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Posts on Monday, April 27, 2020

Ask 2: How many patients have used the $11 million pop-up hospital built at NRG’s parking lot? replies
Posted by gardenervana 4/27/2020 11:51:45 PM Post Reply
The original question: How many patients have used the new 11 million dollar county hospital built at the NRG parking lot? The answer: None. No patients have been admitted to the facility which was built as a medical shelter in case the city’s hospitals reached full capacity.
'Wise decision’: Billionaire Tilman Fertitta says reopening Texas will put employees back to work replies
Posted by gardenervana 4/27/2020 11:46:16 PM Post Reply
Houston Billionaire and Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta, one of 39 business leaders on the “governor’s Strike Force To Open Texas,” says reopening Texas in phases starting Friday is a “wise decision.” “The committee put in a lot of work, the governor had a lot of people that really knew what they were doing, and he was so concerned to not make a mistake,” Fertitta said.
TX Gov. Abbott says churches can meet in-person, encourages remote services and social-distancing replies
Posted by gardenervana 4/27/2020 11:34:18 PM Post Reply
Religious services are considered an essential service under orders issued Monday by Gov. Greg Abbott. As part of his announcement, Abbott released new recommendations for how houses of worship should hold services moving forward.
El Salvador's President Takes On The Country's
Gangs Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
Posted by poster 4/27/2020 11:26:29 PM Post Reply
El Salvador's president authorized the country's police and military to use lethal force against gang members, who over the weekend were allegedly responsible for the murders of dozens of people. Along with the emergency orders, President Nayib Bukele put all incarcerated gang members on a 24-hour shutdown. Bukele says the gangs are taking advantage of the police focus on enforcing the coronavirus lockdown instead of battling criminal elements. Lethal force can be used in self-defense or to protect the lives of Salvadorans, he says. Fifty-three people were killed over the weekend, (snip)Bukele swept into office last June pledging to reduce the killings.
NYC subway operator confronted by
‘defecating’ straphanger on 2 train
Posted by Ribicon 4/27/2020 11:21:16 PM Post Reply
The veteran subway operator says she witnessed a homeless man openly “defecating” on a 2 train Monday—a sign the homeless have “taken over” the subway system during the coronavirus pandemic. Angelina Malave, 46, who missed a month of work after catching the virus, said the sight of the man—kicked back on a subway bench with his legs raised in the air over his head so his full rear-end is in view—was “one of the worst things I’ve seen in my 18 years as a train operator.”(Snip) At 3 a.m., when she starts her shift, all 10 train cars are occupied by vagrants,
'I remember the fingers': Former neighbor
of Biden sexual assault accuser corroborates
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 11:00:19 PM Post Reply
A former neighbor of the woman who accused former Vice President Joe Biden of sexual assault publicly vouched for the accuracy of the allegation.Tara Reade recently came forward to allege Biden, when she worked for him as a Senate staff assistant in 1993, pushed her up against the wall and penetrated her with his fingers. Biden's presidential campaign has vehemently denied the allegation.In the time since Reade came out with her allegation, her brother and an unnamed friend have backed up her story, saying they were told either about the assault or harassment at the time.A former neighbor of Reade's from the 1990s, Lynda LaCasse, corroborated Reade's version
Lockdown Vs. Non-Lockdown ‘Did Not
Produce A Statistically Different Number
Of Deaths,’ CA Docs Say
Posted by Ketchuplover 4/27/2020 10:48:02 PM Post Reply
Two California doctors say locking down all of America “did not produce a statistically different number of deaths” versus not locking down all of America. Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, who own seven Accelerated Urgent Care facilities in Kern County, Calif., have been scouring data of the COVID-19 virus, both nationally and globally, along with data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). “Their data extrapolations, using a method similar to the one the CDC uses for influenza, suggest that death rates for COVID-19 are similar to those for the
Australia rejects Chinese 'economic coercion'
threat amid planned coronavirus probe
Posted by poster 4/27/2020 10:30:22 PM Post Reply
Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne has cautioned China against attempts at “economic coercion” as Australia pushes for an investigation into the coronavirus pandemic that China opposes. Chinese ambassador to Australia, Cheng Jingye, said in a newspaper interview on Monday the “Chinese public” could avoid Australian products and universities. Australia last week called for all members of the World Health Organization (WHO) to support an independent review into the origins and spread of the coronavirus, and is lobbying world leaders. China’s foreign ministry has attacked the proposal. “Maybe the ordinary people will say ‘Why should we drink Australian wine? Eat Australian beef?” Cheng said
The paranoid style in COVID-19 America replies
Posted by Judy W. 4/27/2020 9:14:34 PM Post Reply
To grasp the urgency of lifting the ubiquitous economic shutdowns, visit New York City’s Central Park, ideally in the morning. At 5:45 am, it is occupied by maybe 100 runners and cyclists, spread over 843 acres. A large portion of these early-bird exercisers wear masks. Are they trying to protect anyone they might encounter from their own unsuspected coronavirus infection? Perhaps. But if you yourself run towards an oncoming runner on a vector that will keep you at least three yards away when you pass each other, he is likely to lunge sideways in terror if your face is not covered.
Feds tap Schneider in review
of COVID-19 orders amid
fight with Whitmer
Posted by Daria 4/27/2020 8:55:46 PM Post Reply
Detroit — Federal prosecutors on Monday started reviewing whether restrictions enacted by state and local officials to curtail the spread of COVID-19 are violating citizens' civil rights and liberties. U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr announced the sweeping measures that followed criticism from President Donald Trump who has sparred in recent weeks with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer over the government's response to the coronavirus outbreak.
