Why the Democrats are so crazy to impeach
American Thinker,
Russ Vaughn
Original Article
Posted By: DVC,
12/6/2019 3:49:40 PM
Surf the conservative websites, and you'll find endless articles and comments asking, "Why do the Democrats hate Trump so much? Why are they so hell-bent on impeaching him?" Until the past year, there really wasn't any explanation out there, but with what we've learned since 2018 from FBI texts, tapes, and emails, as well as other disclosures, a wide, sweeping campaign to undermine a Trump presidency was in the works well before he was even elected. Why is that?
To answer that, we need to consider what it was about Hillary Clinton winning in 2016 that was so crucial to Democrats that the Obama administration's CIA
I have no doubt that this is a major concern for the Democrats. But judging from the endless evidence of wholesale corruption that has been going on for so long, with the vast majority of it tied directly to the Democrat deep state, I think they are trying to weasel out of exposure and a nice, well deserved prison sentence.
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Must read. Sums it up nicely.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
MOAB 12/6/2019 4:15:46 PM (No. 254827)
The day the Democrats vote to impeach Trump everyone of his supporters should donate $100.00 to his re-election campaign. This is in support of the best President in the history of our country and as an in your face to the treasonous Democrats.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
stablemoney 12/6/2019 4:19:12 PM (No. 254831)
The Democrats are totally irrelevant. Everything done for this country has been done by Trump.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 12/6/2019 4:23:48 PM (No. 254840)
As a great philosopher once said - -
Rage Knows No Reason
Hey - - wait a minute - - that was me!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
hurricanegirl 12/6/2019 4:25:46 PM (No. 254842)
It's about money and power--and how both parties (which is really just ONE party) are losing both. It's always about money and power.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Pearson365 12/6/2019 4:29:44 PM (No. 254843)
“... The obvious answer is that under a Hillary administration, there would be no investigations into the many questionable dealings of the Obama administration or of Hillary, herself, and the massive growth in her Clinton Foundation "charity" and her personal wealth while serving as secretary of state.”
Author doesn’t seem to realize that what a President Hillary would never have investigated has NOT been investigated by the Trump’s DoJ. We only have toothless IG investigations which are never acted on as well as Huber and now Durham inquiries but apparently no indictments. This legal vacuum has been filled by Pelosi and her ilk since calls for impeachment appear to chase away the DoJ’s feeble st best attempts at prosecuting Obama regime officials.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
judy 12/6/2019 4:32:35 PM (No. 254844)
Nancy is upset because Trump is making America great again without her help! Benghazi...fake video, Kavanaugh...fake witnesses,Mueller...fake dossier...Schiff, Nadler, Nancy....fake impeachment... watergate brought us Monicagate, Mueller brought out corruption at many agencies, Schiff , Pelosi, Nadler impeachment brought us Bidengate...
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
justavoter 12/6/2019 4:34:20 PM (No. 254846)
3 Reasons:
1. They hate that President Trump is messing with the party. (power and money)
2. Hang the "Impeachment" collar around the neck of the President running for re-election
3. If something happens to RBG then the Democrats can cry " An impeached President can't nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the midst of an election year!"
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Krause 12/6/2019 4:41:45 PM (No. 254853)
.....and democrat politicians were, and are, involved in the underhandedness,
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
bad-hair 12/6/2019 6:23:37 PM (No. 254924)
I'm in #3. Ben's staring me in the eye. Hell, I won't even wait for them to vote. I get to vote too. Hundred bucks in the reality box.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
caljeepgirl 12/6/2019 8:19:25 PM (No. 254998)
Yep, nailed it. IMO, the story of all the judicial appointments is the single most important narrative of this administration! Some very smart people around PDJT had their priorities supremely straight and knew this was the only foolproof path to a lasting legacy....it's all about the long game. That's why I was so utterly THRILLED that they were pursuing that tack with a vengeance!!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 12/6/2019 10:23:16 PM (No. 255096)
While I agree with the importance of a Conservative judiciary, Trump's approach has been multifaceted. He has freed business from regulations and high taxes and turbocharged the economy. That has provided record numbers of jobs, rising wages, revival of manufacturing, and supremacy in energy production. Economic issues are often THE main thing for Main Street Americans. It sure has heck has caught the favorable attention of Blacks and Hispanics, something the Republicans have NEVER accomplished before. Trump has unleashed both our military and economic might to destroy ISIS and crush Iran. Soon that will bear fruit as other troublemakers see what Trump has done. It is NOT worth the effort to get into a struggle with America with Trump at the helm. They all lose. America wins. On the other hand, Trump is willing to make good deals for all if they don't get stupid.
While getting all this done, Trump has also managed to rile the media to the point of insanity and exposed their incompetence and lies. Their credibility and ability to set and control a narrative has been destroyed. The harder they try, the dumber they look.
Part of the reason that they hate Trump is that he seems to effortlessly defy and undo them. They just can't keep up. By the time they launch one of their assaults, Trump has outplayed them by 6 moves. Even when they pull something off, Trump makes them look bad doing it and it all turns to dust in their mouths.
They hate Trump because they pretend at being superior. Trump actually is but cares deeply for the Country and her People and places his efforts at their service. .
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Trigger2 12/7/2019 1:03:56 AM (No. 255180)
Now that's what I call a real "Nullification".
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I agree with the author.
Lots of reasons, but the fact that Trump is appointing scads of Constitutionalist judges is huge, and they are completely terrified that RBG will croak and Trump will get to replace her with a good Constitutionalist to the Supreme Court.