Get Off My Lawn
James Fallows
Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect,
3/18/2019 6:15:21 AM
For a long time I thought the problem was all in my head. When I was growing up, I knew that a certain kind of noise was one I needed to avoid. Food blenders in the kitchen, hair dryers in the bathroom, a vacuum cleaner whooshing around—all produced an intense whining sound that, given the specific wiring connections between my ears and my brain, kept me from thinking about anything but the sound itself while it was going on. Over the years I lived by this code: I used high-performance earplugs if I needed to write or otherwise concentrate
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Wetenschapper 3/18/2019 7:45:09 AM (No. 4531)
Another lefty neurotic whining his need for a quiet safe space, then condemning the norms of society as evil because they do not cater to his neurosis.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
qwerty 3/18/2019 8:19:19 AM (No. 4527)
... from my cold dead hands ...
I have a string trimmer AND back pack leaf blower. I live in californicate and dare the jack booted thugs to try to take them
What a weanie he is. Probably should get herself a sound proof room to add to the ear plugs and head phones. Perhaps "she´ll" accidentally lock the door and be stuck in there forever. One can always dream
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
MOBeef4u 3/18/2019 9:07:44 AM (No. 4521)
Two points: first, why does every story in The Atlantic become the next "great American novel" and go on long after any interest in whatever subject it´s about wanes?
Second, I can understand that there are sounds that, for whatever reason, are especially irritating to a particular ear. In my case it is the high-pitched, nasal speech of so many females who are on tv these days in ever-increasing numbers; with those who engage in vocal fry a close second. Thank goodness for the "mute" button.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
earlybird 3/18/2019 9:19:03 AM (No. 4534)
One of the most tiresome writers, Fallows is only 69. He sounds like a fusty 80something, although most 80somethings these days are pretty sharp cookies.
He drones on and on, wandering this way and that, until finally - apparently - he runs out of gas.
No, I didn’t read the whole thing. A few paragraphs and it was either scroll through the rest or go to sleep with my head on my keyboard.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
MeiDei 3/18/2019 9:38:14 AM (No. 4524)
Couldn´t agree more #3 and #4! All points!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Troutgreen 3/18/2019 9:38:52 AM (No. 4530)
He´d have a conniption fit if he saw me launch my little 1958 aluminum vee hull and then heard the l1957 Johnson 35 hp 2 stroke come to life. On the bright side, you only see the smoke when sitting still or in reverse.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Goose 3/18/2019 9:38:56 AM (No. 4536)
As a person who has worked in the lawn care industry, I can tell you that using a rake and broom to remove leaves and grass clippings from sidewalks is labor intensive and time consuming. Without leafblowers, you can expect the costs to increase (more manhours).
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
harleynyc 3/18/2019 9:47:23 AM (No. 4526)
I got tired reading this article about half way through. If his point was 2 stroke motors cause pollution, he is correct. I never liked smelling oil laden exhaust.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Chuzzles 3/18/2019 10:29:22 AM (No. 4533)
Another snowflake on the Left expecting the majority to cater to him, rather than him trying to find alternative solutions to a problem. Bose makes great headphones that cancel out noise.
Hubby too has a problem with some higher pitched noises, but he simply closes a door or does the ear protection thing until the noise goes away. Get a grip Jimmy, for you make me wonder how on earth you managed to survive to age 69. You are such a delicate doily.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Laotzu 3/18/2019 10:31:07 AM (No. 4520)
Bizarrely detached from reality. Got to Home Depot and look through the lawncare section. I don´t believe you can even buy a gas powered leaf blower at Home Depot. On the other hand, there are 10 different, two-stroke weed eaters to choose from. They guy is arguing against buggy whip pollution .
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
zzzghy 3/18/2019 10:40:10 AM (No. 4523)
Source and sourcers. Happens all the time these days.
Waste of bandwidth. This dweeb is more of a snowblower anyway.
FTR, leaf gassers are now prohibited in Palm Springs and they´re slated to start writing tickets in June. This is a big victory for the ´flakes about town; same with coming down on tobacco even as dope shops pop up on practically every corner.
Whatever. I´m never rattin´ out my landscape guy.
I´m with #3. I´d rather listen to a 2-stroker in a phone booth than the screechy dingbats who seem to be everywhere these days.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Ken M. 3/18/2019 11:12:55 AM (No. 4525)
I´ve posted a reply like this many times before:
Thank you all, for saving me from having to read the article.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
stablemoney 3/18/2019 11:53:28 AM (No. 4529)
Very long article that sums to: Get rid of leaf blowers, or at least, improve their technology so they do not destroy hearing. If you live in an urban area, leaf blowers are very loud, and do affect hearing, as well as blow dirt over everybody´s vehicle, while blowing it off the street. I agree with the article that urban noise should be addressed. There are electronic beepers everywhere. Even the appliances have gotten loud, the refrigerator, new stoves. It is affecting hearing, and it is a serious issue.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
JoElla Bee 3/18/2019 12:03:44 PM (No. 4532)
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
4poster 3/18/2019 12:58:51 PM (No. 4528)
We don’t allow our lawn service to use a leaf blower but for a different reason.
Leaf blowers blow grass, leaves and weed seeds onto the grass and into the garden. They blow dirt around several feet high.
At our house no leaf blowers. After the lawn service cuts the grass, I go out with an old fashioned broom. Very relaxing.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 3/18/2019 1:15:58 PM (No. 4522)
I agree with posters #4 and 5. Especially that ´vocal fry´ Whenever a certain woman is on any Fox show, I immediately turn the volume off.
The sounds that annoy me the most are electric guitars, the fan over the stove and women singing opera. To my ears, that´s just screeching.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
DVC 3/18/2019 1:46:53 PM (No. 4535)
Crazy whack-job lefty on a vendetta against leaf blowers.
IF his stats on "pollution" are correct, he says that some number of California´s tiny leaf blower motors, run for a tiny number of hours per month, ´put out more pollution that all the cars in California´.
Ozone isn´t typically caused by internal combustion engines, and how long ago were we being hammered by "there are holes in the ozone, we are running short on ozone"?
But, if this tidbit is true, it points out more how vanishingly little pollution comes from modern cars than it points out about leaf blowers. Last I checked a modern car put out something on the order of less than 1% of the pollution of a pre-68 car. Of course, I am talking about actual pollution, not "carbon" (dioxide) which they are trying to pretend is a pollutant, and it is not, it is a necessary gas for plant life.
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