Scientologists consider Tom Cruise to be a ‘deity’
Emily Smith
Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly,
3/28/2019 6:03:44 AM
Tom Cruise and his daughter Isabella Cruise continue to move up in Scientology, both taking more powerful positions in the secretive church — where the lower ranks are apparently ordered to see the actor’s movies multiple times. Cruise is said to be “considered a deity within Scientology.” Former church member Leah Remini has said, “He is second to David Miscavige — the savior of the free world.” Cruise was seen March 9 at the front of a celebration of the holiest day of the Scientology calendar — L. Ron Hubbard’s March 13 birthday — at the church’s spiritual mecca
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Ranger06 3/28/2019 6:58:14 AM (No. 15344)
If you don´t know much about Scientology and the evil that it is - check out [xenu dot net] --> just all kinds of crazy.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
tootall 3/28/2019 7:34:32 AM (No. 15360)
Most celebrities of all sorts believe and act like they are Gods. I don´t believe this is true.
And, Scientology is a cult.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
HisHandmaiden 3/28/2019 7:52:52 AM (No. 15356)
This is more a Much Deceived than a Must Read.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
dirtyjersey 3/28/2019 8:27:57 AM (No. 15362)
Sadly, this isn’t the weirdest headline in the news today.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
janjan 3/28/2019 8:37:10 AM (No. 15365)
Scientologists consider Cruise a great source of cash and they are very clever at getting their hands on it.
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The good ones get to watch Risky Business and Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.
The bad ones have to watch Eyes Wide Shut and Far And Away.
But Tom Cruise biography zips through his childhood and start in the acting business and spends 90% of the pages on Scientology and Cruise´s role within. Perhaps the most bizarre episode was the selection (word intentional) of Katie Holmes as a mate. They were like horse breeders at an auction. Her dad was on to the whole thing but she refused to listen to him.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Rather Read 3/28/2019 9:42:44 AM (No. 15351)
Read Going Clear by Lawrence Wright for the best information on scientology. Katie Holmes and Suri are lucky they got away from all that.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
gone2pot 3/28/2019 9:43:43 AM (No. 15341)
It´s a strange thing about humans how a large number of very talented people are just so damn weird and so screwed up.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
TexaTucky 3/28/2019 9:52:16 AM (No. 15366)
Ms. Smith misunderstood - it´s ´gaiety´.
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This is the kind of story that reminds me how much I miss the godfather of Gonzo journalism, the late Hunter Thompson. “When the going gets tough, the weird get going” seems an apposite Thompson quote to recall when the subject of Scientology arises. Everybody believes in something but this crew has latched onto fantastic incoherent nonsense with a fervor that defies explanation. Another great example of how out of depth actors become when they stray publicly into politics, economics, philosophy, or manners, Cruise is a formidable talent when it comes to making movies without any other discernible skills. “Rainman” and “A Few Good Men” are all-time classics and I try to remember those when some pundit reminds me that Cruise, in real life, is crazier than a junkie on an ether binge.
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It is becoming very clear how he lost two wives. He thinks he is a god and they chose atheism.
I hope the cameras are rolling if Miscavige ever decides to assault Cruise!
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
qr4j 3/28/2019 10:21:34 AM (No. 15357)
It´s his tight buns and abs that put him in the deity category for me. Hubba hubba.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
panther361 3/28/2019 10:23:59 AM (No. 15354)
Whatever happened to the belief in God and Country? It has kept our way of life and it´s freedoms this long, why tinker with it.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
ARKfamily 3/28/2019 10:25:40 AM (No. 15350)
My comment to Tom Cruise would be: where were you when God created the world? There are many people running around thinking they are some god of sorts. This article about him points me in that direction.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Aubreyesque 3/28/2019 10:41:24 AM (No. 15368)
Tom Cruise always did give me the heebie-jeebies. What a skeevy person. He´s nearly as insane and power hungry as Muscavige.
I just laugh whenever someone is declared a "deity."
Oh, Ozymandius...
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/28/2019 11:06:44 AM (No. 15347)
A religious cult needs loads of money to sustain itself and they found a gold mine in Cruise. No matter what his talents and attributes are he is going to have short guy syndrome and probably revels in this diety thing. He has disappointed many women in his life.
Whatever happened to John Travolta´s involvement? Is he just an angel or something lower in the pecking order?
