BREAKING: As of November 25,
2019, Donald Trump Is President
PJ Media,
Charlie Martin
Original Article
Posted By: Deety,
11/26/2019 1:24:36 AM
What's more, not only is Trump President, there's still a chain of command and he's still the top of it. Oh, and the Secretary of Defense is senior to the Secretary of the Navy in the chain of command.
This seems to be a point of confusion among many. Historically, people should recall — except, apparently history isn't a big topic in schools these days — that during the Korean War, General of the Army Douglas MacArthur commented to the press that Truman's restrictions on operations beyond the Yalu River, and thus beyond North Korea and in Mao's China, were "an enormous handicap, unprecedented in military history."
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Locarno 11/26/2019 2:23:23 AM (No. 245757)
As much as I love POTUS, he has not done a great job of cleaning house when he moved in. Right now, we need to set an example and thoroughly and completely clean out every Obama holdover from govt. EVERY LAST ONE of them. They are a cancer on the Constitution, and this resistance needs to be excised and these malcontents need to be shown the door. Until that day, we can expect more of this from the DS plotters and their #resistance allies. Governing is hard enough with a loyal staff; add in the back-stabbers, the liars and the democrats-in-hiding, and governing effectively becomes virtually impossible. Do the right thing now, Mr. President. Clean out the traitors before its too late.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 11/26/2019 5:27:43 AM (No. 245782)
I agree with the sentiment but not the "now" part. Wait until after the landslide election win. Spencer is a nice object lesson. It can happen. It will happen. Anyone blatant enough to overtly push their "authority" should be removed immediately. The rest can wait for a year. After the landslide election, they will be whining and spitting into the electoral wind. There will be no Pelousy/Schiffty/Nadless to hold hearings about nothing.
Hopefully, there might be mass resignations but I doubt it. The Deep Staters are too cowardly and self serving to lose their fat paychecks and cushy benefits.
But most of all there should be new laws that people working for the Executive branch of government are responsible to the President, as stated in the Constitution and actions counter to that responsibility are grounds for dismissal with prejudice. Further, they are bound to respect their chain of authority. They should work with their manager to push concerns. The exception is clearly unlawful behavior.
It apparently needs to be law that whistleblowers must have first hand, witnessed evidence to report and must eventually testify publicly. Throwing rocks from the shadows is not conducive to good government.
It might not hurt to mention that the Executive, as stated in the Constitution, is an independent and co-equal branch of government. Except for oversight declared in statute, the Executive, i.e. the President, has full power, within the law, of independent action in carrying out his duties.
There may also be some language needed to prevent the kinds of abuses carried out in the spying on the president's campaign. Some back doors need to be slammed shut, HARD, and nailed closed. Barr, in consultation with the President and others, should propose language to deal with it.
If none of this is done, we will revisit this mess before too long.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
bpl40 11/26/2019 7:12:13 AM (No. 245854)
The Navy is an armed service. It is not a left wing debating society. Neither for that matter is the Executive branch. If you want to debate go to the Congress or any Ivy League institution.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
anniebc 11/26/2019 7:27:04 AM (No. 245872)
The former (written with glee) Secretary of the Navy had the nerve to say that PDT doesn't understand the armed services. Said the man who was practicing insubordination as he spoke. Leftists must live in houses without mirrors. Otherwise, they'd see their big fat hypocrisy as we see it.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Strike3 11/26/2019 7:46:47 AM (No. 245891)
Trump's reelection is a must for the country's survival.
