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Posts on Tuesday, April 21, 2020

GOP Rep Blasts House for Adjourning With
No Discussion of Small Business Funding
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/21/2020 11:56:30 PM Post Reply
Rep. Brian Mast (R., Fla.) ripped Democratic leadership for adjourning the House of Representatives almost immediately Tuesday without allowing Republican lawmakers to speak about the need for more small business relief. "Some of my colleagues asked to speak here, asked to be recognized, asked to talk a little bit about what's going on here, express some of the urgency that we get to work here in the House of Representatives," Mast said in a Facebook video recorded on the House floor. "No willingness to speak about when we will come back into session. No willingness to speak about the urgency that's needed for Americans today.
CBS Anchor Tells Stacey Abrams She’s
‘Extremely Qualified’ to Be Vice President
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/21/2020 11:51:20 PM Post Reply
CBS This Morning anchor and Barack Obama donor Gayle King gushed over Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams on Tuesday morning, saying the former state legislator and failed gubernatorial candidate is "extremely qualified" to be vice president of the United States. Abrams is openly lobbying to serve as Joe Biden's running mate come November, despite never being elected to any office beyond the state legislature. As she touted her voting rights work and "competence and skills and willingness to serve," King cut in to praise her as ready to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. "That's a great nuts and bolts answer because everybody knows you're extremely qualified," King said.
“So It Was a Hoax?” – Fox News’ John
Roberts Caught on Hot Mic Discussing
COVID-19 Mortality Rate with Technician,
‘Like the Flu' (Video)
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 11:23:22 PM Post Reply
Fox News reporter John Roberts was caught on a hot mic in the White House briefing room discussing the Coronavirus mortality John Roberts walked into the press briefing room and told a technician to take off his mask because according to a recent California study, the mortality rate for the Coronavirus is only 0.1% to 0.3%.“Everyone here’s been vaccinated anyway,” the technician said. “USC and LA public county health came out with a study that found that there’s 7,000 cases in Southern California but they really believe that there are
Devin Nunes: 'Obama's dossier' a subject
of criminal referral to Justice Department
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 11:17:43 PM Post Reply
A top Republican said a criminal referral sent to the Justice Department last year relates to the 2017 intelligence community assessment on Russian election interference.Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, spoke about the assessment on Tuesday after the Senate intelligence panel released its 158-page bipartisan report defending the assessment that was released in the waning days of the Obama administration.The California congressman told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs that it was "suspect" the U.S. Intelligence Community put it together in a matter of several weeks, at the behest of former President Barack Obama.
Watch–Trump: Immigration Pause Will ‘Put
Unemployed Americans First in Line
for Jobs’
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 11:01:36 PM Post Reply
President Trump says his upcoming executive order to pause most legal immigration to the United States will ensure that the roughly 22 million unemployed Americans will be “first in line” for jobs when the nation reopens in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. During his daily press briefing on Tuesday, Trump outlined some specifics of his executive order pausing most legal immigration to the U.S. — a plan that will include a moratorium on issuing green cards to foreign nationals for at least 60 days. Trump said the decision is one based on morals and fairness for American workers:
CNN’s Acosta: Trump ‘Sending Out Protesters’
to Pressure Governors to Reopen
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 10:57:44 PM Post Reply
Tuesday on CNN’s “Situation Room,” network White House reporter Jim Acosta accused President Donald Trump of “sending out protesters to the statehouses” to pressure governors to reopen their states. Earlier at the coronavirus task force press conference, Trump said, “I’ve watched some of the protests, not in great detail but I’ve seen that on television. They’re separated. There is space in between them. They are watching, believe it or not. They’re doing social distancing.” Gloria Borger said, “I don’t know what pictures he’s looking at, but a lot the video we’ve looked at shows that they’re not doing social distancing.
Lyrid meteor shower 2020: Where and when
to see shooting stars peak
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/21/2020 9:38:46 PM Post Reply
The Lyrid meteor shower will be in full effect in some regions — thanks to clear skies and a new moon — on Tuesday night. The meteors’ path springs from the star Vega, within their namesake constellation Lyra the Harp, which will be almost directly overhead by 4 a.m. Wednesday morning. For the most comfortable viewing, consider bringing a blanket or lounge chair for lying down and looking up. What’s the best time to see the Lyrids? While meteors could be seen through April 25, peak viewing occurs around 2 a.m. on Wednesday morning, according to, when as many as 10-20 meteors — a k a “shooting stars” —
Van Jones says states reopening
businesses amid coronavirus is 'a
death sentence for communities of color'
Posted by NorthernDog 4/21/2020 9:03:39 PM Post Reply
CNN political commentator Van Jones said Tuesday that the decision by some states to ease stay-at-home restrictions and open businesses is effectively "a death sentence for communities of color," which have been disproportionately affected by the novel coronavirus. His comments follow Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp's announcement that some businesses in the state would be able to reopen as early as Friday, as other state leaders signaled similar plans. "I think it's incredibly reckless. And, you know, signing these orders is signing a death certificate for many, many, many people who do not need to die and who will," Jones
Someone Must Be Held Accountable replies
Posted by pc1eszm 4/21/2020 8:01:22 PM Post Reply
Every crisis has a self-reflection point. Six weeks into the coronavirus pandemic, we now have data and information available. We have seen the face of the enemy. Tragically, lives have been lost to the virus, but many victims have survived, and even more Americans have remained healthy through it all. It is time to begin examining what we have done and whether, with the benefit of hindsight, we were right to do it.
