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Posts on Saturday, April 11, 2020

Charlotte woman hasn't left her house in three weeks but
tested positive for COVID-19
Posted by momoftwinteens 4/11/2020 11:04:19 PM Post Reply
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A Charlotte woman hasn’t left her house in more than three weeks, yet still tested positive for COVID-19 late Thursday. “I’m absolutely terrified,” Rachel Brummert, who already has an autoimmune disorder, said. “This is the sickest I’ve ever been and it’s the most scared I’ve ever been. From what I’m hearing about ventilators, it’s scary stuff. I’m really hoping I can wait this out at home.”
Democrats seem to be enjoying this
authoritarian moment
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/11/2020 10:38:40 PM Post Reply
Various Democrat politicians are competing to be the most proactive in enforcing social distancing in his or her community, so the internet is awash with stories of decidedly anti-American government behavior. This post will bring you up to date on some of the more egregious things that are happening in Democrat-run communities across America. For sheer shock value, there’s really nothing to equal a short video that’s come out of Philadelphia. The video, which has been viewed almost five million times, shows a rider being forcibly torn from a bus in Philadelphia, although not arrested, because he was not wearing a mask (language warning, because the man’s really angry): [videos]
There can never be enough death to satisfy
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/11/2020 10:02:21 PM Post Reply
The left now has a love affair with death. (All in the name of love, of course.) So it should come as no surprise that there are Trump-haters out there so deranged that they would prefer millions to die from the coronavirus — even a limitless number — in exchange for Trump losing the election in November. Ami Horowitz interviewed people in the East Village of New York and posed the following question: "Would you go for this deal, that the coronavirus lasts longer and is more severe, but the president guarantees to lose the election?" [Video]
Declassified notes in FISA report have GOP
investigators asking about James
Comey and Robert Mueller
Posted by Imright 4/11/2020 8:51:27 PM Post Reply
What did former FBI Directors James Comey and Robert Mueller know? That's what Republican investigators are asking after the declassification of footnotes in a Justice Department inspector general report, showing the FBI received classified reports in 2017 which identified that parts of British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s anti-Trump dossier were likely influenced by Russian disinformation. DOJ watchdog Michael Horowitz determined last year the FBI properly opened its counterintelligence investigation, known as Crossfire Hurricane, into potential ties between the Kremlin and Trump campaign in the summer of 2016,
Suck it, Bernie Bros — the socialist dream
is dead
Posted by momoftwinteens 4/11/2020 8:48:18 PM Post Reply
There’s at least one lethal contagion that will not be rampaging through America in 2020. So long, socialism. Buh-bye, Bolshies. Farewell, Fidel. Ciao, Mao. Like V.I. Lenin, whose preserved corpse remains on display in Red Square, the Bernie Sanders campaign may have appeared lifelike, but it’s been dead for a long time. Way back on March 3, Sandersista hopes got steamrolled under the 5 mph momentum of Slow Joe Biden’s No Malarkey bus.
Federal appeals court stops abortions
in Texas during lockdown
Posted by Imright 4/11/2020 8:05:11 PM Post Reply
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a stay on Friday, halting a decision from a Texas lower court which allowed some abortions to continue in Texas in spite of the governor’s order to stop the procedure during the coronavirus pandemic.Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order requiring medical providers to cancel nonessential surgeries to save hospital space and protective gear during the Coronavirus outbreak. The order did not detail which procedures were considered nonessential, but Texas AG Ken Paxton stated he would prosecute providers who continued to perform abortions. He announced the penalty for violating the order was $1,000 or 180 days of jail time.
Despite COVID-19, the Trump administration
hasn't forgotten the Russia hoax
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/11/2020 7:18:16 PM Post Reply
While everyone's attention is on COVID-19, things are still happening around the Russia hoax. No one should ever forget that a weaponized Obama bureaucracy spied on the Republican party's presidential candidate to prevent him from winning the 2016 election. Then, when that illegal effort failed, the entire Democrat establishment, both inside and outside government, bent all of its energies to claiming that America's duly elected president was a Russian asset who used election fraud to win. By first acting illegally and then pushing a hoax, the Democrats and the Deep State (but I repeat myself) effectively handicapped Trump's first two years in office.