There Is Way More Evidence Against Biden
Than There Ever Was Against Kavanaugh
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 8:40:10 PM Post Reply
Over the past few days, several more lines of evidence have surfaced to support the rape allegation made by a former Biden staffer against the presumptive Democratic nominee. Tara Reade alleges that, back in 1993, Biden grabbed her, pushed her up against a wall, and assaulted her. Though she waited until now to report the incident to the media and the police, she says she told several people about it when it happened and throughout the intervening years. If true, this wouldn’t conclusively prove the allegations, but it would lend them credibility. After all, it is hard to believe that a woman
DOJ Instructs U.S. Attorneys To Lookout
For State And Local Governments
Violating Civil Liberties
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 8:24:54 PM Post Reply
U.S. Attorney General William Barr instructed U.S. attorneys to monitor cases of state and local governments infringing on citizens’ civil liberties Monday as municipalities remain on lockdown nationwide amid the pandemic over the novel Wuhan coronavirus.“Millions of Americans across the nation have been ordered to stay in their homes, leaving only for essential and necessary reasons, while countless businesses and other gathering places have been ordered to close their doors indefinitely,” Barr wrote in a department memo. “These kinds of restrictions have been necessary in order to stop the spread of a deadly disease – but there is no denying that they have imposed tremendous burdens on the
NFL considering major schedule
changes to 2020 season
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 8:16:10 PM Post Reply
The NFL might be ready to concede this coming season could be as unprecedented as the virtual draft that concluded Saturday. Schedule-makers are in the process of designing several versions of this season’s slate, some of which include a Super Bowl on Feb. 28, the regular season starting as late as Thursday, Oct. 15 and a season without bye weeks or a Pro Bowl, according to Sports Business Daily. It marks a striking, but also unsurprising about-face in the league’s thinking since the end of March, when NFL executive vice president and general counsel Jeff Pash said he was “planning on having a full season,”
Los Angeles Lakers return $4.6 million loan
received from Paycheck Protection Program
Posted by NorthernDog 4/27/2020 8:10:18 PM Post Reply
The Los Angeles Lakers applied for and received $4.6 million from the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program but returned the money “so that financial support would be directed to those most in need,” the Lakers said in a statement. (Snip) The Lakers are worth $4.4 billion and were No. 1 in operating income at $178 million, according to the latest ‘Forbes’ NBA team valuations. The NBA also recently extended its line of credit to $1.2 billion for teams in need of cash. The SBA’s initial $349 billion program allowed business with less than 500 employees to borrow up $10-million
CA Gov Newsom Warns Sun-Loving Newport
Beachgoers “Aggressive” Measures Coming
Posted by jimincalif 4/27/2020 7:11:12 PM Post Reply
In a livestreamed update on the Golden State’s response to COVID-19 this afternoon, California Governor Gavin Newsom threw down the gauntlet to sun-worshippers in his state, who he was disappointed appeared to be enjoying life over the weekend. That’s something that just can’t stand, man! Newsom began his speech with a smile, by thanking “the 40 million” Californians who “over the course of the last number of weeks have not only bent the curve….but stabilized it.” But the governor’s smile only lasted about 24 seconds, when he said this:
Report: Fox News Severs Ties
with Diamond & Silk
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 6:48:23 PM Post Reply
Fox News has “cut ties” with pro-Trump personalities Diamond & Silk, who until recently appeared on the network’s online streaming network, Fox Nation, according to the Daily Beast.The report comes after the pair appeared to muse whether Chinese coronavirus deaths in the U.S. were inflated to reflect poorly on President Donald Trump. “What I need to know is how many people have passed away in New York, and what I need to know is: Who has the bodies?” Diamond asked during a March 30th livestream. “I need for somebody that does investigative work to call the morgues.
Texas women busted in undercover
sting for allegedly offering
salon services at home
Posted by Ribicon 4/27/2020 6:14:46 PM Post Reply
Two Texas women were charged last week after an undercover police sting found they were allegedly offering salon services at home during the coronavirus pandemic. Laredo police said they launched investigations into both cases this month after receiving anonymous tips that the women were violating stay-at-home orders. “Both of the violators independently solicited customers via social media,” police said in a statement, the Laredo Morning Times reported. “On both cases, an undercover officer working on the COVID-19 task force enforcement detail made contact with each solicitor to set up an appointment for a cosmetic, beauty service that is prohibited under the emergency ordinance.”