Gov. Abbott has faith ‘God’s hand is
working’ as he moves to reopen Texas
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 6:26:53 PM Post Reply
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott discussed reopening his state Sunday during an online church service from Dallas, stressing that he wants to lead the nation in “returning to our lives and our livelihoods,” as the governor previously characterized the process.That the Republican did so by putting his faith in God, and praised God’s hand for the gains that have been made so far in the fight against COVID-19 is sure to draw the ire of many on the left.In an interview with Prestonwood Baptist Church Pastor Jack Graham, Abbott talked about opening businesses and churches, noting the importance of Texans getting back to work and earning paychecks.
Young climate activists slowed
by pandemic, but not defeated
Posted by voxpopuli 4/21/2020 6:24:31 PM Post Reply
Jamie Margolin had not expected to be sitting in her bedroom right now. The high school senior had prom and graduation coming up, but so much more: A multi-state bus campaign with fellow climate activists. A tour for her new book. Attendance at one of the massive marches that had been planned this week for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
Broadway star Nick Cordero has leg
amputation due to virus
Posted by voxpopuli 4/21/2020 6:17:20 PM Post Reply
Tony Award-nominated actor Nick Cordero has had his right leg amputated after suffering complications from the coronavirus, his wife says. Amanda Kloots on Instagram wrote late Saturday that Cordero "made it out of surgery alive and is headed to his room to rest and recover."
Senate passes $484B coronavirus
rescue package
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 6:06:02 PM Post Reply
The Senate passed a new small-business and hospital aid package on Tuesday worth more than $480 billion that is aimed at addressing the impact of the coronavirus outbreak.The measure passed after an hour of debate and a voice vote, which does not require lawmakers to take a roll-call vote.Congress is in recess due to the coronavirus outbreak.The measure now heads to the House on Thursday, where it is likely to pass.The House will probably take a roll-call vote, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced Tuesday. The Maryland Democrat told reporters more than half of all Democrats are likely to return
Dan Crenshaw: Leftists ‘Obsessed’ with
Blaming Trump for Coronavirus
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 5:26:18 PM Post Reply
Navy SEAL veteran Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) said the left seems “obsessed” with blaming President Donald Trump for the spread of the coronavirus in the United States, even more so than China — where it originated from and where authorities tried to hide its outbreak, in an interview with Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily on Tuesday.“They beclown themselves in the process because it’s very difficult to argue something when the evidence is stacked against you,” Crenshaw told host and Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow. “They’ve got a lot of confidence in arguing that because they generally get a lot of cover from mainstream media,”
Schiff, Nadler ask DOJ watchdog to investigate
Barr’s comments on Atkinson
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/21/2020 5:05:53 PM Post Reply
Two top House Democrats are asking the Justice Department’s independent monitor to investigate “misleading” comments made by Attorney General William Barr about the firing of Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff of California and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler of New York sent a letter to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Monday claiming Barr “blatantly mischaracterized” Atkinson’s handling of the whistleblower complaint that prompted President Trump’s impeachment inquiry. They also sent the letter to the acting director of the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility, Jeffrey Ragsdale.
Illinois Coronavirus: Matteson man billed
nearly $2K after being tested for COVID-19
Posted by AltaD 4/21/2020 5:03:03 PM Post Reply
A Matteson man said he got tested for the coronavirus, and is now being asked to pay nearly $2,000 for it. Now, on top of a scary health battle, Donald Utoh said he's now having to fight a financial one. (Snip) In a statement to the ABC7 I-Team, Franciscan Health said it had already given the patient a 77 percent uninsured discount, leaving him with that balance of $1,959. The cost of the COVID-19 was only $119, but part of their protocol is to run a series of tests to ensure the patient gets the most accurate treatment. Utoh said he was only swabbed twice: first to
Ivy League schools including
Harvard, Princeton and Yale net
millions in coronavirus bailouts
despite billions in endowments
Posted by Ribicon 4/21/2020 4:43:16 PM Post Reply
Ivy League schools have been criticized for netting millions in taxpayer-funded coronavirus bailouts despite swimming in endowments worth billions. The country's most prestigious private universities including Harvard, Princeton and Yale are among the beneficiaries of Washington's $2trillion rescue package to keep businesses afloat during the epidemic. Higher education institutions have been apportioned $14billion of the aid provided under the CARES Act to weather the financial hits landed by the lockdown. Students have been sent home, and while many are taking classes remotely, the schools risk not collecting the totality of tuition fees. Of the top private schools, Cornell and Columbia will receive the most at $12.8million each.
