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Posts on Thursday, April 16, 2020

In the Nature–Nurture War, Nature Wins replies
Posted by humboldt 4/16/2020 11:36:21 PM Post Reply
GettyImages-183798273.jpg Photo by amphotora / Getty Images. When psychology emerged as a science in the early 20th century, it focused on nurture, the environmental causes of behavior. Environmentalism—not the ecological kind, but rather the view that we are what we learn—dominated psychology for decades. From Freud onward, the family environment was assumed to be the key factor in determining who we are. In the 1960s geneticists began to challenge this view. Psychological traits such as mental illness clearly run in families, but there was a gradual recognition that family resemblance could be due to nature (genetics) rather than nurture (environment) alone, because children are 50 percent similar genetically to their parents.
WHO recommends limits on alcohol
consumption during lockdowns
Posted by tisHimself 4/16/2020 11:29:37 PM Post Reply
The World Health Organization's (WHO) regional office in Europe on Tuesday published a report calling for people to limit their alcohol intake during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the WHO, an increase of alcohol consumption while countries around the world are on lockdown to prevent further spread of the disease can lead to "health vulnerability, risk-taking behaviours, mental health issues and violence." The organization notes that alcohol "compromises the body’s immune system and increases the risk of adverse health outcomes."
Michigan residents take to the streets for
a massive protest
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/16/2020 11:22:14 PM Post Reply
The experts assured Americans that, unless they addressed aggressively, the pandemic wave about to sweep over the country would kill millions of people, while breaking the healthcare system and, by extension, destroying America itself. The only way to make a dent in this apocalyptic scenario was for America to come to a complete halt. People had to isolate themselves within their homes, venturing forth for only the most essential errands. Michigan was one of the states that took these prescriptions more seriously than others, shutting down virtually every aspect of life in Michigan, including earning any type of living. On Wednesday, several thousand Michigan citizens,
The Convert replies
Posted by humboldt 4/16/2020 11:15:38 PM Post Reply
Late on an August night in 2013, Tania Joya found herself stranded with her husband and three young sons in a Turkish city not far from the border with Syria. The hotels were jammed with refugees, and the family had nowhere to go. Her husband, a convert to Islam, was a Texan, from Plano. Tania, who had been raised outside of London, had been married to him for ten years.
Shiner Beer is giving $500,000 to relief
fund for Texas restaurants impacted by
pandemic shutdowns
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 10:39:38 PM Post Reply
Spoetzl Brewery, home of Shiner Bock beer, is contributing half a million dollars to the TX Restaurant Relief Fund The 111-year-old brewery in Shiner, Texas announced the $500,000 donation to the fund established by the Texas Restaurant Association in a news release on Friday. The fund is intended to provide immediate relief to independent restaurants and their employees in the state that have been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. Restaurants may receive grants of up to $5,000 to keep the businesses running and employees working, the release says.“All of us have been affected by COVID-19. As of today, our brewery is fortunate to continue brewing
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Says State Will Reopen
May 1
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/16/2020 10:23:06 PM Post Reply
On Thursday, Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWine announced the Buckeye State will reopen for business starting May 1, when the governor's stay-at-home order is set to expire. The governor said his administration is currently working on guidelines to allow employees to safely return to work at the beginning of next month. A task force charged with reopening the state is working on safeguards to protect Ohioans as they return to their job sites. The plan will reportedly include measures such as monitoring employee temperatures, requiring employees to wear face masks, disinfecting surfaces and other protective steps. "The world that we’re going to see is a different world,"
Eric Holder: Coronavirus is 'an opportunity’
to permanently change US voting system
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 10:13:19 PM Post Reply
Former President Barack Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder acknowledged that he sees the coronavirus as “an opportunity” to change the way U.S. citizens vote forever. “Coronavirus gives us an opportunity to revamp our electoral system so that it permanently becomes more inclusive and becomes easier for the American people to access,” Holder told Time magazine.Holder went on to say that he supports shifting toward a system with more mail-in ballots.“There has to be a sea change in our thinking there,” he said when asked how important he thinks mail-in ballots will be going forward. “Allow people to access their primary American right by voting at home
Mitt Romney is only GOP senator not
placed on White House coronavirus
task force
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 10:08:41 PM Post Reply
Sen. Mitt Romney was the only Republican senator left off the list of members of the White House coronavirus task force announced Thursday. Romney, a Utah Republican, was the only senator in the party not asked to join President Trump's task force on reopening the U.S. economy as the coronavirus pandemic begins to subside. All other Republican senators and 12 Democratic senators were invited to join the team. The task force also includes a bipartisan slate of 32 representatives from the House, including 22 Republicans and 10 Democrats. Trump has touted his bipartisan efforts throughout the pandemic, including his positive relationship with Democratic governors, such as Gavin Newsom
Facebook Event Plans NYC Sing-Along
To ‘New York, New York’ To Bring
People Together Despite Isolation
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 10:06:09 PM Post Reply
On Thursday evening at exactly 7:02 p.m. Eastern Time, a sing-along event will take place in New York City in order to bring a little cheer and solidarity to all those who are in isolation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.Peace of Heart Choir, which is organizing the event, say they believe “in the healing power of music.” The organization posted the following information to Facebook: Join us to create a city-wide sing-along which will hopefully bring hundreds (dare we hope for thousands?) of New Yorkers to their windows, terraces, and more to sing “New York, New York” after the clapping and cheering
Exclusive: 'Her campaign chest is
looking more like a dowry.' Ilhan Omar
is on track to pay her new husband's
consulting company $1.16M—double last
year's payments—new figures show
Posted by Ribicon 4/16/2020 9:59:57 PM Post Reply
Radical congresswoman Ilhan Omar is on track to pay her new husband's company nearly double the half million dollars she funneled his way last year, new figures obtained by show. In the first three months of this year Omar paid more than $290,000 to the E Street Group, a fundraising and consulting group run by Tim Mynett, who she married last month. If she continues at this rate it will mean the company would get a whopping $1.16 million from Omar's campaign in 2020. It received a total of $523,000 for the whole of last year. 'Omar's campaign chest is looking
Kellyanne Rebukes CBS Reporter Who Suggests
Trump Only Picked 'Wealthy, White Men' to
Help Reopen the Country
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/16/2020 8:58:17 PM Post Reply
CBS News reporter Paula Reid irked President Trump at one of his coronavirus task force briefings last week with her snarky line of questioning. "Why are there no consequences for China for the misinformation?" she asked at one presser. "How do you know there are no consequences?" Trump responded. "I wouldn't tell you." She also suggested that the Trump administration did zilch in the time from when they banned travel to and from China to when the outbreak really started to become an issue in the U.S. And that's when Trump called her a "fake." But Reid used the same snarky strategy with White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Thursday.