China could have 50 times more
coronavirus cases than claimed,
Trump administration official says
Posted by DVC 4/27/2020 5:23:28 PM Post Reply
As the international community, including Chinese citizens, raises questions about the Chinese government's tally of coronavirus cases and the communist nation's mortality rate, new details are emerging about just how far off official government calculations have likely been, Fox News has learned. Last week, the People's Republic of China increased their official count of fatalities inside Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus outbreak, by 50 percent in just one day, increasing the overall tally by 1,290 people. Now, a Trump administration official tells Fox News they estimate the PRC has miscalculated and underreported the true tally nationwide by at least a factor of 50. “PRC numbers as reported today seem
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to let restaurants,
movie theaters and malls open with limited
capacity Friday
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 4:40:07 PM Post Reply
Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday said he will let the state’s stay-at-home order expire at the end of the month, and allow businesses to begin opening in phases in May.First to open on Friday: Retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters and malls. But they will only be allowed to operate at 25% capacity. Museums and libraries will also be allowed to open at 25% capacity, but hands-on exhibits must remain closed. Abbott's order supersedes local orders saying those businesses must remain closed. But the reopenings are optional. Businesses can stay closed if they wish, Abbott said.At the same time, Abbott said he is holding off on reopening certain businesses
McConnell says Senate to return
to Capitol Hill next week
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 4:34:21 PM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday that the Senate will reconvene May 4, in-person, and will modify routines on Capitol Hill in “smart and safe” way amid the coronavirus pandemic.“Senators will return to Washington D.C. one week from today,” McConnell, R-Ky., said in a statement. “We will modify routines in ways that are smart and safe, but we will honor our constitutional duty to the American people and conduct critical business in person.”He added: “If it is essential for doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, truck drivers, grocery-store workers,
De Blasio Makes His Wife Head of Coronavirus
Racial Equity Task Force
Posted by earlybird 4/27/2020 4:23:24 PM Post Reply
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has named his wife, Chirlane McCray, to head the newly created Task Force on Racial Inclusion and Equity regarding the coronavirus, despite past controversy over how McCray, who is black, led the ThriveNYC initiative to address mental illness. The task force comes in response to the high number of black Americans dying from the coronavirus, many of whom had underlying health issues.(Snip)Citing her work with the ThriveNYC initiative, de Blasio revealed Sunday that first lady Chirlane McCray, a rumored contender for Brooklyn borough president, would co-chair a Task Force on Racial Inclusion and Equity as the city plans its eventual reopening.
Long-Lost U.S. Military Satellite
Found By Amateur Radio Operator
Posted by StormCnter 4/27/2020 4:11:18 PM Post Reply
There are more than 2,000 active satellites orbiting Earth. At the end of their useful lives, many will simply burn up as they reenter the atmosphere. But some will continue circling as "zombie" satellites — neither alive nor quite dead. "Most zombie satellites are satellites that are no longer under human control, or have failed to some degree," says Scott Tilley. Tilley, an amateur radio operator living in Canada, has a passion for hunting them down.In 2018, he found a signal from a NASA probe called IMAGE that the space agency had lost track of in 2005. With Tilley's help, NASA was able to reestablish contact. But he has tracked down
Update: President Trump to Hold Press
Conference at 5 P.M. EDT Monday
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 4:10:55 PM Post Reply
As TGP reported earlier, the daily White House Coronavirus Task Force briefings have been in flux since Thursday. The briefing originally set for Monday afternoon that was cancelled in the morning is now back on, at least in the form of a presidential press conference, according to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. (Photo) “UPDATE: The White House has additional testing guidance and other announcements about safely opening up America again. President @realDonaldTrump will brief the nation during a press conference this evening.”
Donald Trump Criticizes ‘RINO
Paul Ryan’ and Fox News
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 4:06:37 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump on Sunday criticized Fox News on Twitter, including former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who now sits on the board of Fox Corp.“Fox keeps on plugging to try and become politically correct,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “They put RINO Paul Ryan on their Board. They hire “debate questions to Crooked Hillary fraud Donna Brazile (and others who are even worse),” he continued.Ryan was appointed to the Fox Corp. board of directors in March after retiring from Congress, and according to some reports, is pushing Fox News to pivot from President Trump. In 2019, Ryan rented a home in the Washington, DC, area, and launched a nonprofit organization
Why Joe Biden’s America loves a lockdown replies
Posted by StormCnter 4/27/2020 4:03:47 PM Post Reply
COVID-19, the Wuhan virus, is an epidemiological scourge — but it’s also a clarifying catalyst for American politics. The virus’s relevance for globalization has been widely noted: this disease of Chinese origin has exposed how incapable the de-industrialized West has become of providing its own masks, drugs, and ventilators. It has highlighted the class divide that globalization produces within countries such as America as well. The highly educated professional classes can work from home, and their jobs are relatively secure; the service class, on the other hand — the waiters and cooks and hotel maids and retail clerks and others —
Trump on course for reelection,
even if he loses the popular vote
Posted by StormCnter 4/27/2020 3:58:32 PM Post Reply
The ongoing chaotic mismanagement of the coronavirus crisis would seem to jeopardize President Trump’s reelection prospects; however, an analysis of the Electoral College vote puts Trump in a favorable reelection position. My projection gives Trump 249 and Joe Biden 248 electoral votes. Three states — Arizona (11 electoral votes), Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes), and Wisconsin (10 Electoral votes) — are toss-up states. Trump won all three in 2016, and he has a good chance to win these states again in 2020. Several factors work in Trump’s favor. First, former Vice President Joe Biden’s debating and campaigning performances have ranged from inarticulate to incoherent. Also, his expressions and tone of speech
'The epitome of nonessential travel':
NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio and his wife
are heckled as they stroll through a
Brooklyn park - 11 MILES from their
home at Gracie Mansion in Manhattan
Posted by Ribicon 4/27/2020 3:24:31 PM Post Reply
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife were heckled by locals as they walked through Prospect Park in Brooklyn over the weekend, despite living 11 miles away in Manhattan. De Blasio was filmed strolling with his wife Chirlane McCray, both of whom were wearing masks, through the historic park on Saturday afternoon. New Yorker Darren Goldner took video of the moment he scolded the Mayor for forcing an entourage of four SUV security vehicles to drive his family to the park for a nonessential recreational walk in a completely different borough.(Snip) De Blasio was seen waving his hand dismissively towards the camera
Sunday Talks: Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd
Deliberately Lie to Viewers While Questioning
Dr. Deborah Birx…
Posted by earlybird 4/27/2020 3:08:53 PM Post Reply
David Mamet had a famous saying that is often cited. Essentially he said: ‘in order for left-wing partisans and ideologues to continue advancing their agenda, they must pretend not to know things.’ CTH calls this “The Mamet Principle.” No where is that quote more clearly showcased than with two media interviews of Dr. Deborah Birx today. CNN’s Jake Tapper and NBC’s Chuck Todd both pretend not to know the guidelines and gateways for a phase-one reopening of the U.S. economy. Both pundits fabricate information purposefully and with specific intent. (Snip) Watch how in the interviews both Tapper and Todd make the false claim that “no state has
Tara Reade’s Former Neighbor Says They
Discussed Alleged Biden Sex Assault in Mid-90s
Posted by earlybird 4/27/2020 2:58:57 PM Post Reply
Lynda LaCasse, a former neighbor to Tara Reade, says she and Reade discussed her alleged sexual assault allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden between 1995 and 1996, telling Business Insider: “This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it.” In an interview with the AP, Reade detailed a 1993 encounter that she says occurred when she was asked by a supervisor to bring Biden his gym bag, as he was on his way down to the Senate gymnasium. She says Biden pushed her against a wall in the basement of a Capitol Hill office building, groped her, and penetrated her with his fingers.
