Is It Time for the Tea Party to Rise Again?
American Thinker,
Lloyd Marcus
Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx,
3/27/2019 11:57:04 AM
The Mueller report exonerated President Trump of claims that he colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. In response, Nancy Pelosi said screw Mueller´s report. Her minions will continue seeking to create evidence of Trump/Russia collusion to impeach him. Fake news media will continue its lies and deceptions to keep their “Trump colluded” lie going. Thirty-four people were indicted or pled guilty in Mueller´s Trump collusion investigation. Fake news media claims this is proof that Trump is guilty of collusion. The truth is the indictments and guilty pleas have nothing to do with Russia collusion. Many were
Reply 1 - Posted by:
trackman999 3/27/2019 12:06:13 PM (No. 14562)
We ´re still here. We still meet. In my town we have worked hard and elected our members to the town council and mayoral position . Our newly formed conservative republican club has replaced the establishment republican club. We have been formally recognized by the county republicans.
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The Tea Party is dead...murdered in the grave by professional usurpers and frauds who decided average Americans have no right to be mad at politics as usual and organize without paying them first. One could see it coming with all the fancy wrapped buses lining the streets of Washington the day of the march...and there hasn´t been one since.
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Sorry, ..."murdered in the crib"...
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
starboard 3/27/2019 12:14:58 PM (No. 14580)
it´s critical that the Tea Party play an important role in 2020. It´s time for the middle class taxpayers have their voices heard.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
cor-vet 3/27/2019 12:39:10 PM (No. 14563)
1) They are going to have to become militant, to defend themselves from Anti-Fa and violent Anti-Trumpers, and 2) They need to form a Congressional Tea-Party Caucus. There are Caucuses for Blacks and Hispanics, so why not Tea Partiers. I´ve not heard about them, but I imagine there is a Caucus for Socialists and for Women.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
dallasobg 3/27/2019 12:39:34 PM (No. 14560)
I´m in.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Janylou 3/27/2019 12:43:04 PM (No. 14573)
I would suggest getting involved in your local republican parties too. Go to the meetings that meet monthly. it is a great way to get to know your politicians and how you can help in your community. If we don´t get involved, we shouldn´t be complaining!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Smart11344 3/27/2019 12:59:21 PM (No. 14579)
I say it´s Lipton time.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
M Stuart 3/27/2019 12:59:45 PM (No. 14568)
If they do not address the censorship, shadowbanning, throttling, deleting toward conservatives in social media, it won´t matter.
Twitter has frozen my account for almost a year, deleting followers, and not letting me follow anyone else. Every day anyone I follow has their follow removed. This is deliberate. I also wrote my senators & the President & Don Jr. The tweet was removed.
We are in a bad situation. YouTube has the same problem.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Shells 3/27/2019 1:01:06 PM (No. 14570)
The Tea Part is not dead. It is alive and thriving in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans who, because they work and care for their families, do not have time to organize formally or protest endlessly.
The Tea Party Americans elected Donald Trump.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Obviousity 3/27/2019 1:17:11 PM (No. 14561)
Here here #11. And sometimes it has a spelling: variation
the T[rump] Party.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
HoraceR 3/27/2019 1:24:53 PM (No. 14575)
It has always been the time. Will it rise again? Maybe. Will it matter in the long run? No. We have a society filled with accomplices. "A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims, but accomplices." George Orwell
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
DVC 3/27/2019 2:46:20 PM (No. 14565)
The question is more rightly how much longer the ballot box will continue to be a valid approach to getting rid of the Swamp and whether the election fraud will be to the point that it becomes necessary to move on to other means.
I really hope we can continue to work with the mechanism that our Founding Father gave us, but they did give us the 2nd Amendment as the emergency way. I hope it remains just theoretical.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
mollyb0122 3/27/2019 2:52:15 PM (No. 14569)
Watch out for traitors like Mike Lee.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
droopydog 3/27/2019 3:50:37 PM (No. 14576)
They (the DC establishment both D and R) tried to destroy the Tea Party but they failed. We never went away. November 2016 is ample evidence.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
bad-hair 3/27/2019 5:39:53 PM (No. 14578)
Ditto #12 We´ve got Democrats in the house, Republicans in the senate and the T party in the white house. (with a few SC comealongs and a lot of Fed Court comealongs too).
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
judy 3/27/2019 6:16:58 PM (No. 14566)
Lerner & Obama are gone, it’s a great time for the rebirth of the TP!!
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
pros7767 3/27/2019 6:58:34 PM (No. 14559)
We need another 9/12 March on DC. I suggest July 4th where the President has promised a spectacular display.
“HOLD THE DATE!” Trump tweeted shortly before 8 a.m. “We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called ‘A Salute To America’ and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!” Washington Post in February.
American Patriots need to rally!
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
red1066 3/27/2019 7:32:45 PM (No. 14564)
The Tea Party may be dead, but the people who were behind it are alive and PO´d.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
SALady 3/27/2019 8:44:14 PM (No. 14572)
No, the Tea Party wimped out. If they had stayed strong, President Trump would still have both houses of Congress under the control of the Republicans!!!
No, we need a pure Conservative Party, that will never wimp and won´t fade away!!!!!
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Mike22 3/27/2019 10:05:28 PM (No. 14581)
The Tea Party was sabotaged and murdered. Fast buck artists moved in and created fake tea party groups which siphoned off large amounts of money and hurt morale, Obama´s deep state minions attacked and did tremendous damage (Louis Lerner), and McConnell and his UNIPARTY decepticons finished the job. Remember him crowing about defeating them - them was the Tea Party. It has long been thus - the Country Club, Rockefeller, Chamber of Commerce Republicans against the interests of the middle class working people white collar and blue collar alike. And the liberal big city internationalist elitists fooling the blue collar democrats into supporting them by distracting them with all kinds of nonsense like Trump-Russia, and stories of evil rich republicans while they quietly destroy them.
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The answer is yes, but we cannot have a divided Party and let Dems win.
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