The Generation Gap between two New York Latinas
Jewish World Review,
Alicia Colon
Original Article
Posted By: Toledo,
3/12/2019 6:29:29 AM
If Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez had grown up as I did during the Cold War in the 50´s the very last thing she would be promoting would be socialism. Granted our circumstances were very different as my family was dysfunctional, poor and we lived in the tough streets of Spanish Harlem; unlike the new Democrat congresswoman who spent most of her teen years in a more posh neighborhood. Nevertheless I benefited from a solid parochial education taught by anti-Marxist nuns.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Red Jeep 3/12/2019 7:12:24 AM (No. 2006)
This article should be mandatory reading for everyone, especially the young.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Paperpuncher 3/12/2019 7:59:00 AM (No. 2004)
Alicia always has a way to put things into perspective. It will take the older generation to put the cry baby spoiled kids in their place.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
privateer 3/12/2019 8:06:21 AM (No. 2001)
A very fine piece of writing! Alicia covers the grounds of philosophy, politics and history like a wise gazelle.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Doodah 3/12/2019 8:23:54 AM (No. 1997)
A must read!! Yes, yes, and yes, Poster # 1!
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
little guy 3/12/2019 8:29:15 AM (No. 1998)
Another great piece from Ms. Colon.
Hey --- AOC --- whose pocket are you going to pick after the rich have fled? Ask Governor Cuomo of NY who decided to tax the "super wealthy" ... and then they all moved! Now he´s almost $3 billion short in his budget.
Simple question: If the government decided that having a car was a necessity and decided to "give" everyone a "free" car, exactly what kind of a car do you think you´d get? A Lexus? A Cadillac? No, the government would go to every junk yard and make every car "work" and then give it to you. There ya go! Free car. Same thing with "free" medical care. Expect crowded clinics filled with paramedics (not doctors) taught medicine by civil service exam. Expect aspirin instead of antibiotics and expect maybe an X-ray instead of a CAT scan.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 3/12/2019 8:52:26 AM (No. 2003)
In 1959 I was a high school sophomore - Animal Farm was one of the books we read and discussed in class. There was no doubt in anyone’s military mind what that was all about. Of course, we were also taught American history back then as well. We don’t have that “problem” anymore do we?
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
ARKfamily 3/12/2019 9:38:24 AM (No. 2002)
I think a lot of these issues relate to faith. If a person does not believe in God, they think solutions have to come by way of human intervention or people solutions. My faith in God believes that He does not need my help. He is the Creator and the Fixer. What I can help with is take care of my own stuff and remind people of His awesomeness.
Many of our leaders have become so caught up in their own egos that think they are better than God. And that is if they believe in God. That, in itself, should be a clue. All wisdom comes from God - it is stated in Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Isaiah. Given that, I now understand why AOC would have nothing else to talk about but cow flatulence.
I am fed up.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
ROLFNader 3/12/2019 9:41:09 AM (No. 1996)
Yeah, but back in the 50s and 60s, a lot of young people got their feelings hurt. Some didn´t have teachers and parents who told them that life was unfair at times and you would just have to grow up , anyway.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
trackman999 3/12/2019 9:52:03 AM (No. 1993)
It´s a lot more than a generation gap. Alicia Colon is intelligent and capable of critical thinking. BUGSY, aka AOC,, is not because she´s a puppet. Puppets are controlled by other people and puppets mouth other people´s words.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
valinva 3/12/2019 10:02:11 AM (No. 1987)
The millennials have been taught that ´fairness´ is when everyone has the same amount of stuff so they are perfectly willing to take from one person to give to someone who does not work or who puts in effort but fails.(like AOC) They are the generation who all got a trophy for participating regardless of talent, effort, or results. They are tribal in nature instead of individualists. They are very happy being Socialists.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 3/12/2019 10:02:25 AM (No. 1992)
I appreciate Colon´s insight on the culture gap. I also copied the two Churchill quotes. Reminded me sadly of a certain recent president trashing Churchill´s bust.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
mobiusmman 3/12/2019 10:10:46 AM (No. 2000)
Brava! And I agree with #1.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
ARKfamily 3/12/2019 10:14:07 AM (No. 1990)
I realize I have additional thoughts - I told you I am fed up.
AOC and Bernie Sanders are all about socialism. Government will get more of our money. You really think it will go to solutions? It will line the Democrat´s pockets to do what they want to do.
Tax season is upon us. Just look at the issue of medical deductions. The only way you can claim medical deductions is if you meet the percentage dollar amount of your income. I can guarantee there are some families burdened by medical costs but can´t even claim those costs because they have met the percentage requirement.
People just have to keep turning it over to the government who just wants to keep spending it. But do you think it will be spent on their own American citizens. Of course not, it has to be on everyone but them.
Again, I emphasize the point. AOC is most concerned about cow flatulence because, more than likely, her brain cells consist of one big brain fart.
Thanks for letting me vent. I told you I am fed up with the likes of AOC and Bernie Sanders.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
ARKfamily 3/12/2019 10:16:48 AM (No. 1994)
Oops, should be "have not met the percentage requirement." Should have verified before hitting send.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Calamity Kate 3/12/2019 10:38:42 AM (No. 2005)
#7, everyone believes in a ´god´ just need to find out which one they worship. God of self? Personal Power? The environment? Government?
If they aren´t worshiping the God, creator of all things, then they´re worshiping something that leads, in the end, to tyranny.
I find those people that worship at the altar of the little gods love things and use people, instead of loving people and using things.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Congar 3/12/2019 12:59:48 PM (No. 1989)
I am 76 years old and it is difficult for me to imagine our educational system is turning out air heads like AOC (Cortez, not Colon). What is taught today in our schools must be appalling and extremely dangerous.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Madinmaryland 3/12/2019 1:05:53 PM (No. 1995)
#1 and #7. Amen Amen.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
nvr4get911 3/12/2019 1:37:40 PM (No. 1991)
Alicia´s IQ is Mensa quality and AOC is barely average
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Jebediah 3/12/2019 2:09:17 PM (No. 1988)
Again, if I was a parent considering spending a bundle on my child re: Boston University, where AOC graduated cum laude in economics!!!!) I would reconsider. The University should be deeply embarrassed.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Marjbaldwin 3/12/2019 3:02:43 PM (No. 1999)
I will never tire of saying this: it is crucial to understand that Democrats do not think socialism will be good for America, Democrats know that socialism will be devastating for America.
Understanding their true intentions is the key to everything.
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