New York cancels presidential primary,
citing coronavirus, after Sanders camp
asked to stay on ballot
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 4/27/2020 2:54:47 PM Post Reply
New York has canceled its Democratic presidential primary for the first time ever due to the coronavirus pandemic -- igniting a backlash from supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose campaign had asked that his name be allowed to stay on the ballot. The move by Democrats on the New York State Board of Elections -- nixing the election scheduled for June 23 -- followed Sanders’ announcement earlier this month that he would suspend his presidential campaign, rendering former Vice President Joe Biden the presumptive Democratic nominee. With this decision, New York became the first state to cancel its primary altogether
'If Kate was being criticized no one
would put up with it.' Bitter Meghan
tells friends the palace favored her sister
-in-law and would have attacked the
UK tabloids if she was the one
'relentlessly picked on'
Posted by zephyrgirl 4/27/2020 2:18:08 PM Post Reply
Meghan Markle has told friends that if Kate Middleton was constantly being criticized by the press, the royal family would have stepped in and changed its media policies and shunned the tabloids, an insider exclusively told '[Meghan said] no one would have put up with it, and the broken and outdated system would have been revised. Those outlets responsible for their vicious attacks would have been shut out,' the friend explained.
Revealed: More than 200 public companies
were granted $854million in small
business relief and 12 have now returned
the huge loans amid growing pressure
while others refuse to pay them back
Posted by Ribicon 4/27/2020 2:17:24 PM Post Reply
More than 200 deep-pocketed public companies secured at least $854.7million in loans from the relief fund Congress created to help small businesses devastated by the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new analysis. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was created to provide emergency loans to businesses with fewer than 500 employees and without access to other forms of capital to help keep workers on the job and bills paid on time. The initial $349billion allotment ran dry less than two weeks after the program opened on April 3, sparking outrage as early reports showed that dozens of multi-million dollar loans were granted to big public companies
Why No COVID-19 Models Have Been
Accurate, And How To Fix That
Posted by earlybird 4/27/2020 1:37:13 PM Post Reply
There’s been a lot of armchair analysis about various models being used to predict outcomes of COVID-19. (Snip)With the COVID-19 models, the so-called “news” appears to be using either the confidence interval from one model or actual estimated values (i.e., means) from different models as a way of reporting a range of the “predicted” number of people who may contract or die from the disease(Snip) the range in estimates is quite large and useless, at least for helping decision makers make such key decisions about our health, economy, and civil liberties. The armchair analysts’ descriptions about these estimates show how clueless they are of even the simplest
Thank You, Democrat Governors, for Re-
Electing President Trump!
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/27/2020 1:15:43 PM Post Reply
This Wuhan communist disease has ripped the face masks off a gang of Democrat governors and mayors who exhibit disturbing symptoms of the Little Dictator Virus. Their voters are becoming increasingly alarmed at the symptoms: issuing irrational and unreasonable edicts and making them harsher at a whim, arbitrarily choosing some businesses to thrive and others to wither and die, parading around wearing diamond tiaras and the ermine robes of royalty in the privacy of their chambers. Just kidding about the last one, but it sure seems that way to the peasants who are indeed revolting.
Upgrade your homemade coronavirus face
mask by adding this basic clothing item
Posted by Harlowe 4/27/2020 1:14:44 PM Post Reply
A basic clothing item that you likely already have tucked away in a drawer could make your homemade coronavirus face mask more protective, according to a preliminary study. Researchers at Northeastern University in Boston determined that wearing pantyhose over a mask could help to filter out more airborne particles when compared to wearing a mask alone. The pantyhose creates a snugger fit around the wearer’s face, sealing in the loose edges of the masks, said Loretta Fernandez, an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Northeastern University and one of the study’s authors.
Mexico Deports Nearly All Of Its Illegal
Migrants Amid Coronavirus Fears,
Government Reveals
Posted by earlybird 4/27/2020 12:59:32 PM Post Reply
Mexico has almost completely cleared out its migrant centers as a precaution against the coronavirus outbreak, its government announced. The National Migration Institute (INM), the agency in Mexico that manages immigration, said it has been deporting immigrants from the country’s 65 migrant facilities since March 21, according to Reuters. The actions are being made in order to comply with safety and health guidelines amid the coronavirus pandemic. Mexico’s government migrant centers housed 3,759 people in March. In recent weeks, authorities have repatriated 3,653 migrants back to Guatemala, El Salvador and Guatemala by air and road.