Can the coronavirus be spread through farts? replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/21/2020 4:41:43 PM Post Reply
The smell may be hell but the mist could leave you pissed. Two Australian doctors are weighing in about the spread of the coronavirus “down under” — whether it can be spread through farts, that is. During Friday’s episode of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s “Coronacast” podcast, producer and host Dr. Norman Swan made a cautionary suggestion when it comes to particles of feces set adrift within a fart and the spread of COVID-19. “No bare-bottom farting,” Swan advised about posterior pandemic panic, in a measured, mildly amused tone.
How the coronavirus could
delay presidential election
results by a week or more
Posted by Harlowe 4/21/2020 4:10:29 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON – Americans have come to expect that they will know who their next president is on election night, but that’s likely to change this fall. In fact, because of a huge increase in mail-in voting in states that are not used to it, the presidential election could take a week or more to be decided. Public officials and advocates are just now beginning to grapple with how to prepare themselves, and the country, for this unprecedented situation. “It’s a culture shift that’s going to be required,” said Vanita Gupta, president and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights,
Flint-based strip club owner sues
over lack of coronavirus funding aid
Posted by NorthernDog 4/21/2020 4:08:30 PM Post Reply
CARSON CITY, Nev. — A strip club business that operates in Las Vegas has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Small Business Administration after not receiving money from the $2 trillion federal coronavirus aid bill. Little Darlings owner Jason Mohney has struggled obtaining emergency funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act after Congress grouped the business into the category of operations of a prurient sexual nature, the Las Vegas Sun reported. Mohney argues the exclusion is discriminatory toward a class of workers who perform a legal and legitimate service through the Flint, Michigan-based company, which operates 200 exotic
More deaths, no benefit from malaria drug in VA virus study replies
Posted by Dino Sayer 4/21/2020 3:48:22 PM Post Reply
A malaria drug widely touted by President Donald Trump for treating the new coronavirus showed no benefit in a large analysis of its use in U.S. veterans hospitals. There were more deaths among those given hydroxychloroquine versus standard care, researchers reported.
ICE given good marks for treatment
of pregnant migrants in audit
Posted by Ribicon 4/21/2020 3:39:40 PM Post Reply
The government’s top auditor gave ICE and the Border Patrol a mostly clean bill of health Tuesday when it comes to treatment of pregnant illegal immigrants, finding that while dozens of complaints of maltreatment are lodged, few of them can be substantiated. Complaints that were backed up included one instance where a pregnant woman in custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement wasn’t given prenatal vitamins, according to the Government Accountability Office. Another substantiated complaint against the Border Patrol found that an agent had posted a picture and information about a pregnant woman online, violating the agency’s social media policy, the GAO said.
De Blasio’s social distancing tip line
flooded with penis photos, Hitler memes
Posted by Ribicon 4/21/2020 3:35:14 PM Post Reply
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s critics let him know how they really felt about him ordering New Yorkers to snitch on each other for violating social-distancing rules—by flooding his new tip line with crank complaints including “dick pics” and people flipping the bird, The Post has learned. Photos of extended middle fingers, the mayor dropping the Staten Island groundhog and news coverage of him going to the gym have all been texted to a special tip line that de Blasio announced Saturday, according to screenshots posted on Twitter. One user sent the message “We will fight this tyrannical overreach!” to the service
Chris Cuomo, Recovered From COVID,
Stages Weird ‘Official’ Emergence From
Basement After Admitting He Left His
House On Easter
Posted by earlybird 4/21/2020 2:58:31 PM Post Reply
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo dramatically staged a post-coronavirus emergence from his basement on Monday’s “Cuomo Prime Time,” falsely implying the footage captured the “official” first moment he left his basement quarantine. Cuomo’s staged emergence came after the journalist, who reported his diagnosis on March 31, discussed prior travels from his home, rendering Monday’s video report misleading at best and an outright lie at worst. First and foremost, praise God Cuomo recovered from the virus, his infected wife seems to be healing, and the couple is with their children. But Cuomo himself was first to mention the trip he took outside his home on Easter Sunday.
Michigan Governor Whitmer Asks Why State Protests Didn’t Happen During World War II… replies
Posted by MISteve 4/21/2020 2:56:56 PM Post Reply
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer compared the COVID-19 battle to World War II and asked: “In World War II, there weren’t people lining up at the capitol to protest the fact that they had to drop everything they were doing and build planes or tanks, or to ration food.” Does anyone want to tell Whitmer the difference is during the war effort people were working and getting paid; but under her unilateral decrees people are forbidden from working and no-one is earning a living…. Which is the entire reason for the protests, DUH.
