Jaguar attacks woman attempting to take selfie with the animal
Yahoo! Lifestyle,
Megan Johnson
Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog,
3/10/2019 6:09:55 PM
Some people will go a bit too far to get that perfect selfie. A woman was attacked by a jaguar after she crossed over a zoo barrier in order to take a photo with the wild animal, authorities say. The incident took place at World Wildlife Zoo, Aquarium, and Safari Park in Litchfield, Park, Ariz. on Saturday. Officials told that the woman was “attempting to take a selfie near the fence of the Jaguar enclosure when the cat reached out and attacked her arm.” Adam Wilkerson, a fellow zoo guest, captured the moments after the attack in an extremely
Reply 1 - Posted by:
jalo1951 3/10/2019 6:14:01 PM (No. 575)
What the hell did she expect? I hate to say it served her right but it did serve her right. They are called wild animals for a reason. These people who do the stupidest stunts to get a selfie deserve whatever comes their way. Just hope no one else is affected by their poor choices.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 3/10/2019 6:16:43 PM (No. 558)
But - - but - - didn´t the jag know that she´s his friend?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
thewarden 3/10/2019 6:17:42 PM (No. 560)
Sigh. I’d hoped we’d move past the era of the stupid selfie Olympics but I guess not. At least this moron lived. Only a Bronze medal for you! Try harder next time!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Quigley 3/10/2019 6:31:39 PM (No. 559)
The young hate rules! No fear? Isn’t that what the t-shirt says?
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Calico Al 3/10/2019 6:33:44 PM (No. 563)
Probably an AOC supporter. At least she has the intelligence to be one.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
agrunt 3/10/2019 6:39:25 PM (No. 555)
Just because you don´t eat the lion does not mean that the lion will not eat you.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
mgmee 3/10/2019 6:41:52 PM (No. 561)
Anyone remember the dummy who tried to kiss a rattlesnake and got bitten on his tongue? I think he survived.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 3/10/2019 6:43:31 PM (No. 579)
Is she a Democrat?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
trackman999 3/10/2019 6:44:01 PM (No. 577)
It´s only March but it seems we have the 1st place winner of this yeas Darwin Award.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
trackman999 3/10/2019 6:44:27 PM (No. 578)
* years
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
red1066 3/10/2019 7:02:42 PM (No. 570)
Apparently she crossed a barrier to take the selfie. The cat saw dinner and did what wild animals do. It attacked. I wonder if she got her selfie? I know at the Baltimore zoo, the tiger cage used to have a sign to stay back from the cage because the tiger might start spraying. Beautiful animal, but don´t get too close.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
21Beeliner 3/10/2019 7:28:08 PM (No. 569)
It irks me to no end to see so called wildlife "experts" cavorting with a big cat or bear they have raised from a young age. Others see those interactions and think they can get away with the same. Not necessarily so.
19 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
bad-hair 3/10/2019 7:50:20 PM (No. 567)
Selfie thinking "Nice kitty"
Kitty thinking either "Snacks!" or "Toy!"
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 3/10/2019 7:53:28 PM (No. 556)
Some people don´t even knock before going into someone´s house. Of course the Jag would be ticked.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
snakeoil 3/10/2019 8:00:28 PM (No. 565)
The kitty in the tv spots is black. The one is this photo is not. Conspiracy? Hope this comment isn´t off topic. Was at a zoo once and a group of kids were taunting a lion. The lion let out a roar and those kids are probably still running. You can´t believe how loud a sound a big cat can make. Tarzan movies don´t convey the power of a lion roar.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
ginadee 3/10/2019 9:14:04 PM (No. 566)
Animals are kept in cages and behind barriers for a reason. They´re wild!
Even your ´domesticated´ animals that you love and keep beside you can turn on you.
I have had that experience. I´m not speaking of ´love´ nips but a true bite.
The answer is: respect the animal,and remember it is not a human. (although I wonder about some humans)
Another item, never bother your pet while it is eating. Your chances of getting a warning nip are pretty high.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Luandir 3/10/2019 11:52:48 PM (No. 573)
The more you try to idiot-proof the universe, the more the universe comes up with stronger idiots.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
wilarrbie 3/11/2019 12:13:35 AM (No. 576)
She´ll sue the zoo and win, when the reverse would be justified.
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People are idiots. I recall once being at the zoo, as a child, and two morons were shooting objects with a slingshot into a rhino´s cage.
My mother gave them a good talking to, and my father said, "they´ll probably be in the parking lot waiting to use that slingshot on us." But that was a different time, and the morons took their talking to without complaint.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
DVC 3/11/2019 12:44:22 AM (No. 574)
Life is ALL about choices. Some people are extremely stupid and make extremely stupid choices.
Like this idiot.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Axeman 3/11/2019 12:54:46 AM (No. 562)
The swipe of a paw from a house cat that would scratch your skin will tear strips from you if done by a jaguar. Best to stay out of reach. Just a little helpful hint.
You´re welcome.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 3/11/2019 1:52:45 AM (No. 557)
That´s stupid people who watched too many Disney cartoon animals and believe that the real world is just a Disney cartoon.
My sympathy meter is stuck on zero for this person because they might be raising a child to stupid like they are. The circle goes unbroken.
13 people like this.
A little confusing when Wilkerson said ´other girl" Were there two women involved in the incident?
SFB. Some people need keepers. Business owners probably need armed guards to keep idiots from hurting themselves and suing.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Smart11344 3/11/2019 1:18:22 PM (No. 568)
I love big cats, but I know it´s best to keep your distance.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Old Army Vet 3/11/2019 1:39:52 PM (No. 572)
Definitely a Darwin Award winner. I hope she doesn´t have any children to pass on her stupid to.
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Here kitty, kitty. My - what big teeth you have.