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Posts on Tuesday, October 15, 2019

NBC staffer ‘pummeled’ in Midtown
laughs off attack: ‘I didn’t go down’
Posted by Ribicon 10/15/2019 11:51:31 PM Post Reply
A tough-as-nails 72-year-old NBC production director was pummeled by a pack of brutes in Midtown—but laughed off the attack by telling The Post, “I didn’t go down.” The Jersey man, John Sullivan, was walking on Sixth Avenue near West 43rd Street on his way to work at 30 Rock around 2:20 a.m. Monday when eight men surrounded him. “They started hassling me,” Sullivan said. “At first the shoved me and then they started circling around pointing at me, yelling ‘Boo.'”(Snip) It was unclear what caused the men to attack Sullivan, who has worked on “Saturday Night
'What if it was your son?'
What parents of British motorcyclist Harry Dunn, 19, who was killed by US
diplomat's wife, said to Trump as they left White House *
Posted by Harlowe 10/15/2019 11:00:00 PM Post Reply
The parents of a British teenager killed in a car crash have refused to meet with the American diplomat's wife who was behind the wheel during an extraordinary meeting with President Donald Trump. Trump met Harry Dunn's parents, Charlotte Charles and Tim Dunn, at the White House Tuesday afternoon and told them Anne Sacoolas, who allegedly killed their son, was in the next room. The president asked them if they wanted to meet her but they refused the offer.
Woods hopes to right the wrongs
with memoir called 'Back'
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 10:57:10 PM Post Reply
Los Angeles- Tiger Woods is writing a book, called "Back", which he describes as his definitive story and says will clear up a lot of the "errors" and misinformation about his hall of fame golf career."I've been in the spotlight for a long time, and because of that, there have been books and articles and TV shows about me, most filled with errors, speculative and wrong," Woods said. "This book is my definitive story. It's in my words and expresses my thoughts. It describes how I feel and what's happened in my life."The 43-year-old Woods says he is writing the book with the co-operation of his family, friends and
Nancy Pelosi being politically
smart by delaying impeachment
vote, Brit Hume says
Posted by Harlowe 10/15/2019 10:37:33 PM Post Reply
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is being politically smart by holding off on a formal Trump impeachment vote on the chamber floor, according to Brit Hume. (Snip) A full vote, the Fox News senior political analyst said, would expose vulnerable Democratic lawmakers--especially those in districts won by President Trump in 2016--to a vote that could hurt them politically. This way, she gets to get all the fruits of this peculiar investigation that she announced going on, and none of the downsides," he said.
Record 32 million Hispanics ready to
vote, the largest minority in 2020
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 10:35:15 PM Post Reply
The percentage of Hispanics eligible to vote in the upcoming 2020 presidential election has surged nearly 20% since 2016 when Hillary Clinton took 66% of the Latino vote. And at over 30 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Hispanics will be the largest voting minority for the first time.In an analysis of the federal data, the Pew Research Center said that there are a “record” 32 million Latinos eligible to vote in 2020. That is an increase from 27.3 million in 2016.“The 2020 election will mark the first time that Hispanics will be the largest racial and ethnic minority group in the electorate, accounting for just over 13%
Drunkblogging the October Democratic Debate replies
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 10:23:37 PM Post Reply
And then there were... twelve? When we last did this in September, ten of the Democrats' presidential contenders met the official rules to qualify for the debate stage. The result was an overlong three-hour debate which still left too little time for any one candidate to shine. Although to be fair, I'm sure the quality of the individual candidates had as much to do with that as the sheer number of them. So for tonight's debate, the DNC raised the goalposts, toughened the standards, lowered the limbo bar... and instead of ten qualifying candidates, we got... twelve. Yes, twelve.
'He's the most corrupt president in all
our history!' Joe Biden tears into Donald
Trump as 12 2020 Democrats take to the
stage for primary debate - with field united*
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 10:08:01 PM Post Reply
A record 12 Democratic 2020 candidates took to the debate stage in Ohio Tuesday night and immediately united in calling for Donald Trump - the man they all have been planning to run against - to be impeached with Joe Biden calling him 'the most corrupt president in all our history.'Meeting for the first time since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi proclaimed a formal impeachment inquiry, the candidates blasted Trump’s push to have Ukraine investigate the Bidens, and accused him of self-dealing and ‘selling out’ the American people.Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has jumped in the polls, fielded the first question at the fourth Democratic debate.
Watch Live: Leftists, Pro-Trump Forces
Face Off Outside Dem Debate
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 9:48:00 PM Post Reply
Democratic debate attendees, leftists, and Trump supporters, including local residents, are squaring off outside Otterbein University ahead of Tuesday’s presidential primary debate in Westerville, Ohio. Breitbart News is on the ground where twelve 2020 Democratic candidates are expected to take the stage at 7 p.m. Central. CNN anchors Anderson Cooper and Erin Burnett and The New York Times national editor Marc Lacey will moderate. (Photos) Tuesday’s event is the fourth — and largest — 2020 DNC presidential debate.
Breaking: Pelosi Refuses to Hold Full
House Vote On an Impeachment Inquiry
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 9:42:52 PM Post Reply
Ahead of the Democratic debate on Tuesday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she would hold off on having a full House vote to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Republicans have pushed Pelosi to hold a formal vote in the House. Doing so would give the White House the ability to subpoena their own witnesses. The Speaker, however, said a formal vote isn't required for Democrats to continue with their probe. According to Pelosi, Trump violated the Emoluments Clause by allowing foreign governments to interfere in the American government and elections."Our founders had a very deep suspicion of foreigners
Cory Booker Shames CNN: Hunter Biden
Question ‘Offensive,’ ‘Attacking a Statesman’
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 9:39:19 PM Post Reply
Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) defended former Vice President Joe Biden Tuesday night at the Democrat presidential debate in Ohio after CNN’s Anderson Cooper brought up his son, Hunter Biden, and his Ukraine dealings. Booker said: I am having deja vu all over again, first of all, because I saw this play in 2016’s election. We are literally using Donald Trump’s lies and the second issue we cover on this stage is elevating a lie and attacking a statesman. That was so offensive. We should not have to defend ourselves.Booker added, “The only person sitting at home that was enjoying that was Donald Trump seeing
Democrat Debate: Sanders Claims Trump Enriching
Himself in Office, Refuses to Call Out Biden
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 9:33:08 PM Post Reply
Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) accused President Donald Trump of enriching himself while serving in the White House on Tuesday, but he refused to address similar claims made about former Vice President Joe Biden’s youngest son, Hunter.Sanders was asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper at the fourth Democrat presidential primary debate in Ohio if he believed Trump’s conduct in office warranted impeachment. The senator responded by claiming there was “no choice” but to impeach the president because of alleged violations of the emoluments clause. Despite the bold stance, Sanders opted against extending his attack on “corruption”
Oh Gosh. Joe Biden Stumbles, Bumbles,
Rambles and Makes No Sense at Debate—
Warren Seen Laughing at Him (Video)
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 9:28:47 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden looks like a rambling idiot in tonight’s Democrat debate. Even those watching are screaming at the TV.This is the Democrat front runner. Goodness. What a clown show. (Tweet/Video)
Omar gets a primary challenger
in organizer John Mason
Posted by voxpopuli 10/15/2019 9:21:01 PM Post Reply
Community organizer John Mason says he'll challenge U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar in a Democratic primary for Minnesota's 5th District. Mason, a first-time candidate, said Tuesday he wants to build on President Barack Obama's accomplishments in health care, education, gun control and the environment. He said he supports inclusivity and condemns all forms of hate, including "anti-Semitic tropes" - a dig at Omar, who was criticized this year for remarks about Israel and the strength of the Jewish state's influence in Washington.