Biden joins Democrats calling on CDC for further
racial breakdown of coronavirus pandemic
Posted by NorthernDog 4/11/2020 7:11:41 PM Post Reply
DETROIT — Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden is joining a growing call for the release of comprehensive racial data on the coronavirus pandemic, which he says has put a spotlight on inequity and the impact of “structural racism.” Biden’s Medium post on Thursday said he is joining Democratic congressional members Ayanna Pressley, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren and others who have also called for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other agencies to release more data. Biden said he wants data released on income, too, to better help allocate resources to communities in need. Biden acknowledged this
California to move healthy nursing
home residents to USNS Mercy
Posted by NorthernDog 4/11/2020 6:58:30 PM Post Reply
California will move some senior citizens from care homes to the USNS Mercy in order to better isolate them from coronavirus, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced. Newsom said Friday that the Navy hospital ship will expand its original mandate to help alleviate pressure on nursing homes. Only non-COVID-19 residents will be moved. (Snip) COVID-19 has been especially deadly for senior citizens, with a fatality rate of close to 15 percent in patients over the age of 80, according to a recent study. According to the Los Angeles Times, Newsom is also dispatching 600 nurses “trained in infectious disease control” to assist
Flashback: DOD Former Senior Intelligence
Officer Tony Shaffer Claims “No Way
Obama Was Not Told” About Spying
on Trump
Posted by Imright 4/11/2020 6:45:07 PM Post Reply
Obama had to know all about the Russia collusion hoax based on intelligence norms and what is currently known.Last year Tony Shaffer, who was a senior intelligence officer in the Department of Defense, and is now President of the London Center for Policy Research, gave a speech on the Deep State’s actions related to the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. Looking back, his claims now bring on more meaning as AG Barr and US Attorney Durham move a step closer to putting together indictments for crimes related to the greatest travesty in US history.
Fake News: In the coronavirus crisis, the press
covers itself in glory
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/11/2020 6:43:14 PM Post Reply
Where do we go to get real news these days? To judge by the current press coverage, it's not the press. Media outlets have dished up nothing but one-sided criticism of President Trump and have now ended up serving us just fake news. For example: In mid-January, the experts at the WHO repeated Chinese propaganda that the virus wouldn't spread from human to human, and the press repeated that as if it were fact. That was a lie. Instead of excoriating China for its duplicity, all they say is that President Trump should have known. Here's another: On Jan. 31, Trump implemented a travel ban from China.
Texas A&M pandemic expert: Coronavirus will have 5 stages. We’re in stage 2. replies
Posted by envirodude 4/11/2020 6:37:24 PM Post Reply
It’s been a little over two weeks since Harris County issued a stay-at-home order. And one model shows that we still have two weeks to go before our area’s COVID-19 cases peak. Houstonians are wondering: How will we get our lives back? To discuss that, we called Gerald Parker at Texas A&M, where he directs the Bush School’s biosecurity and pandemic public policy program and is associate dean of Global One Health. He’s also served for decades in federal government. In the U.S. Department of Defense, he was deputy assistant for chemical and biological defense. And at the Department of Health and Human Services
Where Are The House Democrats? Not
Going Back To Work Anytime Soon.
Posted by Imright 4/11/2020 6:23:14 PM Post Reply
President Trump is working almost nonstop on the federal response to COVID-19, which has swept the United States, infecting more than half a million people and leaving nearly 19,000 dead.“I’m concerned about everything. I’m concerned about everything. That’s why I don’t sleep a lot. I get myself concerned about everything,” the president said Friday during his daily White House press briefing with members of the Coronavirus Task Force. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) doesn’t plan to call Democrats back to work any time soon. ntatives might not return later this month as scheduled, Politico reported.Pelosi said in a recent interview that the House of Representatives
Nazi death camp Buchenwald
quietly marks 75 years since
Posted by Ketchuplover 4/11/2020 5:34:16 PM Post Reply
With the coronavirus lockdown still in force across Germany, authorities in the state of Thuringia were forced to cancel multiple commemoration events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Instead of survivors meeting at the site, only employees of the camp's present-day museum marked the occasion by laying wreaths at the memorial on Saturday. Around 56,000 people were killed at Buchenwald and the nearby satellite installation Dora before it was freed by US soldiers in April 1945. (snip) "We know and seriously appreciate that Germany did not free itself from National Socialism by dint of its own efforts
Coronavirus: German lawmaker
calls for delay to EU
climate targets
Posted by Ketchuplover 4/11/2020 5:25:05 PM Post Reply
The coronavirus crisis calls for an urgent review of Germany's climate targets under goals set by the European Union, the leader of the economic council of the conservative Christian Democrat party (CDU) said on Saturday. The COVID-19 pandemic is "putting the German economy to the test," and the EU should consider a "deferment of climate policy targets," Wolfgang Steiger said in comments published in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. (snip) Despite the huge stimulus, Steiger told the paper the German economy could, for now, do without the financial burden of climate change goals.