Barry Obama would be an ideal recruit for these whackos. We already know he´s an illegal alien but not sure which UFO he arrived on.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Sunhan65 3/28/2019 11:48:42 AM (No. 15367)
He´s a terrific actor and filmmaker. When I think back on a long life watching movies, Tom Cruise has been a pretty reliable gauge for what´s good. Add Edge of Tomorrow to the list of movies above worth seeing. If you like Tom Cruise, you´ll like this movie; if you hate him, you´ll like it even more.
People who work with him reliably report that he shows up every day, gives his all at his job, and is surprisingly attentive to those he works with. While Kevin Pollak was making a Few Good Men, he saw Cruise making notes on his script with a preposterously expensive pen. He mocked Cruise, who took it good-naturedly but handed him the pen and said try writing with it. Pollak admitted it was fantastic. A few days later, one of the pens arrived at Pollak´s trailer.
Later, Cruise saw Pollak writing with a regular pen and asked why. Pollak said "Are you crazy? The pen you gave me is in a display case where it´s safe." A few days later, a second pen arrived at Pollak´s trailer with a note that said "Use this one."
Tom Cruise is in show business, and he´s good at it. His beliefs and personal life are none of my business.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Marjbaldwin 3/28/2019 11:49:25 AM (No. 15363)
Scientologists considering Tom Cruise to be a deity makes more sense than Democrats considering BarackHussein to be an American president.
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As I understand it, all are deities due to the fact all carry the spirit of God. In a sense this is true. Tom is no more or less a deity than anybody else. This too, is true.
God lives within us.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 3/28/2019 12:18:05 PM (No. 15342)
Small gods.
L. Ron Hubbard created scientology. Shouldn´t he be considered their deity? (/s)
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Vaquero45 3/28/2019 12:27:14 PM (No. 15364)
I just finished reading “Bad Blood”, the story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos, the blood-testing company that was a total scam. The book was full of anecdotes about Holmes and all the people she fooled including George Schultz, James Mattis, and Rupert Murdoch - and when I read it, my first thought was “Jeez - they’re just like Scientologists!”
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
john56 3/28/2019 12:28:26 PM (No. 15339)
God´s certainly up having a great belly laugh on this one. He´s had a lot more experience in the "Deity" stuff than any of us, Tom Cruise included.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Trapper 3/28/2019 12:38:32 PM (No. 15353)
So does Tom.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Wexfordcounty 3/28/2019 12:42:06 PM (No. 15371)
Well, okay but shouldn´t he then have floated above Oprah´s couch? Much more convincing.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Talk2 3/28/2019 12:47:36 PM (No. 15359)
When a country calls this cult a cult and refuses to recognize it as a "religion" I´m in the that pew. Some of us are old enough to remember the scam artist creator of this cult when he was known by his real occupation - hack sci-fiction writer. The horror stories surrounding this cult can never be forgotten and it was a sad day when the IRS gave it a stamp of approval by calling it a religion and giving it a tax shelter for its millions of ill-gotten gains. I´ll never forget when they attacked the Pentagon claiming they had the right to wage war against their enemies.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
fairplay 3/28/2019 1:07:11 PM (No. 15372)
Scientology finally found a --- GOD? LOL OMG
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
NYbob 3/28/2019 1:18:17 PM (No. 15338)
Like other action guys the transition into old age will put a stop this nonsense. Burt Reynolds was THE hottest, big ticket, movie star thru the 1980s, then sort of overnight he was out. Cruise is smart to produce because the star thing can blow out at almost any time. Seems like he needs a lot of attention and directed activity, so good luck.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
BigGeorgeTX 3/28/2019 1:20:16 PM (No. 15369)
The more money you give them, the higher you are in the hierarchy. Does he get to wear a white robe with gold embroidery to meetings?
A fool and his money are soon parted.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
fairplay 3/28/2019 1:58:12 PM (No. 15348)
Money is their god and you can´t take it with you when you die!
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Smart11344 3/28/2019 2:00:15 PM (No. 15345)
What percentage tithe does the Church of Scientology require or demand. 10% as the Mormon Church does.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
DVC 3/28/2019 2:03:08 PM (No. 15340)
Pretty decent actor, but pretty nutso, and this is REALLY crazy.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
hershey 3/28/2019 2:46:55 PM (No. 15358)
Just another fake ´religion´, this one dreamed up by a science fiction writer...don´t want to be standing next to them when they meet the real God....
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
DVC 3/28/2019 6:00:00 PM (No. 15370)
Scientology has always been a fairly obvious scam, run by a science fiction writer.
And Barnum was right, there IS a sucker born every minute.
Sad to see anyone go down this rabbit hole when the cost is their soul, forever.
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Thanks to his checkbook, I assume.