Speculation mounts over Flynn case as
new DOJ documents turned over
Posted by earlybird 4/27/2020 12:53:59 PM Post Reply
New documents recently turned over to Michael Flynn's legal team have led to speculation that the former national security adviser could catch a break in his long-stalled case due to purportedly exculpatory evidence that previously had not been disclosed. (Snip)Fox News' Maria Bartiromo tweeted Sunday evening that according to sources, Flynn "will be completely exonerated this week." This follows the turning over of what Flynn's attorney Sidney Powell called "remarkable new & long withheld BRADY evidence," which refers to exculpatory material. Powell tweeted a letter from the Justice Department which said the new documents came from a review of the Flynn investigation that had been ordered by Attorney General Bill Barr.
‘Just Calm Down’: Nancy Pelosi Fires Back
After Jake Tapper Suggests She Made
‘A Tactical Mistake’
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 12:24:00 PM Post Reply
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told CNN anchor Jake Tapper to “just calm down” Sunday when he suggested that she may have made “a tactical error.”Tapper was referencing the latest coronavirus relief spending package and the fact that Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer had allowed it to move forward without including state and local funding — which several states have said they desperately need.Watch: (Video) Tapper began by suggesting that Pelosi and Schumer had compromised, saying, “You and senator Schumer made this major concession on the most recent legislation because you —”“It wasn’t a concession. It wasn’t a concession,” Pelosi interrupted,
Drug Overdose, Head Trauma Deaths
Added To Coronavirus Death Toll
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 12:19:36 PM Post Reply
A 37-year-old California man who died of a drug overdose has been added to the novel coronavirus death toll. Though the death of the unidentified man was caused by a drug overdose, he also tested positive for the novel coronavirus, which was coded as a “significant continuing condition,” according to Ventura County spokeswoman Ashley Bautista, VA Star reported Thursday. “Ventura County’s coronavirus death toll increased to 16 on Thursday as county officials reported two additional deaths, including a 37-year-old man,” the report said.
Kayleigh McEnany: Pelosi 'won't lay off
the ice cream' but seems fine with layoffs
of workers
Posted by mc squared 4/27/2020 12:17:58 PM Post Reply
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Monday that while President Trump is ready for a “bounce-back” of the economy, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seems content with keeping American workers at home by delaying the passage of additional coronavirus relief stimulus. “The Paycheck Protection Program which was just replenished, that funding starts again today so small business owners across the country would get a chance to get that money to pay their workers. It should’ve been here a week ago but, unfortunately, Nancy Pelosi delayed this,” McEnany told “America’s Newsroom.”
White House Cancels Monday’s
Coronavirus Task Force Briefing
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 12:12:19 PM Post Reply
The White House updated President Trump’s schedule Monday morning, canceling today’s briefing by the Coronavirus Task Force. The briefings have been in flux since Thursday’s briefing where Trump’s comments on possibly treating COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus patients with disinfectants or light were wildly distorted by the media, including the Drudge Report which had an image of a Clorox bottle as the lead image for three days in a row.
Our incurious media replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/27/2020 11:53:53 AM Post Reply
In light of the media’s (faux) outrage over President Trump’s musings about therapeutics for the coronavirus, a few reminders seem in order. I hope it won’t trigger any “journalists.” Snake venom is under serious investigation as a cancer treatment. (Eeww! Gross! No way) (here, here) And speaking of cancer, chemotherapy involves putting potentially lethal toxins into the human body. (What?! That’s insane! We can’t do that!) (here) Meanwhile, stool transplants are used for some patients with antibiotic-resistant clostridium difficile, which involves introducing the stool from a donor into the colon of the sick person.
Pressure grows for all garden centers to
reopen as planting season fast approaches
Posted by NorthernDog 4/27/2020 11:23:39 AM Post Reply
Michael and Karin Long stood in line at Highland Gardens waiting to check out with their two wagons full of plants. A hydrangea tree stood tall in their cart with lavender, geraniums and beard tongue plants rounding out the rest of their purchase. They were elated that unlike other garden centers in Pennsylvania, this one in Lower Allen Township received a waiver from Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration to be open for business. (Snip) Many owners of garden centers across the state, many of which are small family-run operations, want to provide that same sense of hope to their own customers
Biden assault allegations turn
race on its head – here's why
Posted by Garnet 4/27/2020 11:00:10 AM Post Reply
Tara Reade could save the Democratic Party. Reade, a former aide for then-Sen. Joe Biden, has accused the presumed Democrat candidate of sexual assault. Evidence has surfaced that appears to bolster Reade’s allegations. In this #MeToo era, Democrat officials could use that accusation to get Uncle Joe to withdraw from the race.Why would that be good for Democrats? Because they know that Biden is a weak candidate who may be suffering cognitive decline and is not likely to beat President Trump in November. The inability of the former vice president to reliably string two sentences together is alarming and will only become more evident as the months pass.
Wait, how long are we
supposed to stay in lockdown?
Posted by Garnet 4/27/2020 10:54:08 AM Post Reply
What are we waiting for? The question can be posed in either a wild, irresponsible way — or a sane, measured way. In New York, our “pause” will continue until at least May 15, and New Yorkers are asking, in a measured, sane way: What exactly are we waiting for? In the beginning, we had a goal: to flatten the curve. We were warned that COVID-19 would overtake our hospitals and cause a health-system collapse. We were to stay home to give our medical heroes a fighting chance. So we did, and thanks to the strength of our system,
White House officials say Trump works
so hard, he often misses lunch
Posted by Judy W. 4/27/2020 10:30:27 AM Post Reply
President Trump’s schedule is so packed amid the coronavirus crisis that he sometimes skips lunch, his aides told The Post — refuting a report that the commander-in-chief spends his days obsessing over TV coverage and eating fries. White House staffers said the president works around the clock and can make five dozen work-related calls a day during the pandemic. “I can tell you that the biggest concern I have as a new chief of staff is making sure he gets some time to get a quick bite to eat,” White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told The Post. He said Trump recently called him at 3:19 a.m. He wasn’t expecting the call
'Food supply chain is breaking,'
Tyson Foods chairman says as
processing plants continue to close
Posted by cjjeepercreeper 4/27/2020 10:26:27 AM Post Reply
The chairman of Tyson Foods has issued a stark warning to Americans following the shuttering of multiple meat processing plants across the country: “The food supply chain is breaking. In an open letter published as a full-page ad in Sunday’s New York Times, Washington Post and Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, John H. Tyson outlined Tyson Foods’ response to the ongoing coronavirus health crisis, but hinted that further closures — not only of Tyson Foods facilities, but competitors’ facilities as well — would put stress on the nation’s food supply.