'Work conquers all': Protests erupt in state
capitals nationwide over coronavirus restrictions
Posted by NorthernDog 4/16/2020 8:39:33 PM Post Reply
In Frankfort, Kentucky, a small-business owner wielded a microphone to accuse Gov. Andy Beshear of stifling free enterprise by shuttering businesses and ordering people to stay home. In Raleigh, North Carolina, a protester was arrested while a crowd urged Gov. Roy Cooper to ease his restrictions. In Oklahoma City, motorists circled the capitol decorated with signs imploring Gov. Kevin Stitt to put the state back to work. “We’re hoping to inspire other folks,” said Lori Gracey, a business consultant who organized the Oklahoma protest with a few friends in Broken Arrow. Rallies organized through social media such as Facebook and
“They Think All Mexicans are Rapists”–
Joe Biden Accuses Trump Voters of
Being Racist Xenophobes
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 8:38:51 PM Post Reply
The elite Democrat said half of Trump’s supporters are in a basket of deplorables.Four years later, Joe Biden is picking up where Hillary left off. In a private, virtual fundraiser with wealthy liberal donors last night, Biden “laughed” that he had no plans to reach out to Trump voters in November, condescendingly describing them all as deplorable racist xenophobes, just as Hillary did in 2016: BIDEN: “They really support the notion that, you know, all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are bad and… dividing this nation based on ethnicity, race.”
Finally: Trump Lays Out Three-Phase
Plan To Reopen Economy
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 8:33:44 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump on Thursday laid out a three-phase road map to reopening the U.S. economy, closed for weeks after a virus from China invaded America.In a phone call with governors, Trump set out an approach to restore regular activity, at first in places with few COVID-19 cases and later, as the virus fades, to the rest of the nation.“We can begin the next front in our war, which we are calling ‘Opening Up America Again,'” Trump said during a press briefing at the White House. “To preserve the health of Americans, we must preserve the health of our economy.”
JC Penney to miss $12M loan
payment as retailer mulls bankruptcy
Posted by NorthernDog 4/16/2020 7:58:14 PM Post Reply
J.C. Penney disclosed Wednesday that it will miss the due date on a loan repayment as company officials reportedly mull bankruptcy following mass store closures related to the coronavirus pandemic. The struggling retailer had an April 15 due date to make a $12 million interest payment on 6.375 percent senior notes due in 2036. In an 8-K filing, J.C. Penney said it would allow the due date to pass, noting that it has a “30-day grace period” for repayment before defaulting on the loans. “The Company has elected to enter into the 30-day grace period with respect to the Interest
Ohio’s new normal: Officials describe a
hypervigilant, cautious future in coronavirus era
Posted by NorthernDog 4/16/2020 7:43:59 PM Post Reply
COLUMBUS, Ohio — “It’s going to be different,” Gov. Mike DeWine said Tuesday, referring to an ever-vigilant future for the state of Ohio. The blunt reality is the coronavirus will linger until a vaccine is developed, the governor said, and it may be more than a year before the state and the nation return fully to normal. During a Tuesday afternoon news conference on the spread of COVID-19 across the state, DeWine and top health officials described a new world in the era of coronavirus -- an era in which social distancing and wearing protective masks are the new norms.
Land O’Lakes quietly removes image of
Mia, its longtime Native American maiden
Posted by Ribicon 4/16/2020 7:26:34 PM Post Reply
Popular dairy brand Land O’Lakes quietly changed its packaging to remove its iconic Indian maiden image, it was revealed Wednesday. The new packaging has already started to appear in stores and looks similar to the previous branding with an image of lake and trees—except without Mia, the kneeling woman featured in the center, the Minnesota Reformer reported. “We’ve recognized we need packaging that reflects the foundation and heart of our company culture—and nothing does that better than our farmer-owners whose milk is used to produce Land O’Lakes’ dairy products,” said Beth Ford, President and CEO of Land O’Lakes, in a February press release.