Nobody wants to be
governor of New Hampshire
Posted by NHChemist 10/15/2019 9:09:59 PM Post Reply
KEENE — The Free State activist and former mayoral candidate who legally changed his name to Nobody now has his eyes on a bigger job. Nobody, formerly Rich Paul, told radio personality Mike Hsu that he intends to run against Gov. Chris Sununu in the New Hampshire gubernatorial primary. “The system is rigged, so that only Democrats and Republicans have a chance,” Nobody said. “I’m doing my best to co-opt their party and subvert it.” A Sununu representative declined to comment on Nobody’s candidacy.
Dan Crenshaw Hits Back After Democrat
Lawmaker Labels Him A ‘Racist’
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 7:46:22 PM Post Reply
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) fired back on Tuesday after his Democratic colleague, Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL) attacked the Texas congressman as a “racist” when he was asked by a constituent to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) anti-Semitic remarks. “We’ve seen this desperate and immature strategy time after time from the Democrat Party,” Crenshaw said. “The strategy is simple: when you disagree with someone during a policy debate, resort to calling your opponent a racist.” “Rep. Casten, we’ve never met, we’ve never talked. I’ve never insulted you,” he continued.
Wait, What… DOJ Has Possession of
Joseph Mifsud Cell Phones (Blackberries)?…
Posted by earlybird 10/15/2019 7:33:11 PM Post Reply
Inside an otherwise innocuous court filing (full pdf below), General Mike Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, files a motion to compel (MTC) in an effort to gain discovery of the content from two cell phones belonging to Joseph Mifsud. [Hat Tip Techno Fog] Apparently, according to the information within the filing, the DOJ has somehow gained custody of two cell phones belonging to Mr. Mifsud: (document)The filing notes that “western intelligence” likely tasked Mr. Mifsud against General Flynn as early as 2014 in order to set up “connections with certain Russians” for later use against him. Essentially, an intelligence entrapment scheme.
A New Insight into Media Bias replies
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 7:26:16 PM Post Reply
Since America's colonial days the press has been a target of those who believe journalists have a point of view that shapes their reporting. There have been numerous articles and studies revealing a journalistic predisposition to opinions and subjects that reinforce liberal points of view. Now comes an excellent critique from World Magazine editor Marvin Olasky. His latest book, “Reforming Journalism,” is a philosophical and even theological deconstruction of historic and contemporary media. Olasky dismisses the notion of “objectivity” in journalism. Everyone has a belief system, he argues, and it influences how each person approaches stories.
Minneapolis mayor says Trump supporters
made him feel like a woman after
rally melee
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 6:17:14 PM Post Reply
Jacob Frey, the Democratic mayor of Minneapolis, may want to rethink his recent reaction to the backlash he saw after a dust-up with President Donald Trump. Taking to social media, the “lightweight mayor” essentially said Trump supporters made him feel like a woman. “Weird week. My DMs are trash, which gave me a small glimpse into what I assume it must be like for…any woman on the Internet?” Frey tweeted on Friday,
Leftist Group Releases List of Raging
Radicals for SCOTUS if a Democrat
Beats Trump
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 6:12:12 PM Post Reply
Ahead of the 2020 election, leftist organization Demand Justice has released a list of potential nominees for the Supreme Court should a Democrat win the White House. "In 2016, Donald Trump released a shortlist of possible Supreme Court picks, and it succeeded in rallying conservative voters to his side. In 2020, the Democratic candidates running for president should also state what kind of justices they would appoint. Doing so would show their commitment to the Supreme Court as an issue and draw a clear line in the sand about what is at stake in the coming election," Demand Justice released in a statement. "To prod the candidates,
ABC’s Hostin: Trump Family Using
Presidency Like a ‘Cash Register’
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 6:01:30 PM Post Reply
On Tuesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View,” co-host and network legal analyst Sunny Hostin said President Donald Trump’s family was “using the office of the presidency almost like a cash register.”The panel discussed President Donald Trump’s criticism of 2020 presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s business Ukraine in light of Hunter’s interview on GMA this morning.Hostin said, “Well, you know, I certainly think that there have been a lot of people that have said ‘Wow, why hasn’t Hunter come out, we haven’t heard enough of a denial from the Bidens,’ so perhaps they wanted to put it to rest.
CNN whistleblower says it is an 'unwritten
rule that you're 'not welcome if you
support Trump' in second part of 'expose'
which the president has threatened to
sue over
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 5:57:23 PM Post Reply
The CNN 'whistleblower' who claims the network is driven by a die-hard bias against Trump claimed on Tuesday that employees who support the president are 'not welcome' there. Cary Poarch gave an interview to Project Veritas along with secretly recorded video tapes from inside CNN's Washington bureau which he says proves his claim that the company, and Zucker, are 'obsessed' with bringing the president down.In response, Trump said the alleged whistleblower's claims could constitute a lawsuit. On Monday evening he wrote on Twitter: 'Project Veritas-Obtained Undercover Videos Highlight Jeff Zucker's (@CNN) Campaign To Destroy Trump. Videos Reveal @CNN's BIAS!' @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews Does this sound like a good,
'Dude. You are 49 years old!': Hunter
Biden mocked for describing himself
as a 'kid'
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 5:48:57 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden is facing backlash for describing himself as a “kid” during a recent interview on ABC News. Biden has been a key player in the Ukrainian controversy that has unfolded since a whistleblower came forward and alleged that President Trump had requested dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son in return for military aid, prompting House Democrats to launch an impeachment inquiry into the president. In an attempt to jab at Trump, Hunter Biden told ABC on Tuesday, “As it relates to whether he can take on Donald Trump, absolutely. But my dad doesn't go after other people's kids. He just doesn't. Never has." Biden’s attempt
Trump in a landslide? This historically
accurate model predicts exactly that
Posted by PageTurner 10/15/2019 5:48:15 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump has a love/hate relationship with polls, surveys and predictions. He loves the ones that paint him in a positive light, and, of course, he hates all those “fake” ones that don’t. He’s going to absolutely adore this one. According to Moody’s Analytics, Trump is headed toward another four years in the White House. And, if the numbers are right, it won’t even be close. In fact, his Electoral College victory could very well be wider than the 304-227 margin he enjoyed over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Since 1980, Moody’s has managed to nail the outcome every time but once — like many, it didn’t see Trump coming.
