Ocasio-Cortez: ´Capitalism is irredeemable´
The Hill,
Michael Burke
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
3/11/2019 12:03:18 PM
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Saturday called capitalism "irredeemable." "Capitalism is an ideology of capital — the most important thing is the concentration of capital and to seek and maximize profit," she said during an interview at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas, according to Bloomberg News. "To me, capitalism is irredeemable," she added, arguing that capitalism´s goals come at a cost to people and the environment, Bloomberg reported. The congresswoman, who has described herself as a democratic socialist, added during her interview that "we should be scared."
Reply 1 - Posted by:
cor-vet 3/11/2019 12:11:02 PM (No. 1207)
A failing business might be what makes her think this way. Stealing from the tip jar is more in line with the Socialists!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
curious1 3/11/2019 12:18:03 PM (No. 1220)
And in reality it is any of the collectivist schemes and scams that are irredeemable, no matter who is trying them. Just ask the Pilgrims.
At least a free market (what these scum call capitalism) system takes human nature into account. That is why it is wildly successful.
As Lazarus Long essentially the said, "Never appeal to a man´s better nature. He may not have one. Invoking his self-interest is always more certain of success."
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
VirtuDawg 3/11/2019 12:19:54 PM (No. 1225)
Why does anybody give this wacko any attention?? I´m tired of hearing her idiotic rants.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
shalimar 3/11/2019 12:31:47 PM (No. 1214)
So I gather that Ms. Einstein-Cortez would rather deal with the Department of Motor Vehicles than a private (profit-driven) business?
I, too, was once an idealistic 20-something. But it didn´t take me long to figure out which sector delivers better service at lower cost.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/11/2019 12:32:33 PM (No. 1228)
Says the creature with the high end apartment and designer wardrobe. Pay your taxes, thief.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 3/11/2019 12:32:50 PM (No. 1221)
Socialism and Communism have restricted the flow of wealth far more than Capitalism ever did. Socialism and Communism restrict rights. Capitalism helped grant rights. Fewer rights, the poorer people become.
AOC knows this. She is a liar.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
qr4j 3/11/2019 12:38:49 PM (No. 1218)
China: Communist.
USA: Capitalist.
Which is environmentally cleaner? Air. Water. Land.
Simple answer: USA.
Which country has less poverty?
Simple answer: USA.
When did China start reducing poverty? When it embraced SOME aspects of capitalism.
AOC: Shut your yap!
29 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Quigley 3/11/2019 12:41:23 PM (No. 1230)
Capitalism needs no redemption. Accumulating excess production- above the needs for consumption- to build better tools and processes in order to create more goods is very excellent. Without an excess there can be no increased production other than by the whip. So i guess she advocates whipping workers to compel them to produce more.
Better stick to Shirley Temples, Absentia of Cortex.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
columba 3/11/2019 12:42:05 PM (No. 1203)
What is really irremediable includes cells from aborted human children in vaccines along with schools touting homosexuality to young children.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
MMC 3/11/2019 12:45:24 PM (No. 1229)
NYC is on verge of bankruptcy- how does she propose to tax people with no jobs and promised all this free stuff- like you know- we will just like print more money.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
janjan 3/11/2019 12:47:22 PM (No. 1212)
Enough already of this brainless twit.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
lisa belanger 3/11/2019 12:52:01 PM (No. 1235)
canyou believe this witch stole money from the servers i would have break her fingers. she is so evil and the left lov her what would she do without capialism are we suppose to work foir free this broad is crazy
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Smart11344 3/11/2019 1:03:40 PM (No. 1234)
Go for broke, AOC. God MAY have limits on forgiveness.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
skacmar 3/11/2019 1:07:33 PM (No. 1223)
Attn AOC: The bar you worked at was run by...a capitalist. The luxury apartment building you live in and high end clothing you were were created by...capitalists. They don´t do/make these things to "be fair" or make things equal. They do it to make money. If you think capitalism is so bad, OAC, you should live in a cement public housing project and wear an old potato sack taken from the trash.
26 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
earlybird 3/11/2019 1:10:34 PM (No. 1233)
Re #3, I thought the same thing. Now, having heard her off-the-cuff wackobird rants on just about every subject imaginable, I believe she needs lots and lots of exposure. Every day. She must become the face of the Democrat Party. When people hear “Democrat” her name and face must pop into their minds.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
RayLRiv 3/11/2019 1:20:23 PM (No. 1205)
Excuse me while I pass some gas:
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
RenoVet68 3/11/2019 1:23:28 PM (No. 1210)
Nobel Prize potential. /s
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Kate318 3/11/2019 1:26:43 PM (No. 1209)
Well then, sweetie, how about you redistribute all those expensive, designer suits, and start wearing the more traditional, Soviet style of dress—say something in a drab grey, with flats and a bubushka?