The Canadian Way of Dealing with a
Pandemic: Ineffective, Clueless, and
Posted by Ketchuplover 4/11/2020 5:04:50 PM Post Reply
The only thing certain about the etiology of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it originated in and spread from China. (snip) Americans can remain confident that a responsible president, for all the trials and confusions he must contend with, has their wellbeing at heart and labors tirelessly to provide a solution to the current disaster. Canada, not so much. The country’s dilettante leader, who has no viable answer to the crisis, is not so embattled. The lying press, luxuriating in the prime minister’s $600-million bribe, is almost universally on his side, and his inept and intellectually
Feinstein urges Trump to reverse plan
to block Iran request for $5B in IMF
aid, claims it is in ‘our national
Posted by JunkYardDog 4/11/2020 5:02:09 PM Post Reply
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has urged President Trump to reverse a reported plan to block an Iranian request to the IMF for $5 billion in aid to fight the coronavirus crisis -- saying it is in the U.S. national interest to accede to the request. “I am disappointed to see reports that your administration intends to block Iran from receiving $5 billion in humanitarian aid from the IMF to combat the coronavirus pandemic,” Feinstein wrote in a letter dated Thursday to President Trump. “Providing these funds to Iran would help it respond more effectively to the disease and mitigate the risk of further destabilization in the region.”
Fort Bliss soldier Oakley,
praised for heroism during El Paso
shooting, is found dead on base
Posted by Ketchuplover 4/11/2020 4:51:13 PM Post Reply
The Fort Bliss soldier praised by his commanders and President Donald Trump for his heroism during a mass shooting in an El Paso Walmart was found dead Wednesday in his quarters at the west Texas Army base, service officials confirmed Friday.(snip) On Aug. 3, Oakley was shopping at a Foot Locker in El Paso’s Cielo Vista Mall when a man opened fire in a nearby Walmart, killing 22 people and injuring dozens more. The soldier carried children out of the mall to the safety of police officers outside. He also described the events of that day as the worst
The End Liners of The Pandemic replies
Posted by Magnante 4/11/2020 4:48:52 PM Post Reply
Within three hours of me arriving at work, the Director of Housekeeping was already in tears, with all sorts of obscenities spewing from her mouth. The morning nursing supervisor had just demanded that she “find some place” for all of the bodies. She did not want the dead to be left in the rooms. “Where does she want me to put all these people? That’s Margret in one of those rooms. She was my friend. I’m not going to dump her body in the stinking basement — I’m not doing it. They can fire me. I don’t care.”
Former Biden Staffer Files Criminal
Complaint With DC Police
Posted by poster 4/11/2020 4:35:38 PM Post Reply
A former staffer for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has reportedly filed a formal criminal complaint against her former boss with the Washington, D.C. police. Tara Reade, who last month accused the former vice president and longtime senator of sexually assaulting her in 1993 while employed as one of his Senate staffers, told police that Biden “assaulted her in a Senate corridor, shoving his hand under her skirt and penetrating her with his fingers,” Business Insider reported Saturday while also noting that the “statute of limitations for the alleged assault has passed.” Reade told writer and podcast host Katie Halper about her allegations last month: “We were alone, and it
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Uses Coronavirus
Affected Economy to Bash Capitalism
Posted by Imright 4/11/2020 3:44:17 PM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Friday used the negative economic reality caused by the Chinese coronavirus to take a shot at capitalism.“When late stage capitalism takes a selfie,” the New York lawmaker wrote, providing a screenshot of a news report showing the DOW on the upswing and 16 million Americans losing their jobs: (Tweet) Nearly 17 million Americans have filed for unemployment over the last three weeks as the economy virtually shut down as a result of the coronavirus. The vast majority of Americans are under some form of a lockdown order, leaving many small businesses struggling to stay afloat and millions of Americans unable to go to work.