Trump Must Nix Big Agriculture’s Bid to Use Coronavirus to Slash Farm Wages replies
Posted by gundisalvus 4/16/2020 7:23:17 PM Post Reply
As the country came to grips with the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration asked the working people of America to comply with containment measures. For some 20 million Americans, that came at the cost of their jobs. But for some workers, Team Trump could add post-crisis misery to their current pains. Over the weekend, NPR reported that Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue is pushing the White House for big changes to the Adverse Effect Wage Rate, or AEWR, “to reduce wage rates for foreign guest workers on American farms.” But that’s not the full story. These changes will affect American citizens.
Protesters air shutdown grievances outside Kentucky
capitol as governor gives coronavirus briefing
Posted by NorthernDog 4/16/2020 7:23:07 PM Post Reply
A group of angry demonstrators amassed Wednesday outside the state capitol building in Kentucky to voice their disdain for the closing of non-essential businesses to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus as Gov. Andy Beshear was inside the building making an announcement on the number of new deaths related to COVID-19. Holding signs that read “Our Businesses Pay Your Bills!!! Reopen Ky” and “China has declared war/Kick butt/Open doors,” a few dozen protestors gathered outside the capitol building in Frankfurt to express their displeasure with Beshear, a Democrat, for the shuttering of businesses during the pandemic. Social media posts
Wisconsin governor extends coronavirus
stay-at-home order for over another month
Posted by AltaD 4/16/2020 6:07:48 PM Post Reply
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers extended the state's "Safer at Home" order from April 24 to May 26 on Thursday, in an effort to continue fighting the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Evers instructed the state's Department of Health to carry out the directive, which will institute new safety measures but also allows for certain things to start up again, according to a press release. “A few weeks ago, we had a pretty grim outlook for what COVID-19 could mean for our state, but because of the efforts of all of you, 'Safer at Home' is working. That said, we aren't out of the woods just yet,” Evers said.
Mississippi Mayor Reverses Ban on Drive-in
Church Services After DOJ Intervention
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/16/2020 5:52:06 PM Post Reply
One day after the Department of Justice filed a statement of interest supporting a Mississippi church in its lawsuit against the city government for a ban on drive-in worship services, the mayor relented, saying those types of gatherings are now acceptable. “Today, given the definitive guidance from the governor, in the city of Greenville we will allow drive-in and parking lot services in the city – so long as families stay in their cars with windows up,” Greenville Mayor Errick Simmons said Wednesday in a press conference. The Democratic mayor said his decision came after speaking with Republican Gov. Tate Reeves,
What Price Victory -- in the Coronavirus War? replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/16/2020 5:45:01 PM Post Reply
The same day the number of U.S. dead from the coronavirus disease hit the 15,000 mark, we also crossed the 15 million mark on the number of Americans we threw out of work to slow its spread and "bend the curve." For each American lost to the pandemic, 1,000 Americans have lost their jobs because of conscious and deliberate decisions of the president and 50 governors. Some 60,000 citizens, we are told, will likely be lost in this pandemic. Are we prepared to accept 60 million unemployed to "mitigate" those losses? What price victory in this good and necessary war to kill the virus? Is it unseemly or coldhearted to ask?
Trump pulling off the impossible again replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/16/2020 5:31:49 PM Post Reply
While in the paint section at Home Depot, a young couple next to me wore masks. A thought popped into my head, “Am I nuts for not wearing a mask?” “Stop it. Get a grip, Lloyd.” When many are responding in fear and panic, it can be a challenge not to succumb. Governors are allowing people to shop at liquor stores, Walmart, Home Depot, fabric stores, and more, while banning people from listening to sermons in their cars in church parking lots. And yet, an elderly Christian minister friend is scolding Christians for rebelling against the repeal of their religious liberty. He also believes everyone should wear masks and gloves.
Brian Dennehy Dead: ‘Tommy Boy’
Actor Dies at 81
Posted by hooverdog 4/16/2020 5:28:15 PM Post Reply
Veteran actor Brian Dennehy, who had a career on the screen and the stage of over five decades, died on Wednesday night, April 15, at the age of 81. The actor died of natural causes, and his family clarified that his death was not related to COVID-19. His daughter Elizabeth confirmed his death on Twitter, posting the following statement: It is with heavy hearts we announce that our father, Brian passed away last night from natural causes, not Covid-related. Larger than life, generous to a fault, a proud and devoted father and grandfather, he will be missed by his wife Jennifer, family and many friends.
Fact Check: Stimulus Checks Not Being
Held up for Donald Trump’s Name
Posted by earlybird 4/16/2020 5:26:03 PM Post Reply
The Washington Post published a story on Tuesday evening claiming the stimulus checks going out to the vast majority of Americans as a result of the coronavirus crisis are being held up due to the fact President Donald Trump’s name is being affixed to them. The opening sentence of the article from Lisa Rein claims that adding Trump’s name to the checks to tens of millions of Americans is “a process that could slow their delivery by a few days.” The article also includes a section quoting some career officials claiming this will lead to a delay: (Snip)But the idea there will be some kind of a delay is not true. Buried
Are We Witnessing a Targeted Hit
Against Trump Voters?
Posted by pros7767 4/16/2020 5:23:05 PM Post Reply
The debate about “reopening the economy” is a phony debate. It’s phony because “the economy” isn’t shut down. Far from it. Walmart is still open. Dollar General is open. Amazon is open. Alibaba is open. It just so happens that the big-box mass merchandisers and online retailers responsible for flooding our country with crap from Communist China are open.
