Do We Have 677 Unelected Presidents?
American Thinker,
Clarice Feldman
Original Article
Posted By: Judy W.,
3/16/2025 6:44:13 AM
There are almost 700 federal district court judges. I say “almost,” because while officially there are 677 of them, some retired judges have taken senior status and may sit from time to time on cases, so the figure is inexact on any given day. Since President Trump was sworn in for a second term, there have been an avalanche of cases seeking relief from executive actions. Last month alone district court judges issued 15 temporary restraining orders. “That’s more nationwide injunctions than there were issued for the first three YEARS of the Biden Administration. District court judges are out of control.“
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 3/16/2025 7:12:12 AM (No. 1915295)
"If you see that kind of pattern, it cannot help but call the judiciary into disrepute,"
I would think this would be of extremely grave concern to the SCOTUS. The court system can make important decisions but has little enforcement power. It is respect for the courts that leads the various executive parts of government to enforce the law. No respect, no enforcement, effectively neutering the court. That is a dangerous situation for the the country.
It is time for the ROBERTS court to stop playing it safe and stand up for correct legal behavior. The failure to do this has led to the debacle of absurd legal actions over the last couple decades.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
bpl40 3/16/2025 7:30:59 AM (No. 1915304)
CJ Roberts must have a very sore behind seeing how long and on how many key issues he has been sitting on the fence. The solution is so obvious it screams in your face. A District Judge may issue injunctions and restrains but they should apply only to a specific plaintiff and limited to the judges' jurisdiction. Nationwide restrains that involve all potential plaintiffs and victims should ONLY be issued if they have the support of 5 out of 9 SCOTUS justices.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
franq 3/16/2025 7:39:47 AM (No. 1915309)
Amen #2. The legal system is in complete disarray, stoked by the media and leftist pundits.
Who's the dictator? A traffic court judge "overturning" an EO issued by the President?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 3/16/2025 8:24:36 AM (No. 1915337)
The dims' MO is simple and has always been simple - if the dims can't get what they want from the executive branch, they go to Plan B and get what they want through legislation. If that doesn't work, they revert to Plan C and get what they want through judicial. This explains why Georgie Boy Soros has spent many millions of dollars to get his fair-haired district attorneys elected and to load up the federal district courts with his hand-picked lefty judges.
Yes, we have "677 Unelected Presidents". But there is a key point that Clarice left out of her piece. The left is changing its tactics yet again and is implementing Plan D. It is now infiltrating state, county, and municipal political, judicial, and academic hierarchies for the purpose of stripping away our civil liberties at the grassroots level and installing leftism everywhere. Think about that for a minute while AI anticipates your next thought.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
pensom2 3/16/2025 8:39:36 AM (No. 1915344)
Clarice justifiably credits Justice Neil Gorsuch for his criticisms of "universal" preliminary injunctions and TRO's. But Justice Clarence Thomas has been alluding to this problem in numerous dissents and concurring opinions for at least eight years. The federal courts of appeals have been primed to rein in some of these obviously out-of-control federal district court judges for years. The SCOTUS would do well to accept more expedited appeals to make it clear that the politicos in black robes sitting at the federal district court level need to stop this political gamesmanship nonsense. The current state of affairs also promotes lefty senators to nominate and push for appointments of extreme lefty district court judges when those positions open up across the country.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
planetgeo 3/16/2025 9:44:08 AM (No. 1915383)
Time to end this nonsense. Trump needs to go nuclear and openly refuse to follow these unconstitutional restraining orders by district judges and fierce the Supreme Court to act. The nation cannot be tied up by dozens of leftist judges being used as saboteurs of lawful executive actions
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
czechlist 3/16/2025 10:00:11 AM (No. 1915393)
Funny how US States have no standing in US Courts but every democrat lawyer can get their case ajudicated.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Doc1 3/16/2025 10:26:51 AM (No. 1915408)
It is unconstitutional for one of these 677 judges to rule against or for an order by the executive branch. These judges are not in the Constitution. They exist by an act of the legislative branch of government. Cases of type should be brought directly to the "circuit" courts, which were established by the Constitution.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Zigrid 3/16/2025 10:32:11 AM (No. 1915411)
Let's remember the little boy who cried wolf...these judges are making judgements that fall on deaf ears....WE've heard it all for 8 years...with Russia...Russia...Russia....and fany and her squeeze...and James and Merchant....and let's not forget Bragg.....and his battery of White House some point it gets tiresome....and ole news....President Trump knows what he's doing...let's follow his lead...and trust his lawyers....
