John Brennan: From Spittle to Flop Sweat
Power Line,
Scott Johnson
Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly,
3/31/2019 5:40:06 AM
Among the high former Obama administration officials who have disgraced themselves by their public comments since leaving office, John Brennan deserves special recognition.(Snip)In Brennan’s many television appearances pronouncing President Trump a traitorous Russian stooge, one could hardly miss the rabid hatred beneath Brennan’s pronouncements. Given his former responsibilities, the thin smile and spittle flecked visage of the man might send a shiver down your spine.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Captleemo 3/31/2019 6:21:00 AM (No. 18647)
This guy should be investigated for treason on his part for which he would surely be found guilty. The fact that Karl Rove said the president should just move on makes me wonder if he was an active member of the never Trump movement that was also active in getting Trump removed from office. There are a lot of traitors in Washington but Trump is not one of them.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Krause 3/31/2019 9:18:21 AM (No. 18649)
Schiff and Swalwell should give their damning evidence to Brennan!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
mizzmac 3/31/2019 9:35:46 AM (No. 18654)
How strange that an avowed communist would have his knickers in a knot about alleged collusion with Russia. Must be something else going on here...?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
DVC 3/31/2019 10:59:22 AM (No. 18644)
Brennan may be the actual originator of the whole plot to take down Trump, the ringleader, so to speak, unless of course The Zero though it up. I wonder if he has enough imagination to originate ANYTHING, but I am sure he would agree to it, and certainly did.
But clearly Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, and many more farther down the chain of command, including dozens of FBI agents so far unnamed, willingly and apparently gleefully participated in massive abuse of our entire counterintelligence apparatus to GET TRUMP after the election. Before the election, Lynch, Yates, and Power were clearly hip deep in this mess, too.
I think only Adm. Rogers of the NSA was the only white hat, of the entire leadership and upper few tiers of FBI, CIA, DoJ and probably Dept. of State, too.
Lots of people need to be in prison.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 3/31/2019 11:09:27 AM (No. 18652)
#5 I say the same thing all the time. All the names in the middle and on down were active players but all roads lead to Obama. I wouldn´t credit the shiftless lazy low IQ Obama with it but he knew. Brennan the commie was far too vocal for two years for me to not to wonder if he formulated the entire thing.
The same goes for the Ohr´s. I believe Nellie Ohr had a hand in writing the fake dossier or surely helped construct the fraudulent document.
It´s time to burn them all for the acts they´ve done from the campaign to the election of Donald Trump.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
coldoc 3/31/2019 11:17:33 AM (No. 18651)
Just looking at him conjures up every image of a bad abusive dirty cop in movie or real life memory. The fact he´s a communist and a muslim doesnt help. He should never have been given authority over anything.
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Brennan is America´s own Lavrentiy Beria, head of Stalin´s secret police.
Thank God Brennan is not nearly as smart as Beria was.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
HotRod 3/31/2019 1:52:14 PM (No. 18650)
Yep, Brennan is tap dancing now, with his ´´Gee, I must have been given some bad information´´ assertion.
I can see it now: In the prison exercise yard, Brennan continues to plead his innocence to other inmates, because he was given bad information. ´´I shouldn´t be here!´´ ´´It´s all a big mistake!´´
I bet he won´t take a shower the whole time he´s in prison! Hopefully, it will be for life, if they don´t execute him instead.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 3/31/2019 3:16:27 PM (No. 18645)
#6, I believe it is well established that Nellie Ohr´s work was incorporated into the dossier.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Annie Xango 3/31/2019 3:57:39 PM (No. 18648)
first time I saw him rail against POTUS this cretin made the hair stand up on the back of my neck..he has evil written all over him..and if there is only ONE person( please God let there be a bunch of them) that ends up actually in GITMO I want it to be him.
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