The American Media Destroyed Themselves over the Mueller Investigation
PJ Media,
Roger L. Simon
Original Article
Posted By: Marjbaldwin,
3/23/2019 3:06:12 AM
With only a few exceptions — Fox News, the editorial pages (not the front pages) of the Wall Street Journal, and a handful of websites — the better part of the American media has spent the last two years fulminating about Trump-Russia collusion we now know never existed. Actually, we always knew that, but finally, it´s official. It was always a bunch of — excuse the expression — trumped up baloney that made no sense except to those who wished so deeply to believe it was true.
This horrendous, divisive debacle — coming on the heels of their fake, wildly innacurate Hillary-supporting push-polling right before the election — would have decent journalists lining up to lob themselves off cliffs in shame.
Of course, most of today’s “journalists” don’t seem to have any shame, so ...
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
MissGrits 3/23/2019 3:24:03 AM (No. 10038)
Imagine what would have happened if Mueller had put as much energy into an investigation of Hillary, Obama and the rest of the dems! We could have almost been swamp free, owing to the fact that a few Republicans would have to be thrown into the mix as well!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Janylou 3/23/2019 4:08:57 AM (No. 10024)
#2, it sounds like the corruption in the Obama administration wasn´t just Hillary, the DOJ, and the FBI. On Kaura Ingraham tonight, they talked about Biden and his connection to the Ukraine, about all the trips he made there and that his son, Hunter, got put on some board there and how over $3 million made it into a bank account from Ukraine. John Solomon is supposed to be reporting on this in the days to come. Of course, we can´t forget about all the unmaskings too, by Brennan, Susan Rice, et. al.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
watashiyo 3/23/2019 4:54:55 AM (No. 10010)
Don´t forget McCain, the ugliest and the most CORRUPT Republican who along with the Democrats started all these COLLUSION craps.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
TruthFetish 3/23/2019 5:25:52 AM (No. 10026)
Just the other day, UberLiberal Ted Koppel chastised his peers for their blatant partisanship.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
janjan 3/23/2019 8:53:44 AM (No. 10028)
My gut feeling is that now that this disgusting travesty is over it’s Trump’s turn.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
anniebc 3/23/2019 9:08:51 AM (No. 10022)
The American media actually finished destroying themselves over the Mueller investigation. They were well on the path to destruction before this travesty began, but I sincerely hope this is the final nail in their coffin.
And, now we know why Comey, who shouldn´t have known in advance what Mueller was going to announce, all of a sudden didn´t care about the outcome.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Newtsche 3/23/2019 9:19:21 AM (No. 10013)
The Old Media drumbeat finally got to some in-laws, Trump bad. Very demoralizing to hear. What about the wall? It won´t matter. You want a socialist country? I don´t know.
Right there´s your wall...
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 3/23/2019 9:20:21 AM (No. 10027)
Now is the time - - this week - - for Trump to declassify ALL the evidence of corrupt, leftist crimes - -
- - starting with Little 0bie and The Beast - - and working down and through their minions - - from Sid Viscous to the Strzok-Ohrs to Master B. Clinton to Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Yates, Power, Page, Carlin - - ALL of them!
Lock up ALL of them - - every corrupt, smarmy one!
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Gabula 3/23/2019 9:54:03 AM (No. 10032)
I don´t think the so called media will change a thing. They have a goal in bringing down Pres. Trump and US, the deplorables.
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I checked in at CNN to see how they were handling their traumatic event. They either had guests who say that collusion was not their only question, or they were showing footage from Syria about ISIS losing the last of their territory. They never really gave Trump any credit, but just bemoaning what are these poor people to do now? WOW!!!
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Holeymoses 3/23/2019 10:06:29 AM (No. 10023)
Poor Mueller, he let them down and now will be the center of their condmenation for a while. But then onward and upward, the media will find other things to try and take down our president. Somehow I don´t think it will have the same flare.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
walcb 3/23/2019 10:09:29 AM (No. 10025)
You don´t hear much about him but one of the heroes in this was Jerome Corsi. Threatened with jail time if he did not sign false statements about Trump and refusing to do so. What happened? No indictment on him. Why not? The investigating team were scum.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Marjbaldwin 3/23/2019 11:00:54 AM (No. 10034)
The Coup participants and Spygate co-conspirators formerly known as the Enemedia are wetting their pants right about now.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 3/23/2019 11:14:39 AM (No. 10021)
It wasn´t just the Mueller investigation that destroyed the msm.
The msm has been on its death march for a long time. Since the 1960s. Kind of like the trail of death you observe on a dry sidewalk from an earthworm trying to go across it and gradually dries up and dies.
Sadly, though, is that too many continue to consume the msm´s news product and unfortunately the news outlets who push their fake news product onto the public still exist.
Note to the dims and the left - it would be better at this stage if those among your ranks who committed criminal acts against the President and his family, his WH team, and against Gen. Flynn, Manafort, Stone, and the others must be brought to justice and appropriate time served. And I don´t mean just hand-pick a few sacrificial lambs. I mean anyone who violated the law. If this means Obie and Billary and their teams and key persons from the msm, so be it. If it means some pubbies, so be it.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Franz 3/23/2019 11:15:05 AM (No. 10033)
It seems that most of the people calling themselves "journalists" are partisan propagandists with a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I sometimes think that if they were not spoon-fed talking points from Progressives, they could think of nothing to say.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/23/2019 11:18:54 AM (No. 10037)
If your enemy wants to commit suicide, let him.