Tyler Perry pays grocery bills for
elderly and high-risk shoppers at 73
stores in Atlanta and New Orleans
Posted by MissMolly 4/11/2020 3:11:45 PM Post Reply
Tyler Perry surprised elderly shoppers and others who are high-risk at dozens of supermarkets by paying off their grocery tabs. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, grocery stores around the United States have been opening early for seniors to help them avoid large crowds. The entertainment mogul paid off bills at 73 stores — 44 Kroger supermarkets in his hometown, Atlanta, and 29 Winn-Dixies in New Orleans — during the hour dedicated for vulnerable customers on Wednesday. "There are a lot of people who are really, really struggling right now and underprivileged and I wanted to go to the heart of where we are and what we need," Perry told "CBS This Morning"
Comey: US 'will get through' coronavirus
pandemic despite lack of 'effective national
Posted by Imright 4/11/2020 2:38:10 PM Post Reply
Former FBI Director James Comey argued that the United States will prevail through the coronavirus pandemic in spite of the Trump administration.The 59-year-old former director discussed the White House's response to the pandemic in a column titled, "James Comey: People crave leadership when they are afraid. They aren’t getting it," published by the Washington Post on Saturday.Comey praised Queen Elizabeth II for her address to the United Kingdom, calling her tenor "calm, dignified, and above all, candid about the present, yet optimistic about the future.""Authenticity, honesty and relentless, reasoned optimism
Hotel Rooms in the Time of Corona replies
Posted by earlybird 4/11/2020 1:39:57 PM Post Reply
I will say this for the coronavirus, that it has caused the prices of hotel rooms in London to fall precipitously. (Snip). A room that would normally have cost more than $400 was to be had for somewhat less than $100. (Snip) When I was a young man, however, I liked grand establishments. I liked that the flunkies who stood around with seemingly nothing to do except bow and scrape and wish me the time of day as I passed with an obsequious smile propped up my fragile sense of self-esteem, (Snip) It often seems as if flunkydom is now the condition of half of mankind. Perhaps it always was;
Mississippi church sues police
after congregants ticketed
during drive-in service
Posted by envirodude 4/11/2020 1:11:00 PM Post Reply
A Mississippi church is suing the city of Greenville after police shut down its drive-in service this week in accordance with a city ban on the practice amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Attorneys with the Alliance Defending Freedom filed the lawsuit Friday on behalf of the Temple Baptist Church. The filing challenges Greenville Mayor Errick Simmons' April 7 executive order that prohibits drive-in church services until a statewide shelter-in-place order is lifted. The suit comes after eight uniformed Greenville police officers reportedly issued $500 tickets to congregants who refused to leave a parking lot where a drive-in service was being conducted Wednesday, the ADF said in a statement announcing the legal challenge.
Facebook’s Fact-Checkers Have Failed
To Fact-Check HuffPo’s Anti-Trump
Coronavirus Disinformation
Posted by earlybird 4/11/2020 1:05:35 PM Post Reply
It will come as no surprise to Breitbart News readers that Facebook’s vaunted fact-checking system does not stop, or even appropriately label, fake, misleading claims from the left-wing media about President Donald Trump. A story from Verizon-owned Huffington Post claims that the President has a stake in a drug company that produces hydroxycholoroquine, the drug being promoted by himself and many in the administration as a potential treatment for the Chinese virus. (Snip) This is despite the fact that Snopes, a left-leaning fact-checker that until February 2019 was one of Facebook’s fact-checking partners, has rated the claim that Trump benefits financially from promoting hydroxychloroquine as “mostly false.”
Fruit and vegetable plants ‘nonessential’
under governor's order
Posted by hershey 4/11/2020 12:55:07 PM Post Reply
An extended "stay at home" order by Governor Gretchen Whitmer bans selling fruit and vegetable plants. Workers at greenhouses and nurseries say that makes no sense. The governor wants people to restrict their trips from home to getting the essentials such as fuel and food. Retail garden centers have been ordered to close temporarily.
If Jesus Christ returned today would we
believe it, or would he be Fake News?
Posted by Imright 4/11/2020 11:57:26 AM Post Reply
If Jesus Christ came back today, his return would stream live on Twitter, come with Facebook posts, a video on Instagram and its own TikTok. But would we even believe it? Never have we had so much access to so much information. Never have we believed so little of it. Technology, and the politicization of something as innocuous as a sunrise, has draped skepticism over all of it. To answer this question I turned to a most trusted friend, Rev. Eric Youngdahl, pastor of the House of Prayer Lutheran Church near Houston.over all of it.