LeBron Jame$ Is A Coward replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/15/2019 5:31:26 PM Post Reply
NBA superstar LeBron James says Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey was “misinformed” and “wasn’t educated on the situation at hand” when he tweeted in support of Hong Kong’s freedom demonstrations. Morey’s sin was sharing an image of a slogan that read, “Fight for freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.” Even though the GM, regrettably, deleted his tweet, one strongly suspects his grasp of China— where the state is running “re-education” camps filled with Uyghurs—is considerably stronger than any of the NBA’s leading apologists. Only last year, James, a purported champion of social justice, came out in support of former quarterback Colin Kaepernick with the vacuous platitude,
Nothing Constitutional About An
Impeachment Process With Secret
Evidence And Secret Witnesses
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 5:04:27 PM Post Reply
The forceful and thorough rebuke that White House Counsel Pat Cipollone delivered to the “impeachment inquiry” will go down in history as the definitive document defeating an attempted coup. Over the course of eight scathing pages in a letter last week, Cipollone thoroughly deconstructed the absurd “Ukrainegate” narrative that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (Calif.) has tried to construct. Cipollone critiqued the process by which Democrats are seeking to railroad the executive branch, arguing they “have denied the president the right to cross-examine witnesses,
Jordan Peterson is a mirror, reflecting
truth on Democrats and Republicans
Posted by DVC 10/15/2019 5:03:27 PM Post Reply
Quillette has an interesting item, "The Rise of Jordan Peterson — a Review," by Carol Horton, that is well worth your time. Her main theme is how complicated the issues are that Jordan Peterson works with so expertly. The right tends to love him, the Left to detest him, but Peterson would deny that he's on anybody's "side" in the politico-cultural war. He's a guy trying to come to grips with serious issues, and all the lefty noise against him distracts from what I see as his most important attribute: his essential humanity and professional approach to living a moral life.
Stunning! Schiff’s Monday ‘Witness’ Fiona
Hill was NOT at WH at Time of July
Call – And Worked for George
Soros for Six Years!
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 4:58:47 PM Post Reply
Former White House adviser Fiona Hill testified before Democrat investigators Monday as part of their closed door impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. The liberal media pushed the line all day that she was a very important Russia adviser — they really propped her up. This can only mean that they know she is an anti-Trump hack.Intel expert Tony Shaffer has no idea who she is which says a lot about the Democratic party witness.(Tweet/Video)
1988: An appalling year in Iran's terror campaign of the 1980's replies
Posted by BigAlPeoplesPal 10/15/2019 4:44:20 PM Post Reply
They are definitely the stars of Iranian politics. These mullahs are in their early forties and appear to still be young. As the theocratic Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has said, neither the ruling power nor the opposition can distance themselves from the “crucial” 1980s era of the Islamic Republic. But what was so “crucial” about that time? Why do key figures involved in Iran’s terror campaign of the 1980s and the genocide of 1988 continue to dominate Iranian news? Why does the population of Iran attach so much importance to them?
Who is Fiona Hill and why did Joe Biden
give her such a glowing book blurb in 2012?
Posted by PageTurner 10/15/2019 4:25:53 PM Post Reply
Up until now, I'd had a healthy respect for the books and academic work of Fiona Hill, the now-former White House Russia expert who testified in a closed-door hearing about her knowledge of Russia, Ukraine and Trump, apparently pretty negatively. I've read "Mr. Putin," her most important book, and while I didn't particularly agree with the sour picture she painted of Russia and President Vladimir Putin, she was pretty solid in her scholarship even if her assessments were exclusively negative. Now, it looks like she might just have a soft spot for Joe Biden, who wrote one of three blurbs for her 2012 book called "Mr. Putin," co-written with
Rand Paul slams Lindsey Graham:
'Been wrong about almost every foreign
policy decision of the last two decades'
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 3:48:33 PM Post Reply
Rand Paul sharply criticized fellow Senate Republican Lindsey Graham for suggesting that U.S. troops should remain in northern Syria. "Lindsey Graham has been wrong about almost every foreign policy decision of the last two decades," the Kentucky senator said during a Tuesday morning appearance on MSNBC. "He was wrong about the Iraq War. The Iraq War was a mistake. It made Iran stronger, allowed more chaos, more instability, and more terrorism. He was wrong about the war in Libya. It lead to more chaos and more terrorism. He is wrong about this." Paul was referring to tweets from the South Carolina
Democrats want to close churches,
raise taxes and pay
for sex reassignment surgery. Great.
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 3:46:06 PM Post Reply
I’m not sure what’s more jaw-dropping — the disdain Democratic presidential candidates have for rural Americans and their values, or their willingness to make it a centerpiece of their campaign to unseat Donald Trump. Did they learn nothing from 2016? Beto O’Rourke’s plans to confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens and to put churches out of business, combined with Elizabeth Warren’s stinging insult that conservative religious people are too ugly and backward to find a suitable mate, are good reminders that the national Democratic Party has simply abandoned rural and Middle America. The presidential candidates' appearance last week at a CNN town hall tackling LGBTQ issues revealed a
YouTube’s Concerning Suppression
of Conservative Speech
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 3:43:23 PM Post Reply
Dear Mr. Brin: Fifty years ago this week, when I was a 21-year-old college senior, I was in the Soviet Union, sent by the government of Israel to smuggle in Jewish religious items and smuggle out names of Jews who wanted to escape the Soviet Union and could then be issued a formal invitation to Israel. (Snip) Why I am writing to you about this? Because, beyond my wildest dreams, two things are happening in America. One is that for the first time in America’s history, free speech is seriously threatened.
Trump-hating NBA millionaire
LeBron James stands up for China
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 3:35:51 PM Post Reply
I guess this is getting to be a pattern now: if you've made your pile and you've made a lot of it from China, to heck with the Hong Kongers and their protests for freedom. You'll be sticking up for their oppressor, communist red China, home of sweatshops, intellectual property theft, attacks on Southeast Asia, the laogai, the enslavement of the Uighurs, the social credit system, Venezuela's money, the supposedly lightened one-child policy, and Mao's many murder revolutions. Because for such lefties, the only thing that matters is money.
Victoria’s Secret Features Transgender
Model in NYC and London Store Windows
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 3:33:44 PM Post Reply
Lingerie brand Victoria’s Secret featured a transgender model for the first time in the windows of its stores in New York City and London on Friday. Victoria’s Secret is partnering with fellow lingerie brand Bluebella to celebrate diversity, reported the Daily Mail. The campaign, which includes both transgender and plus-size models, featured May Simón Lifschitz, 24, a biological man who identifies as a woman, in its store window displays.
Donald Trump Campaign Organizing Army
of Volunteers for 2020
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 3:30:58 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign continues to grow behind the scenes, fueled by Democrats trying to impeach the president and the unprecedented level of fundraising. The Republican National Committee continues building the Trump Victory 2020 arm of the campaign, organizing volunteers and supporters of the president. “This is the largest campaign in presidential history,” a senior Trump campaign official said in a call with reporters, looking ahead to their organizational priorities for the 2020 campaign The RNC plans to swell the deployed staff to one and a half times larger than 2016 and to have 2.5 times more volunteers. “Our goal is to have 2
Adam Schiff: House ‘May Not’
Vote on Impeachment Inquiry
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 3:28:48 PM Post Reply
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) said on Monday that the House “may not” vote to authorize the ongoing impeachment inquiry. Schiff argued that voting on the investigation would not stop Republican criticism of the process. His comments came during an interview at the 92nd Street Y in New York City, moderated by New York Times reporter Nicholas Kristof. Democrats are reportedly lobbying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to hold a vote. Pelosi, however, has stressed that she does not intend to hold a floor vote on the impeachment probe.