A CNN journalist pens a fascinating insight
into the left’s dystopian worldview
Posted by Hazymac 4/27/2020 9:54:18 AM Post Reply
On April 7, Bill Weir, CNN’s Chief Climate Correspondent, had a son. Weir wrote an open letter to his son telling him that he was born into Hell on Earth, also known as the modern Western world. The letter perfectly encapsulates everything the left hates and wants to see destroyed. Below, in italics, are my summaries of many of Weir’s pronouncements, followed by countervailing information. Climate change is making nightingales have shorter wings, so they’re all going to die because they can’t migrate. First, the study, after noting some nightingales have shorter wings, makes an evidence-free leap to blaming climate change. Second, “[w]hile the British population of nightingales has been declining
Fact Check: AOC’s Baseless
Accusation That the U.S. Is a
‘Brutal, Barbarian Society’
Posted by PageTurner 4/27/2020 9:51:55 AM Post Reply
According to democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the COVID-19 pandemic is proving that the United States “is a brutal, barbarian society for the vast majority of working-class Americans.” As evidence of this, she claims that “40% of us couldn’t even afford a $400 emergency” before this crisis, and COVID-19 “is more than a $400 emergency.” However, her “40%–$400” statistic is false, and the facts that broadly inform this issue reveal that: government social programs, which AOC seeks to enlarge, depress workers’ savings, causing the very outcomes that she decries. the people of the U.S. lead the world in charity. middle-
North Korean media offers Kim Jong
Un letter as proof he’s still alive
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 9:47:54 AM Post Reply
With rumors swirling about North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a state-run newspaper tried to prove the despot is alive and well by reporting that he has sent a thank-you letter to builders in a seaside resort.The Rodong Sinmun outlet claimed Monday that Kim penned the message to builders working on a tourism project in Wonsan, where South Korea believes the leader has been staying since April 13, according to South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency.“Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un has sent his appreciation to the workers who devoted themselves to building the Wonsan-Kalma tourist zone,” the Rodong Sinmun reported.
ABC Hypes Trump's 2020 Chances Getting
'Decimated by This Coronavirus'
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 9:43:04 AM Post Reply
While they are rightly spending a lot of time covering the coronavirus crisis, the media were still political entities. ABC proved that fact during Sunday’s This Week when three of their journalists (chief anchor George Stephanopoulos, chief White House correspondent Jon Karl, and senior congressional correspondent Mary Bruce) hyped how President Trump’s campaign messaging took a massive hit and his poll numbers were sinking. One even floated the idea that the Senate majority could be in play.
There Are Some Mistakes Science
Can't Save Us From
Posted by Hazymac 4/27/2020 9:15:57 AM Post Reply
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced popular consciousness to face mortality after decades of anticipating life extension and even the Singularity as a birthright. Yet it did not appreciably diminish the popular belief that technology would save the day and allow us to renew the march to progress before too long. But to await salvation would be to expect more from technology than is reasonable. First, there are suspicions the pandemic itself may be the product of technology, of rogue experiments or bad lab containment. Technology does not 'save' anything of itself; it works in both directions. It can construct an electric toaster
The Wuhan virus reveals the rot
in America’s Democrat-run cities
Posted by Magnante 4/27/2020 8:46:03 AM Post Reply
Last Friday, Bret Stephens, of the New York Times, had an epiphany: Locking down America just because New York City is having problems is a bad idea. (snip) New York’s problem isn’t just population density. New York suffers from appalling political decisions at both the state and the local level. Probably the worst decision governor Cuomo made was to force New York’s nursing homes to accept people who tested positive for the Wuhan virus. The people most vulnerable to the Wuhan virus are the elderly and the sick, so this decision turned nursing homes into charnel houses
Governors, Facing Pressures on All
Sides, Weigh Reopening Their States
Posted by NorthernDog 4/27/2020 8:45:40 AM Post Reply
Facing the same competing pressures between keeping people safe in a pandemic and reviving some elements of a more functioning society, governors around the country Sunday made their case for steps they were taking — or not taking — to begin reopening. Their efforts reflected the halting patchwork of attempts by several states to begin moving past severe restrictions in the face of the coronavirus, as a cascade of stay-at-home orders began to expire. As Colorado’s order ended, Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, defended his moves to relax some social distancing restrictions, allowing curbside retail deliveries and soon allowing the
Watch: Cardinal Dolan Welcomes Donald
Trump to Livestream Mass and Sends
Birthday Blessing to the First Lady
Posted by tisHimself 4/27/2020 8:27:24 AM Post Reply
I’ve been advised that our former neighbor up the street is worshiping with us livestream,” Dolan said at the beginning of his sermon on Sunday. “Welcome Mr. President.” St. Patrick’s Cathedral is on 5th Avenue, just five blocks from Trump Tower in New York City. Dolan reassured President Trump the country continued to pray for him daily, as he led the United States through the coronavirus pandemic. He said:
President Trump: stuck in the White House too long? replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/27/2020 8:12:56 AM Post Reply
There is a pivotal scene in the 2017 movie Darkest Hour about an event that had a major impact on Winston Churchill’s success as prime minister, and it is a must-see for currently beleaguered Americans. In it, Mr. Churchill is besieged by calls from the elite ruling class to negotiate with the Nazis. Most of the British army is trapped on the beaches of Dunkirk and defeat is all but assured. He finds himself locked in an agonizing battle between his gut and the establishment experts in his war cabinet.