Since the beginning of the reign of Obama we have learned two great truths about the democrats. (1) It does not matter if all of their programs fail, how much money they waste or how much they cheat and lie as long as they have the power. (2) It does not matter how inept, evil or corrupt a democrat is because he will be proclaimed the best thing since the indoor toilet simply because he is a democrat. Look at the people who are leading their party now and the list of baboons they have waiting in the wings to put into the Oval Office. They are a sickening bunch without a brain or an ounce of leadership among them.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
chiller 11/26/2019 7:51:15 AM (No. 245896)
I assume Spencer and the Navy were enforcing Obamas politically correct rules of battle. Can anyone confirm.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
bubby 11/26/2019 9:07:36 AM (No. 245993)
#3 I agree with your sentiments but the ivy league schools no longer allow debate! The ivy league schools produce one world government, hate America, globalists, climate change hoax believers, hate whites, elitists like obama by the boatload! But you're right what the CIC orders is not up for debate unless of course one is from an ivy league school who knows better!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Kitty Myers 11/26/2019 9:10:32 AM (No. 245995)
I trust President Trump. He knows more than we do, so he must have his reasons for not cleaning house, "EVERY LAST ONE of them," right now. Far be it from me to tell him what to do.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
gone2pot 11/26/2019 9:18:04 AM (No. 245999)
#6, I think you're referring to of rules of engagement (ROE). They're supposed to be set by the commanders in the field with guidelines from NATO and other pin headed Harvard PhD's whose most dangerous event in their lives was Starbucks being out of chocolate sprinkles on their mocha lattes. And now, field commanders have "help" from military lawyers (judge advocates), sort of like the old Soviet political officers who watched every move. Their career advancement meant destroying the field commander's career, in addition, now we have rules of engagement "tweaks" made crystal muddy by our beloved state department. Thankfully, my Dad (one of three Marines in his platoon who lived during Iwo Jima) had the Geneva Convention (and enemies with MEN in uniform on battlefields) and generals who were NOT advised by weasel lawyers, nor state department Marxists or else you and I would be speaking Japanese or German. Sadly, shoot the enemy even if they're throwing in women and kids as enemy on the battlefield seems to be long gone now. And, firing the SecNav was a beautiful shot across the deep state's bow. I'm pretty sure if Trump had kept my classmate, Sean Stackley in as SecNav, there would not have been a Gallagher kerfuffle. Sean understands the concept of being at one end of a long green table and everyone has a chair and an ashtray but you, especially when the president is at the other end. (For Rio Lindans, Sean understands the chain of command and verse 3 of the Laws of the Navy; we had to memorize it and sing all verses at Navy)
1, if Trump did what you and I want, there would be literally NO ONE with a DC job prior to his election working for him.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
fairplay 11/26/2019 10:10:38 AM (No. 246059)
Hold- Overs and Deep-Staters beware!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Kafka2 11/26/2019 10:42:40 AM (No. 246101)
What is it about President Trump being "Commander and Chief" of the military that that these subordinates do not understand? If they are insubordinate and defy the "Commander and Chief'," they need to be fired.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
little guy 11/26/2019 11:27:29 AM (No. 246167)
Trump has been President since about noon on January 20, 2017 when his raised right hand came down. In fact, as of today, Trump's been POTUS for 1,039 days --- longer than 7 other presidential terms including 3 days longer than the "sainted" JFK. It's just that some have chosen to pretend that isn't so. Tough.
Past presidents have been challenged by underlings who forgot their place. Usually it doesn't end well for the insubordinate so I'm waiting for the dust to settle and will watch to see if Trump let's the various Benedict Arnolds and the Judases in the state department get away with publicly questioning his authority in front of Congress. Methinks that will all end the way Lincoln handled McClellan.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Smart11344 11/26/2019 11:41:18 AM (No. 246180)
This must be a shocking surprise to the 'Rats. Wait until he is re-elected in 2020.
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War is hell, especially when it's your blood that's on the field.
Maybe a good time to remind the democrats that fire arms are
in private hands for a reason. I pray we will never need them,
but I ain't holdin my breath.
Keep your powder dry and pray.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Omen55 11/26/2019 4:11:38 PM (No. 246379)
If anyone in the Navy doesn't understand Trump is CinC keel haul dem!
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
planetgeo 11/26/2019 4:31:40 PM (No. 246399)
Well, it's taken this long to identify some of the worst players there. Thankfully lately they are virtually coming out of the woodwork and self-identifying themselves. And so are the enemedia and the Never Trumpers. Should be easy to get them out of there in droves during his second term.
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As Democrat insubordination and insurrection - The Coup, The Resistance - becomes ever more bold and, inevitably, violent, securing the rule of law in the courts and the chain of command in the military increasingly become the bulwarks against the actual Civil War the Democrats are - again - trying so hard to provoke.