Tears, anger and determination: six Bernie
supporters in California on what's next
Posted by NorthernDog 4/11/2020 11:55:50 AM Post Reply
Los Angeles - The end of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign this week was a crushing blow to his youth-led movement and his calls for political revolution. His withdrawal has sparked a particular anguish for the diverse and vast coalition of supporters in California, who handed him a resounding victory of 221 delegates on Super Tuesday — a win that the campaign had hoped would propel him to the nomination. (Snip) “The Biden supporters are saying, ‘Now you better get on board.’ But they are missing why we voted for Bernie. He earned our vote. Joe Biden hasn’t done that. Of course
Biden accuser Tara Reade files
criminal complaint over 1993 allegation
Posted by Garnet 4/11/2020 11:26:33 AM Post Reply
A woman who accused Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her when she worked for him in 1993 has filed a formal criminal complaint with the Washington, DC, police about the alleged incident, Business Insider has learned.Tara Reade says she told police that Biden assaulted her in a Senate corridor, shoving his hand under her skirt and penetrating her with his fingers. She was a staffer in his Senate office at the time. The statute of limitations for the alleged assault has passed. Reade first made her allegations late last month, in a podcast interview, saying that Biden had assaulted her and touched her without consent
It looks like we're turning
the corner on the coronavirus
Posted by Garnet 4/11/2020 11:21:46 AM Post Reply
Going into this week, we were told to brace ourselves for the worst. And there’s no doubt that this past week brought lots of bad news. The number of U.S. deaths from COVID-19 is approaching 20,000. The illness has been killing more people per day than any other condition, surpassing cancer and heart disease. In New York City, about twice as many people have now been killed by the coronavirus as those who died in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Yet amid all the bad news, this was also the week that brought evidence that we're starting to turn the corner. In terms of gauging the trajectory
Do the left teach their children not to cheat? replies
Posted by Big Bopper 4/11/2020 10:59:32 AM Post Reply
I’m no saint. In fact, I’m a seriously flawed human. But I’ll say this. In over 20 years of school – that’s K through 12, college and law school, not to mention half a dozen gigs as an adjunct law professor – I never cheated or condoned cheating. Not even once. My parents taught me that cheaters are immoral, and cheaters taught me that cheaters are losers. Which brings me to Joe Biden. Biden is a serial cheater. He cheated in law school by presenting many pages of a law review article as his own. His professor judged his plagiarism sufficiently serious to deserve an “F.”
Michael Avenatti temporarily freed
from jail due to coronavirus threat
Posted by NorthernDog 4/11/2020 10:58:14 AM Post Reply
The convicted celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti has been granted temporary freedom from a New York City jail by a California federal judge who said the spread of the novel coronavirus was a compelling reason to release him. In an order late on Friday, U.S. District Judge James Selna said Avenatti, who represented adult film actress Stormy Daniels in lawsuits against U.S. President Donald Trump, may stay at a friend's home during the 90-day release period. Avenatti, 49, must first be quarantined for 14 days at a Federal Bureau of Prisons facility, to ensure he does not have the coronavirus or
It has started: Convict let out on
coronavirus concerns arrested for
assault and robbery
Posted by PageTurner 4/11/2020 10:58:05 AM Post Reply
The nation's thugs rejoiced when the coronavirus plague hit the U.S., giving anti-incarceration social justice warriors just the push they needed to find a reason to let them out of their prisons. Lefty city and state leaders ensured it happened, and predictable as sunrise, the released thugs went back to doing what got them incarcerated in the first place: According to the New York Post: A Bronx man released from prison by Gov. Andrew Cuomo last month amid the spread of the coronavirus has been charged with beating and robbing a 62-year-old man ...
Pressure mounts for Gov. Inslee to restart
private construction projects
Posted by Ron_lfp 4/11/2020 10:36:55 AM Post Reply
Pressure is mounting on Gov. Inslee to relax his stay-at-home requirements for the construction industry. He is getting letters from developers, lawmakers, and others saying private construction is just as essential as public projects. (snip) public construction projects are on Gov. Inslee’s “essential” list. Building homes is not, a double-standard contractors believe isn’t fair. (snip) Rep. Corry said there are some unintended consequences of stopping private construction. Families waiting for their homes could lose their loans
Call It a Ponzi Scheme replies
Posted by Judy W. 4/11/2020 10:36:31 AM Post Reply
As American unemployment mounted by the millions in March and April, the dance of the college diversity deans kept up its usual brisk pace. (Snip) Many college presidents are terrified that the coronavirus pandemic will devastate their schools’ finances and enrollment. Anyone who cares about a revival of serious learning can only hope that they are right. Higher education today resembles a massive Ponzi scheme. Colleges desperately recruit ever more marginal students who stand little chance of graduating. Before their inevitable withdrawal, those students’ tuition dollars fuel the growth of the bureaucracy, which creates the need to get an even larger pool of likely dropouts through the door to fund
California gov. strongly praises Trump’s
leadership on CNN: ‘I’d be lying
to you … it’s just a fact’
Posted by Imright 4/11/2020 10:35:09 AM Post Reply
Gov. Gavin Newsom offered genuine praise of President Donald Trump for his efforts in helping California through the coronavirus pandemic.The Democrat lawmaker, who has been more than vocal in his past criticisms of Trump, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that he would “be simply lying” if he said the president had not done all he could for the Golden State. (Video) “You’ve had differences with the president in the past, tough words on both sides. You’ve been able to work together it seems in this for the needs of your state,” Cooper said to Newsom during “Anderson Cooper 360″ on Friday.
