Trump Was Not Just Spied Upon But Entrapped
PJ Media,
Roger L. Simon
Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect,
3/30/2019 5:49:00 AM
It´s bad enough, as has been evident for some time, that Donald Trump and his campaign were being spied upon by our own government, but it´s highly likely they were also subject to literal entrapment--at least a serious attempt was made. I don´t mean the entrapment of promulgating the salacious Steele dossier both to the public and the FISA court as if it were the truth. That was more of a smear to justify a phony investigation. I mean something more subtle and LeCarré-like coming from the depths of our intelligence communities.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Trigger2 3/30/2019 7:12:09 AM (No. 17739)
None of these treasonous people, and I mean none, should escape jail or a bullet to the head. A major clean out needs to commence and civil service rules suspended so the corrupt unions can´t protect them.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Marjbaldwin 3/30/2019 7:43:36 AM (No. 17742)
I think I speak for all of Deplorable Nation, Mr. President, when I say justice M.U.S.T. be served, and no mercy shown, to each and every traitor who participated in or knowingly enabled this coup attempt against you, we the people and the Constitution. There can be no MAGA without the rule of law, and while exposing (and indicting!!!) top Democrats and their Enemedia co-conspirators as criminals will elicit shrieks and howls of outrage louder than anything we´ve ever heard, it M.U.S.T. be done, Mr. President.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
BillW. 3/30/2019 7:55:21 AM (No. 17754)
The Swamp rats weren´t kidding. This outsider had no business running for president without becoming a ring-wearing member of the Deep State first. Besides, PIAPs´ was all set to continue the Obamaization of America.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/30/2019 8:48:35 AM (No. 17748)
Heads on platters, please. From the very tippy-top down.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Pearson365 3/30/2019 9:01:46 AM (No. 17743)
From commenter Severn:
Natalia V. Veselnitskaya, the Russian who met with Don Trump Jr in Trump Tower, thereby supposedly "proving" Trump-Russia collusion, met with Clinton campaign members both before and after her meeting with Trump. Presumably the "after" was a debriefing session.
Curiously enough (cough, cough) the FBI, the DOJ, and Team Mueller never displayed the slightest interest in finding out what the relationship was between this dastardly Russian spy and the Clinton campaign.
She was also given a special waiver to enter the US by the Obama administration ... this also failed to arouse even a hint of interest from the FBI, DOJ, and Mueller.
This whole thing was a frame-up.
Mueller surely knew there was no collusion or obstruction in July, 2017. But he had to keep his Hillary loving team of lawyers in place until after the 2018 election to benefit Dems. He is no different than Comey, McCabe and the other FBI executives who joined the coup against Trump.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Nevadadad46 3/30/2019 9:37:37 AM (No. 17760)
Isn´t this always the danger of the "Secret Police"? And say whatever you want, all of these Federal mega-Cop "hidden budget" agencies are one form or another of "Secret Police".
They are the seedbed of tyrants.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
winnie1 3/30/2019 10:00:20 AM (No. 17737)
If JFK lived he was ready to dissolve the CIA. He thought it was getting to big for their britches. He should have started with the FBI.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
bpl40 3/30/2019 10:19:14 AM (No. 17751)
Mark Levin nailed the heart of this entire matter. He had several hundred thousand FBI emails published by IG Horowitz examined. Not one (as in more than zero) was pro Trump. As compared to an expected percentage being pro Hillary. Not a single one? No one who valued his job would dare. That culture is the REAL enemy. A few heads rolling would be a start. But is no where enough.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Rinktum 3/30/2019 10:22:07 AM (No. 17738)
Step one was to put Obama in first and thereby allow him to start the serious transformation which was only possible because of the hands off treatment he received due his skin color. Although HRC’s gender would allow her to escape a lot of scrutiny, it would not afford her the leeway that BHO enjoyed. Step two: install HRC next and allow her to finish the job that the light-bringer had started. The Deep State was caught off guard by DJT and his supporters and that was when the conspiracy started in earnest. He must be stopped and they threw everything in their power at him and he is still standing.
