, with an eye on November — and as a sop to their rabid, radical constituencies — House Democrats loaded up a “stimulus” bill with every left-wing fantasy, desire, wet dream, and “transformation” of the U.S. they could muster and threw it against a wall to see what would stick. It didn’t work.
The Peculiar World of Dr. Fauci replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/13/2020 1:36:35 PM Post Reply
"This will be one of the first opportunities for Dr. Fauci to tell the American people the unvarnished truth without the president lurking over his shoulder,” Sen. Charles Schumer said Monday. So the New York Democrat had high expectations for Fauci’s testimony to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions on Tuesday. “If some areas--cities states or what have you--jump over those barriers, checkpoints and prematurely open up without having the capability of being able to respond effectively and efficiently,” Fauci testified. “My concern is that we will start to see little spikes that might turn into outbreaks.” But the news wasn’t all bad.
Malkin: Protect Your Family
From Fearmonger Fauci
Posted by Ketchuplover 5/13/2020 12:43:16 PM Post Reply
This Mother’s Day weekend, my family defied government pandemania. We drove out east from Colorado Springs to the tiny town of Calhan for a lovely little hike in the purple-and-gold-hued Paint Mines archeological district. Unmasked, we basked in the sunshine, fresh air and freedom. The park was teeming with moms like me who put family bonding over “social distancing.” We were not alone — and that was a glorious thing. There is nothing public health fossil Dr. Anthony Fauci can do or say to stop me from making the best choices for my children’s health, sanity
State had the authority to rename Lake
Calhoun as Bde Maka Ska, high court rules
Posted by Ribicon 5/13/2020 12:41:44 PM Post Reply
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has the authority to rename Lake Calhoun as Bde Maka Ska, its Dakota name, the state Supreme Court ruled Wednesday morning. The ruling caps a yearslong dispute over the name of the popular Minneapolis lake. It reverses a decision from the Court of Appeals last spring, which stated former DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr lacked the authority to rename the lake. In that decision, the appeals court ruled based on a 1925 law prohibiting the renaming of lakes older than 40 years. On Wednesday, the state Supreme Court ruled the law only applied to county boards, not to the DNR.
The Indispensable American Family replies
Posted by Judy W. 5/13/2020 12:06:09 PM Post Reply
In August 1884, Washington Gladden, possibly the most famous Christian preacher in the America of his day, wrote an article in The Century Magazine on “Three Dangers” besetting the welfare of the nation he loved. (Snip) But it is the second of the three dangers that I will discuss here, “those unsocial forces that make war upon society by assaulting the family.” Gladden was a liberal churchman, one of the fathers of the Social Gospel, and it is as such that he speaks. “The monogamous family,” he says, “formed by the union of one woman with one man, and by the increase of children born to them, is the structural unit
Fed's Powell says more spending
by Congress may be needed to
avoid long-term economic damage
Posted by Ribicon 5/13/2020 11:40:07 AM Post Reply
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Wednesday that Congress might need to spend more on coronavirus relief to pull the nation out of an economic crisis that has cost more than 20 million jobs. “While the economic response has been both timely and appropriately large, it may not be the final chapter, given that the path ahead is both highly uncertain and subject to significant downside risks,” Mr. Powell said in a webcast event with the Peterson Institute for International Economics. His comments came a day after House Democrats unveiled a $3 trillion measure to provide more aid to states and cities,
MSNBC’s Deutsch Advises Biden to ‘Stay
in the Basement’ for Campaign—
‘The Less of Joe, the Better’
Posted by Imright 5/13/2020 11:35:39 AM Post Reply
During Wednesday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, network contributor Donny Deutsch told 2020 Democratic presidential frontrunner former Vice President Joe Biden to “stay in the basement” and campaign while President Donald Trump continues to “continually put his foot in his mouth” in the daily coronavirus press briefings.Deutsch acknowledged Biden’s issues, but likened him to “comfort food.” He added that the less of Biden out on the campaign, “the better,” while the more Trump stays in the spotlight, the more likely he is to hurt himself and “hand” the election to the Democrats.“As we all know, an incumbent presidential election is a referendum on the incumbent,
FBI mistakenly reveals Saudi diplomat
suspected of aiding 9/11 terrorists
Posted by Ribicon 5/13/2020 11:31:54 AM Post Reply
FBI lawyers accidentally revealed the identity of a Saudi diplomat who agents have suspected helped deliver crucial support to the Al-Qaeda terrorists who carried out the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, according to a report. The disclosure came in court documents filed in April, but were unsealed late last week in a lawsuit brought by families of 9/11 victims accusing the Saudi government of aiding the attacks, Yahoo News reported. The Saudi official, Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah, had his name blocked out in all but one appearance in the document, with the FBI admitting to Yahoo it was a mistake.