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Sometimes parody reflects real life:
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
franco 3/16/2025 10:49:25 AM (No. 1915426)
The only element of the judiciary that appears in The Constitution is the Supreme Court. The rest are creations of Congress. For this reason alone, the judiciary should never become regarded as a co-equal branch of government; it is due to the tenacious assertion of such power (starting with Chief Justice John Marshall) that we are here. As a result, we are now in a situation where the judiciary wields plenary power over the executive branch. Thomas Jefferson must be rolling in his grave. And I do believe that the only remedy here is for PDJT to take on the persona of Andrew Jackson on steriods and slap the judiciary silly by completely ignoring their orders.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 3/16/2025 11:17:59 AM (No. 1915441)
It's more lawfare. Every one of these judges participating should be removed.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Hermit_Crab 3/16/2025 11:28:12 AM (No. 1915450)
I call them "Black Robed Judiciarchs".
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 3/16/2025 11:33:47 AM (No. 1915453)
Judges over-ruling the Executive Branch is nothing new but it has increased. In CA years ago there was a huge example of judges over-ruling the people that time, not the president. Citizens of CA voted 55% for traditional marriage, but the Left hated that and went to the State Supreme Court where the people's vote was annulled and cancelled. And homosexual marriage became a right. That started the gay rights marriage across the nation. The CA State Supreme Court shouldn't have been able to over rule the CA citizens' votes but they did.
These lower courts who are ruling against the Executive Branch need to get their hands/behinds slapped fast so they will stay in their lane.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
bighambone 3/16/2025 11:48:07 AM (No. 1915461)
It’s up to the Supreme Court to limit the District Judge’s jurisdiction and orders to their individual districts. If the Supreme Court wimps out, then it is up to the Congress to make such a move!
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
winmag 3/16/2025 12:58:54 PM (No. 1915494)
Don't count on the supremes to do the right thing. Roberts is compromised and Barrett is terrified of the lefty loons that are harassing her.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Sunhan65 3/16/2025 2:16:09 PM (No. 1915525)
Bingo to #8 and #11! I would add that a simple act of Congress could reformat, restructure, or remove any of these federal courts or all of them by simple majority vote. This is not widely reported on, but it is inarguably true.
In fact, as #11 correctly says, the precedent that allows courts, including the supreme court, to "judicially review" acts by the executive and legislative braches is just that--a precedent established by Marbury v Madison and acceded to by presidents and congress every since. It is found nowhere in the Constitution.
The irony is the Marshall court's decision in Marbury refused to issue a court order (Writ of Mandamus) compelling the executive to take an action because it said the Constitution did not allow the court to exercise that power despite Congressional legislation granting it. Thus, by denying itself the power to issue a court order, the Marshall Court implicitly granted itself the power to review acts of Congress and the Executive for constitutionality. Subsequently, they decided they could issue Writs of Mandamus anyway, and we've been on an Nantucket sleigh ride to judicial tyranny ever since.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
WhamDBambam 3/16/2025 3:18:05 PM (No. 1915549)
Some, or all federal district courts can be removed with a stroke of the Congressional pen.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
judy 3/16/2025 3:18:18 PM (No. 1915550)
All democrats….?????
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
danu 3/16/2025 5:22:27 PM (No. 1915592)
robitis and corruption, imho, have plagued us since ancient egypt.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
janjan 3/16/2025 10:50:48 PM (No. 1915734)
The Democrats’ intent is to continue to use lawfare to shop for liberal activist judges to tie up every decision Trump makes in appeals courts until his term ends. The SC judges, minus a few total morons, are not stupid. They know exactly what’s going on. These judges are bringing disrepute to the entire justice system while they sit on their thumbs. They look weak and powerless. It’s sickening.
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