These seditionist fools are doubling down because they know the power they wield. Everyone in Washington is afraid of them because their reputation is known. They hold the power to destroy at will. Clearly, this is an uphill battle against an entrenched and determined enemy. I believe we will find the fight for our freedom pales in comparison to the one on our hands now. It will take divine intervention to bring these criminals to justice because there is no will in Washington to confront and defeat the evil that embedded in our government. Pray hard that we will have enough warriors ready and able to do battle with this cabal. It is not enough to beat them back. They must be destroyed.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
gone2pot 3/30/2019 10:29:56 AM (No. 17744)
They won kids. The deep state won and they won several issues. You are delusional if you think otherwise. Their greatest win is they reminded anyone and everyone who is not a certified deep state approved candidate that they can and will destroy you and everyone around you and will always get away with it. They reminded the GOP (who didn´t need much reminding) that you can have exactly two non-deep staters pretend to investigate deep state crimes, but that´s all and that the GOP WILL prevent any evidence, no matter how clear cut and dried, no matter if it´s on video, computer, photographs, sworn testimony released to the public from EVER being used legally against the deep state. The GOP can pretend to throw red meat at conservatives with a Ms Graham or Trey Gowdy head fake character, but that´s as far as it can ever go. And lastly, to conservatives, Donald Trump will be the first and last one to try to go up against the deep state, ever again.
If you believe the above is not true, please pet your purple unicorn because it is. Oh, yes the consequences ignoring reality will eventually be proven out and it will win out but just ask Venezuela, Cambodia, Cuba, China, etc what IT´S TOO LATE NOW means. Pom-poms shaken before it happened to those nations have long since burned to ashes.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
stablemoney 3/30/2019 11:09:54 AM (No. 17746)
The article captures the entrapment attempts of the low level operators of the Trump campaign, but there was also the entrapment attempt against Donald Jr at the hotel, and biggest of all, Mueller´s 2 year attempt to entrap POTUS on an obstruction of justice charge. The coup plot has been going on for over 3 years, with Brennan, Brennan and Comey, then Mueller, all trying to entrap the POTUS into another lying to the FBI process crime---because they never had anything else. The whole bunch should be hung for treason.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 3/30/2019 11:13:12 AM (No. 17759)
I am convinced there was most certainly a plan to assassinate him. International actors were involved. However, the right circumstances never materialized for the hit. Thankfully, God protected him and we still have him. I am grateful.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
MDConservative 3/30/2019 11:21:56 AM (No. 17741)
Somehow, the American public must understand that this is a real and present danger to our republican democracy. It´s not just "politics". Not just left/right, liberal/conservative, minority/majority...but the shared environment of liberty and justice for all we ALL claim to love, many swearing an oath to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
This is absolutely frightening. Worse, the American people allowed it to happen, facilitated it with trading liberty for security post-9/11. It was a mistake then. It is clearly becoming fatal to our values now.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
herder elwood 3/30/2019 12:44:16 PM (No. 17752)
...."a plan to assassinate him?" It is beyond time to deal justice to the head conspirators. Why not Gitmo with Military Tribunals? Mueller needs to be on that list as he knows better than to do what he has done and previously as well. Get the scaffold ready like with the Lincoln conspirators. America will not recover as a free republic with Liberty and Justice for all if this is not done ASAP.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 3/30/2019 12:55:00 PM (No. 17745)
Disband and rebuild the FBI and DOJ. Everyone there now must interview for their new jobs as we do in Corporate America. Those with "swamp-fever" are gone.
Then move 99% of the alphabet agencies OUT of DC and into middle America, where they can learn the value of "a days pay for a day´s work." Only leave behind the top staff to answer questions on Capital Hill.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
web 3/30/2019 12:55:10 PM (No. 17758)
Demoncrats always abuse power, because they believe they are justified, entitled, and working for the social paradise for all. Trump is an evil right-wing bigot who stole the election, so using their official powers to spy and entrap him is justified.