Donald Trump Questions ‘Rumor’
of CNN’s Jeff Zucker Resigning
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 3:26:47 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump questioned whether CNN head Jeff Zucker would resign after embarrassing undercover clips of the CNN president were published. “Now that we have found out that @CNN is a virtual fraud, rumor has it that Jeff Zucker will be resigining momentarily?” Trump asked on Twitter. Now that we have found out that @CNN is a virtual fraud, rumor has it that Jeff Zucker will be resigining momentarily? — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 15, 2019 A former CNN employee revealed recordings to James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas of fellow employees saying that Zucker had a “personal vendetta” against Trump after what they believed to be a contribution to his election in 2016.
Obama WH corruption: Rampant pay to play by Clinton, Kerry, and Biden replies
Posted by jeb184 10/15/2019 3:11:25 PM Post Reply
Pay to Play corruption in the Obama administration was widespread among top officials, especially Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Vice President Joe Biden. Sweetheart deals. Board positions on energy companies. Contributions to “foundations” and overt bribery were the currency of foreign governments and would-be policy influencers alike. They found rich terrain in the Obama Administration. Usually funneling money through family members or lobbyists. The Hunter Biden scandal involving Burisma Holdings and the Rosemont Seneca equity fund is just the tip of an ever-growing and horribly corrupt iceberg. Now we have an impeachment Star Chamber led by liars in chief Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi.
The New York Times, NBC, and Other
Outlets Don't Trust You To
Handle the Truth
Posted by zoidberg 10/15/2019 2:50:49 PM Post Reply
In the original Planet of the Apes movie (1968), the most-fascinating character is Dr. Zaius, the elitist, orangutan in chief who alone possessed the secret knowledge that (spoiler alert!) apes descended from humans. Toward the end of the film—shortly before he warns Charlton Heston's character not to search for the truth "because you may not like what you find!"—he monologues that the hoi polloi (chimps and gorillas in this case) must be shielded from certain realities lest they be driven to insanity and nihilism. The legacy media are having their Dr. Zaius moment, paternalistically shielding their infantile audience
The revenge of John Bolton? replies
Posted by StormCnter 10/15/2019 2:19:03 PM Post Reply
Former White House Russia expert Fiona Hill testified Monday that John Bolton likened Rudolph W. Giuliani to a “hand grenade.” Giuliani responded overnight by likening Bolton to an “atomic bomb.” .@RudyGiuliani on Bolton calling him a “hand grenade.” RG: “I’m very disappointed that his bitterness drives him to attack a friend falsely...It’s really ironic that John Bolton is calling anyone else a hand grenade. When John is described by many as an atomic bomb . “ — Kristen Welker (@kwelkernbc) October 15, 2019 Giuliani may be right — just perhaps not in the way he intended. As evidence builds in House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry,
How Awful. Vocal #NeverTrumper Ben
Shapiro and Others Were Meeting with
Zuckerberg for Private Dinners — While
Facebook Pillaged ALL Prominent
Pro-Trump Websites
Posted by earlybird 10/15/2019 2:09:25 PM Post Reply
In 2016 Ben Shapiro’s ‘Daily Wire’ were just a blip on the map. Like Glenn Beck and others Ben Shapiro lost his mind campaigning against Candidate Trump in 2016. Ben was one of the most vocal #NeverTrumpers. Ben even joined Michelle Fields in spreading the nasty fake news report that Fields was assaulted by Corey Lewandowski after a Trump speech in Florida. But for some odd reason Ben’s website “The Daily Wire” has seen its traffic take off thanks to Facebook these past three years since the 2016 election. At the same time EVERY major pro-Trump website has seen its Facebook traffic erased since 2016. Many pro-Trump sites even went
Brexit’s Opportunity Cost replies
Posted by StormCnter 10/15/2019 1:56:47 PM Post Reply
Each fall, the major British parties hold their annual conferences. This year, Labour Party apparatchiks descended on Brighton, while the Tories went north, to Manchester. These jamborees come with predictable features: an aging core of loyal members, slogan tee shirts and badges, and, at the end, a speech from the party leader—in the case of the Tories, Prime Minister Boris Johnson—or from the man who wants his job—in the case of Labour, Jeremy Corbyn. Beyond the outward signs of business as usual, this year’s conference season confirmed just how far British politics has veered from normal. Labour’s conference was interrupted by news that the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
We Teach Nothing, We Know Nothing—and
That Could Cost the United States Everything
Posted by Hazymac 10/15/2019 1:51:23 PM Post Reply
A couple of years ago, a retired teacher who stays in close touch with history teachers across Texas told me something disturbing. Like most states, Texas has standardized testing. Unlike most states, Texas requires public school students to study Texas history in the 4th and 7th grades. Texas history is red in tooth and claw and full of big personalities and big ideas. Standardized testing is forcing teachers to drop about half of the second semester of Texas history to focus on U.S. history -- not to deepen students' understanding of American history, but to teach to the standardized tests. This, according to my friend, shortchanges
The Democrats/Media’s Trump
Impeachment By Video
Posted by Cavallodifiero 10/15/2019 1:19:13 PM Post Reply
But you can count on President Trump being blamed for the video as another Democrat/media opportunity to continue their smear job. From the depth of depravity the latest Democrat tactic flourishes online: Putting their own made-up words into the mouth of Public Enemy Number One President Donald Trump. Then relying on mainstream and social media to
ICE says New York defied deportation
request to release child abuser
Posted by Ribicon 10/15/2019 12:52:54 PM Post Reply
New York authorities released a convicted child abuser into the community, defying an ICE request that he be held for deportation, and he went on to be arrested for yet another case of abuse, federal officials said Tuesday. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers tracked Grachowe Harrichand down last week and plan to deport him to Guyana, his home country. He’d been ordered deported in 2004 but was in the U.S. as a fugitive earlier this year when he was charged with sexual abuse against pre-teen children.(Snip) In July he was arrested on a new set of sexual abuse charges,
Turkey Continues Aggression Against
Syrian Kurds as UN Gives Erdogan a
Free Pass
Posted by Cavallodifiero 10/15/2019 12:49:13 PM Post Reply
Only one party has committed a war crime. Again, that would be the Erdogan regime through its militant proxies.Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched an invasion of northeast Syria last week in order to bring to heel the Syrian Kurdish population there. Erdogan’s military operation reportedly
Veritas: CNN whistleblower impeaches fake news network's tattered credibility replies
Posted by BigAlPeoplesPal 10/15/2019 12:49:05 PM Post Reply
Ask Project Veritas. They’ll tell you that Cary Poarch is a whistleblower of a different sort. First, he’s not a secret minion of the CIA, spreading disinformation to help moribund Democrats oust the duly-elected president of the United States. Second, his information is firsthand and recorded for posterity by a hidden camera under his control. In fact, Poarch works as a satellite uplink technician for the Washington, D.C. bureau of fake news CNN. Now, this is a whistleblower. Interestingly, Poarch is no friend of the president. He’s a self-described Bernie Bro. Yet it’s clear he sees CNN’s Trump-derangement-centric programing.