Banks pressured to repeat causes of 2008
financial crises
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/16/2020 5:03:15 PM Post Reply
As the media begins to roil with reports of bank delays in the distribution of business recovery loans from the government plan to save business from the effects of quarantine and closure, it is important to ask if there is more to the story than the mere miserly attitude of the run-of-the-mill bank. Back in early 2000, Barney Frank and a lot of other politicians passed legislation forcing banks to throw away traditional mortgage underwriting guidelines to make mortgages to low-income Americans (or no income Americans). If the banks didn’t, they would not get permission to open new branches and grow. That contributed largely to the 2008 financial crisis,
The Populists Next Door
No One's Talking About
Posted by DVC 4/16/2020 4:59:43 PM Post Reply
The new, trailblazing party governing the French-Canadian province of Quebec deserves more attention than they’ve received this side of the border. Although being a quite young party as well as an openly nationalist one (a deep oddity for globalist Canada), the Coalition for Quebec’s Future -- or ‘CAQ’ as it’s known by its French acronym -- trounced the Justin Trudeau-affiliated Quebec Liberal Party in elections in late 2018 and currently commands a huge majority in that province’s parliament. Roughly one year on, the party’s showing conservative nationalists everywhere that if it can do it, you can to. CAQ, which similar to Trump blends socially conservative policies with economically protectionist ones
The Gasoline Price Shell Game replies
Posted by DVC 4/16/2020 4:50:58 PM Post Reply
The Chinese coronavirus has put a huge damper on business activity, consumer spending and transportation, especially recreational/discretionary spending and activity. With the lockdown and stay-at-home orders widespread in the U.S. and many other major countries, personal driving and regular passenger car/bus/train/air travel have all declined precipitously. This has dropped the demand for crude oil by millions of barrels per day. The upside is that retail gasoline pricing has fallen and the average driver is quite happy about the new lower prices. He shouldn’t be. He's getting a raw deal. As world oil demand dropped, Saudi Arabia and Russia -- two of the world’s top three oil producers (along with the U.S.)
Trump celebrates truck drivers amid
coronavirus crisis: 'Thank God for truckers'
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 4:42:13 PM Post Reply
President Trump held an event at the White House on Thursday to honor truck drivers amid the coronavirus pandemic, whom he described as the “lifeblood of our economy.” “In the war against the virus, American truckers are the foot soldiers who are carrying us to victory,” Trump said at the event, of which he deemed the theme “thank God for truckers.” U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao was also at the event and noted states have been working to make accommodations for truck drivers, who have had a difficult time accessing food on the road. “The whole country is cheering you on,
Belt and Road Debts to China Skyrocket
Under Coronavirus Lockdown
Posted by earlybird 4/16/2020 4:14:13 PM Post Reply
Countries already deeply indebted to Beijing through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) face increasing economic hardship caused by the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, the South China Morning Post reported on Tuesday. China uses the BRI to establish economically predatory infrastructure projects across the globe, expanding its sphere of influence. Chinese loans fund infrastructure projects in over 100 developing nations across Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America through the BRI, an initiative estimated to be worth $8 trillion. According to the Center for Global Development (CGD), 15 out of 68 BRI partner countries face a significant risk of debt distress due to economic challenges caused by the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.
Did Xi Jinping Deliberately Sicken the World? replies
Posted by StormCnter 4/16/2020 3:52:16 PM Post Reply
We often ascribe a basic level of humanity to even the cruelest leaders, but People’s Republic of China leader Xi Jinping’s actions have forced us to rethink this assumption. Although the emergence of the novel coronavirus now known as SARS-CoV-2 was probably not due to China’s actions, the emphasis that its authoritarian system places on hiding bad news likely gave the disease a sizable head start infecting the world. But most ominously, China’s obsession with image and Machtpolitik raises serious questions about its lack of moral limits. At some point the Chinese Communist Party learned of the epidemic and made a decision to hide its existence, hoping it went away.
Mike Smith, the Stuntman, QAnon
Follower & Trump Fan
Behind ‘Out of Shadows’ Documentary
Posted by happywarrior 4/16/2020 3:47:59 PM Post Reply
Mike Smith is the Hollywood stuntman behind the conspiracy documentary, “Out of Shadows.” Smith says in the documentary that while he rehabbed an injury on his pelvis that he suffered while filming, he had a spiritual awakening. Smith says, “I didn’t find God because I went to church. I found God because I realized that the Luciferian and the occult world was real and that I had been fooled for all of these years and I then got really scared.” Smith goes on to say that he became a Christian again because of his belief that Hollywood and the entertainment industry was influenced by Satan.
Media Coverage Of Kavanaugh
Was Criminal. Here’s How
They Can Fix It Going Forward.
Posted by StormCnter 4/16/2020 3:47:46 PM Post Reply
Coverage of the Joe Biden sexual assault allegation definitively shows that the media protect political allies who are accused of sexual assault and attempt to destroy those they perceive as political opponents. It’s nowhere near sufficient to simply note that fact. They must be forced to change their behavior and amends must begin to be made. They can start by apologizing to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and removing the “sexual assault” asterisk they constantly put next to his name. Dozens of thoughtful articles have detailed the major media’s shockingly disparate coverage of a sexual assault allegation against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden versus the unsubstantiated allegations against Kavanaugh.