Also using the IRS to suppress Tea Party groups was justified, because they were just a bunch of racist bigots... the left gets their own propaganda embedded in their heads, their Narratives, and no amount of facts will change their minds.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Chuzzles 3/30/2019 1:08:54 PM (No. 17763)
While I think the Mueller report is devastating for democrats, the far more damaging documents are the FISA warrants and such. That could take down many people, but also involve John Roberts as well. For he is the supervising Judge over the FISA court. How deeply was he involved in this? He had to have known what was going on.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Rocco49 3/30/2019 1:40:43 PM (No. 17757)
Could someone please NAME these Fisa judges?
Why such secrecy?
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
NotaBene 3/30/2019 2:29:52 PM (No. 17762)
I hope all mentions to Stefan Halper and Joseph Mifsud in Operation Hurricane are not censored by the “Intelligence Community”.
I remember well when the CIA attempted to destroy G.W. Bush with the Valerie Plame unmasking. They had Andrea Mitchell, the ugly wife of the ugly Alan Greenspan, claim treason. Valerie Plame was just a broad sitting at a desk. But the CIA dragged that out that treason accusation for many months if not years. Now the CIA tried to infiltrate Stefan Halper in the Donaldus Maximus campaign, while Samantha Powers and Susan Rice unmasked hundreds of Republicans. The FBI should be dispersed and so too should the CIA. The CIA has been ineffective in Venezuela and Iran, so they will be not much of a loss.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Robert Jones 3/30/2019 2:31:04 PM (No. 17756)
No need to be nice. Consider all the good and honest people who jailed or bankrupted for their “cause”. Heads need to roll or it will happen again. Treason is a capital fine punishable by execution. Fry one or two, then people will really start to talk.
27 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
DVC 3/30/2019 3:13:13 PM (No. 17761)
I had a nice long discussion of this at dinner last night with my friend who works for the FBI, and has for over 30 years. He agreed that there are at least 8 or 12 people, maybe more who need to go to prison, and he named Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page and Rosenstein. He has spend a career running wiretaps on organized crime and illegal gambling operations, and is VERY familiar with the legal requirements to do things like FISA. He tells me that they really do need to be prosecuted, and that most in the FBI would cheer. he is angry that they have smeared the FBI, and says the only way the FBI recovers is for many at the top to be in jail.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
VirtuDawg 3/30/2019 3:16:19 PM (No. 17749)
What did Zerobama know? And when did he know it????
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
DVC 3/30/2019 3:17:50 PM (No. 17764)
#19, many (all?) of the judges are known. Sundance has published a redacted version of a FISA court investigation, quite some time ago, which found that there were serious FISA abuses.
Unfortunately, the court cannot indict, and nobody at DoJ has seen fit to act on the FISA judges report.
I hope AG Barr will eventually start prosecuting these people. This is my FBI friend´s hope, also.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/30/2019 4:13:38 PM (No. 17750)
Very interesting. Halper was a professor at Oxford, the one university in the world that has more communist professors than any school in the United States, including Berkeley. These people were all playing a deadly game and fortunately our Intelligence Agencies were run by people who were lacking in that very asset - intelligence. Many people wonder how Donald Trump survived this blatant coup attempt. Easy, he is the smartest one in the room.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/30/2019 4:24:37 PM (No. 17740)
While the Deep State has caused us a lot of grief and gained some ground it is not in America´s nature to give in to tyrants and dictators of any flavor. A giant can be killed with a stone and as long as this flag stands I will salute it.
Pardon me while I go feed my purple Unicorn and finish cleaning my weapons.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 3/30/2019 7:05:59 PM (No. 17755)
#! enemy of the American people is the ruling class oligarchy, which comprises their own illegitimate government, particularly the federal judiciary, the political parties, academia, the lawyer guild & the media.
Trump is hated by every element of the ruling class oligarchy.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
DVC 3/30/2019 11:09:03 PM (No. 17753)
Yes, this was clearly criminal on the part of MANY of Obama´s evil minions, and was a carefully plotted attempt to smear him, and then once he was elected, to stage a coup via the DoJ and FBI lying and faking the FISA application.
People really need to be in prison for this, and my FBI friend agrees that a number of top FBI need to be in jail.
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