Democrats meet to debate (again). Here are five questions that need to be asked replies
Posted by Moritz55 10/15/2019 12:49:05 PM Post Reply
When Democrats gather for the CNN-New York Times presidential debate on Tuesday, note there are five big “donkeys” in the room. (They can’t be elephants at a Democratic debate.) First, the most obvious is that Hunter Biden earned $600,000 a year from a Ukrainian natural gas company.
Ukraine: The Poorly Written Hoax Sequel replies
Posted by earlybird 10/15/2019 12:02:44 PM Post Reply
By any metric,” Megan McArdle contends in her Washington Post column, “Trump is in trouble.” The headline of McArdle’s piece warns: “Poll by sinking poll, Trump inches toward impeachment. How much longer, she asks, can a president survive a “53.4 percent disapproval rating”? (Snip)The Ukraine farce, led by Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) (why, exactly?), annoyed Trump initially. But the president has since turned the story to his advantage because of the conspirators’ many fumbles. Trump’s rallies now feature lacerating sarcasm at Schiff’s expense. In contrast, the plotters have had to stretch and distort their original story to bridge the gap that emerged after the release of the Trump/Ukraine call transcript.
Wisconsin spice company Penzeys
peppers Facebook with anti-Trump ads
Posted by Ribicon 10/15/2019 12:00:02 PM Post Reply
Madison, Wis.—The nation's largest independent spice retailer is peppering Facebook with ads calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Wisconsin-based Penzeys Spices spent nearly $100,000 on Facebook ads last week calling for Trump's impeachment, making it one of the largest social media spenders on impeachment to date. Facebook says Penzeys spent nearly $96,000 on ads supporting impeachment between Oct. 4 and Oct. 10. The Wisconsin State Journal reports Tuesday that one post generated 257,000 reactions, 55,000 comments and 45,000 shares. House Democrats are pursuing an impeachment inquiry to investigate Trump's suggestion that Ukraine investigate the business dealings of Joe Biden's
This city in Idaho is why L.A. can’t legally
clear its streets of homeless encampments
Posted by earlybird 10/15/2019 11:29:30 AM Post Reply
BOISE, Idaho — The homeless men and women who live in Idaho’s largest city are well-nigh invisible.(Snip)Yet, it is this midsize city with its relatively manageable homeless population that is setting the enforcement standards for its much bigger counterparts in the West. Boise Mayor David Bieter is attempting to challenge a landmark federal court ruling that prohibits cities from ticketing or arresting homeless people for sleeping or camping on public property if there are no shelter beds available as an alternative. The city and county of Los Angeles, along with several local governments in California and elsewhere, have filed court documents supporting Bieter’s bid.
Brutal wipeout for Democrats in Louisiana
and the press trying to keep it quiet
Posted by JunkYardDog 10/15/2019 10:51:17 AM Post Reply
The last of the Louisiana state election numbers are in and it's not pretty for the Democrats. Not only does its moderate Democratic governor, John Bel Edwards, face a runoff as noted here, the state Senate has taken a supermajority. And a whole bunch of key state offices went squarely to Republicans. Funny how the press isn't covering this much. But Guy Benson at Townhall is, and he found a Democratic Party "decimated":
HUGE! Jim Comey and CIA Asset Joseph
Mifsud Were in Australia Just Days Before
Papadopoulos-Mifsud Meeting in Rome
Posted by earlybird 10/15/2019 10:42:01 AM Post Reply
Deep State Spy Joseph Mifsud was used to tie George Papadopoulos to Russia by the Deep State, by the Mueller gang and their mainstream media. Mifsud also was there when General Flynn was set up in London by Stephan Halper. He also was close to Hillary and even dined with her in 2016. Now we know that he also was an author of a Brexit plan endorsed by multiple EU countries. (SnipJames Comey and Mifsud were in Australia the second week in March 2016 only a few days before your arranged meeting with Misfud in Rome! Clapper was in Australia 2 weeks later.
Licensed to Lie: 2014 book exposes
start of Deep State DOJ corruption
Posted by BigAlPeoplesPal 10/15/2019 10:35:51 AM Post Reply
Sidney Powell’s book, “Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice,” may provide some unsavory insights into the Deep States DOJ corruption behind the Russia Hoax. Despite the book being published back in the halcyon days of 2014. Powell relies on the processes from three of her past cases, Enron, Arthur Anderson and the Senator Stevens trials dealing with federal prosecutors to tell the true story of the “strong-arm, illegal, and unethical tactics used by headline-grabbing federal prosecutors in their narcissistic pursuit of power.” Powell identifies a pattern of abuse repeated in other cases brought by the DOJ task force.
David Gibson hospitalized, 'path
to recovery is not looking good'
Posted by Harlowe 10/15/2019 10:32:10 AM Post Reply
OBERLIN--David Gibson, co-owner of Gibson's Bakery, was hospitalized last week as he continues to fight pancreatic cancer that was diagnosed last year, the bakery announced on its Facebook page. "As many of you know, Dave has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. While he has continued to fight through multiple treatments and surgeries, Dave was admitted to the hospital in very serious condition last Tuesday," according to the post. "Although he is fighting valiantly, his path to recovery is not looking good. As we continue to hope and pray, please know that Dave and our family are thankful for your love, support, and prayers."
Tucker Carlson announces Megyn Kelly’s
return as guest; Fox News stems
off rumors
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 10:16:22 AM Post Reply
Tucker Carlson announced that former Fox News and NBC news anchor Megyn Kelly will appear on his program Wednesday for her first TV interview since being fired at NBC one year ago. Kelly’s sudden departure from NBC resulted from comments she made on the “Today” show in which she questioned and defended dressing in blackface for a Halloween costume. She said it was “okay when I was a kid” and did not understand how dressing in blackface could now be considered racist. A social media firestorm ensued and NBC quickly parted ways with the conservative news personality.
Hunter Biden Says China, Ukraine Business
Ties ‘Poor Judgment’; Denies Impropriety,
Ethical Lapse
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 10:13:24 AM Post Reply
During a much-anticipated appearance on ABC, Hunter Biden, the son of 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful former Vice President Joe Biden denied any wrongdoing regarding his business dealings with companies in Ukraine and China.However, Biden told ABC’s Amy Robach on Tuesday it was poor judgment for him to have those associations.“In retrospect, look, I think that it was poor judgment on my part,” the younger Biden said. “Is that I think that it was poor judgment because I don’t believe now when I look back on it — I know that there was — did nothing wrong at all. However, was it poor judgment to be in the middle of something
More… Hunter Biden Says He Did
Nothing Wrong But That It’s Trump
and Rudy’s Fault (Video)
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 10:09:07 AM Post Reply
As we reported earlier Hunter Biden joined ABC News for his first exclusive interview since his pay-for-play scams in Ukraine and China were first uncovered by the conservative media. Hunter said his lucrative career of improper business dealings is President Trump and Rudy Giuliani’s fault… And it’s a conspiracy. (Tweet/Video) Of course, the media will buy this BS and blame Trump for his likely criminal behavior.