Former US attorney on judge's
'outrageous' decision in Flynn case:
I thought I'd 'seen everything'
Posted by Harlowe 5/13/2020 11:19:47 AM Post Reply
Former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman thought he had "seen everything" over the course of his career until a federal judge opened the door Tuesday for legal experts and other outside parties to oppose the Justice Department’s motion to drop the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Appearing on "Fox & Friends," Tolman said he believed Judge Emmet Sullivan's decision was "outrageous" and that the Washington D.C. judge had turned himself into an "activist," willing to set aside rules, ethics, and precedent in favor of partisanship.
Get ready for ‘Obamagate’ to
become ‘ObamaBidengate’
Posted by Garnet 5/13/2020 10:50:22 AM Post Reply
One of Joe Biden’s strengths among Democrats is his eight-year stint as Barack Obama’s vice president. It was, the former veep often says proudly, the Obama-Biden administration. Suddenly, Republicans are happy to agree as they probe the previous administration’s role in the false Russia-collusion charges and the phony Michael Flynn prosecution. Already, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley has included Biden in his version of the infamous question, asking: “What did Obama and Biden know and when did they know it?” President Trump calls it “Obamagate.” Any day now, I expect to see that changed to “ObamaBidengate.”
Republican Garcia Has Early
Lead in CA25 House Election
Posted by Garnet 5/13/2020 10:46:35 AM Post Reply
It had been a long time coming for former California Gov. Pete Wilson, and Tuesday night his words carried a mix of nostalgia, gratitude and delight. “I’ve worked for many candidates, but never with greater enthusiasm than I’ve worked for this one,” the 86-year-old former GOP governor said on a celebratory conference call Tuesday night.Less than two years ago, California Republicans were written off as a permanent minority party in the state after losing seven congressional seats in traditionally conservative enclaves such as Orange County and the San Joaquin Valley. Tuesday night they appeared poised to flip a Democrat-held seat back to the Republican column for the first time
Black men protected most by Trump
reforms to Obama-Biden campus sexual
assault rules, experts say
Posted by earlybird 5/13/2020 10:45:09 AM Post Reply
Critics say black men were disproportionately hit by Obama-Biden campus sexual assault rules denying due process and are cheering the Trump administration's reversal of those policies. On Wednesday, the Department of Education released new Title IX regulations that codify the obligation of schools to investigate claims of sexual assault and harassment. (Snip)"Once again, the Trump administration is righting a wrong perpetrated by Joe Biden, who as Vice President spearheaded a Title IX initiative that attempted to overhaul the assumptions on which our legal system is built and undermined the ability of the accused, usually men and often men of color, to get a fair hearing,"
Flynn Defense Files Motion in Opposition
to Amicus Briefs…
Posted by earlybird 5/13/2020 10:36:11 AM Post Reply
In response to Judge Emmet Sullivan announcing a delay in Flynn ruling to allow third party amicus briefs to be filed with the court, Michael Flynn’s defense counsel files a motion in opposition. [Cloud pdf Here] Embed pdf below In opposition to the delay Attorney Sidney Powell notes Judge Sullivan’s earlier ruling of December 20, 2017, disallowing amicus briefs in this case. (Image - Motion)It sure does make a person wonder what changed between December 2017 when Judge Sullivan said no amicus briefs would be allowed, to May 2020 when Judge Sullivan is requesting amicus briefs to be entertained?….