‘It’s Not True’: South Korea Trashes
Sensationalist CNN Report on
Kim Jong-un
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 1:06:11 PM Post Reply
South Korean officials told the nation’s Yonhap news agency on Tuesday a CNN report claiming North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un was “in grave danger” were “not true” and that “nothing unusual” appeared to be happening in the communist country.Yonhap also found no evidence of Kim enduring any medical hardships ongoing at North Korea’s embassy in Beijing and Chinese government sources told Reuters they, too, had no evidence of a medical emergency in Pyongyang.Late Monday night, CNN – an American left-wing news network with a long history of publishing poorly-sourced or false news
Hundreds of House lawmakers will return
to Capitol on Thursday to vote
on up to three bills
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 1:02:54 PM Post Reply
Hundreds of House lawmakers are expected to return to the Capitol to vote Thursday on a series of bills responding to the coronavirus pandemic, including a major spending package and a rules change to allow proxy voting.House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, told reporters Tuesday the leadership has determined “well over half our members will return” to Washington, D.C., for legislative business.The list of legislation on the agenda includes a $470 billion coronavirus aid package to help small businesses and enable coronavirus testing and a change in the rules to allow lawmakers to vote for one another on the House floor.
'Love to see it': AOC deletes tweet
celebrating oil price crash after she is
criticized for making light of job losses
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 12:52:52 PM Post Reply
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was forced to delete a tweet Monday saying 'you absolutely love to see it' while celebrating the price of oil crashing. The Democrat quickly removed the post after being criticized for celebrating job losses, but still used the economic collapse to plug her Green New Deal, which focuses on environmental issues. The price of U.S. oil crashed into negative for the first time in history Monday as demand dries up and producers effectively pay buyers to take barrels off their hands. In the latest never-before-seen number to come out of the economic coma caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the cost to have a barrel of U.S. crude
Democrats Underestimate Trump at
Their Own Peril
Posted by earlybird 4/21/2020 12:45:25 PM Post Reply
It is almost unbelievable that the Democrats have allowed themselves to be so completely out-maneuvered by President Trump in the coronavirus and economic crises. They are all calling for an indefinite protraction of the economic hemorrhage, with unemployment increasing by hundreds of thousands every day, even as the incidence of the virus declines. The Democrats started out with every advantage: the crisis came out of the blue and burst over the administration. As soon as there was any hint of how aggressive and dangerous the virus was, the anti-Trump press went wild—frightening the public with visions of a bubonic plague that threatened the life of everyone despite the fact that approximately
The left's slogans give it away replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/21/2020 12:43:10 PM Post Reply
As we go through yet another week of Wuhan virus restriction in the United States, do you find yourself becoming annoyed at the daily sloganeering? We see these messages on television, hear them on radio and flashed before us while driving. I, for one, am beginning to tire of this "we're all in this together" claptrap, along with "flattening (or bending) the curve"; social distancing; and "stay safe, stay strong." However, the one slogan that is most irritating is "stay at lives." Let's not forget that original reason for sheltering at home
Boris Expected to Return to Work Next
Week After Recovering from Coronavirus
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 12:35:17 PM Post Reply
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to return to work next week following his recovery from Chinese coronavirus.Prime Minister Johnson had caught the virus in March. After experiencing symptoms for ten days, Mr Johnson was admitted to Saint Thomas’ Hospital in London on April 5th, before being transferred to intensive care on the 6th.Spokesmen confirmed that while in intensive care, Mr Johnson was not on a ventilator, but receiving oxygen therapy. After spending three nights in ICU, Mr Johnson was moved to a general ward from which he was released on Easter Sunday. Since April 12th, Mr Johnson has been convalescing at the prime minister’s country retreat of Chequers.
The economic shutdown of America: 'When
the system fails, righteous men will rise up'
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/21/2020 12:27:03 PM Post Reply
The lefties are melting down over the decision by some governors to begin re-opening their states to the business that is their lifeblood. They are enraged by the people around the country who are protesting this ongoing shutdown of the economy. As usual, they are calling them racists, Nazis, etc., the same-old, same-old epithets they hurl at everyone who supports the president and the Constitution. They have no sympathy for the horrific damage this lockdown is doing to millions of Americans: small businesses, the restaurants we love, the shops we patronize in our neighborhoods, or the countless other industries it has hobbled.