Priya Krishna’s Quarantine
Journal: Entry One
Posted by StormCnter 4/16/2020 3:43:04 PM Post Reply
I have always been an extremely enthusiastic cook; after all, I make my living as a food writer. But when it comes to baking? Not so much. I love that with more general cooking, there are no rules, really. I’ll start with a rough idea of what I want to prepare, then make U-turns and swerves along the way. While cooking is more of an art, baking is a science. Baking means precision and measurements and patience. I have no patience. I don’t consider devoting an entire day to making a layer cake a relaxing activity. But that was before a pandemic hit the United States,
Bread Lines Next? Maryland County Proposes
Plan to Limit Grocery Shopping Trips
Based on Last Names
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 2:33:04 PM Post Reply
A Maryland county is proposing assigning days that people are allowed to go to grocery and convenience stores based on what letter their last name begins with.Calvert County’s voluntary plan would limit people’s shopping to once every five days.The Hill reports that under the plan, A-C last names can shop on dates ending with 0 and 5, D-G names shop on dates ending with 1 and 6, H-L names go on dates ending with 2 and 7, M-R names can shop on dates ending with 3 and 8, and last names starting with S-Z shop on dates ending with 4 and 9.
San Francisco wants to give students
A grades because of coronavirus
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 2:24:47 PM Post Reply
They’re flattening the grade curve. San Francisco school officials are pushing to assign all students “A” grades this year to help ease their coronavirus-related traumas. “We’re in a pandemic, people,” said board member Alison Collins during a Wednesday Zoom meeting. “People are dying. This is not the time for us to be acting normally.” The board argued that students are deserving of some academic consideration after having their school year upended by the contagion.Susan Solomon, a teachers union representative, said city educators endorsed the idea.“We would be in support of giving students A’s,” she said. “
Jill Biden says her husband will be
'healer in chief' for nation scarred by
coronavirus as Democratic nominee calls Donald
Trump's briefings 'something out of a really bad play'
Posted by zephyrgirl 4/16/2020 1:02:10 PM Post Reply
Jill Biden said Joe Biden would take on the role of 'healer in chief' to help the nation recover from the coronavirus crisis after she and her husband claimed Donald Trump mishandled the situation from the start. The former second lady told MSNBC's Morning Joe round table Thursday morning that the U.S. is 'going to need so much healing to take place after this is over.' 'So Joe's not going to only be the commander in chief, he's going to be really the healer in chief,' she said seated beside her husband during a virtual interview. 'I hope I am that,' Biden said.
Inslee plan to release hundreds
of prison inmates leaves questions,
draws criticisms from all sides
Posted by Ron_lfp 4/16/2020 12:34:50 PM Post Reply
Gov. Jay Inslee’s announcement of a plan to release hundreds of inmates from Washington prisons has left unanswered questions, with officials unable to share a detailed plan on Tuesday for who will be freed and exactly how the changes will protect inmates left in state lockups. (Snip) The announcement of the planned releases has frustrated some on both sides of the issue, with prisoner advocates worrying it won’t go far enough, victim advocates concerned about sexual assault survivors
Judicial Watch subpoenas Google in ongoing
hunt for Hillary Clinton missing emails
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 11:47:10 AM Post Reply
Legal watchdog group Judicial Watch has served Google with a subpoena for all emails believed to be linked to an account used by 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during her tenure as President Obama’s secretary of state.According to a press release, the subpoena — which was authorized by a federal court in Washington, D.C. — Platte River Network IT specialist Paul Combetta reportedly accessed the Google account to move Clinton’s emails from a laptop to the firm’s servers before using a program called Bleachbit to destroy the emails and remove all traces of them the computer.The watchdog said it wants Google to
Illinois to push forward with tax vote
as coronavirus crisis roils state economy
Posted by AltaD 4/16/2020 11:39:26 AM Post Reply
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker indicated Wednesday that he intends for the state to continue with a vote on a planned income tax hike for top earners this November, as he warns the budget could face yawning deficits due to the coronavirus crisis.(Snip) Pritzker said in the update that because of the unexpected loss of revenues, the deficit for fiscal 2021 in the state is expected to be $6.2 billion. But he warned if the constitutional amendment to move the state to a graduated income tax fails, that number will be above $7 billion. Illinois currently has a flat tax of almost 5 percent in place, but Democrats have been pushing
Kayleigh McEnany accuses CNN and
MSNBC of 'partisan' spin on coronavirus
briefing coverage
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 11:24:40 AM Post Reply
New White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany started off her tenure in a similar fashion to her predecessors: blasting CNN and MSNBC.McEnany, formerly a member of President Trump's reelection campaign, was tapped as press secretary last week and promptly went on the offensive to defend the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefings in her first interview since.“It is shameful that CNN did not take the first part of the briefing, they have made that a trend,” McEnany explained Thursday morning on Fox & Friends. “It is shameful that MSNBC cut away from the briefing yesterday as President Trump praised American workers
As Emergency Funds For Small Businesses
Run Out, San Fran Nan Shows Off Freezer
Full of Chocolate Ice Cream
Posted by earlybird 4/16/2020 11:14:29 AM Post Reply
As the emergency funds for small businesses in the United States was running out Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shared a tone-deaf video of herself at her home in San Francisco giddily showing off her freezer full of ice cream and mooning for the cameras. Democrats held up a clean bill in the Senate to add more funds to the Paycheck Protection Program, last week.(Snip)GOP Rapid Response Director Steve Guest was not impressed: “While Nancy Pelosi sits in her ivory tower in San Francisco, eating $13 dollar a pint ice cream out of her $24,000 fridge, she is cheering on Democrats for blocking coronavirus relief aid that has so far been distributed
After Italy's Coronavirus Grief
Come Anger and Investigations
Posted by NorthernDog 4/16/2020 10:27:20 AM Post Reply
When a close friend of Michela Rosalia Pedrini died of the new coronavirus last month, her grief was so deep she nearly fainted. Since then, her sorrow has turned into rage—and a desire to find out what went wrong and who is to blame. “It makes me angry. There is a lot of pain and bitterness,” says Ms. Pedrini, whose friend, Gennaro Leardi, worked as a hospital administrator near Bergamo, an area ravaged by the virus. Days before he got sick, Mr. Leardi told her he was worried the hospital wasn’t doing enough to prevent coronavirus patients from infecting everyone
AOC says she is ‘having conversations
with Biden’s team’ over policy
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 9:32:05 AM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s staff has been in talks with Biden’s team over the past few days, she admitted in a new interview.Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) revealed in an interview with Politico Wednesday that her aides were “having conversations with Biden’s team,” in order to “figure out what some of these policy conversations will [be] looking like” as the general election takes shape.The comments come two days after she took part in an interview with The New York Times, in which she said she had not yet heard from the Biden campaign since Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) dropped out of the race.