State orders restaurants to collect private
info of customers, keep logs to open
for table service
Posted by Imright 5/13/2020 10:31:29 AM Post Reply
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee is facing criticism for demanding that, as part of their upcoming reopening, restaurants begin collecting private information from their customers, including their names, their telephone numbers and their email addresses.“If the establishment offers table service, create a daily log of all customers and maintain that daily log for 30 days, including telephone/email contact information, and time in. This will facilitate any contact tracing that might need to occur,” a “Phase 2 Restaurant/Tavern Reopening” guidance issued by his office on Monday reads.Read the guidance below:
Flynn judge wrong to allow anti-Trump
former Watergate prosecutors to
interfere in case
Posted by earlybird 5/13/2020 10:27:13 AM Post Reply
It’s a sure sign of desperation whenever lawyers try to raise President Richard Milhous Nixon from the dead. And so it is that a group of former Watergate special prosecutors this week resurrected the Ghost of Watergate Past in a last-ditch effort to keep alive the federal court case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. The gang, adopting the sobriquet “Watergate Prosecutors,” asked permission from U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan to allow them to intervene in the Flynn case so they can (Snip) tell his honor how to think and what to do. (Snip) in trial court proceedings involving crimes, only prosecutors and defense attorneys are permitted to be heard.
Who is Mike Garcia, Katie Hill's likely
replacement in Congress?
Posted by earlybird 5/13/2020 9:33:29 AM Post Reply
Republican House candidate Mike Garcia is likely to claim a win in the special election to replace former Rep. Katie Hill, D-Calif., who resigned last year after an ethics probe was opened amid bizarre allegations she maintained a "throuple" relationship with her husband and a campaign staffer, and that she also had an improper sexual relationship with one of her congressional staffers. Garcia didn't declare victory on Tuesday night as he built a double-digit lead in a race against Democrat Christy Smith to succeed Hill in California's 25th Congressional District, and Smith didn't concede. But it appears likely that Garcia will be the next representative from California
Impeachment Boomerang: Contacts
exposed between US embassy,
Hunter Biden-connected Ukraine firm
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 5/13/2020 9:29:19 AM Post Reply
During President Trump’s impeachment, former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch testified to Congress that she knew little beyond an initial briefing and “press reports” about Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas firm that had hired Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter and was dogged by a corruption investigation. “It just wasn’t a big deal,” she declared under oath on Oct. 11, 2019. But newly unearthed State Department memos obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show Yovanovitch’s embassy in Kiev, including the ambassador herself, was engaged in several discussions and meetings about Burisma as the gas firm
A huge GOP blowout in Garcia's CA-25
House race win -- with a wait for the ballot-harvest
Posted by PageTurner 5/13/2020 9:20:51 AM Post Reply
Has a mighty swing of the political pendulum finally come in California? Has political sleaze finally flipped a Democrat stronghold?Have the blue-state lockdown orders finally snapped voters to their senses? Sure looks like it - a red shockwave, as Breitbart News put it. Republican former Navy fighter pilot Mike Garcia, looks set for a huge win in California's special election for House District 25, with at last count a 12-point margin of victory. According to the Ventura County Star:
Florida must clean its voter rolls replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/13/2020 8:28:53 AM Post Reply
Florida has long been an attractive destination for the elderly. Retirees and “snowbirds” who flock to the state comprise an important component of Florida’s economy, but a perhaps morbid corollary is that Florida is well-experienced in dealing with the deaths of its residents. It is therefore imperative that Florida have robust administrative processes for dealing with the ultimate event in the human life cycle. The state needs to efficiently cancel driver’s licenses and social welfare entitlements when residents pass away. Similarly, there needs to be an efficient mechanism to remove the deceased from the state’s voter registration rolls. Perhaps Ponce de Leon was right.
Pa. officials revoked coronavirus shutdown
business waivers the night
before publishing list of recipients
Posted by Calvinesq 5/13/2020 8:26:27 AM Post Reply
HARRISBURG — Late last Thursday evening, Tiffany Kuhn was at her home outside Harrisburg reading an e-book on her cell phone when a notification popped up that she had an email from Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration. When she opened her inbox, Kuhn said, her blood pressure “went through the roof.” The letter from the administration, sent at 9:30 p.m., informed her that the waiver she had received six weeks earlier to operate her mobile notary business during the pandemic had suddenly, and without explanation, been rescinded.