National Security Advisor Confirms White House
‘Closely’ Monitoring Kim Jong Un’s Health—
Says Successor Will Likely Be In The ‘Family’
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 12:17:11 PM Post Reply
Robert O’Brien, President Donald Trump’s national security advisor, confirmed Tuesday morning that the White House is “closely” monitoring reports regarding the health of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.O’Brien, speaking during an interview on Fox News, noted that “North Korea is a very closed society, there is not a free press there,” before adding U.S. intelligence agencies are still reviewing reports on Kim’s health.(Photo) “We’re keeping a close eye on developments in North Korea as we are with other parts of the world,” he said.WATCH:
COVID-19 snitches in St. Louis were
in for a surprise
Posted by ScarletPimpernel 4/21/2020 12:11:33 PM Post Reply
Here's something that ought to kill off the snitching programs set up around the country by local governments to finger local businesses still open in the name of combatting the coronavirus: According to GatewayPundit: Talk radio great Jamie Allman filed a Sunshine law request for the actual emails of St. Louis County residents who've snitched on local entrepreneurs trying to make a living. Most of the complaints were unfounded, involving people "turning in" companies that were deemed essential by the county. Sure enough, he got them. Here. Apparently, some crummy little bureaucrat in the bowels of St. Louis's government went ahead and sent them to the clever shock jock
South Dakota pork plant with one
of biggest COVID-19 clusters in US
blames immigrant workers and 'living
circumstances of certain cultures'
Posted by Ribicon 4/21/2020 12:09:21 PM Post Reply
A meat-processing company which shut down a South Dakota plant after more than 700 employees became infected with COVID-19 said the outbreak was due to the factory’s ‘large immigrant population’. Smithfield Foods blamed the migrant workers' ‘living circumstances’ that are ‘different than they are with your traditional American family.’ The company said the indefinite closure of the pork plant in Sioux Falls disrupted its supply chain, forcing the closure of a facility in Martin City, Missouri. Smithfield also shuttered a plant in Cudahy, Wisconsin, after employees tested positive for the virus. South Dakota's governor said the temporary closure of the plant
Massive increase in San Jose school
burglaries since shelter-in-place;
overall crime down
Posted by konocti95 4/21/2020 12:05:57 PM Post Reply
SAN JOSE, Calif. - New data from San Jose Police reveals overall crime in the city is down since the shelter-in-place order was issued. Domestic violence crimes are slightly up and surprisingly, there’s a big spike in school burglaries. Chief Eddie Garcia said he’s pleased with the downward direction but knows when the order is lifted the numbers won't stay low. Clyde Fischer Middle School in San Jose has been burglarized three times since distance learning began back on March 16. Thieves broke windows and rummaged through the front office. The principal said virtual reality sets and random computer equipment was taken and he's
Devastating! Trump Campaign Releases
Best Video Ad of the Year – “Let
Them Eat Ice Cream” (Video)
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 12:00:14 PM Post Reply
This was brutal. The Trump campaign released a hard-hitting anti-Pelosi ad on Monday.Last week House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) showed off her expensive kitchen appliances and massive gourmet ice cream collection during an appearance on a late night show as Americans stand in line at food banks.Millions of Americans are now unemployed and standing in line at food banks because Pelosi wasted time trying to ram illegal ballot harvesting, federal funding for abortion and climate change
If Half the Country's Deaths Were in
Montana, Would New York Shut Down?
Posted by Garnet 4/21/2020 11:33:23 AM Post Reply
According to The New York Times coronavirus report, as of Sunday, April 19, 2:48 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, there were 35,676 COVID-19 deaths in the United States. Of those deaths, 18,690 were in the New York metropolitan area. (The New York metropolitan area is generally regarded as consisting of the five boroughs of New York City, the five New York State counties surrounding New York City -- Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland and Orange -- and the populous parts of New Jersey and Connecticut.)That means that more than half (52%) of all deaths in America have occurred in the New York metropolitan area.
Joe Biden: I’d Pick Michelle Obama as
Running Mate ‘in a Heartbeat’
Posted by happywarrior 4/21/2020 11:23:58 AM Post Reply
Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, said he would undoubtedly select former first lady Michelle Obama to be his running mate, though he admitted she likely does not want to jump back into politics anytime soon. “I’d take her in a heartbeat,” Biden said in a Monday interview with CBS Pittsburgh when asked if he would add Obama to the ticket. “She’s brilliant. She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman. The Obamas are great friends.”
What a Prolonged Shutdown Will
Cost in Human Life
Posted by Garnet 4/21/2020 11:17:39 AM Post Reply
Ezekiel Emanuel, adviser to presidential candidate Joe Biden and Obamacare architect, just called for a 12-to-18-month lockdown to battle COVID-19, asking us to abandon our livelihoods, religious services, and “contact with friends and extended family.” He claims we have “no choice” and that the alternative is hundreds of thousands of deaths. He has also said that COVID-19 is a “great argument for universal health care coverage.” His plan is politically motivated — and deadly.When President Trump expressed concerns about the shutdown, his critics presented a false choice between mitigating deaths and the economy. In reality, a great number of the most vulnerable American lives will be lost from economic shutdown,
Exclusive–Steve Scalise: ‘Sickening’ to Watch
Pelosi Use Small Business Aid as Leverage
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 10:48:08 AM Post Reply
House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Monday that it is “sickening” to watch House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) use small business aid as leverage to include more leftist provisions in future coronavirus legislation.Scalise has collected stories from businesses across his district and the country that can no longer obtain a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan due to Pelosi’s objection to a simple renewal of the program.Scalise described the stories as “heartbreaking” and said that he hopes his website will illustrate Pelosi’s “PPP obstruction.”
