The Musk-eteers Reveal You’ve Been Living
in a Simulated Reality
American Thinker,
Clarice Feldman
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
2/9/2025 6:58:24 AM
Over the past two weeks Elon Musk and his cadre of young computer geniuses have cracked the code. Like Toto pulling the curtain on the Wizard of Oz, they’ve pulled back the cover on government secrecy. They've shown how oceans of tax revenue have flowed through Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), charitable-sounding foundations, the UN, and others to fund terrorists, disrupters like BLM, and reporters to promote Democrats and censor the opposition, most often to enrich Democrat politicians and their friends, families, and allies. The news you thought was news wasn’t independently and honestly generated. The charities you thought were genuine, weren’t. It’s one big gaslighting grift and you paid for it.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Calvinesq 2/9/2025 8:10:40 AM (No. 1892644)
Imagine, the head of the executive branch, AKA our president, has his advisors blocked from reviewing executive branch records at the Treasury Department. FTA: "We’ll see how long this and other overreaching by extremist district court judges is allowed to continue.” Musk-eteers! Indeed! Yes, at this point our federal bureaucracy is a “self-licking ice cream cone.” Time to start melting it and expose it.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Rinktum 2/9/2025 8:11:41 AM (No. 1892645)
I admire these young men. They could be making millions working in the private sector but they willingly accepted the call from Elon Musk to help him find all the waste and corruption in our government. Democrats keep ragging on about their ages, but let’s remind them of the ages of the founding fathers of this country. They were not in their dotage. Most were younger than 45 and they created this amazing experiment that we all enjoy. The age issue is the only thing they have to use as a weapon but it is just something to throw out there because they already know what is coming the more light is shone on their perfidy. Frankly, I want all the cheats, thieves and grifters exposed regardless of the party. The American people have taken enough of their disrespect.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Newtsche 2/9/2025 8:16:14 AM (No. 1892648)
"charitable-sounding"-- That's the heart of leftism top to bottom, flying in the face of the 100,000,000 dead at leftism's feet. (today's anatomical observation)
32 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 2/9/2025 8:38:45 AM (No. 1892658)
I like how they are referred to as "Musk-eteers". It's refreshing. Keep going on your audits, we are with you!
75 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
voxpopuli 2/9/2025 8:39:41 AM (No. 1892660)
Let's take a look ar Katholik "Charities" in Walzland..
Along with Lutheran SOCIALIST Services
56 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
govlawyer 2/9/2025 8:42:14 AM (No. 1892665)
And everyone thought 'The Truman Show' was fictional.
29 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Catfur27 2/9/2025 8:59:22 AM (No. 1892674)
"...a hit dog will holler ..."
...If you've been wondering what Elon and DOGE are really onto corruption-wise ...( the dishonest, partisan, paid-for, media won't tell you ... they are PART of it ) is MASSIVE....check out this interesting article...
...seriously - the corrupt communist parties of Europe and Asia are pikers compared to the corrupt Democrats here ... they have been shamelessly wasting and stealing money for decades ... now someone is exposing them and their countless $cam$ ...and they HATE it.
49 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Strike3 2/9/2025 9:14:46 AM (No. 1892679)
This is an excellent summary of the government abuse we have been suffering as only Clarice can tell the story. The outcome of DOGE is not unexpected but it's much worse than imagined after a potted-plant of a fake president filled the White House and the entire inner Beltway with fairies, trannies, homosexuals, pedophiles, perverts and brain-dead idiots to work the purse strings of the Treasury. Clever trick, putting all of their wild wet dreams on autopay, hoping that nobody would notice. The extra attention and support given to Kenya could only come from one place, the effeminate gay man who left his family there to take the reins of America for eight long years but failed to make us a communist paradise.
47 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Rat Patrol 2/9/2025 9:18:34 AM (No. 1892684)
Not to mention Bill Krystal, jail time is in order.
39 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
privateer 2/9/2025 9:54:07 AM (No. 1892694)
We used to say---half jokingly---that Donald Trump was our real President during the last 4-year interregnum. Well now he that he really IS our President, it is abundantly clear that he spent that last 4 years in brilliant and industrious planning for what to do if he resumed the Presidency. We are truly blessed!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 2/9/2025 9:55:08 AM (No. 1892695)
This only covers the government of things. Does anyone have any confidence that this money is actually going to the people that we have listed to receive it? All these LGBTQ destinations are a spit in our faces. It's more likely that Joe Biden got more of this money than a LGBTQ group did. It's all a slush fund and it goes where the Left wants it to go.
38 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
oldmagnolia 2/9/2025 10:03:43 AM (No. 1892703)
#5 don't forget the Red Cross and the United Way.
38 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
downnout 2/9/2025 10:49:56 AM (No. 1892733)
Wait until we see the disbursements and expenses of these NGOs. An enterprising reporter could dig into their expenses and expose everything. It would not surprise me one bit to discover that the supposed recipients of our largesse never saw a dollar of the money. It would be eaten up by salaries, travel, meetings, etc.