Snitching reporter from NYT sees bid to censor
Cedars-Sinai for COVID-19 light research blow
up in her face
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/27/2020 8:05:46 AM Post Reply
Trump derangement syndrome makes some "journalists," usually Buzzfeed alumni, do disgusting things. For some, it brings out their inner scolds and snitches and comrade censors. And it most certainly doesn't go over well for them on places like Twitter. So here's the doings of the New York Times' Davey Alba, the former Buzzfeed hack, same as Ali Watkins, turned "technology and disinformation" reporter who proudly announced that she'd "reported" medical researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, one of the most prestigious medical institutions on the planet, to the YouTube site police, for their YouTube video showing how they had conducted UV light research as a means of killing off viruses within the body,
Bill Gates thinks the global shift towards
nationalism made the coronavirus response worse
Posted by tisHimself 4/27/2020 8:01:14 AM Post Reply
Microsoft billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates believes an upswing in nationalism left the world ill-positioned to cope with the coronavirus pandemic. Speaking to The Times in an interview published Friday, Gates was asked whether current politicians were up to the task of responding to the crisis. The billionaire worded his answer carefully. "You go to war with the leaders you have [...] In retrospect you get to judge how well that went," he said.
Romney and Sinema say feds 'behind
the curve' on tracking coronavirus
Posted by tisHimself 4/27/2020 7:46:54 AM Post Reply
Sens. Mitt Romney and Kyrsten Sinema are raising alarms that the federal government is “behind the curve” in tallying the scope of the coronavirus’s spread in the United States, pressing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to quickly devise a real-time national system for tracking the pandemic. The Utah Republican and Arizona Democrat sent a letter to CDC Director Robert Redfield on Thursday laying out the challenges the United States is facing in trying to assess an accurate national picture for the disease’s creep across the country. So far, more than 850,000 Americans have contracted the virus and over 43,500 have died. The bipartisan pair conclude
Biden: Let’s Fix The Economy By
Repeating Obama’s Stimulus Fiasco
Posted by RockyTCB 4/27/2020 7:38:19 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden has a plan to get the economy moving again after the coronavirus shutdown. Unfortunately for him, his plan has already been tried – and it failed miserably. In an interview with Politico published over the weekend, Biden said that after injecting trillions of dollars to keep the economy from collapsing entirely, the next stimulus needs to be “a hell of a lot bigger.” What should the money go for? A “trillion-dollar infrastructure program that can be implemented really rapidly (and) dealing with environmental things that create good-paying jobs.” Politico says Biden also called for “massive aid to states and cities to prevent them from
Nancy Pelosi endorses Joe
Biden for president
Posted by Imright 4/27/2020 6:24:33 AM Post Reply
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday endorsed former Vice President and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden – saying he can help guide the US out of the coronavirus crisis.“As we face coronavirus, Joe has been a voice of reason and resilience, with a clear path to lead us out of this crisis,” Pelosi said in a prerecorded video.The California Democrat also cited Biden’s experience helping to pass the Affordable Care Act and implementing the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.Her endorsement follows former President Barack Obama, former Vice President Al Gore, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), among others,
The Axios Bailout replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/27/2020 5:18:42 AM Post Reply
As Congress and the U.S. Treasury shovel billions of dollars to struggling businesses and fraudsters alike, we must be thankful for media organizations that are providing some accountability for the public. Publicly traded companies that cut to the front of the line for the Paycheck Protection Program have been browbeaten and berated. But what would the media do when the perpetrator was one of their own? Axios, a digital media property with billionaire backers and a sponsorship roster that reads like a who's who of the Fortune 100, has provided us the opportunity to find out. In a brief post on Wednesday, Axios CEO Jim VandeHei informed readers that the site
Why Americans Don’t
Vote Their Class Anymore
Posted by Pluperfect 4/27/2020 5:11:16 AM Post Reply
For decades now, major left-wing parties throughout the West have been bleeding support from the working-class voters whose interests they claim to represent. In the mid-20th century, a voter’s socioeconomic position strongly predicted his or her partisan allegiance: In Britain, France, and the United States, voters with low incomes and only a high-school education tended to support left-of-center parties, while high-income, highly educated voters aligned with those of the right. In all three nations, this is no longer the case. All else equal, lower-income voters are still more likely to “vote blue” in the U.S. But that tendency is much weaker than in the past. Meanwhile, the relationship
What does CNN know about the Biden
assault allegation that we don't?
Posted by Pluperfect 4/27/2020 5:06:43 AM Post Reply
Right now, the available evidence does not prove that Joe Biden more likely than not committed the 1993 assault that his former Senate staffer Tara Reade has alleged. Part of this is purely on the virtue of the age of the allegation limiting the available evidence, but as of now, the other bellwethers usually indicating that even a decades-old assault can be proven beyond the preponderance of evidence — multiple contemporaneously corroborating witnesses, a pattern of behavior, a consistent account — just haven't materialized. In other words, if Biden were an ordinary presidential candidate, a thorough media investigation into the allegation would probably exonerate him.