Fact-check: Fox poll does suck replies
Posted by earlybird 10/15/2019 10:00:39 AM Post Reply
President Donald John Trump said, “From the day I announced I was running for president, I have never had a good Fox News Poll. Whoever their pollster is, they suck.” I fact-checked. Both statements are true. He never had a good poll from Fox and the Fox polls suck. The New York Post -- owned by the same multi-national conglomerate that owns Fox News -- examined the poll and found the pollsters failed to conduct a fair and balanced poll.
CNN didn't disclose that
maxed-out Warren donor asked
question that spurred viral answer
Posted by Ribicon 10/15/2019 10:00:19 AM Post Reply
Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s answer to a question at last week’s LGBTQ Town Hall meeting went viral, when she suggested that opposition to gay marriage was the result of incel frustration. But the questioner appears to be a maxed-out donor to Ms. Warren’s campaign—a fact CNN did not disclose. According to a report Monday in the Washington Free Beacon, questioner Morgan Cox was identified as “Chair, Human Rights Campaign Board of Directors” on the CNN chyron. “It could have just as easily identified Cox as ‘Donor, Elizabeth Warren,’” the Free Beacon wrote. Based on the full name on the questioner’s Twitter
Wile E. Coyote covers Syria replies
Posted by earlybird 10/15/2019 9:57:38 AM Post Reply
I get that it is a cliche by now, one that I have helped promote. But the moronic White House press corps really is a pack of Wile E. Coyotes who couldn't tell you what is in the Oval Office if they were there. Their coverage of Syria fits the pattern. President Donald John Trump makes a decision and the media goes out of the way to sabotage him.(Snip)Consider the choice he gave Mexico in late May. He told them either protect our borders or he would slap heavy tariffs on their products. The media immediately turned its reporting to undermining America's foreign policy, which the people elected Donald John Trump
Seattle-area officials shun ICE despite
second sanctuary city-related killing
Posted by Ribicon 10/15/2019 9:55:53 AM Post Reply
Prosecutors last week announced a second sanctuary city-related murder case involving an illegal immigrant in the Seattle area, but that has yet to shake local officials who despite the brutality of the slayings say they are not yet ready to begin working with ICE The latest homicide was particularly vicious, with police saying Carlos Orlando Iraheta-Vega, an MS-13 gang member, bashed his 16-year-old friend’s head with a baseball bat. He then assisted as another confederate took a machete to the boy’s body, chopping off an arm and a leg and hacking at his neck.
Rep Lee Zeldin Discusses Fiona Hill
Testimony and Schiff’s Conspicuous
Attempt to Drop the Whistleblower…
Posted by earlybird 10/15/2019 9:44:11 AM Post Reply
There is something very damaging about the CIA operative -turned gossiper- that Adam Schiff used to launch his Ukraine dossier (aka “whistleblower? report). If the gossiper wasn’t sketchy, the Democrats would be heralding his heroism; instead they are trying to sweep away any mention of their CIA ally, and drop the ‘whistleblower’ angle completely. In this interview Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin discusses the shady tactics of the impeachment committees against the appearance today by President Trump’s former Russia aide Fiona Hill. Rep. Zeldin also notes the conspicuous bull-schiff.
Trump’s impulsive, cold-hearted Syria withdrawal
leaves behind Kurds — and honor
Posted by SurferLad 10/15/2019 8:00:23 AM Post Reply
As if President Donald Trump didn’t face enough trouble of his own making, he announced 10 days ago what appeared to be a peremptory withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria. [Snip] What shocked many was Trump’s cold-hearted abandonment of the Kurdish troops who’d done virtually 100% of the deadly fighting to fulfill his loud campaign vow to crush ISIS, and do it quickly. The U.S. departure leaves another vacuum with ominous implications for the
The FBI Eagerly Accepted
Foreign Interference — To
Give A Third Term To FDR
Posted by RockyTCB 10/15/2019 7:42:47 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump and a certain highly popular previous president have something in common you won’t be hearing Democrats talk about. Franklin Delano Roosevelt is one of the canonized saints of the Democratic Party, despite his long-known anti-Semitism, plus philandering that ranks him right up there with Democratic successors John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. And also despite well-documented reassessments of his economic policies, like those of “Forgotten Man” author Amity Shlaes and Hillsdale College economic historian Burt Folsom, indicating that, far from saving the country from apocalypse, he turned a recession into the Great Depression.
Exclusive: 'Hiding in plain sight': Hunter Biden
defends foreign ventures but concedes
political 'mistake'
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 7:28:36 AM Post Reply
As President Donald Trump continues to fill his Twitter feed and campaign speeches with attacks on Hunter Biden over his foreign business deals, the former vice president’s son defended the ethical implications of his private ventures in an interview with ABC News, but conceded taking a misstep in failing to foresee the political implications on his father’s career. “In retrospect, look, I think that it was poor judgment on my part. Is that I think that it was poor judgment because I don't believe now,
Dead Man Punks Family One Last Time
Screaming ‘Let Me Out’ of Coffin
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 7:12:05 AM Post Reply
A deceased Irish man delighted his family by pulling one last prank with a hidden recording device featuring his own voice yelling, “Let me out,” as his casket was lowered into the ground.As strains of “Amazing Grace” played, Shay Bradley’s casket was lowered into his final resting place in Dublin, Ireland. But to his family’s astonishment, suddenly the dead man’s voice came wafting up from the grave saying, “Hello, hello — let me out!”The shock very quickly turned to mirth as those gathered realized that they were hearing a recording their loved one made before he succumbed to a long illness this month.
Democrats Are Making Girls’ Sports A
2020 Campaign Issue. Establishment
Media Aren’t Telling You
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 7:07:52 AM Post Reply
Democrats have made girls’ sports a 2020 campaign issue, but establishment media outlets are keeping their viewers and readers in the dark. Every Democratic frontrunner has pledged their support of the Equality Act, which would make “gender identity” a protected characteristic under federal anti-discrimination law. Among other things, the bill would force public schools to expand female athletic teams to include biological males who identify as transgender girls. Every Democratic frontrunner for president has pledged their support for the bill, which passed the House in May with unanimous Democratic support.
The FISA Abuse Report Is Coming
Out Soon. Here’s What To Know
About It
Posted by Imright 10/15/2019 7:05:22 AM Post Reply
The Justice Department inspector general’s much-anticipated report of FISA abuse is expected to be made public soon, perhaps within the next couple of weeks.A lot is riding on the report, which Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, submitted to the FBI and Justice Department for a declassification review on Sept 13. Republican lawmakers have built up expectations that the report will be a damning portrayal of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign, including former Trump aide Carter Page. FBI officials relied on the controversial Steele dossier to obtain four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants to monitor Page’s phone calls and emails
Three employees at an assisted
living facility are accused of encouraging
elderly residents to fight one another
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:56:22 AM Post Reply
Three employees at a North Carolina assisted living facility are accused of allowing elderly residents to fight one another, encouraging them to fight, and, in one case, assaulting a resident. Marilyn Latish McKey, 32; Tonacia Yvonne Tyson, 20; and Taneshia Deshawn Jordan, 26, have been arrested and charged, according to a police report. A report of elder abuse made to Winston-Salem police in June accused employees of allowing residents to fight one another, the police report said. Police and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services then learned that employees were also encouraging the fighting. One employee, police say, physically shoved a resident.