Refusing to let the media define
the Ahmaud Arbery narrative
Posted by Magnante 5/13/2020 7:31:56 AM Post Reply
In the Ahmaud Arbery case, the media, as always, are theorizing in advance of the data, and they are doing so in service to a divisive racial agenda. The undisputed facts (excluding the inevitably self-interested statements from the men arrested) are as follows: Travis McMichael shot 24-year-old Arbery. The question is whether it was self-defense, manslaughter or murder. Greg and Travis McMichaels (father and son) are white, while Arbery was black. Videos show Arbery entering a home under construction and Arbery inside the construction site. (snip) What’s happening now is reminiscent of the George Zimmerman matter.
Michigan Gov. Whitmer says sports fans ‘not going to be filling stadiums in the fall’ replies
Posted by MSUDoc 5/13/2020 7:31:45 AM Post Reply
Sports fans in Michigan who are expecting a return to normal in the months ahead from a coronavirus shutdown received some disappointing news Tuesday from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. “Life’s going to be different,” Whitmer said, referring to the state’s eventual emergence from her virus-response order. “We’re not going to be filling stadiums in the fall.”
Tucker: Inside the Democrats' $3 trillion
coronavirus relief bill
Posted by Muguy 5/13/2020 7:08:42 AM Post Reply
Carlson details the "HERO" act that is being put forth as a Corona Virus bill and they are going for broke to slip in legalization of illegal aliens, giving up the Nation and Americian's rights to create a permanent socialists America. Check in about three and a half minutes to heard the outrage for yourself!
Matthew McConaughey Says We Have To
‘Stay United’ To Beat Coronavirus During
Fox News Interview
Posted by Imright 5/13/2020 7:01:00 AM Post Reply
Matthew McConaughey was preaching some wisdom during a Tuesday appearance on Fox News. The “True Detective” star told Bret Baier that people have to “stay united in our purpose” to beat the coronavirus pandemic.In case you were looking for a little inspiration today, I can promise you this video will get the job done. Give it a watch below. (Video) cConaughey is on an absolute heater right now when it comes to raising awareness during the coronavirus pandemic. Monday, he appeared on CNN to preach unity and compassion, and today, the Hollywood icon appeared on Fox News to further push his message about ignoring partisanship.
Barack Obama’s Obsession
with Gen. Michael Flynn
Posted by Imright 5/13/2020 6:37:25 AM Post Reply
In a serial arson investigation, it is always the creeper who shows the most interest in the suspicious fires who becomes the primary suspect.Likewise, from the earliest days, President Barack Obama has shown a curious — and unseemly — obsession with the case of Gen. Michael Flynn. The whole saga began six years ago when Mr. Obama fired the retired three-star general from his post as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency.Ordinarily, such a firing would seem like the routine prerogative of a civilian commander-in-chief. But after all we have witnessed and learned about the Obama a
Space junk from Chinese rocket was
about 15 minutes from hitting NYC
Posted by Imright 5/13/2020 6:33:34 AM Post Reply
Chunks of the massive Chinese rocket that recently took an uncontrolled plunge back into the Earth’s atmosphere narrowly missed hitting New York City, according to a report. Had the Long March 5B rocket re-entered the atmosphere about 15 to 20 minutes earlier on Monday, it would have rained debris on the nation’s largest metro area, according to Ars Technica, a technology-focused publication.The about 100-foot long rocket was launched on May 5, carrying an unnamed prototype of a newly-designed Chinese crew capsule.After about a week in orbit, the 20-ton core stage
Deliver Us from Evil Democrats replies
Posted by Magnante 5/13/2020 5:42:49 AM Post Reply
Despite 30 million Americans losing their jobs, domestic violence and suicides on the rise, Democrats and fake news media are terrifying Americans into believing the lockdown must continue. These evil people are fully committed to using the coronavirus to stop Trump's reelection. I scratch my head thinking, “Don't these wacko leftists realize that if they destroy America, their livelihood is destroyed as well?” Democrats and fake news media's hatred for Trump and his voters and their desire to block him from making America great again, again, overrules logic.
