'Scientific Socialism' Has Come to Pacific Palisades
PJ Media,
Stephen Green
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
2/10/2025 7:23:56 PM
"You can’t rebuild the same. We have to rebuild with science. We have to build with climate reality in mind," California Gov. Gavin Newsom told CNN last week in an interview about rebuilding the burned-out Pacific Palisades. "We have to look at infrastructure or redundancy systems. Ingress, egress, as it relates to emergency management and planning materials."
The interview seems to have flown under the radar, but when I caught it this morning, a bit belatedly, my alarm bells went off left and right.
Well, to be honest, they were all on the left.
Whatever happened to Newsom's promise that he'd eliminate red tape and accelerate the rebuilding of one of L.A.'s nicest
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
TCloud 2/10/2025 7:31:41 PM (No. 1893523)
Gobbligook talk!
10 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Penney 2/10/2025 7:38:43 PM (No. 1893527)
Reminds of another devious dem who once said something like, 'every policy failure is an, 'opportunity!' ...Opportuniy means but another dem power grab to lefties! When will we EVER learn?!
12 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 2/10/2025 7:51:24 PM (No. 1893537)
Gavin "Gruesome" Newsom
Common sense is out the window
Elections have consequences
6 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
minuteman 2/10/2025 7:56:26 PM (No. 1893538)
Those poor people who lost their homes, they are so screwed.
18 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
downnout 2/10/2025 7:58:26 PM (No. 1893540)
Why do I keep thinking of Carthage in ruins…..
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
MFM 2/10/2025 7:58:54 PM (No. 1893541)
Its referred to on Maui as the Lahaina shuffle..Its an in your face land heist.
18 people like this.
Just wait until they require all new construction to be LEEDS certified platinum rated (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). Nothing will be affordable to build.
13 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
DVC 2/10/2025 8:44:43 PM (No. 1893555)
Remember that gun control is about control, not guns. Sounds like another attempt at more control.
Leftists are ALWAYS totalitarians.
15 people like this.
That’s a taking without compensation.
7 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Californian 2/10/2025 9:06:01 PM (No. 1893564)
Of course they'll need to charge a "Green rebuilding tax".
8 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
stablemoney 2/10/2025 9:11:57 PM (No. 1893567)
I would rebuild somewhere else, like another state.
9 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
jasmine 2/10/2025 9:22:57 PM (No. 1893574)
FTA: "Newsom and Bass might design the Scientifically Perfect Palisades of their dreams, but who will live in it?"
The Dems were going after the suburbs before they got their rear ends handed to them. They wanted smaller lots, and more types of housing including apartments within those pleasant, quiet neighborhoods that people worked hard to afford, and chose for themselves because they earned it. It would be especially egregious if the politicians so eager to rob citizens of their right to live in neighborhoods they like and can afford, were allowed to control the property that went up in flames on their watch. Do not doubt that first on their list would be making it more "fair" because not everybody can live there. What was the "science" behind preventing the regular clean up of dry wood and brush? What was the "science" of emptying a reservoir during fire season? What was the "science of diverting water to the sea? If I've learned on thing about Democrat politics in the past 40 years, it's that they make stuff up, call it science, and use it to gain control of something they want. The same people who kept us home over a virus they insisted started in a "wet market" also funded a lab near by that was doing research on viruses. The same people that told us one lie after another about the safety and protection of the vaccines called it "science" made sure the drug companies had no liability. The same people who told us men can have babies called that "science" too. When politicians start running a campaign citing "science" to justify it, it would be good to remember the times they did it for POLITICAL reasons, and the damage they've done in the past four years pretending "the science" supported their self serving and VERY DANGEROUS ideas.
11 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
jalo1951 2/10/2025 9:25:50 PM (No. 1893576)
Burn it all down. Then make it impossible for anyone to rebuild. Buy them out. I guess that is one way to clear out the all the people. Newsome looking to build EPA/climate change/pollution free/low to no energy usage high rise apartment complexes? If I remember correctly they no longer wanted single family homes. Big no no. Stuff them all into an apartment complex. Easier to control and easier to lock 'em down if necessary. Enjoy the suck. You voted for these fools. Half of you will be dead before you get the first brick laid.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
earlybird 2/10/2025 9:29:53 PM (No. 1893580)
How dare jhe!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Red Ghost 2/10/2025 9:55:40 PM (No. 1893601)
The people affected by these horrific fires should be leading the new charge to recall the putz that is know as Newsom. But, alas, they voted for him and the other loser, Bass, and brainwashed as they are about so-called climate change, will happily accede to these brain dead, corrupt politicians. Ya can't feel sorry for these people. But, God knows I do.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
coyote 2/10/2025 10:21:30 PM (No. 1893614)
scientific Socialism is a contradiction in terms.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
anniebc 2/11/2025 4:16:09 AM (No. 1893739)
President Trump got it started for the people of the Palisades. They have to fight their government to keep them from destroying what they had for decades. I believe the fires were intentional. Follow the money.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
mifla 2/11/2025 4:37:24 AM (No. 1893749)
Let me guess, all construction workers have to be vaccinated and have attended a three day seminar on wokeness.
5 people like this.
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