The MSM may not have been destroyed but they just lost a huge battle and are in the process of licking their wounds. The tone over the next few weeks will be that of "nice try" and "almost" but they are hurting and what little reputation they had left is gone. Facts, legality and logic took a back seat to hatred and they deserve the pathetic results.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
planetgeo 3/23/2019 11:33:27 AM (No. 10015)
For some reason, as I schadenfreudelly watched CNN and PMSNBC, all I could picture was a long line of ragged indigenous enemedia dragging their teepees along the Trail of Tears, as some fell by the wayside and others wrapped themselves in colorful gender-neutral blankets, dreaming of someday opening up online news casinos on their final reservation.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 3/23/2019 11:37:29 AM (No. 10020)
To think McCain, Hillary Clinton and Obama with the DOJ, FBI henchmen and their media two years ago believed it was a matter of time before President Trump went down. Mueller ended up zig zagging finding and uncovering more about the attempted coup.
The entire left´s Christmas list has turned into an empty candy wrapper.
It´s President Trump´s turn now and first order of business needs to be a pardon for the processed crime victims.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Blue-Z-Anna 3/23/2019 11:45:30 AM (No. 10035)
Yes ! Corsi is the hero in this saga.
He held his mud, told them where to stick it, called their bluff and came away without being mao-mao´ed by these effing criminals.
Here´e to Gerome Corsi, my hero.
Risked his life, his fortune and his sacred honor.
Puts the rest of us to shame.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Madinmaryland 3/23/2019 11:49:49 AM (No. 10011)
Obama lit this match and watched the firestorm. Despicable.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
lana720 3/23/2019 12:19:49 PM (No. 10019)
Great article. I hope the President exonerates all those who were sullied but never indicted and restores their names and fortunes, especially for what they had to put into legal fees for what, nothing?
For those with process crimes, full pardons. Why did Manafort ever come into the picture for collusion? His crimes were never in the purview of this except for his work in the campaign. Let another court have at him, although I believe he did pay restitution already.
I feel so sorry for our Republic, which was being devastated the summer before the Election, for the entire Trump family, and of course, our President who was handcuffed by this expensive circus and all the money we, the taxpayers had to cough up for what.. nothing?
Poor Mike Flynn, the man needs his good name back, at the very least.
Now, it’s time to prosecute the real criminals, the DNC, McCain, in absentia, PIAPS, the Podestas, and all the deals and collusion that went on between them and the Russians. No scandals, eh Obie?
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
zek 3/23/2019 12:42:22 PM (No. 10018)
In the last few years we have seen lie after lie come out of the media, be it about police shootings, mass shootings, political scandals, Covington School boys, and on and on. Do not expect that to change. This is who they are. They have no conscious and care nothing of professional ethics. They are not journalists they are narrative setters to advance their cause.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Chuzzles 3/23/2019 12:44:42 PM (No. 10031)
One thing I am noticing is that there seems to be a ground swell of people without a problem if it comes to going after a former president or two. That is a huge change in thinking for this country. I would not be surprised if Trump starts freezing some passports. If he does, we will know that something BIG is afoot.
If Mueller gets any credit at all, it is how much about the LEFT and the slothful GOPE he uncovered the past couple years. Mueller and Comey are both Hillary´s creatures, and when the media tries to point out Mueller is a republican and a former Marine, we need to fling that back in their faces. Marines, true Marines have honor. Mueller has never had that.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Jebediah 3/23/2019 1:53:57 PM (No. 10030)
And will continue to do so.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Jebediah 3/23/2019 1:57:42 PM (No. 10012)
Plus saw someone on Fox this noon (besides the totally moronic Leland Vittor, who knew, asking a Republican to defend against a negative, as you can´t PROVE a negative---he went on and on and on about things being BAD but not indictable!!!!!!!) going on on how he respects Mueller...a man who has brow beaten and destroyed multi people on the fringes of Trump trying to get them to flip, wiping them out financially, emotionally etc. Like the two guys he put in prison, falsely , run Chicago, who DIED in prison, Some here! Some ethics!
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
NotaBene 3/23/2019 2:49:05 PM (No. 10029)
President Trump is the best president of our lifetimes. Watch him drain the swamp now, good and slow. If the coupsters had indicted Trump’s children it would have been a fast and furious enema. We must protect, work for, and re-elect this remarkable man who is gradually removing US from the grip of the Globalism of the New World Order. America First.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
rsgonner 3/23/2019 8:15:59 PM (No. 10016)
NOW, fire "Rosenstein the Rat" and declassify everything-FISA on down. Sweat Clapper and Bragin´ Brennan with a true investigation. Charge Susan Rice and Samatha Power and let them fritter away money on lawyers. DRAIN THE DARNED SWAMP, NOW!!
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/23/2019 8:24:16 PM (No. 10036)
I sincerely hope that PIAPS has already had to change her Depends a dozen times today.
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Media (sick and evil in Simon´s accurate description) destroying themselves? Perhaps that´s why President Trump has allowed this travesty of an illegal "investigation" of a coverup (of Democrat crimes) to continue as long as it has?