Trump tunes in to ‘Morning Joe’ to
confirm Joe Scarborough is ‘nuts’
Posted by Imright 4/21/2020 10:44:51 AM Post Reply
President Trump said early Tuesday that he finally tuned in to watch longtime critic Joe Scarborough — just to confirm that he was “nuts.”“Watched the first 5 minutes of poorly rated Morning Psycho on MSDNC just to see if he is as ‘nuts’ as people are saying. He’s worse,” Trump wrote on Twitter of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”“Such hatred and contempt! I used to do his show all the time before the 2016 election, then cut him off,” the president continued.(Photos) “Wasn’t worth the effort, his mind is shot!” Trump claimed of 57-year-old Scarborough, who co-hosts the morning show with Mika Brzezinski and
The great US-China divorce has arrived replies
Posted by hooverdog 4/21/2020 10:42:14 AM Post Reply
Make no mistake: The global struggle with China is about to go to the next level. Or two. Or three. By triggering a global disease outbreak, the Chinese Communist Party’s reprehensible behavior crossed the last line, leaving other nations no recourse but to push back. Hard. No longer can responsible nations tolerate the regime’s destabilizing interference around the world. Post-COVID-19, there will be a new world map, and this is what it is going to look like.
Meet the South Texas Couple Who Kill
Feral Hogs as a Public Service
Posted by Hazymac 4/21/2020 9:48:23 AM Post Reply
On a brisk day in January, hunter and trapper Robert Lyle is opening the gate to the Willamar tract of the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge, a 1,162-acre brushy patch of federally protected land near Port Mansfield, when another pickup pulled up behind Lyle’s Chevy Silverado. “You with the oil patch?” the driver asked Lyle. “No,” he said. “I manage the hogs.” The stranger paused. “Can you do that?” “Well, we try,” Lyle chuckled. Since 2014, Robert and his wife Vickie have been the only trappers allowed year-round on the 140-plus national refuge units sprinkled across the lower Rio Grande Valley, and they also hunt on private land
Managing knowledge too dangerous to exist replies
Posted by Hazymac 4/21/2020 9:43:04 AM Post Reply
Everyone knows the shootdown of Isoruku Yamamoto relied on the knowledge of his itinerary The P-38s were waiting for him. More recently Hellfire armed drones were ready to receive Qassem Soleimani: "The Americans were waiting for him. Armed with a tip from informants at the airport in the Syrian capital of Damascus, the CIA knew exactly when a jet carrying Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani took off en route to Baghdad. Intelligence from Israel helped confirm the details." Knowledge is power. The Soleimani strike, like Yamamoto's, was made possible by information. The routine of heads of state is sensitive information,
Oil crashes 305% to -$36.73 a barrel replies
Posted by MDConservative 4/21/2020 9:40:26 AM Post Reply
U.S. oil prices plummeted in historic fashion Monday, crashing below zero as traders unloaded positions ahead of the May contract's Tuesday expiration. West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures for May delivery cratered by 305 percent to -$36.73 a barrel. At a price below zero, buyers would be paid to take delivery as there are costs associated with transportation and storage.
Maya Hawke:
My parents’ generation ‘really f–ked us’
Posted by Hermoine 4/21/2020 9:34:31 AM Post Reply
Maya Hawke, the daughter of Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke, says her parents’ generation “f - - ked us.” Enlarge ImageMaya Hawke in Nylon Maya Hawke in NylonLuc Coiffait The 21-year-old admits Thurman warned her about the dangers in Hollywood, (snip)“We’re in our 20s, we’re supposed to be having fun, and doing drugs and partying. But instead … We’re going to SoulCycle and trying to outlive our planet. We have a horrible president, and it’s just really irritating. They really f–ked us.”
Michigan Governor Whitmer sets up
coronavirus racial disparity task force
Posted by NorthernDog 4/21/2020 8:34:55 AM Post Reply
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer ordered on Monday the creation of a task force to investigate why the novel coronavirus has disproportionately affected the state’s African-American community“ The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted communities of color throughout our state,” Whitmer, a Democrat, said in her executive order. “For example, while African Americans represent 13.6 percent of our state’s population, they represent a staggering 40 percent of the deaths from COVID-19.” Whitmer’s task force will investigate and study strategies to address the disparity as well as the historical and systematic inequalities pertaining to race that have amplified the death rate in the
Governor Says Colorado Planning
to Gradually Reopen Economy
Posted by NorthernDog 4/21/2020 8:29:18 AM Post Reply
DENVER — Colorado will let its statewide stay-at-home order expire next week, allow a gradual reopening of non-essential businesses and permit non-elective surgical procedures and other activity suspended by the coronavirus fight as long as strict social distancing and other protective measures continue, Gov. Jared Polis said Monday. Polis credited widespread compliance with social distancing and shelter-in-place orders for state information that suggests COVID-19 hospitalizations are leveling off, allowing the most severe restrictions imposed last month to expire on April 27. He urged residents who can work at home to keep doing so, to stay at home as much as possible
Trump campaign goes for
the jugular with new ad:
‘Let them eat ice cream
– Nancy Antoinette’
Posted by Magnante 4/21/2020 8:04:53 AM Post Reply
No doubt, NeverTrumpers are clutching their pearls over the visceral new campaign ad released under President Trump’s imprimatur. It certainly isn’t gentlemanly the way George W. Bush was; it’s primal in its attack on Nancy Pelosi and its appeal to class resentments. It’s not the sort of lose-with-dignity approach favored the last generation of the GOP establishment. But in an era of phony impeachment efforts and Special Counsel investigations and “blood on his hands” accusations, it is giving back to the Democrats exactly what they have hurling Trump’s way.
