Mueller Report Suspense Leaves Washington on Edge
Mary Linge
Sara Dorn
Original Article
Posted By: FlyRight,
3/24/2019 7:35:04 AM
Details of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election — and the possible involvement of members of President Donald Trump’s campaign — were held back for a second day as Department of Justice officials kept the findings a closely guarded secret. Democrats and Republicans alike held their breath and waited for Mueller’s findings, the result of an agonizing 22-month probe that has divided the country and hobbled the president’s first two years in office.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
judy 3/24/2019 8:21:17 AM (No. 11201)
It should have been kept under wraps until it was released to the wildcat press. It will be another day of... what ifs, accusations, spin from the vile press who have not read a word from the report... the republicans should be complaining the Mueller mess should never have happened, who authorized the council, does no additional indictments mean the Obama WH, Hillarys´ campaign & the JD will not be charged?
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
padiva 3/24/2019 8:57:58 AM (No. 11192)
Who is Miller?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/24/2019 8:58:31 AM (No. 11204)
Does Dennis Miller have a report coming out? If so, it will be hilarious.
Sorry, OP. Couldn’t resist.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
gone2pot 3/24/2019 9:14:12 AM (No. 11198)
Glad to see auto-correct even screws with NYP headline editors.
This is doing nothing for the right but taking away one of the many excuses for the GOP to continue their eternal nonstop fall-down, roll-over, soil-self bravery.
And will this stop the Marxists and their propagandists from their infinite impeach Trump-remove Trump afterburn acceleration? No. No matter what is released (and since the Marxists want the full enchilada, there´s dirt they can gladly throw with a media more than happy to make fake news mud pies with it), it will be used to continue the meme, Orange Man Bad. It´s the ONLY thing they believe, period. I mean, full blooded Irishman turned full blooded Mexican "Beto" said that President Trump, "beyond the shadow of a doubt, sought to, however ham-handedly, collude with the Russian government, ? a foreign power." Glad the Irish muchacho let us know that Russia was a foreign power since ALL of his fans have no clue what foreign power even means.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
bpl40 3/24/2019 9:19:49 AM (No. 11190)
The most important ´truth´ to emerge from this mess will be that there never was any crime to investigate in the first place. The rest is just shouting.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
4freedom 3/24/2019 10:01:06 AM (No. 11208)
Yesterday Pelosi called for an emergency meeting with her fellow country haters to devise a strategy over Mueller´s report, you can bet this thing isn´t over, not even close.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Sunhan65 3/24/2019 10:07:34 AM (No. 11202)
Mueller?… Mueller?… Mueller?
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
StormCnter 3/24/2019 10:23:56 AM (No. 11199)
I suspect Pelosi´s "emergency" meeting was to caution the hottest heads in her House herd against pushing the impeachment meme much farther.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
NotaBene 3/24/2019 10:52:00 AM (No. 11197)
The report means President Donald J. Trump was vindicated.
Now the FISA applications can be released,and Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Gen. Flynn pardoned.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
HotRod 3/24/2019 11:10:02 AM (No. 11205)
The silence from President Trump (Tweets) is killing the media and democrats.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
preciosodrogas 3/24/2019 11:11:08 AM (No. 11193)
We already have a good idea of what the report holds - no collusion. Right? So the best way to explode leftie heads is for President Trump not to release the report.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/24/2019 11:14:25 AM (No. 11200)
The country was already sharply divided before the 2016 election. Our resident Kenyan began that process eight years earlier. This collusion nonsense only served to further define the wedge between real American patriots and the moonbats with screeching voices and hate-speech signs. Hillary was supposed to carry on the socialist/racist/slave-placating operation but she failed to deliver.
The democrats are so flabbergasted right now that they missed their deadline to manufacture another scandal/crisis before the Mueller clown show was finished. Today we should have been reading about Barron Trump pulling the hair out of cats or Melania having a closet full of WalMart clothes. Let me check with CNN again, maybe I missed it the first time.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
EQKimball 3/24/2019 11:41:45 AM (No. 11191)
This is the nervous moment of suspense when the replay booth examines the video. We think there was no first down and the game is now almost over. So do the Democrats, but the celebrating our side is premature.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
zek 3/24/2019 1:02:42 PM (No. 11203)
For crying out loud! Could the left just give Barr a minute to read the report before he gives instructions on how to handle it. Geeeeez.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Franz 3/24/2019 2:03:16 PM (No. 11189)
Now let´s see. Pelosi says the invasion taking place on our southern boarder is not an emergency, but the Mueller report probably being a "nothing burger" is an emergency.
I guess what constitutes an emergency is based solely on its association with a political party, not the facts.
Having failed to overthrow Trump with the "collusion" lies, the Democrats will now double-down with a new set of lies.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
wilmo 3/24/2019 2:04:06 PM (No. 11194)
I wonder what "talking points" will be featured in the Daily Propaganda Bulletin distributed to every MSM outlet by an as-yet unknown source once the Mueller report is released. But you can be sure all the fake news purveyors will be parroting its directive at the same time.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
DVC 3/24/2019 2:29:09 PM (No. 11196)
No suspense at all.
Trump WON!
The Enemedia LOST.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Pepper Tree 3/24/2019 8:36:15 PM (No. 11207)
Incoming reactions to the Mueller Report:
“Diss repoat does not exona-rate da President. It meahly casts some doubt on his obvious and plain as da nose on ya face guiltiness of serious, serious crimes.”
- Jerrold Nadler.
“Donal’ Trump an’ his fam’ly is da biggess threat to the United States in my lifetime.”
- James Clyburn
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I just sense a trap for the democrats here. This report could easily contain poison for both their worker bees and their queen.
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