'Not something designed to deal with
reality': GOP rejects Pelosi's
$3 trillion coronavirus package
Posted by tisHimself 5/13/2020 5:41:17 AM Post Reply
Senate Republicans flatly rejected a $3 trillion coronavirus aid package House Democrats introduced Tuesday and said they’ll wait to decide whether more legislation is necessary. “If we reach a decision, along with the administration to move to another phase, that'll be the time to interact with the Democrats,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters Tuesday.
Cuomo’s COVID-19 Panic Killed
Thousands In Nursing Homes
Posted by RockyTCB 5/13/2020 5:36:52 AM Post Reply
In New York, 5% of the seniors living in nursing homes have died from COVID-19. In Florida, the disease has claimed less than 0.6% of those in nursing homes. What explains the vast difference in death rates among this vulnerable population? New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo panicked about COVID-19, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis did not. Over the weekend, Democrat Cuomo announced that nursing homes would no longer have to accept patients discharged from hospitals who were COVID-19 positive. Which leads to a question: Why in the world were they required to do so before? The reason was that Cuomo was panicked about hospitals being overrun. So to clear beds,
Chinese Fortune Cookie
for 2020: 'Orange Man Bad'
Posted by tisHimself 5/13/2020 5:30:44 AM Post Reply
There will be no official "Chinese collusion" in 2020. There will be plenty of collusion among the Democratic Party, the American press, and the Chinese Communist Party to prevent President Trump from winning re-election come November. It just won't be reported or turned into a news story of any kind. Journalists will not spend the next six months breathlessly screaming about the national security implications of America's most lethal geopolitical foe "waging war" on American democracy
7th Congressional District: Republican Tom
Tiffany wins seat held by former Rep.
Sean Duffy, beating out Tricia Zunker
Posted by tisHimself 5/13/2020 5:22:15 AM Post Reply
Tom Tiffany will serve as the next representative of Wisconsin's 7th Congressional District. Tiffany, a Republican, was elected Tuesday, beating out Democrat Tricia Zunker for the seat during a special election. With 99% of the precincts reporting, Tiffany received 57% of the vote to Zunker's 43%. The results in Marathon County closely mirrored the district, with Tiffany winning almost 59% of the vote there to Zunker's 41% in the county. Tiffany is facing a quick turnaround after the election. He will be expected in Washington, D.C., starting next week to begin serving in Congress. Tiffany also faces another campaign season, too.
Howard Stern Attacks Trump Supporters:
‘I Hate You for Voting for Him’
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/13/2020 5:10:38 AM Post Reply
SiriusXM radio talk show host Howard Stern on Tuesday said he hates President Donald Trump’s supporters and claimed the president himself also harbors contempt for his own base. “One thing Donald loves is celebrities, he loves the famous,” Stern told his listeners. “He loves it. He loves to be in the mix.” “The oddity in all of this is the people Trump despises most, love him the most,” the shock jock continued. “The people who are voting for Trump for the most part … he wouldn’t even let them in a f**king hotel. He’d be disgusted by them. Go to Mar-a-Lago, see if there are any people who look like you.
Cheney defends Fauci:
'We need his expertise'
to defeat coronavirus
Posted by tisHimself 5/13/2020 5:10:02 AM Post Reply
Cheney defends Fauci: 'We need his expertise' to defeat coronavirus © Greg Nash Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.), the No. 3 Republican in the House, defended White House coronavirus task force member Anthony Fauci on Tuesday and praised him for the job that he's done during the pandemic. "Dr. Fauci is one of the finest public servants we have ever had. He is not a partisan," the House Republican Conference chair tweeted. "His only interest is saving lives. We need his expertise and his judgment to defeat this virus. All Americans should be thanking him. Every day.