It Looks Like CNN Blew the Kim
Jong-un Is Dead or Dying Story…
And They’re Not Alone
Posted by drive 4/21/2020 7:26:31 AM Post Reply
Well, it finally happened. North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un reportedly had heart surgery and suffered a severe complication that left him in a dire medical situation. He could also be dead. That’s what CNN and NBC News’ Katy Tur peddled out respectively. Granted, this is a closed society, so be cautious and after China totally botched a science experiment in one of their virology labs in Wuhan which led to the current COVID-19 pandemic—I’m not trusting their sources either. It led to some excellent memes and social media posts.
The Economy Doesn’t Need
Government ‘Help’ To Reopen
Posted by RockyTCB 4/21/2020 6:21:12 AM Post Reply
After weeks of lockdown, several states have begun to outline plans for returning to business as usual. The economies in these states don’t need political schemes. They simply need to be released from government chains. Governments don’t create economies. It’s not only beyond their legitimate functions, it’s beyond their abilities. They need to stay out of the way and let the wisdom of markets steer us back to normal. But some officials see an opening through which they can drive their big government dreams. For instance elected officials in California, which is likely to be the last state to fully
Most VP picks are cosmetic,
but Joe Biden’s is crucial
Posted by SurferLad 4/21/2020 6:14:54 AM Post Reply
At this stage of a normal presidential election year, idle media speculation tends to focus on who will be the candidates’ running mates, the vice presidential candidates vying to be sent to so many foreign funerals. In recent times, it hasn’t really mattered much beyond political cosmetics. But the secrecy surrounding the selection process — sometimes lasting almost until the summer convention — attracts media like flies on roadkill. [Snip] Biden’s occasional confusion and frequent nonsensical syntax have prompted questions about his mental state, even among Democrats. But, hey, they overwhelmingly selected him as their chosen champion to oust the despised usurper of 2016. So, he must be
How the ‘Evil Called Barack Obama’
Enabled the
Genocide of Nigerian Christians
Posted by tisHimself 4/21/2020 5:30:19 AM Post Reply
Not only is Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari behind what several international observers are calling a “genocide” of Christians in his nation, but Barack Hussein Obama played a major role in the Muslim president’s rise to power. These two interconnected accusations are increasingly being made -- not by “xenophobic” Americans but Nigerians themselves, including several leaders and officials.
When Will Democrats Cry Uncle? replies
Posted by Magnante 4/21/2020 5:27:17 AM Post Reply
A couple of weeks ago I predicted correctly that President Trump would reopen the economy midway between the point where the Democrats would blame him for doing it too early and the point where the Democrats would blame him for opening the economy too late. I now realized that the president has gone one better than that, he has actually threaded the needle on opening the economy. He has decreed a road-map and left it up to the governors how to drive the road back to town. The genius of this move, to me, is breathtaking. It really puts the Democratic governors on the spot.
While Pelosi Fiddles, McConnell
Plans Additional Senate Session to
Help Small Businesses and Workers
Posted by Pluperfect 4/21/2020 5:23:57 AM Post Reply
Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced an unplanned Senate session will take place Tuesday as Democrats continue their refusals to restock funding for the Paycheck Protection Program. “It’s now been four days since the Paycheck Protection Program ran out of money. Republicans have been trying to secure more funding for this critical program for a week and a half. At this hour, our Democratic colleagues are still prolonging their discussions with the Administration, so the Senate regretfully will not be able to pass more funding for Americans’ paychecks today," McConnell said in remarks on the floor Monday.
Stop telling the government
to make money out of thin air
Posted by Pluperfect 4/21/2020 5:19:13 AM Post Reply
Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Pramila Jayapal will save us all from crushing government debt — just make two coins worth $1 trillion each and parcel the money out! L. Randall Wray, a proponent of Modern Monetary Theory, disagrees. He says the Federal Reserve, not the U.S. Mint, should make lots of money and give it to all. The mistake here, as with all of Modern Monetary Theory (a.k.a. the Magic Money Tree), is to think that money is important. It isn't. Sure, we'd all like to have more money. Send some in, and I'll make sure it's spent on happy things. That last part is the very proof of the failure
How Deep Cleaners Kill the Coronavirus replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/21/2020 5:12:28 AM Post Reply
Cory Chalmers’s cleaning team looks a lot like Stormtroopers out for a raid. “We’ve got the white Tyvek suits, the full-face respirators,” Chalmer tells Popular Mechanics. And, of course, the pièce de résistance: electrostatic guns loaded with sodium troclosene, a disinfectant that, when dissolved in water, creates a fine mist of chlorine gas. The guns give the sodium troclosene particles a static charge that makes them cling to objects. When Chalmers and his gang of Galactic Empire cleaners want to disinfect something, all they have to do is point and shoot. Chalmers, the president of biohazard and crime scene cleanup company Steri-Clean, Inc., has been busy this spring.
