Joe Biden´s endless gaffe- riddled apology tour
The Week,
Damon Linker
Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog,
3/30/2019 12:45:36 PM
I don’t hate Joe Biden. He seems like an amiable guy, a decent man. He’s been around Washington for a long time — first as a senator for 36 years and then as Barack Obama’s vice president for two terms. Along the way, he’s managed to make relatively few enemies. He’s also been through a lot of personal tragedy. That makes it especially easy to think fond thoughts when his name comes up, as it often does these days, in discussions of the early presidential polls, which consistently show Biden as the early Democratic frontrunner and the candidate most
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/30/2019 12:54:20 PM (No. 18081)
Useless man collecting a paycheck for decades while gladhanding and smiling like a piranha. Private industry is full of Joe´s type but at least they pretend to be doing something.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
daisey 3/30/2019 1:01:47 PM (No. 18085)
Joe Biden is not a decent man. He ruined the life of one Curtis C. Dunn by falsely stating Mr. Dunn was drunk when his semi hit and killed Mrs. Biden and one of their children on Limestone Road in Hockessin, Delaware many years ago. Mrs. Biden pulled out in front of the semi and the roads were ice covered. He couldn’t stop. He was not intoxicated. I guess it made a better story. One of my dearest friends lived on Limestone road at the time and was privy to the entire incident. Both she and her husband have since passed away, but they knew old Joe having been in those circles for
Business reasons, and my friend who
Never ever swore, referred to him in a way I never heard her talk before. Mr. Dunn’s daughter fought to get the truth out for years. Joe is a creep and a liar.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Cog 3/30/2019 1:09:31 PM (No. 18083)
Joe Biden apologized to Anita Hill, but his apology should have been to Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Thomas was treated just as badly as Justice Kavanaugh. Biden is a creep and a slave to the Democrat Party. He should never hold office again.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
G-Tom 3/30/2019 1:09:47 PM (No. 18074)
No. 1 is exactly correct. PLUS Biden is an IDIOT, the AMERICAN village idiot I´d luv to watch the Trumpster take ol caps n´ plugs apart whilst he just keeps smiling that ghastly ghastly teeth baring grimace.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
VirtuDawg 3/30/2019 1:21:35 PM (No. 18078)
Biden is the current Dim frontrunner, probably based on name recognition.
As an older, white, straight male, I don´t think that he represents the current Dim "brand." Mattressback Harris, Toothfus, Fauxcahontas, etc. have a much better chance to gain the Dim nomination.
Looks like the long knives are already out for Biden, and I don´t think that he will survive the early primaries.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bpl40 3/30/2019 1:41:05 PM (No. 18077)
He might not hate Biden. But he sure as hell is not in love with Trump. What daily demonstrations of incompetence is he talking about? Refusal to toe the socialist line? Not apologizing for bringing the country back from the brink?
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
bad-hair 3/30/2019 1:47:26 PM (No. 18084)
FTA … But presidential candidate Biden won’t just face a grilling over his record and have to explain away a sloppy formulation from time to time. These two tendencies are going to combine into an endless gaffe-riddled apology tour for nearly everything Biden has ever done or said.
Yes they will. To his OWN Democrat party. They will not be kind to their Statesman Emeritus.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Ben Around 3/30/2019 1:52:10 PM (No. 18073)
Biden is an incompetent boob. We just had an incompetent in the White House for 8 years just so we could say we have had a President with some African blood. There is no reason to have another boob when we have already had several old white incompetents there.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 3/30/2019 1:57:02 PM (No. 18079)
The man is an intelligence sink. People get stupider just standing near him. He has said and done stupid things forever.
And he is not just a fool, he is a mean, black-hearted fool who will stab you in the back with glee.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
janjan 3/30/2019 2:14:41 PM (No. 18076)
Between Biden and Trump tell me again who’s incompetent?
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Osprey21 3/30/2019 2:19:26 PM (No. 18075)
Hang it up, Joe, your brain already did.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
ginadee 3/30/2019 5:09:31 PM (No. 18080)
Hey Joe, the Home called and it´s time for your meds and likely a diaper change too.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
padiva 3/30/2019 7:36:46 PM (No. 18082)
Since it looks like PDT will be the Rep nominee, how many Reps will become Dems for their primary so they can vote for Biden to be the dem candidate?
The presidential debates will be a hoot.
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This article was apparently written before the latest grope-fest disclosure. More and more libs are throwing cold water on Old Joe.