Trump Campaign Trolls Democrats Hard: Unveils Hilarious ‘Pencil-Neck’ Adam Schiff T-Shirts–With Video!
Gateway Pundit,
Cassandra Fairbanks
Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx,
3/30/2019 2:36:55 PM
The Trump Campaign has unveiled a hilarious brand new item in their 2020 collection — a “Pencil-Neck Adam Schiff” tee. The new shirt has caused quite an uproar among the liberal media. (Video/Tweet) “He spent two years knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking. He should be forced to resign from Congress! Everyone should buy a Pencil-Neck Adam Schiff shirt today!” the Official Team Trump account tweeted with a link to the shirt. The new merch is playing on a viral insult that President Donald Trump dropped during a campaign stop on Thursday night in Grand Rapids. “Little pencil neck Adam
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Marjbaldwin 3/30/2019 2:41:58 PM (No. 18117)
Ridiculing and mocking and laughing at the uber-corrupt co-conspirators of the Democrat party is a very good idea, indeed. Next best thing to locking them up.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Northcross 3/30/2019 2:42:34 PM (No. 18115)
I get it, but this unfortunate maneuver does not help Trump.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Urgent Fury 3/30/2019 2:53:50 PM (No. 18130)
Oh enough with the hand wringing. We´ve NEVER had a guy like Trump in office.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 3/30/2019 3:02:52 PM (No. 18123)
Allinsky rule number 5. Ridicule the opponent.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Tusker 3/30/2019 3:10:21 PM (No. 18119)
Republicans, aka RHINO’s, never fight the commiekrats, they just roll over whimpering and simpering and die.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
jacksin5 3/30/2019 3:30:35 PM (No. 18131)
Google Fred Blassie´s song "Pencil Neck Geek".
The Struggle is Real.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
anniebc 3/30/2019 3:38:31 PM (No. 18128)
President Donald Trump rocks! The days of the pansy RINO Republicans is over. They´ve outed themselves, and we´re done with them. Mitt Romney does not have the grav-i-tas to revive them, so they can go be democrats now.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Lucky5 3/30/2019 3:48:02 PM (No. 18125)
#2 Engaging in a treasonous coup is acceptable behavior, but lampooning the goof ball who took the lead is not. Go figure..
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Trump is re-writing how to destroy your political enemies. It´s a shame that some snowflakes on this thread don´t have the stomach for it. Go TRUMP!!!
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Shells 3/30/2019 4:03:50 PM (No. 18121)
Reason #6,354 why I love Trump. He fights!!!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
navybrat 3/30/2019 4:25:33 PM (No. 18118)
Oprah´s friend, Gail, criticized Trump for calling Adam Schiff a name. What is it with the democrats and some RINOs. Schiff continually accused Pres. Trump of treason. Called him a traitor and lied saying he had evidence. No one blinks an eye over that ultimate insult. Trump punches back. One insult deserves another and they will get it returned. Get over it or leave the President alone. He and his family have put up with more insults and undeserved dirty treatment than any president in my memory.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
ginadee 3/30/2019 5:04:33 PM (No. 18122)
Whatever it takes to hurt the enemy, go for it. They would do the same if they were as smart as Trump.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
lakerman1 3/30/2019 5:35:30 PM (No. 18127)
I remember Fred Blassie, and his label of ´pencil necked geek´ was applied to anyone who disagreed with hum!
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
DVC 3/30/2019 6:24:01 PM (No. 18129)
Good to ridicule Schiff.
Ridicule is an extremely powerful weapon. If you take them seriously on issues, they just push back and ignore you. But if you laugh at them, make fools of them, they get very angry, and scream, yell, fight and do all sorts of counterproductive (for them) things. And anyone who is undecided, often is so turned off by their reaction that the ridicule is doubly effective.
Laughing at MMGW and climate change crazies´ earnest "warnings" is the best way to put them over the edge. I usually laugh out loud and say something like, "Surely, you´re not so gullible as to fall for that BS?". (personalize it, and you are not attacking them, you are sa ying they are smart) When they snap back with some reply, just wave your hand, turn away, as you say "yeah, whatever.". Really puts them on a back foot, drives them nuts.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 3/30/2019 7:23:55 PM (No. 18120)
That pencil is waaaay too thick. Definitely not a #2!
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I wonder if he has small hands too. Had a buddy in college who was endowed or not endowed with a smaller than normal "unit". We called him " pencil dick". Sure he hated it but he was a good pal and we all laughed. But this name might fit here. Hope so.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Italiano 3/30/2019 7:32:05 PM (No. 18124)
"Well, I never!"
-George Will
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