Jobless Claims Hit 5.245 Million replies
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 9:25:19 AM Post Reply
The ranks of the unemployed swelled by millions last week.New applications for unemployment hit 5.245 million in the week ended April 11, Labor Department data showed Thursday. Economists had forecast around 5 million claims.Last week’s initially reported total of 6.606 million was revised up slightly to 6.615 million. For the March 28 week, 6.9 million workers filed claims. The week before, 3.3 million. The new report brings the total of jobs lost to the coronavirus crises to just over 22 million in the course of four weeks.The four week moving average of claims, typically looked to as a less volatile and more accurate measure of the labor market,
Acosta: Trump ‘Really Highlighting Some
of His Authoritarian Impulses
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 9:22:04 AM Post Reply
Wednesday on CNN’s “Situation Room,” network White House reporter Jim Acosta accused President Donald Trump of “really highlighting some of his authoritarian impulses.”Acosta said Trump was doing so by claiming he can do “whatever” he wants with states regarding the pandemic coronavirus recovery.Today at the coronavirus task force briefing, Trump said, “We have the right to do whatever we want,” on reopening or closing down states.Acosta said, “I think what we are seeing this week with the president’s response to the pandemic, it that it is really highlighting some of his authoritarian impulses.”
Media Hope In COVID-19 They Finally
Have The Event That Will Destroy Trump
Posted by PageTurner 4/16/2020 9:02:58 AM Post Reply
A blatant bias against Republicans and conservatives and in favor of Democrats and the left has existed in the media for decades. But never have we seen its fevered as it is today. The mainstream, or legacy, media was triggered by candidate Donald Trump months before he was elected in 2016. Its palpable hatred of the man was ratcheted up when he beat Hillary Clinton, and hasn’t let up since. If anything, it’s even become more intense during the COVID-19 crisis. The media, playing well the role of propagandists for the Democratic Party, has only a single objective in its
Kanye West Goes All in for Trump:
I Won’t be Told Who to Vote for
Because of My Skin Color
Posted by Toledo 4/16/2020 8:55:58 AM Post Reply
Rap icon and fashion mogul Kayne West told GQ magazine that he is “definitely voting” in November and intends to support President Donald Trump and urges black Americans to ignore the media’s manipulative messaging. During the wide-ranging interview published in the men’s magazine on Wednesday, West explained his decision to support President Trump and don his red “Make America Great Again” cap. GQ asked if the Grammy-winner considered himself a “forward thinker.”
Hate Mail From Black People replies
Posted by Toledo 4/16/2020 7:35:56 AM Post Reply
CNN host Chris Cuomo recently complained about his job. "I don't like what I do," he said. It seems that Cuomo, out in public, gets some negative feedback: "I don't want some jackass, loser, fat-tire biker being able to pull over and get in my face and in my space and talk bulls--t to me. I don't want to hear it." Cuomo complained that as "a celebrity" he cannot "tell you to go to hell, to shut your mouth." Poor Cuomo; the stress of his reportedly $6 million a year gig must be unbearable. No doubt U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, who is black,
Why Did New York’s Coronavirus
Death Count Just Spike?
Posted by Toledo 4/16/2020 7:33:09 AM Post Reply
"It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes." It may have been Stalin and it may have been Napoleon. It may have been Boss Tweed. Regardless of the original source, this truism describes government corruption and manipulation to perfection. Even in the face of a global pandemic and an unprecedented government-ordered economic shutdown, politicians are using their power to corrupt vital needed data regarding the Chinese coronavirus and its deadly toll on Americans. The latest escapade comes from America's "ground zero" for COVID-19 infections, New York, where the death tally just surpassed 10,000. Or did it?
Is Nancy Pelosi trying to be the
most hated woman in America?
Posted by Magnante 4/16/2020 5:37:28 AM Post Reply
As part of its coronavirus relief package, Congress passed the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”), a $349 billion fund to help businesses with fewer than 500 employees. (snip) Pelosi seems determined once again to put her agenda ahead of “the little people’s” needs. This time, she’s refusing to let the Democrats agree to Mitch McConnell’s clean bill: Instead, Democrats want McConnell to acquiesce to jumps in funding for several entities that received billions under the CARES act, including health care systems, and to demands to reconfigure the PPP system so that minority and female entrepreneurs are given priority in lending.