13 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
kono 3/11/2019 1:43:07 PM (No. 1213)
#3 asks a valid question. Sometimes I wonder if it´s because she´s dumb and kind of cute, and maybe she´ll take off her top to get more attention.
Possibly some people keep watching because we can´t believe somebody could really be that stupid and remain standing and breathing - something´s got to give. How long can a cranium sustain a vacuum inside before it simply implodes?
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
privateer 3/11/2019 1:50:07 PM (No. 1204)
Oh how I wish Miss ´Airhead On Crack´ would shut her enormous pie-hole!
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 3/11/2019 2:05:31 PM (No. 1222)
Projection. Do liberals ever do anything besides projection? We all know the left has hundreds of millions of lost lives to be redeem for.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Tennman 3/11/2019 2:09:50 PM (No. 1232)
Caught in an MSM loop on her. The more outrageous and stupid things she says, the more air-time she gets. Thus to get air-time she keeps saying stupid stuff.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Chuzzles 3/11/2019 2:12:29 PM (No. 1202)
She condemns it in interviews, but boy she sure like participating in the perks of capitalism. Like jet travel, purchases via her hated Amazon, etc. She has no experience of either Reagan or even true communism, thanks to Reagan knocking the old Soviet system to its knees long before she was even born. She is a puppet being manipulated by others, and that is becoming more obvious by the week.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
DVC 3/11/2019 2:27:57 PM (No. 1226)
I have decided that no more clicks on an Sandy the Idiot Barmaid stories from me.
She is a communist and a fool. How many times to I need that proven?
11 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
bmw50 3/11/2019 2:28:46 PM (No. 1206)
Freaking Leave THEN!! No you won´t. Why? Because our capitalist system, although flawed, is the best system this world has ever seen. And it´s given this idiot, AOC, the best life she could ever have.
Her Marxist ideology has killed a minimum or 50 million people and as many as 200 million, in the last century, and the policies of people like socialist AOC can take claim to another 60 million with their legislation that gaves women the right to kill their own children.
Yeh, Democrats, the Party of compassion, empathy and inclusion! B.S.!!!!!
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
HotRod 3/11/2019 2:44:26 PM (No. 1231)
Hey, AOC!
Pay your taxes! Then you can continue with your psychobabble!
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Annie Xango 3/11/2019 3:25:31 PM (No. 1217)
this chica is being "handled" by her Chief of Staff and he is Soros backed.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
Krause 3/11/2019 4:02:03 PM (No. 1208)
Lose capitalism and you lose jobs, government tax income, government programs, goods and services, etc. Capitalism provides money...lots of it that gets spread around. What will increase will be unemployment, crime, shortages, disease, riots, etc. I guess that´s what they want. I wonder why?
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Taco Barbie = Huuuuge Trump win in 2020
Keep talking senorita Num Nutz
Signed ...grateful Normal Americans
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 3/11/2019 4:31:32 PM (No. 1215)
Urgent message for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: You are so right! Capitalism will only get worse (depends on your point of view). You should just pack up your new clothes, your mucho dinero and get the hell out of Dodge because you can change nothing. All you can do now is save your silly ass. Venezuela is looking for leadership. Start there. Until then, go crash at your mom´s new place.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
dogguy56 3/11/2019 5:12:44 PM (No. 1236)
This girl is breathtakingly stupid!
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
49 Ford 3/11/2019 5:46:32 PM (No. 1216)
She is fast becoming the face of her party, and that is good news for us. Whoever the ´Rats nominate for president next year he, she or it will be somewhat overshadowed by AOC (the REAL party leader) and have to answer for whatever inanities she spouts during the primary and general election campaign seasons. And you can be sure that that nominee will not have the "star quality" the enemedia have bestowed upon La Peronista. Sounds good to me!
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
caddyjak 3/11/2019 7:44:48 PM (No. 1224)
I think this dum-dum is on Trump´s payroll!!
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 3/11/2019 9:43:22 PM (No. 1227)
Capitalism has done more to alleviate human misery than any other philosophy of markets. You can argue it is based on self interest but, funny thing, in meeting MY best interests, I have to provide goods and services that meet other people´s best interests and I have to do it in the most efficient and economical means possible. I have to hire workers and pay them fairly to meet THEIR best interests. I have to be a good neighbor and meet reasonable standards of community behavior. I have to pay taxes and I am expected to support local causes. Successful companies understand this and work within this framework. EVERYONE benefits.
Socialism, AOC´s solution, promises caring solutions for the people but somehow only manages to deliver poverty and misery.
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All you hear all day every day is this big mouth idiot. Where is the off button? She brings out the worst in everybody. Sooner or later, it will be the wrong person. Surely, she is on uppers or a caffeine IV.
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