The long hard road to decoupling
from China
Posted by hooverdog 4/11/2020 9:56:30 AM Post Reply
The era of globalization may finally be coming to an end. The Wuhan Virus and the attendant misery that the Chinese communist state has unleashed upon the world (very much including its own people) has laid bare a core structural flaw in the assumptions underpinning globalization. It turns out that the radical interweaving of markets—which was supposed to lead to the “complex interdependence” that IR theorists have been predicting for the better part of the century would lead to an increase in global stability as countries’ fates are proven to be dependent on each other’s fortunes
1st results in on Gilead coronavirus
drug; more study needed
Posted by IowaDad 4/11/2020 9:14:51 AM Post Reply
More than half of a group of severely ill coronavirus patients improved after receiving an experimental antiviral drug, although there’s no way to know the odds of that happening without the drug because there was no comparison group, doctors reported Friday. The results published by the New England Journal of Medicine are the first in COVID-19 patients for remdesivir.
As New York’s coronavirus death
toll grows, new evidence
shows we’re bending ‘the curve’
Posted by DCGIRL 4/11/2020 7:12:12 AM Post Reply

Staying at home is working. That’s the message that New York’s most powerful politicians and health experts have delivered this week as data from the Empire State’s hospitals show the tsunami of coronavirus cases is beginning to slow down, even as the death toll soars.  “Where do we go from here? First, keep doing what we’re doing. Stay home because that works,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters during his daily briefing in Albany on Friday. “We are flattening the curve, we must continue to flatten the curve.”  Cuomo’s presentation included new stats that showed how the slowdown was helping.

Thousands removed from walls of bar and
donated to staff during coronavirus pandemic
Posted by Pluperfect 4/11/2020 5:22:27 AM Post Reply
A bar owner in Georgia gave her unemployed staff members a stimulus directly from the walls of their workplace. The Sand Bar in Tybee Island, Georgia, was forced to close its doors because of the coronavirus pandemic like many other restaurants in the state. But the bar’s tradition of customers stapling dollar bills to the walls gave owner Jennifer Knox a unique idea. “We were sitting there, doors locked, and I’m like, 'Oh my gosh. There's money on the walls, and we have time on our hands,’” Knox told CNN. “We gotta get this money down.”
As Trump rails against mail voting,
some allies embrace it
Posted by tisHimself 4/11/2020 5:20:37 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump is claiming without evidence that expanding mail-in voting will increase voter fraud. But several GOP state officials are forging ahead to do just that, undermining one of Trump’s arguments about how elections should be conducted amid the coronavirus outbreak. While Trump has complained that voting by mail is “ripe for fraud,” Republican state officials in Iowa, Ohio and West Virginia have all taken steps to ease access to mail-in ballots, following health officials’ warnings that voting in person can risk transmission of the deadly virus. The Nebraska’s Republican governor urged voters to apply for absentee ballots.
China should be legally liable for
the pandemic damage it has done
Posted by Pluperfect 4/11/2020 5:17:02 AM Post Reply
The costs of the pandemic keep piling up. Hundreds of millions of Americans are on lockdown, a record 16.8 million have filed unemployment claims, nearly 15,000 Americans have died so far and the death toll is growing exponentially by the day. Congress has passed three coronavirus relief bills totaling $2.3 trillion, and more might soon be in the works. Somebody has to pay for this unprecedented damage. That somebody should be the government of China. No one can blame Beijing for a viral outbreak beyond its control. But the Chinese communist regime should be blamed — and held legally liable —
The Coronavirus Versus the
Greatest Country on Earth
Posted by Pluperfect 4/11/2020 5:12:03 AM Post Reply
Temporarily consigned to their homes, liberal commentators and politicians have fallen back on a favorite time-wasting activity: America bashing. Rachel Maddow eagerly tracks America's lead in infections. The Center for American Progress blithely accepts the claims of dictatorships in order to diss the president. When the United States acknowledged more COVID-19 cases than any other country, Hillary Clinton remarked with barely restrained glee, "He did promise ‘America First.'" Or, as one journalist put it: "Who's the shithole country now?"