Yankees great Goose Gossage, a fmr lifelong
Dem, prays Pelosi & Schumer go off
a cliff in fiery Trump-loving rant
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 5:30:35 AM Post Reply
Former Major League Baseball right-handed relief pitcher Goose Gossage gives us hope for a better tomorrow when you consider he once was a life-long Democrat.In an interview this week, Gossage went off on Democrats, saying he’s praying that they “go off the cliff to never be heard from again.”The New York Yankees great was contacted by for a comment on the death of Yankees managing partner Hank Steinbrenner, the son of the late Yankees owner George Steinbrenner.As the news outlet said, it only took 2 1/2 minutes before President Donald Trump’s name came up.“Trump is the only guy on the planet who could replace Mr. Steinbrenner!” Gossage joked,
Pelosi: ‘Shameful’ Trump’s Name
Appearing on Stimulus Checks
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 5:25:21 AM Post Reply
Wednesday on CNN’s “The Lead,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said it was “shameful” President Donald Trump’s name will appear on the coronavirus stimulus checks.Host Jake Tapper asked, “What’s your take on President Trump’s name appearing on these stimulus checks?”Pelosi said, “Shameful. In other words, people are really desperate to get a check.”She continued, “Let me put it in perspective. The three things that really anger the American people, there are others, but three of them are, one, that our first responders, our health care workers, our police and fire, all the people in food
Media Fail of the Day replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/16/2020 5:20:12 AM Post Reply
To paraphrase the great Will Rogers, it’s hard to single out the most glaring media embarrassment of the day when you have the whole media competing to see who can be the most stupid.* But the winner is this Associated Press story, as it appeared in a New Orleans paper yesterday: (Snip for graphic of newspaper clipping) And yet our media overlords wonder why the idea of “fake news” has so much traction with the public. * The original Will Rogers quip is: “It’s no trouble being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you.” Of course, it morning out here on the Left Coast
Some Things Will Never Be the Same
After the Chinese Coronavirus
Posted by Pluperfect 4/16/2020 5:15:32 AM Post Reply
You cannot have a social upheaval like the Bat Gobbler Flu and expect everything to go back to exactly how it was before the ChiCom’s fetish for eating weird Schiff turned the world upside down. Pressure has a way of changing what it is applied to. Sometimes it makes diamonds, other times it makes things go splat. No one expected something like this to come out of leftist field and derail our booming economy. We wanted to let the good times roll, but no one saw them rolling right off a cliff. The pandemic and the response are going to not change some things much at all.
White House Officials Counter Pelosi’s Claim
That Trump’s WHO Cuts Are ‘Illegal’
Posted by Pluperfect 4/16/2020 5:09:41 AM Post Reply
White House officials are refuting Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s claim that cutting funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) is “illegal.” Officials in the Office of Management and Budget explained to the Daily Caller that WHO’s funding was approved by Congress as part of a larger lump sum statutorily allocated for “international organizations.” The White House has discretion over which organizations to send that money to, with past decisions resulting in the budgeting WHO received. An official explained that the funding allocation is broken down into two groups: assessed dues and voluntary contributions made at the agency level.
Barack Obama’s endorsement
of Joe Biden is comedy gold
Posted by Pluperfect 4/16/2020 5:04:11 AM Post Reply
Anyone who doubts that Barack Obama has a sense of humor should take a look of his endorsement of Joe Biden to be president of the United States. Really, it’s a masterly performance, and delivered, mirabile dictu, with a straight face. Try it yourself. Grab a mirror. Assume your best ‘I’m-being-serious-and-sincere’ expression. Then say out loud that Joe Biden would bring ‘leadership guided by knowledge and experience, honesty and humility, empathy and grace’ to the Capital.
Resentment grows as governors pile
on rules for reopening economy
Posted by Pluperfect 4/16/2020 5:00:24 AM Post Reply
The federal government has issued constantly evolving criteria for Americans to return to work safely during the coronavirus crisis, while various governors this week began adding their own layers of rules for reopening states for business — a process increasingly leading to partisan disputes in state capitals. The guidance has ranged from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention saying on March 7 that “contact tracing” — finding every sick person and figuring out who they’ve interacted with — was recommended but “not practical or achievable in all situations,” to Tuesday, when California Gov. Gavin Newsom said contact tracing will be a key benchmark for reopening
11 Iranian ships almost collide with, harass
6 US warships in international waters
Posted by MissMolly 4/16/2020 4:52:05 AM Post Reply
The U.S. Naval Forces Central Command said late Wednesday that 11 Iranian ships harassed multiple U.S. warships in international waters today, and captured the dangerous encounter in photos and a video. The USS Lewis B. Puller (ESB 3), USS Paul Hamilton (DDG 60), USS Firebolt (PC 10), USS Sirocco (PC 6), USCGC Wrangell (WPB 1332) and USCGC Maui (WPB 1304) were conducting joint operations along with U.S. Army AH-64E Apache helicopters when the encounter occurred.