Broadway Shutdown Extended Until at Least
Labor Day
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/13/2020 5:04:02 AM Post Reply
NEW YORK (AP) — The shutdown on Broadway has been extended again — until at least early September. Although an exact date for performances to resume has yet to be determined, Broadway producers are now offering refunds and exchanges for tickets purchased for shows through Sept. 6. “While all Broadway shows would love to resume performances as soon as possible, we need to ensure the health and well-being of everyone who comes to the theater — behind the curtain and in front of it — before shows can return,” said Charlotte St. Martin, president of the Broadway League, which represents producers. Broadway theaters abruptly closed on March 12, knocking out all shows —
United States v. Flynn: An
Invitation To the Anti-Trumpers
Posted by MissMolly 5/13/2020 5:02:55 AM Post Reply
The decision of a United States judge to stall America’s motion to drop its case against General Michael Flynn appears designed to delay the matter until after November. That’s how it looks, at least to us, in the wake of the judge’s decision to invite outside parties to file friend-of-the court briefs on what to do next. Could it be that the judge hopes the Democrats will win the election and, come January, drop the motion to drop the case? In offering that line of speculation — and that’s all it is — we do not intend to question the integrity of the judge, Emmet Sullivan.
Donald Trump Ties His Highest Approval
Rating in CNN Poll
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/13/2020 4:58:15 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump’s approval rating is tied with his record high, according to a new CNN poll released Tuesday. The poll shows that 45 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance as president, tying his all-time record high rating first set in March of 2017. Trump’s approval ratings in the CNN poll have steadily ticked up since he registered a 39 percent approval rating in September 2019. Americans are slightly more critical of the president’s handling of the coronavirus. Forty-two percent of Americans approved of the president’s handling of the coronavirus, while 55 percent disapproved. A majority of Republicans, 71 percent, believe that the worst of the virus is behind us,
D.C. Prep School Beloved by Dem
Leaders Refuses to Return Gov’t Loan
Posted by MissMolly 5/13/2020 4:54:54 AM Post Reply
A $50 million endowment, a massive capital campaign in the works, and a wealthy, well-connected board—none stopped a D.C. prep school from taking one of the largest coronavirus loans issued. Sidwell Friends School, a Quaker-affiliated independent school known for enrolling top lawmakers' children—including the daughters of former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama—accepted a $5.2 million loan under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Congress's bailout fund for small businesses affected by the coronavirus crisis.
Fox News: John Brennan Suppressed Intel
Saying Russia Wanted Hillary Clinton to Win
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/13/2020 4:54:51 AM Post Reply
Fox News’ Ed Henry reported Tuesday evening that Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has declassified information calling into question the conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump. Henry told Tucker Carlson on Tucker Carlson Tonight that the new information would suggested John Brennan, who headed the Central Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama, “also had intel saying, actually, Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir Putin’s team thought she was more malleable, while candidate Donald Trump was unpredictable.”
The Strange Case of the Cuomo Brothers replies
Posted by Pluperfect 5/13/2020 4:48:42 AM Post Reply
T he media gushes over a supposedly ascendant New York governor Andrew Cuomo. His daily press conferences are purportedly the sort of muscular and animated high drama that Joe Biden should be staging. Robert DeNiro now says he would like to play the Homeric governor in a new pandemic film portrayal. Cuomo seems giddy at the thought. Democratic politicos are whispering of a Bidexit. Good ol’ Joe from Scranton would graciously step down and take one for the party. Cuomo then storms the convention. Bernie hands over his delegates in a show of gracious unity. That way, all the “troubles” — Joe’s cognitive impairment, Tara Reade’s sexual-assault charges, the currently dormant
Judge wants to hear from
“outside groups” in the Flynn case
Posted by Pluperfect 5/13/2020 4:44:09 AM Post Reply
In a post called “What’s next in the Flynn case,” I wrote: [I]t would be extraordinary for Judge Sullivan to deny the government’s motion to dismiss its case against Gen. Flynn. But then, this is not your average case and Sullivan has shown he’s not your average judge. True to his reputation, Judge Sullivan isn’t letting go of the matter. Today, he put on hold the Justice Department’s move to drop charges against Michael Flynn, saying he expects independent groups and legal experts to argue against the motion. The expectation is reasonable, but Sullivan’s reaction to it is questionable. As the DOJ said in its motion:
Facebook Is Giving $1,000 To Content
Moderators Who Said Online Trolls
Turned Them Into Conspiracy Theorists
Posted by Pluperfect 5/13/2020 4:40:04 AM Post Reply
Facebook agreed to pay out a $52 million settlement to thousands of current and former content moderators who said they are suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome after viewing upsetting content on the job, The Verge reported Tuesday. Each moderator will receive a minimum of $1,000 and will be eligible for additional compensation if they are exhibiting other trauma due to the kind of content they regularly view, the report noted. The settlement applies to 11,250 moderators, some of whom told the Verge in 2019 that they became conspiracy theorists while moderating content people post online. “We are so pleased that Facebook worked with us to create an unprecedented program to help people
Obama's Coup Attempt replies
Posted by shazbot123 5/13/2020 4:28:14 AM Post Reply
President Barack Hussein Obama says the DoJ’s decision to drop all charges against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn upends the rule of law, something members of his administration, presumably under his instructions, routinely violated, in particularly by illegally unmasking and disseminating Flynn’s name to the press and the world, setting him up in the first place for persecution and prosecution. What they did is a felony that must be punished. And they did it with Obama's knowledge and consent.
