The perils of the ‘Chicken Little’ approach to fighting climate change
Jonah Goldberg
Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect,
4/1/2019 5:40:05 AM
Imagine there is a movie about a meteor heading toward earth. It will be here in 12 years. Following Hollywood convention, once you got past the part where the maverick scientist or precocious kid discovering it struggles to convince the world about the threat, you would expect the president or the military to leap into action. Congress is usually left out of such plots, but it isn’t a stretch to imagine that Congress would race to authorize a plan to send astronauts into space to prevent Armageddon or a planetary deep impact.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
PChristopher 4/1/2019 6:30:41 AM (No. 19566)
Jonah talks about this like all of the Commucrats and other Climate Change fools are REALLY, TRULY concerned about the fate of Mother Earth and the citizens thereof and that they somehow became greedy somewhere along the´s not like they meant to, they just did. That is a big flaw in his thinking...or maybe it´s just another ´narrative´ that´s being pushed on us.
I submit that they started out greedy, looking for control of world economies, particularly ours, and couldn´t care less about the planet and the people on except as something to exploit.
Control and Power! That´s what it´s about! That´s all it´s EVER been about! Don´t be fooled into thinking that their motives are altruistic, because they aren´t!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 4/1/2019 6:59:34 AM (No. 19580)
People that argue the "reality" (science) of climate Alarmism are already behind the eight ball on the topic. For us to take action based on the "science" it would have to be definitive. It is FAR from that.
The real game is power and control to attack and destroy capitalism and the United States. That´s why no one focuses on heavy and growing polluters like India and China.
But just for fun, the biggest problem the Alarmists face is that many of the big scary changes they predict aren´t happening, not even a little bit. People walk out their door and life and climate is fairly normal. Temperatures that have moderated not at all or by amounts too small to be accurately measured aren´t scary. Seas that are rising at the same steady 2 mm pace that they have for decades aren´t 30 foot waves. Glaciers that aren´t melting as fast or are even growing don´t seem scary. It´s all pretty ho hum.
They are trying to cover EVERY bad storm, every tornado, every hurricane, every drought, as if they are getting worse. But THEY ARE NOT! Average cyclonic intensity is actually on a downward or level trend. The reality is bad weather is always happening, somewhere. It´s not a sign of doom.
The real science isn´t scary enough for the alarmists so they have to make something up. Nitwits and politicians echo the artificial fear.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Red Jeep 4/1/2019 8:08:24 AM (No. 19572)
Climate change is about wrecking Capitalism.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Krause 4/1/2019 8:12:25 AM (No. 19575)
The climate can change, i’m Just highly skeptical of the man-made part. The numbers used to prove it have been often found to be unscientific. The Hockey Stick fiasco, for instance.
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The difference between weather and ‘climate change’ is this, you can’t tax or regulate weather.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
dagger 4/1/2019 8:40:19 AM (No. 19573)
The rising seas should provide some real deals on beach front properties - right?
Try buying beach front in West Palm or the Keys or the Gulf Coast !
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
trackman999 4/1/2019 8:40:53 AM (No. 19582)
#6 Thanks to dem governor Murphy and the dem controlled legislature you can tax the weather in New Jersey. We now have a "rain tax". Has to do with run off.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
udanja99 4/1/2019 8:57:08 AM (No. 19559)
Of course the climate changes. It always has and it always will.
I have questions for those who believe that we humans can impact it - why was there no climate disaster when we were testing Atomic bombs? Why was there no climate disaster when we dropped those bombs on Japan? Why was there no climate disaster when Saddam set all of his oil fields on fire and they burned or weeks?
The earth heals herself. That’s why. And we are merely ants swarming around on her.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
TCloud 4/1/2019 9:04:52 AM (No. 19568)
Cap and Trade, remember?
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
HoraceR 4/1/2019 9:11:36 AM (No. 19576)
Can we go back to clean air, clean water and being good stewards of the land. The only time I want to be green is when I mow the lawn.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Clinger 4/1/2019 9:19:33 AM (No. 19579)
I’m somewhere between frustrated and enraged at how those who push back against the leftist notion of man-made and therefore man controlled climate change, can’t quite go all the way. They pretend to take a courageous stand against the lunacy but at the same time reveal that they too have been “had.” They can’t bear the thought of the complete banishment from the cool kids club so they spout some wishy washy not as bad, only a few tenths of a degree and we might be better for it drivel. That surrenders the argument and transitions it to a discussion of the extent, conceding the existence.
There’s nothing to exaggerate, it doesn’t exist it’s 100% complete bovine excrement and it’s not only that the planet will survive the next 12 years it will do so with the exact same climate as it would had humanity never existed. We are having zero impact.
I’m not sure that we could never screw up enough to have an impact, all our global nuclear war perhaps. And from a far more local and short term perspective we sure can do harm with pollution.
The same climate cycles of change that have been taking place since long before our ancestors sprouted feet and crawled out of the primordial ooze are and will continue to take place.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 4/1/2019 9:34:50 AM (No. 19583)
No, Jonah - - not until you humbly prostrate yourself - - and beg forgiveness for your egregious transgressions.