Racial warrior offended when
the Surgeon General tells minorities
that behavior affects virus risks
Posted by Magnante 4/11/2020 5:10:05 AM Post Reply
PBS’s Yamiche Alcindor has distinguished herself as one of the media figures most engaged in the “gotcha” game at COVID-19 press conferences, especially when she can work race into the issue. On Friday, after the Surgeon General made a direct plea to minorities about behaviors that can protect them, she went on the attack. (snip) Was Adams telling only minorities to avoid alcohol, tobacco, and drugs? Showing enormous restraint (many would have rolled their eyeballs at that question), Adams said that his statement had been directed, not to everyone, but to those communities hardest hit. He agreed, though, that everyone should make healthy lifestyle choices to help fight the virus.
I'm a High-Risk Person, and
I Object to the Coronavirus Panic
Posted by Magnante 4/11/2020 5:05:49 AM Post Reply
One of the most unforgettable moments in the movie Braveheart takes place after William Wallace has been betrayed, captured by his enemy Edward Longshanks, and condemned to death by torture. His lover Princess Isabelle visits him in prison and begs Wallace to confess and pledge his allegiance to King Edward, saying, "You will die. It will be awful." Wallace responds, "Every man dies. Not every man truly lives." (snip) According to the statistical models, I'm considered in the high-risk category for coronavirus because I've had asthma since my birth, now almost sixty years ago.
Today in 1815:
The Great Volcano of Tambora
Posted by StormCnter 4/11/2020 5:04:00 AM Post Reply
The great Age of Revolution that began in May 1754 when 22-year-old George Washington confronted the French at Jumonville Glen in western Pennsylvania would end in June 1815 with the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte in the Belgian mire at Waterloo, to the great relief of a war-weary Europe. By the spring of 1815, even the earth itself seemed unable to bear any more. On this day in April 1815, on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa just east of Java and Bali, the 14,000-foot-high Mount Tambora exploded and collapsed upon itself. It was the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history, and produced the most extreme short-term disruptions
Dump Biden: Majority of Democrats Want
Cuomo to Be Their Nominee for President
Posted by Pluperfect 4/11/2020 4:54:42 AM Post Reply
In this unprecedented election year, everything is on the table and nothing should be taken for granted. In that vein, the idea of replacing the leading Democratic candidate for president is not as far-fetched as it normally would be. Joe Biden was the nominal choice of Democrats to become the party's nominee. But as Biden struggles to remain relevant during the coronavirus pandemic, and Bernie Sanders supporters lick their wounds, many Democrats are casting about desperately looking for an alternative. A majority think they've found one in New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.
The Pandemic: Where We Stand Now replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/11/2020 4:45:52 AM Post Reply
The Wuhan virus appears to be peaking, both globally and in the U.S. The much-maligned University of Washington IHME model says that U.S. deaths should have peaked today, and are expected to decline hereafter. Given that model’s track record, no one is taking it to the bank. But it is an opportune moment to see where we stand today, in terms of fatalities, in the context of other diseases. I have posted this chart, now updated with today’s numbers, several times before. It is simple: it shows, from left to right, the average number of annual deaths attributed to the seasonal flu, worldwide, according to the World Health Organization;
Democrat Governor Recording License
Plates Of Easter Sunday Churchgoers,
Ordering Them To 14-Day Quarantine
Posted by Imright 4/11/2020 4:34:16 AM Post Reply
If you’re attending a church service on Easter Sunday in Kentucky, the governor has ordered authorities to take down your license plate and report you to local health departments; you will then be ordered to a 14-day quarantine.Democrat Gov. Andy Beshear “said local officials are being directed to record license plate numbers of participants to pass to local health departments,” reported Friday evening. “Those who attend these gatherings can expect public health officials to show up at their doors with mandates that they self-quarantine for 14 days, the governor said.”
How Woodrow Wilson’s Vanity
Destroyed the Old World
Posted by MissMolly 4/11/2020 4:32:31 AM Post Reply
On April 4, 1917, the U.S. Congress declared war on Germany. Two days before, President Woodrow Wilson addressed legislators, admitting that only they could plunge America into what amounted to a continental abattoir, daily consuming Europe’s best and brightest. It was a fateful decision. The U.S. entered an imperial slugfest of little interest to Americans, killing 117,000 of America’s finest overseas and murdering civil liberties at home. Worse, Washington’s entry radically disrupted the continental balance of power, yielding a treaty that operated as a truce, turning into a far worse war only a generation hence. Although highly regarded by some academic histories, Wilson’s record puts him in competition
Walmart sells enough toilet paper in
five days to give each American one roll
Posted by MissMolly 4/11/2020 4:30:00 AM Post Reply
Toilet paper is rolling off Walmart’s shelves so fast that the retailer sold enough in the last five days to give every American one roll, CEO Doug McMillon said Friday. That suggests customers snapped up some 329 million rolls of TP as coronavirus panic shopping continued to hit the giant department store chain. McMillon urged shoppers to make regular trips to the stores rather than hoard goods as Walmart works with its suppliers to keep shelves stocked.
