Candace Owens on Breaking the
Victimhood Mindset
The Epoch Times,
Irene Luo
Original Article
Posted By: Marjbaldwin,
7/12/2019 1:46:37 PM
“There’s nothing that I cannot do as a black woman sitting in this chair or in this society, in this country, that you can do as a white man. It’s all about our choices,” writer, producer, and conservative commentator Candace Owens says.
Owens is the founder of Red Pill Black and the leader of the “Blexit” movement, which encourages black Americans to reevaluate and renounce their allegiance to the Democratic Party. She argues that the core of the Democratic platform is emotionally manipulating people—from women to minorities to the LGBTQ community—into believing they have been oppressed and victimized.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Ming 7/12/2019 2:00:58 PM (No. 121734)
Love you, Candice. You're an inspiration for millions, and I count myself as one of those millions. Whenever I get depressed about the current state of millennials and the direction they are taking us, I watch a Candice video and I find myself at peace knowing that some of America is truly in good hands. I pray you live a long and happy life while giving leftist morons (but I repeat myself) fits.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Wendybird 7/12/2019 2:28:30 PM (No. 121758)
She is much more attractive, well spoken and intelligent than most men, white or otherwise. Or women, for that matter.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
sparky joe 7/12/2019 3:45:35 PM (No. 121804)
Candace Owens will be 35 in 2024
Owens-Pence or Pence-Owens
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 7/12/2019 4:05:47 PM (No. 121813)
"Now, black America is not a monolith anymore."
There are thinking Blacks that are questioning the victimhood dem line and they KNOW they are better off when they bet on themselves instead of the government.
In 20 years, people could be looking back at Owens as the emancipator of her people from the dems and their losing ways. The great thing is, her message is universal, for all races; it’s about “getting in the driver’s seat of your life”. "the key to success is the same: working hard, keeping the family together, and having good values."
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
ZeldaFitzg 7/12/2019 4:09:21 PM (No. 121815)
Several years ago, I was making an official visit to a large but relatively new charter school. Many students were black with families that were desperate to get them out of the Dallas public schools. It happened to be black history month and many related essays were displayed on hall bulletin boards. One second grader's last sentence was "I hope that someday we will be all the way free." What? I have never forgotten it or understood it.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Blue-Z-Anna 7/12/2019 6:40:46 PM (No. 121875)
As a white English-American immigrant who holds dearly to Conservative Principles yet is called upon to do penance for slavery and disown my "White Privilege", my heart goes out to Candace.
In my limited experience being polite and respectful does not grant American men immunity from the scourge of being actively HATED by many Blacks. Candace is my hero. (heroin ?)
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Catherine 7/12/2019 6:54:45 PM (No. 121886)
I worked in the deep south for 25 years. More than half of my co-workers were black. We got along fine. Many of them felt just as I did about busing and welfare mothers. Sad thing is they knew better than to speak up. It would bring them nothing but trouble. One of our board members once told me she wasn't an African American. She'd never been to Africa. She was simply American.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
msliberty1937 7/12/2019 10:10:57 PM (No. 121992)
Has anyone ever heard Candace refer to herself as a POC? Somehow I doubt it. She is an amazing young woman who should be an inspiration to her millennial sisters of all ethnicities.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
msavalla 7/12/2019 10:21:38 PM (No. 122003)
Absolutely refreshing. Wish you all the greatness hard work brings.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Heraclitus 7/13/2019 1:17:27 AM (No. 122051)
Amen, OP! Candace is a treasure.
We're seeing more and more young Conservatives coming onto the stage. They're intelligent, articulate and they don't have to use vulgarities to make their arguments. Pray for them all.
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What an inspiration compared to what I see and hear each week. In the midst of a phone conversation, the black person I was talking to inserted "soon as we get rid of Trump" Gawd forbid MOOoochelle runs.
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We just love you, Candace.