10 Pet Projects in Pelosi's $3T
'Democratic Wish List' Coronavirus Bill
Posted by Pluperfect 5/13/2020 4:27:59 AM Post Reply
After delaying the House of Representatives meeting for weeks, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) unveiled a $3 trillion coronavirus bill in a conference call on Tuesday. Politico had predicted the bill would be a “Democratic wish list filled up with all the party’s favored policies,” and that “neither this bill nor anything resembling it will ever become law.” Even so, the speaker’s efforts recall Democrats’ continued attempts not to let a crisis go to waste. Pelosi’s $3 trillion bill, dubbed the HEROES Act, provides nearly $1 trillion for states, cities, and tribal governments to avert layoffs and another $200 billion in “hazard pay” for essential workers,
Who will be Joe Biden’s co-president? replies
Posted by MissMolly 5/13/2020 4:21:58 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden needs a co-president. Not just a running mate, not just a potential vice president, but someone who will be president-in-waiting should Biden win in November — the month he turns 78. The idea of Biden running for a second term in 2024 at the age of 81 is hard to take seriously. So far, this is something everybody knows but nobody is taking seriously enough. The question of Biden’s current mental acuity has become a campaign issue, but even Democrats who believe Biden is up to the job of being president in 2020 will have a tough time arguing that he’d be fit to serve a second term.
Dallas salon owner jailed for keeping her
business open got $18K PPP loan from feds
Posted by MissMolly 5/13/2020 4:17:20 AM Post Reply
The Texas salon owner jailed for opening up shop in violation of the state’s coronavirus rules said that she received $18,000 in stimulus funds from the federal government prior to her court date. But Shelley Luther, the owner of Salon à la Mode in Dallas, blasted the feds for the “confusion” over the Paycheck Protection Program, saying the cash was dropped into her account without warning or instructions, weeks after she applied for it. “All of a sudden, two days before my court trial, money drops in my account and I had no idea what it was,” Luther said in an interview on Fox News Tuesday morning.
Welcome to #Obamagate, Everybody! replies
Posted by MissMolly 5/13/2020 4:11:54 AM Post Reply
The hottest hashtag on Twitter is 12 years in the making, and frankly that’s far too late. But hey, better late than never, right? Last week’s cascade of revelations that the entire Trump–Russia narrative and Mike Flynn case, among other shenanigans falling out of Washington, D.C., over the past four years, weren’t just garbage but garbage cooked up and spread by the top levels of the Obama administration, to be summed up in one catchy hashtag, has the potential to change American politics in fundamental ways. We know that prosecutions are afoot, and we know indictments are coming. We know that some of those indictments
Judge Emmet Sullivan Likely Committed
Reversible Error In Taking The
Guilty Plea of General Michael Flynn
Posted by Pluperfect 5/13/2020 4:07:54 AM Post Reply
I want to give a “hat tip” to a person who inhabits the comments at under the moniker “Sammy Finkleman”. That may or may not be his true name, but he comments there frequently on legal matters, and often provides a significantly different view on the issues discussed. Two days ago he posted a comment (No. 32) in which he included an excerpt from the transcript of the first sentencing hearing in the Flynn case before Judge Emmet Sullivan, which took place on Dec. 18, 2018. Sammy Finkleman’s comment set off alarm bells in my head based on my experiences in having taken
California Democrats say 10-year
rent-relief plan 'not a giveaway'
Posted by Pluperfect 5/13/2020 4:02:58 AM Post Reply
California Democrats on Tuesday proposed giving tenants struggling during the coronavirus pandemic 10 years to pay their rent. The state would purchase unpaid rents and allow renters a decade, starting in 2024, to pay it back, under the proposal by Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins, tthe Sacramento Bee reported. Landlords would receive a tax credit dependent on committing to not evict tenants. “This is not a giveaway,” Democratic state Sen. Steven Bradford said, according to The Associated Press. "Our goal is to keep tenants houses and keep landlords out of foreclosure."