Muted and vacant, Las Vegas
struggles to survive shutdown
Posted by Pluperfect 4/27/2020 5:00:48 AM Post Reply
LAS VEGAS — Slot machines are powered down, casinos boarded up and barricaded. Sidewalks are largely deserted and electronic marquees that once flashed neon calls for nightclubs, magic shows and topless revues instead beam somber messages of safety. The famous fountains of the Bellagio casino, where water choreographed to lights and music shoots hundreds of feet in the air, are still. Throngs of visitors who made it tough to maneuver on sidewalks have been replaced by the occasional jogger or skateboarder. On the always busy, always noisy, never sleeping Las Vegas strip, you can now hear birds chirping.
How Obama/Biden Wrecked the
U.S. Medical Device Industry
Posted by shazbot123 4/27/2020 4:59:05 AM Post Reply
As lawmakers ponder ways to bring back U.S. manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, their raw materials, medical supplies, and devices, it must be remembered a major part of this problem which has come back to bite us was created by the Obama/Biden administration and the medical device tax that was included in ObamaCare that was supposed to defray the costs of this doomed-to-failure new entitlement program.
Three Potential Biden Running Mates
Appeared On Sunday Shows. None Were
Asked About Sex Assault Allegations.
Posted by Pluperfect 4/27/2020 4:50:58 AM Post Reply
Three women believed to be among the frontrunners for former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate on the 2020 Democratic presidential ticket appeared on Sunday morning news programs, but not a single woman was asked about sexual assault allegations leveled against Biden by a former staffer. In fact, not a single one of the Sunday news programs that aired on April 26th discussed the allegations despite revelations from CNN Saturday evening that indicated the woman’s mother called in to “Larry King Live” in the late 1990s to ask the host’s panelists how her daughter should go about reporting sexual harassment by a male Senator. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
Saint Andrew of Albany replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/27/2020 4:42:24 AM Post Reply
Every day, cable-news channels provide live coverage of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s briefings about his state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. What has happened in New York is not merely the worst COVID-19 outbreak in America, but possibly the worst in the entire world. Such are the biases of our news media, however, that no one ever suggests Cuomo is responsible for the deadly toll of this disease in his state. Instead, the Democratic governor is treated with deference by the press corps, which instead — and rather illogically — focuses the blame on President Trump. Watching Cuomo’s press briefings is to behold the work of a master
The Standard for Reopening States is Rigged replies
Posted by Magnante 4/27/2020 4:41:10 AM Post Reply
The new White House standard for reopening the economy in various states is rigged to severely prolong the economic strangulation under the current lockdowns. The criterion has been defined as a 14-day period of declining volume in new cases or a 14-day period of declining rates of positivity of those tested. Testing is ramping up in every state, which if the epidemiologists are right, will produce a lower percentage rate of positivity on the tests since the curve has been bent. But there is a new factor which throws all of these calculations off so far off that the 14-day standard should be abandoned. That factor is
Green Brownshirts Strike at Michael Moore replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/27/2020 4:39:04 AM Post Reply
Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore has produced a documentary calledPlanet of the Humans. The film (which I haven’t yet seen) is basically an attack on “green” energy, i.e., wind and solar. Moore comes at the issue from a far-left perspective: Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will this Earth Day — that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America.
US will cap how much each bank
can lend under emergency
coronavirus program: memo
Posted by MissMolly 4/27/2020 4:32:00 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON – The US government will cap how much each bank can lend under the emergency loan program designed to keep workers on payrolls amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a memo seen by Reuters hours ahead of the reopening of the lending program. The Small Business Administration (SBA) will impose a maximum dollar amount for individual lenders at 10% of Paycheck Protection Program funding authority and pace the applications filed, according to the memo. The steps are “prudent and reasonable” due to the unprecedented demand for the loans, it said.
Operation Stolen Promise: What to
know about the ICE-Homeland Security
initiative to stop coronavirus fraud
Posted by MissMolly 4/27/2020 4:24:44 AM Post Reply
As criminals increasingly seek ways to take advantage of the United States’ dwindling health resources and falling economy amid the coronavirus pandemic, multiple law enforcement agencies have pooled their resources to curtail this trend. Operation Stolen Promise, spearheaded by U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), is a program launched earlier this month to protect the nation and global supply chain from fraudulent and criminal activity related to the pandemic.
Coronavirus and the
era of big government
Posted by MissMolly 4/27/2020 4:19:44 AM Post Reply
It’s hard to know how much money Congress has forked out to combat coronavirus and attempt to salvage the American way of life and the economy since late February. There’s no precise, econometric way to calculate the “three-and-a-half” bills Congress has approved in recent weeks. But, the grand total is pushing $3 trillion. The measures have varied from an initial bill costing $8 billion – which started around $1.2 billion – and exploding to a staggering $2.2 trillion on another. Now, the real action is set to begin on Capitol Hill – at least behind the scenes. Democrats already have been calling for more as Republicans try tapping the brakes.
Who Would Be Your First Pick if Americans
Could Vote Reporters Off the White House
Briefing Island?
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/27/2020 2:22:54 AM Post Reply
I have watched nearly every Corona Task Force presser. I took a day off after the Lysol ridiculousness to lower my blood pressure. However, I find the briefings to be very informative. The president gives an overview and then introduces members of the Task Force to update on specific items. The media hates these forums, because they can’t control the information that is available to the public. This is a great reason to keep airing them. The most tedious portion of the pressers are the questions from the members of the White House Press Corps. They are political reporters trying to ingest health, science and business information.
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