Not until then - - - - - -
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
gone2pot 4/1/2019 10:40:03 AM (No. 19565)
Jonah must have a windfall profit he´s worried about reaping in thirteen years, one year after the world ends.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
snakeoil 4/1/2019 11:18:20 AM (No. 19561)
Am a fan of Jonah. But he appears being to trying to expand his fan base by getting moderate. I believe in Climate Change. Who doesn´t? The Climate of the Earth has been changing throughout its history. The term Climate Change is meaningless. But it sounds like a Warm Puppy. I don´t deny anything. I question everything. What would it take to change my mind? Just one scientist who believes in Imminent Catastrophic Man/Woman Made Global Warming who isn´t being paid to reach a conclusion that puts money into his/her pocket. Come on. Name just one. No point in trying to reason with the Warmies. They are like Moonies or the UFO crowd.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 4/1/2019 11:25:39 AM (No. 19567)
Climate Change is this generation´s Pet Rock. Climate has been changing since Genesis 1:1 and man´s arrogance about it will be shoved back into man´s face on the day the lights go out.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 4/1/2019 11:57:37 AM (No. 19574)
I survived acid rain. I survived the nuclear winter. I survived the new Ice Age. I will survive global warming. The only thing I doubt I could survive is man made solar extinction. But I´m not holding my breath waiting on that calamity.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
John C 4/1/2019 12:00:33 PM (No. 19577)
To save the world, MA is passing uno plastic bag law to be effective in Aug. The RINO Gov. Baker promises to sign the law.
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I have been saying there is no such thing.....
the subject is too complicated for human reason. The wings of a butterfly, etc..
I have done a good bit of environmental work.
One can speak of ambient temperature, general climatic location and weather wee have dry or wet but nobody can predict weather much less climate. Investigation is what I do. Prognostication is left to the oracles.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
qr4j 4/1/2019 12:19:08 PM (No. 19564)
The false prophets of climate change remind me of the false prophets of Jesus Christ´s Second Coming. Some false prophets truly believe their message. Some false prophets do not but figure they can make a buck off their claims. Some believe AND figure they can make a buck.
The truth is that one day the earth as we know it will end. Our lives as we know them will end. Each of us will die.
The outstanding question remains: How do you choose to live your life? In Christianity, the good we do here and now by the grace of God becomes the building blocks of God´s kingdom in eternity.
All the false prophets are trying to take us off the goal. They should themselves repent and do some good rather than flapping their gums.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Franz 4/1/2019 1:30:45 PM (No. 19581)
The climate change true believers have prophesied that climate change is a Man-Made Disaster that will destroy us within 10 to 12 years. These claims have been made for more than 30 years. We should already have been destroyed by now if the true believers knew what they were talking about.
By running around like a bunch of hysterical "chicken littles" and mandating Draconian measures that would devastate our country, politicians would create a real Man-Made Disaster.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Franz 4/1/2019 2:12:20 PM (No. 19584)
The origins of the climate change hoax started with research grants to prove the existence and extent of Man-Made Global Warming.
When you say what the findings of a research grant are to be before the research is done it should come as no surprise what the results would be -- expensive junk science.
Math models (computer programs) were created to predict what would happen in the future based on the research grant results, which goes a long way to explain why they are so wrong. Computer programs call this GIGO -- Garbage In = Garbage Out.
In the last few years, it was noted that warming had stopped and that it might start cooling. So they changed to calling it "Climate Change." That way, if it gets warmer, cooler, wetter, or dryer, they have got it covered.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
DVC 4/1/2019 2:43:15 PM (No. 19569)
He was doing OK until I got to:"Climate change is a real concern, ...." where I stopped.
Trying to be charitable, perhaps he isn´t this naive and disinformed, perhaps he feels he has to make some genuflection before the altar of Climate Change before going on to disembowel their cause, so to speak.
Unfortunately, I will never know, and I really don´t care.
Anyone who is so disinformed as to say this, is not worth any more of my time.
IF there is any "climate change", and there seems to be very little of it, and it is unclear whether we have been warming slightly and are now cooling slightly, or perhaps the other way round. Whichever, it is not due to the efforts of humans.
The key fact is that MANKIND has no impact on the global climate. NONE. We can sometimes manage to make small, local, temporary impacts by our works, but nothing that will not be erased in a century or three by natural processes.
I am disappointed in Jonah drinking the Man-Made Climate Change Kool-Aid. I thought he was smarter than that.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 4/1/2019 3:11:55 PM (No. 19563)
We live in a world where the temperature can change 100 degrees in 24 hours. Flooding and drought are a constant threat worldwide. The world goes through global climate cycles. None of this is new. We know how to handle floods, drought, and extreme weather.
They have not proved climate change is man made. They have not proved climate change is a major problem in and off itself. They have not proved they can solve climate change. We do not know how to control the planetary temperature or the weather.
The politics of Climate Change has little to do with the climate. Its all about wealth redistribution on a global scale.
There will be no way to undo climate change in 12 years? That is scare tactics.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
saguni 4/1/2019 6:41:02 PM (No. 19578)
Is there even such a thing as a "climate scientist??
I know there are biologists and geologists, but even meteorologists study "weather" not "climate."
The United States has been working to clean our environment, now our air and water are cleaner than they have been for over a century, at the beginning of the Industrial Age.
But the United States only has about 5% of the total world population, we can NOT be the only country providing tax money and government "expertise" for the entire world.
China and India, and to a lesser extent Europe and Africa, have to be working toward clean air and water...but even that will do nothing to "slow climate change."
The only thing that corresponds to world temperature changes is sun spot activity but have you ever heard of an official study of the sun´s effect on our climate??
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
MickTurn 4/1/2019 8:33:30 PM (No. 19570)
Climate SCHiTenists
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