House GOP sees California comeback
opportunity in special election
Posted by Imright 4/11/2020 4:23:46 AM Post Reply
After smashing wins in California by House Democrats during the 2018 midterm elections, Republicans are increasingly optimistic that a looming special election could help change their fortunes in the state.The May 12 California special election House race to fill the seat vacated by former Democratic Rep. Katie Hill has become a more competitive contest for the GOP. The Cook Political Report shifted California's 25th Congressional District from “Lean Democratic” to a “Toss Up.”Republicans have not picked up a House seat in California since 1998, and Hill won the district back in 2018 by 7 points
Sports Illustrated fires star writer
for 'incomprehensible, me-first'
behavior during coronavirus pandemic
Posted by Pluperfect 4/11/2020 4:20:53 AM Post Reply
Sports Illustrated has fired one of its most well-known journalists, Grant Wahl, for what parent company Maven claims is "incomprehensible" and "me-first" behavior amid the coronavirus pandemic, Fox News has learned. In an email obtained exclusively by Fox News, Maven CEO and founder James Heckman, said the decision to let go Wahl was borne from the "coronavirus-driven declines in advertising revenue," resulting in a $4 million reduction in compensation from senior leaders and what it called "high-salary members of our team." "Every senior staff member volunteered to put their personal budgeted future at risk, to save jobs and ensure stable salaries for those making less,"
Meeks: Voting Reform for 2020 Election
‘Has to Be’ in Next Bill
Posted by Imright 4/11/2020 4:19:05 AM Post Reply
During an interview on MSNBC on Friday, Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) stated that voting reform “has to be” in the next coronavirus bill.Host Joy Reid asked, “Is it going to be possible for Democrats to get voting reform for this November election into the next bill?” Meeks responded, “It has to be. It’s disgusting, to me, that an individual who is a member of Congress [doesn’t] want people to vote. It’s — the very essence of our society is our democracy. People vote. People died for the right to vote. And we must be able to vote in November. And so, we should pass a bill to promote
Boeing plans limited return to work next
week after coronavirus shutdown: reports
Posted by Pluperfect 4/11/2020 4:16:39 AM Post Reply
In a message to employees Friday, aircraft manufacturer Boeing said it planned to resume operations on a limited basis, possibly as soon as Monday, according to reports. The company plans to recall about 2,500 employees to work at some of its sites in Washington state, where coronavirus mitigation efforts have been among the most successful in the nation. “There will be new policies and procedures for social distancing and work area cleaning,” the Boeing message read, accordiing to The Seattle Times. “If you are able to support continued production, please reach out to your manager.”
Most Americans will get coronavirus aid
checks by April 15, Treasury official says
Posted by Imright 4/11/2020 4:10:40 AM Post Reply
The majority of eligible Americans will receive their coronavirus aid payments no later than April 15, Fox News has learned.A senior Treasury official told Fox News on Friday that by the middle of next week, tens of millions of eligible Americans will have money from the federal government directly deposited into their bank accounts.The official told Fox News that the Treasury will transmit the batch of payments to the Federal Reserve for distribution to financial institutions across the nation. Those financial institutions will then distribute the payments into Americans’ bank accounts.
Romney, Murphy introduce bill
to name global health coordinator,
council amid coronavirus pandemic
Posted by tisHimself 4/11/2020 4:02:54 AM Post Reply

 A bipartisan pair of senators introduced legislation on Friday that would require President Trump to appoint a global health coordinator and create an inter-agency council charged with preparing for pandemics. The bill, from Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Mitt Romney (R-Utah), comes after the White House garnered criticism in the midst of the coronavirus for a 2018 decision to disband the National Security Council's global health unit, a decision former national security adviser John Bolton characterized as a "streamlining."

Trapped cruise ship worker reveals ‘horror’
of coronavirus quarantine
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/11/2020 2:08:41 AM Post Reply
Hannah Lucy is one of the more than 90,000 crew members trapped on what the US Coast Guard reports is more than 100 cruise ships stuck at sea due to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “no sail order.” The situation amid the global coronavirus pandemic is dire on some vessels: Five crew members on the Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas and two on the Celebrity Infinity had to be medically evacuated last week, with a third crew member passing away. They were all later determined to have COVID-19 symptoms. Lucy, a 31-year-old UK native, works in entertainment on the Serenade of the Seas,
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