Holder: Barr ‘Has Supported the Effort to
Keep Documents Away from Congress’ –
‘Doing All that He Can to Weaken’ DOJ
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/13/2020 3:57:39 AM Post Reply
On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” former Attorney General Eric Holder stated that Attorney General William Barr “is doing all that he can to weaken the very institutions that he leads.” And stated that Barr, among other things, “has supported the effort to keep documents away from Congress.” Host Chris Hayes asked, “[O]n a sort of scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being like an absolute rule of law emergency, 1 being the kind of normal back and forth of democratic politics, where do you place the moment we’re in right now?” Holder responded, “I think we’re at a pretty consistent 9.
GOP poised to retake Katie Hill's
California seat, as Trump-backed
candidate wins big in Wisconsin
Posted by Pluperfect 5/13/2020 3:55:23 AM Post Reply
Candidates backed by President Trump were outperforming expectations in two closely watched congressional special elections on Tuesday night, as former Navy combat pilot Mike Garcia inched closer to retaking Democrat Katie Hill's California seat and Republican Tom Tiffany easily prevailed in Wisconsin. Garcia grabbed a substantial early lead Tuesday in the fight for the open U.S. House seat north of Los Angeles in the swing 25th District, giving California Republicans a chance to claim a Democratic-held congressional seat in the state for the first time since 1998. With 76 percent of precincts reporting, Garcia was leading Democrat Christy Smith 55.9 percent to 44.1 percent.
Professional Courtesy has Run Amok
at the Department of Justice
Posted by Imright 5/13/2020 3:14:03 AM Post Reply
The level of corruption in the Department of Justice is astounding. Bureaucrats receive little or no punishment for serious infractions, as illegal activity is frequently overlooked as a result of what is called professional courtesy. For instance, a police officer might not ticket a fellow officer for exceeding the speed limit. This is almost excusable; we often excuse behavior by a family member that we would not tolerate in a stranger. But when a life-threatening situation is excused it is no longer a matter of courtesy. (Snip) Judge Emmet Sullivan, the highly respected judge in the Michael Flynn case, is capable of outrage.
**Live Updates*** CA-25, WI-07,
Nebraska Election Results
Posted by Imright 5/13/2020 2:45:06 AM Post Reply
California’s 25th Congressional District, Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District, and Nebraska hold elections today during the coronavirus crisis.In Wisconsin’s Seventh Congressional District, Republicans, in a special election, are favored to keep the seat vacated by former Rep. Sean Duffy. In California’s 25th Congressional District, Republican Mike Garcia will look to defeat Democrat Christy Smith in a special election and flip the seat, which was held by disgraced former Democrat Rep. Katie Hill. In Nebraska, Democrats will choose their candidate in the state’s Second Congressional District to take on incumbent Rep. Don Bacon in November. Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates.
Trump-backed Tom Tiffany wins Wisconsin
congressional race
Posted by poster 5/13/2020 12:02:54 AM Post Reply
Republican Tom Tiffany, a state senator endorsed by President Donald Trump, easily won a special congressional election Tuesday in a heavily conservative, rural Wisconsin district. Republican Tom Tiffany and Democrat Tricia Zunker (Source: State of Wisconsin) Tiffany’s win over Democrat Tricia Zunker in northern Wisconsin’s 7th District comes in the state’s second election amid the coronavirus pandemic the past five weeks. Tiffany will replace former reality TV star Sean Duffy, a Republican who retired in September. The district, which covers all or parts of 26 counties, has been vacant since Duffy’s retirement. Trump won Wisconsin by less than a point, but carried the district by 20 points, in 2016.
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