Netflix Is Losing Shows To Rivals – Will The
Music Streaming Market Also Splinter?
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:50:44 AM Post Reply

Netflix is losing Friends. From 2020, viewers in the US will have to subscribe to the new WarnerMedia streaming service HBO Max to watch the 90s sitcom that until now has been one of the most popular shows on Netflix (the UK and other regions won’t be affected). It is part of a splintering of the streaming market that will see studios such as Disney as well as technology firms such as Apple launch their own Netflix rivals, dividing up popular content between them. Instead of being able to watch most of your favourite TV shows and films on one or two services, you

AG Barr: ‘New Secular Religion’
Inverts Christian Morality, Employs
‘Inquisitions and Excommunication’
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:46:31 AM Post Reply
Secularism has become a religion based on freedom from personal responsibility, salvation attained by political activism and severe punishment of disobedience, U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr warned Friday in a speech at Notre Dame’s law school. While the new secular religion has inverted basic Christian morality, it has adopted practices such as inquisitions and excommunication to enforce its doctrine, Barr said: “One of the ironies, as some have observed, is that the secular project has, itself, become a religion, pursued with religious fervor. It has taken on all the trappings of religion – including inquisitions and excommunication.
Trump: Our Soldiers Should
Not Be Guarding the Turkish-Syrian
Border When We Can’t Guard Our Own
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:44:48 AM Post Reply
President Trump sounded a somber note on Saturday as he defended a widely-criticized decision to pull U.S. troops away from a part of Syria where Turkish forces are now attacking Kurdish fighters allied to the U.S., saying it was time to bring American soldiers home. “The Kurds are tending to leave [the area] and that’s good,” Trump said. “Let them have their borders, but I don’t think our soldiers should be there for the next 50 years, guarding a border between Turkey and Syria, when we can’t guard our own borders at home. I don’t think so.”
AG Barr: Secularists Using
‘All the Forces of Mass Communication
…in Unremitting Assault on Religion’
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:42:29 AM Post Reply
"This is not decay; this is organized destruction” of American society by militant secularists, U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr warned in a speech at the University of Notre Dame Law School on Friday. Removal of Judeo-Christian values from society has left a void that no secular creed has been able to fill, Barr said: "Among the militant secularism are many so-called progressives, but where is the progress? We are told we are living in a post-Christian era, but what has replaced the Judeo-Christian moral system?" “What is it that can fill the spiritual void in the hearts of the individual person? And, what is the system of values
Trump: It’s Easier For Syrian Christians to
Enter the US Now Than Under Obama
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:38:50 AM Post Reply
President Trump said at the weekend that his administration has, in contrast to its predecessor, made it easier for Syrian Christians to come to the United States. The president, speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington on Saturday, did not say whether he was referring to refugees specifically, although the totality of the remarks suggested that he was. “If you were a Christian in Syria – which was a rough place to be – you had almost no chance, during the last administration, of coming into the United States,” he said. “It was, they say, the hardest thing to do to come into the United States. Number one most difficult
The Tyranny of Ignorance replies
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:30:19 AM Post Reply
Forgive the voice-to-text historians who hear German whenever President Trump speaks, who see a madman with bad hair, who see the open hands of benevolence toward a master race, who see the closed hands of belligerence toward a specific race. Forgive these self-anointed Murrow Boys who mistake the sight of smoke and the sound of fire alarms, who mistake the spirals and scrolls of gray clouds rising from toaster slots, who mistake the timbre of their smoke detectors for the noise of burning timber. Forgive these people who mistake a kitchen fire for the Reichstag fire. Forgive their lack of evidence, too
No, James Comey, America
Doesn’t Want Your Help
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:28:15 AM Post Reply
America is a dangerously divided nation. Democrats, unable to accept the results of a presidential election three years ago, would now undo the constitutional expression of American voters by pushing a half-cocked impeachment inquiry. Democratic presidential candidates offer outlandish ideas such as free healthcare to illegal immigrants and subsidized gender reassignment surgery for inmates while Democratic voters fret their field of candidates is too old, too left-wing, and too sluggish to oust Donald Trump in 2020. Republicans want the House of Representatives back, especially after witnessing the Democrats’ nonstop assault on the president. They also are impatiently awaiting the outcome of multiple investigations into how the Obama
The left's imagined valor replies
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:26:14 AM Post Reply
"Pantsuit Nation" is a popular Facebook group, with 3.2 million members. Recently, a member received 90,000 positive reactions for the “bravery” of wearing a shirt with “Make Racism Wrong Again” printed on it. When I commented that this was an act of banal virtue signaling extremely unlikely to provoke any kind of negative response, I was accused of trolling, misogyny, and mansplaining. How else could progressives explain my failure to appreciate this brave act of “resistance”? What passes for political activism today reveals the low esteem in which progressives hold their fellow Americans. For them, wearing a shirt emblazoned with anodyne words takes actual bravery.
Destroying America’s History One Icon at a Time replies
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:23:44 AM Post Reply
Columbus Day brought a refreshing reminder that leftists are effectively erasing America’s heritage as an important step in transforming America into a socialist state. As I look, “Happy Indigenous Peoples” day is approaching 100K tweets, which is simply advancing the narrative that was already set in motion by leftists across America. A teacher posted some of the proud pictures from her propagandized little ones with sayings like “Christopher Columbus didn’t find America,” and “Christopher Columbus is a really mean man.” How charming. A Christopher Columbus statue was torn down in Los Angeles in 2018 and several others were vandalized this year.
Social and Political
Disintegration Is Accelerating
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:22:48 AM Post Reply
The leftward propulsion of American socio-political-economic life during the New Deal and in the 1960s has, this writer would propose, converged with collapsing family values during the past sixty years. Contempt for the family is part of the communist program going back to 1848. The voices of hateful anti-America protest continue to promote communism as the answer to our society’s issues. America is now in disintegration mode despite President Donald Trump’s desire to reinstate some respect for our institutions after decades of neglect. How did we arrive at this point of social and political disintegration? The voices of socialist potentiality
Political correctness versus common sense replies
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:20:58 AM Post Reply
The masters of political correctness in America are moving fast. For example, consider the explosion of so-called gender identities." In 2016, New York City released a list of 31 genders approved by the city's Commission on Human Rights. While writing my book Reclaiming Common Sense, I consulted Google to find out how many genders there were then and was told that the answer was 63. Today, while writing this article, I re-Googled that question, and it was revealed to me that the latest number is 112. Political correctness about gender identities is metastasizing rapidly, making it difficult for ordinarily busy people to keep up.
Soros-Funded ACLU Demands Trump
Free Pregnant Migrants into
U.S. to Deliver Anchor Babies
Posted by M2 10/15/2019 6:18:19 AM Post Reply
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), partially funded by billionaire George Soros, is demanding President Trump’s administration release pregnant migrants at the United States-Mexico border into the interior of the U.S. In a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials, ACLU attorneys request that instead of returning pregnant migrants to Mexico while they await their asylum hearings in the U.S. — a plan made possible by Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” deal — those migrants be released into the country so they can deliver their children, who would automatically obtain birthright American citizenship.