Hillary who? Biden, Dems content
to keep Clinton on sidelines --
but GOP has other plans
Posted by Pluperfect 4/21/2020 5:07:55 AM Post Reply
When Joseph R. Biden’s top campaign advisors huddled to plot the rollout of key endorsements this spring, Hillary Clinton’s name flew under the radar. The former Democratic presidential nominee has gone from being the face of her party to being persona non grata among Democrats. “There is too much at stake to be fighting old political battles, which is why I think figures like Obama, Sanders, and Warren will play a great role between now and November,” said a major Democratic fundraiser familiar with the situation.
Why Does an Epidemic
Bring Out the Worst In Liberals?
Posted by Pluperfect 4/21/2020 4:45:44 AM Post Reply
Over the last month or two, as the coronavirus has burst into public consciousness, we have witnessed a long-running show called Liberals Behaving Badly. Liberals like Nancy Pelosi initially pooh-poohed the virus and criticized President Trump for taking meaningful action against it by blocking travel from China. But once it became apparent that the virus would be a significant problem, they did a 180 and began to accuse Trump of not doing enough. We have all seen this ad nauseam, and there is no need to catalog thousands of instances. For an effective push-back against a ritual recitation of fake Democratic Party talking points, check out this colloquy
Stop Harassing Samaritan’s Purse replies
Posted by MissMolly 4/21/2020 4:41:30 AM Post Reply
Last week, members of New York’s Reclaim Pride Coalition demonstrated outside the Samaritan’s Purse field hospitals in Central Park. Protesters wielded signs reading “Help Not Hate” and “Hate Won’t Heal,” as if anyone had ever thought or suggested otherwise. In contrast to their armchair detractors, the volunteers for Samaritan’s Purse put themselves in harm’s way, acting as backstops for a municipal hospital system at risk of being overrun with coronavirus patients. The group’s Evangelical Christian volunteers expose themselves to infection and disease at no charge to patients, treating the sick without regard to race, religion, sexual orientation, or any of the other identity groups under putative “siege” in the United States.
Is the Coronavirus Foreign Interference
in Our Elections — or Worse?
Posted by MissMolly 4/21/2020 4:38:11 AM Post Reply
In criminal law, everyone is presumed to intend the “natural and probable consequences” of his or her actions. Thus, an accomplice who only agrees to rob a bank may be prosecuted for intentional murder if a guard is killed, because the robbery created a dangerous situation that could foreseeably result in death. By this standard, we should all be talking about possible Chinese interference in the 2020 presidential election. Only two months ago, many political commentators, even on the left, thought Donald Trump was a shoo-in to be reelected in November, since he was riding the wave of a booming economy and successful trade deals.
The 2016 election scandal waiting to break replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/21/2020 4:34:04 AM Post Reply
The virus isn’t the only thing going on in Washington that Wall Street and investors need to pay attention to. There is another Black Swan about to take flight that could poop on the markets. As I’ve been telling you for a long time, there are going to be repercussions from the political scandals of 2016. The time is coming soon – maybe very soon – when we will find out who will be indicted and what impact these legal actions will have on the 2020 presidential election.
EPA looks at suspending
ethanol blending requirement
Posted by Pluperfect 4/21/2020 4:29:34 AM Post Reply
I’m not sure how much this will matter now that we’re basically out of places to store all of the oil that we’re pumping, but it’s still worth looking this proposal over. Last week we discussed the possible opportunity available to us if the EPA would agree to at least suspend the mandates of the Renewable Fuel Standard until the worst of the pandemic is behind us. Getting rid of it entirely would be preferable, but that would require congressional action that the Democrats would never agree to and it’s unclear if the President could be convinced to support the idea even if they did.
Cruises that orginally departed in
January finally dock; passengers
haven't touched dry land in weeks
Posted by Pluperfect 4/21/2020 4:22:49 AM Post Reply
There’s nothing worse than coming home after vacation, especially when a worldwide pandemic broke out while you were gone. One cruise ship that originally departed in early January is finally ending its voyage in a world that has drastically changed. For the passengers onboard the boat, not one has set foot on dry land in six weeks. The MSC Magnifica cruise ship originally set sail from Genoa, Italy, on Jan. 5, the BBC reports. At that time, many of the 1,760 passengers had reportedly not even heard of the new virus that originated in Wuhan, China.
Oil below zero: Here's what happened replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/21/2020 4:18:29 AM Post Reply
On Monday, April 20, 2020, the price of oil traded deep into the red falling below zero for the first time ever shocking even the most seasoned energy traders and oil executives. What happened? The market was well aware the coronavirus has decimated demand across the globe as economies have come to a screeching halt but was that enough to push crude into negative territory? FOX Business takes a look at what drove the price into a freefall and if it can recover.
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