Nancy — Need 'All Hands on Deck'
to Fight COVID-19 — Pelosi Extends
House Vacation for 3 More Weeks
Posted by MissMolly 4/16/2020 4:46:58 AM Post Reply
It's hard to know what's more clueless, Nancy Pelosi showing late-night TV host James Corden her ignorance or showing him the contents of her freezer. Pelosi was featured on the properly socially-distanced Late Late Show with James Corden Tuesday night. The professionally made-up and coifed 80-year-old House Speaker (Of course I had a glam squad. Don't you who I am?) accused President Trump of denying and delaying his response to the coronavirus. She claimed it was "dangerous" and "caused deaths." Not a typo. The delay and the denial caused deaths and that's just the way it is. We right now would hope
The New York Times Knows
Nobody Believes It about Biden,
Kavanaugh, and Sexual Assault
Posted by MissMolly 4/16/2020 4:38:40 AM Post Reply
A remarkable thing happened Monday: The New York Times executive editor, Dean Baquet, actually had to answer questions about his paper’s very different coverage of sexual-assault allegations against Joe Biden and Brett Kavanaugh. It did not go well. It is simply impossible to read the interview and the Times coverage of the two cases and come away believing that the Times acted in good faith or, frankly, that it even expects anyone to believe its explanations. The paper’s motto, at this point, may as well be “All the News You’re Willing to Buy.” For all their lectures to the public about transparency and fearless independence, prestige journalists tend
Hydroxychloroquine: A New Low for
the Liberal Media
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 4:37:04 AM Post Reply
As might be expected, Pres. Trump’s audacity in speaking out in support of the hydroxychloroquine treatment for coronavirus was more than enough to set off his critics among the liberal Democrats and liberal media Trump’s hopeful remarks were made only days ago but, since then, the American left, especially the media, has engaged in a rabid campaign against hydroxychloroquine even though they have no real basis for such a reaction. That is, the drug’s medical efficacy -- which many physicians all over the world have been endorsing because of safe use -- is clearly an issue beyond the technical competence of the mainstream media establishment.
Suppose Trump Had Acted Earlier
Against the Wuhan Virus?
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 4:30:09 AM Post Reply
Petulant propagandists, disguised as journalists, have a new talking point. President Trump was asleep at the wheel earlier this year, eating Big Macs, sipping covfefe, watching Fox and Friends, totally missing the boat on the Chinese Coronavirus outbreak. Their new narrative is that Trump could have and should have acted sooner and if he had, all would be normal in the world.This is the latest chapter in the book of Orange Man Bad, previous chapters including the Ukraine phone call, Russian collusion, Mueller, Stormy, Avenatti, Omarosa, and Manafort, just to name a few. Say what you want about the Fake News media, but they are persistent and determined,
California will pay illegal immigrants
not included in coronavirus stimulus
Posted by Pluperfect 4/16/2020 4:26:02 AM Post Reply
California will be the first state to send money to illegal immigrants who did not qualify for assistance under the $2.2 trillion federal coronavirus stimulus package passed last month. Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday announced the allocation of $75 million in taxpayer funds for $500 payments to 150,000 adult immigrants who are reeling from the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. “We feel a deep sense of gratitude for people that are in fear of deportations that are still addressing essential needs of tens of millions of Californians,” said Newsom.
LA Times says ad revenue ‘nearly
eliminated’ as it furloughs workers
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 4:25:30 AM Post Reply
The Los Angeles Times, claiming “advertising revenue has been nearly eliminated” because of the coronavirus, said it will furlough business-side employees and slash pay for senior executives by 5 percent to 15 percent.The furloughs are slated to start April 19 and will last up to 16 weeks, according to a memo from the newspaper’s president, Chris Argentieri. The company said it will also suspend 401(k) contributions for non-union employees.The cuts also apply to the San Diego Union Tribune, but not the community weeklies, according to a spokesman for California Times,
Here’s why grocery
store shelves are empty
Posted by Pluperfect 4/16/2020 4:22:38 AM Post Reply
There is no shortage of food, according to food industry leaders, yet there are empty shelves in grocery stores. Why is that? The reason goes beyond the fact that people began to hoard items last month. There is also a problem with distribution and the fact that Americans are cooking at home instead of going out to eat. When the economy began to slow last month, shoppers began hoarding canned goods and cleaning items. The hoarding of toilet paper caught many retailers by surprise.
Banks brace for big loan defaults
by US, global customers
Posted by Pluperfect 4/16/2020 4:15:32 AM Post Reply
NEW YORK -- The major banks in the U.S. are anticipating a flood of loan defaults as households and business customers take a big financial hit from the coronavirus pandemic. JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs raised the funds set aside for bad loans by nearly $20 billion combined in the first quarter, earnings reports released over the past two days show. And Wall Street expects that figure may go even higher next quarter, a possibility bank executives acknowledged on earnings conference calls.
Exclusive: California State Election Official
Confirms Double-Voting by Mail in Super
Tuesday Primary
Posted by Imright 4/16/2020 4:13:51 AM Post Reply
California Secretary of State Alex Padilla has confirmed that double-voting by mail took place in the March 3, 2020, Super Tuesday primary, Breitbart News has exclusively learned.Days before Super Tuesday, citizen watchdog group Election Integrity Project California sent a letter to Padilla requesting his office look into possible double voting in the 2020 primary election.More than a month later, in a letter dated April 7, 2020, Padilla confirmed double-voting in one case and suspected double-voting by a number of other registered voters on Super Tuesday, according to the letter obtained by Breitbart News.Padilla confirmed in at least one case that two ballots from one voter were
Hawley bill would allow Americans
affected by virus to sue China:
'The kind of accountability we need'
Posted by Pluperfect 4/16/2020 4:08:56 AM Post Reply
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., told "The Ingraham Angle" Wednesday he is drafting a bill that would set up an international fact-finding commission regarding the origins of coronavirus and allow affected Americans to sue the Chinese government for pandemic-related damages. "[T]he Beijing government put together a video, Laura, that called me a liar and called on me to resign," Hawley said. "So I figure I'm on the right path, and we are going to keep pushing ahead." "We know the truth isn't that this was just some happenstance occurrence that China didn't know anything about," Hawley added. "We know they knew all about this,
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