Engineer weighs in on Hard Rock Hotel
collapse: 'Logically, it doesn't make sense'
Posted by MissMolly 10/15/2019 5:28:42 AM Post Reply
NEW ORLEANS – On Saturday morning, structural engineer Walter Zehner’s phone rang with news of a devastating construction collapse on a site he once worked. The plan for 1031 Canal St. had completely changed since Zehner left the project approximately three years ago, moving from a mixed use retail/residential design to what was planned to be a Hard Rock Hotel. When Zehner arrived at the downtown construction site Saturday, he saw six to eight concrete levels had collapsed, the edges hanging down the side of the building as if they’d melted. “It was a lot worse than I could have imagined,” Zehner said. “And I’ve seen the videos of the collapse
Elizabeth Warren Gets Roasted for Her
Pandering on 'Indigenous Peoples' Day'
Posted by MissMolly 10/15/2019 5:25:29 AM Post Reply
The woman who lied about having Cherokee heritage in order to get ahead in her career has a message for Americans on "Indigenous Peoples' Day." We must fulfill our trust and treaty obligations to Tribal Nations. We must protect Tribal sovereignty and self-determination. And we have to go even further to empower indigenous peoples to build stronger communities and a brighter future. — Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) October 14, 2019 That's right, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is back on her high-horse about Native American communities after spending most of her life engaging in cultural appropriation. How could we forget:
NBC’s culture of corruption
and sexual abuse may be
even worse than anyone thought
Posted by Pluperfect 10/15/2019 5:19:51 AM Post Reply
As it turns out, NBC's investigation of NBC showing there is no evidence of a “culture of sexual harassment” at NBC may not have been so thorough as the network would have you believe. MSNBC president Phil Griffin, for example, grew so comfortable in whatever culture produced disgraced former host Matt Lauer that he once touted photos of NBC star Maria Menounos’ vagina during a meeting with colleagues, according to journalist Ronan Farrow. Farrow reports in his forthcoming book, Catch & Kill: Four colleagues said Griffin was known for making lewd or crass remarks in work emails. In one meeting I'd be in after the television personality Maria Menounos's vagina had been photographed
Queen's Speech used to reiterate Britain's
commitment to Brexit deadline on October 31
Posted by Pluperfect 10/15/2019 5:08:29 AM Post Reply
The Queen's Speech is the highlight of a day of elaborate pageantry in Westminster and is used to detail all the bills the Government wants to enact in the coming year. It is written for the 93-year-old monarch by the Government. But with Brexit in the balance before a crucial week of talks, and an unpredictable election likely soon, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been accused by rival parties of misusing the politically neutral Queen by asking her to set out his election agenda.
Whistleblowers, Yesterday and Today replies
Posted by StormCnter 10/15/2019 4:57:43 AM Post Reply
I cannot wait to learn more about the identity and motives of the secret whistleblower who figures so prominently in stories of Trump’s phone call with the newly elected Ukrainian president. The narrative that began a month ago, as an insider’s accusation of Trump’s threat to cut off U.S. military aid unless investigations were launched into his expected opponent Joe Biden, has evolved considerably. It now appears — in spite of initial denials — that the whistleblower consulted with House Intelligence Committee (HIC) staff before filing his complaint — and was advised immediately to obtain counsel. Somehow, the chosen counsel was part of a whistleblower search organization,
CNN Whistleblower Reveals Network
‘Vendetta’ Against Trump,
Obsession With Impeachment
Posted by Pluperfect 10/15/2019 4:50:53 AM Post Reply
A CNN whistleblower leaked video showcasing CNN President Jeff Zucker’s vendetta against President Trump and obsession with pushing stories of impeachment. “Jeff Zucker, basically the president of CNN has a personal vendetta against Trump,” said Nick Neville, a media coordinator at CNN. “It’s not gonna be positive for Trump. He hates him. He’s going to be negative.” BREAKING: New leaked video from inside CNN: President Jeff Zucker tells employees to push "impeachment" and that all of CNN's stories should be about "moves towards impeachment" One of CNN's employees says Zucker has a "personal vendetta against Trump"
What are the Democrats hiding
about impeachment inquiry?
Posted by Pluperfect 10/15/2019 4:42:49 AM Post Reply
America’s top two Trump-hating newspapers, The New York Times and The Washington Post, have now both called on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to hold a vote of the full House of Representatives to make the “impeachment inquiry” truly official — and to set rules like those for the inquiries targeting Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, so that the minority party and the White House weren’t totally sidelined. So far, though, Pelosi and her impeachment pointman, Rep. Adam Schiff, are moving the opposite way. President Trump and other Republicans have been complaining about Schiff’s decision to hold most hearings behind closed doors, yet the Intelligence Committee chief opted for even greater secrecy
Gov. Abbott says Austin’s mayor must
deal with homeless camping downtown
or the state will do it for him
Posted by StormCnter 10/15/2019 4:37:47 AM Post Reply
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is not happy with Austin’s Democratic Mayor Steve Adler. Earlier this month, Gov. Abbott sent Adler a letter giving Mayor Adler 30 days to deal with the homeless situation in the city or else. Here’s how the Dallas Morning News reported Abbott’s letter: Abbott sternly wrote Austin Mayor Steve Adler and admonished him for not reversing the City Council’s June rescission of prohibitions on sitting or sleeping in public and panhandling in certain parts of the city that didn’t specifically prohibit it. Abbott cited news reports about used needles and feces littering certain locations, and the arrest early last month of a homeless man
Damaged cranes hampering
rescue efforts in partially collapsed
New Orleans Hard Rock hotel
Posted by Pluperfect 10/15/2019 4:33:18 AM Post Reply
Rescue crews in New Orleans were still searching for a missing worker in the area where a Hard Rock Hotel and Casino building under construction partially collapsed over the weekend, voicing concern about two heavily damaged cranes that were in danger of falling down, officials said Monday. "We're still in rescue mode," said New Orleans Fire Chief Timothy McConnell during a news conference. "Our teams are once again, they're back in the building for the fifth time today. We think we're close to an area" where the missing person might be, but "we do not have confirmation." City leaders were also concerned about rain possibly hampering rescue efforts
Ken Starr calls out House Democrats
for exercising 'raw power' against Trump:
'Every American should be concerned'
Posted by Pluperfect 10/15/2019 4:29:11 AM Post Reply
The secrecy exercised by House Democrats and their display of "raw power" in their impeachment push goes against everything the U.S. government stands for and should concern all Americans, said former special prosecutor Ken Starr on "America's Newsroom" Monday. "The answer is yes [Democrats can keep their impeachment effort behind closed doors] as a matter of raw power," he said. "That's what's being exercised. Raw power, inconsistent with the traditions of the House of Representatives and the very spirit of the House of Representatives." Starr called the process "profoundly wrong" and said the American public should be disturbed by the lack of protocol and due process.
Corrupt Senators Took Ukraine Cash replies
Posted by shazbot123 10/15/2019 4:28:48 AM Post Reply
While Democrats are pushing the bogus Trump-Ukraine quid pro quo story invented by that great storyteller, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, two groups of Democratic senators have been colluding with Ukrainian interests to advance their own agenda and political careers.
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