20 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 2/9/2025 11:02:54 AM (No. 1892741)
This 'simulated reality' has been going on for decades. People saw things that looked off. Not sure when it started. Part of it was globalization opening the door to the Communist world. The Communists embraced the opening of East and West. It culminated in a marriage made in hell between the globalists and Communists under Obama. We began seeing it in its ugliness under Trump and it was in full bloom under Biden. Finally, a light has been shown on it and we are seeing the full extent of the corruption.
18 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
cor-vet 2/9/2025 11:47:44 AM (No. 1892764)
So, thanks to her mothers influence, probably, Chelsea Clinton got 84 million dollars and the anti-American criminal, Soros, has spent over 250 million dollars of our tax-payer money to overthrow our government. And liberal and democrats don't have a problem with that, but are mad that Musk is exposing them. The present governmment needs to finance a lot of ropes and lamp posts/trees and cigarettes/blindfolds and brick walls!
26 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 2/9/2025 11:54:01 AM (No. 1892770)
Considering the $1 trillion each year that's still being spent from Obama's "shovel ready" jobs program alone which adds roughly $16 trillion to the national debt all by itself.
These young men are the very one's who will ultimately pay for such wasteful spending.
Think through that one item alone that was supposed to be emergency funding but is still on-going expenditure simply due to the continued use of the CR (continuing resolution) mechanism for spending bills.
20 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
earlybird 2/9/2025 1:01:04 PM (No. 1892809)
I can't berlieve that the massive $500K fee being paidd by Mayor Karen Bass (LA) tto the "consultant" she has hired for THREE MONTHS' work on the rebuilding of the fire-destroyed Pacific Palisades community - money she says is coming from unnamed "chafities" - isn't one of these UJSAID boondoggles...
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 2/9/2025 1:20:26 PM (No. 1892815)
The corruption shite has only begun to hit the fan. The Musked Avengers have begun to rid the Government of the Plunderers of the Treasury. Their task is monstrous and has been devouring dollars for centuries. Led by Elon, and the likes of "Big Balls", these Avengers are up to the task. The Roaches of the Deep State and UniParty are scouring for cover. After only three weeks, billions and billions of $$$ have been uncovered.
Congress should make the DOGE a permanent Cabinet Organization. All outlays of $$$ should go through the DOGE to ensure validity.
17 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 2/9/2025 2:46:48 PM (No. 1892845)
Regarding Post 9, a PJ Media article reported that Bill Krystol’s “non-profit” Defending Democracy Together received $2 million last year —- “an indirect beneficiary of USAID through Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisor.”
15 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
DVC 2/9/2025 3:03:16 PM (No. 1892851)
And we discover that a Nigerian "prince" has been running Treasury, doling out TRILLIONS illegally, to millions of fraudulent accounts.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
anniebc 2/9/2025 10:06:08 PM (No. 1892998)
We must insist that the grifters pay back what they've stolen. Once they are stripped of everything they own and it's valued at fire sale prices, they must be made to continue to pay by hard manual labor. I don't care how old they (mitch, pelosi, and biden, etc.) are. The sins of these evil cretins should be passed on to their kids, except for the ones who are on the right. Everyone else is also guilty or a huge risk.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Sully 2/10/2025 5:58:34 AM (No. 1893073)
Clarice doesn't mention it, but I love watching the swamp creatures defend the corruption.
They have terminal swamp Fever. Victims cannot see, hear, or smell themselves.
7 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
Sgt. Stubby 2/10/2025 6:31:32 AM (No. 1893088)
I wondered how every country around the globe had the exact same culture degeneration and migrant issues as the USA. Now I know. You and I were paying for our government spreading global depravity... unbeknownst to us...till now.
7 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 2/10/2025 7:09:49 AM (No. 1893100)
The Musketeers. I love it.
Meanwhile, off to Maui this morning with Dodge Girl. See you all at the end of the month.
5 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
skacmar 2/10/2025 7:39:33 AM (No. 1893114)
The headline shows us how we are living in The Matrix. Elon Musk is Neo and the Democrats are Mr. Smith, determined to stop him from exposing the false reality everyone is living in.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Zigrid 2/10/2025 10:36:35 AM (No. 1893226)'s fun watching Musk and his Musketeers uncover waste and corruption...I want these young men to know...I appreciate their efforts and thank God that Elon Musk has President Trump's's a winning combination...these musketeers have given courage to many young fight...fight...fight for their country....let's not lose these young men as they climb the success ladder...keep them close to MAGA and WE will succeed.....
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
danu 2/10/2025 3:50:45 PM (No. 1893402)
for us, Eon the crimebuster, is sleeping on the floor of his office.
we thank God for him and PDT and DOGE, which needs a new doge dog.
the previous good doggie-a shiba inu- is now in heaven
just the facts, folks. reality rules.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
danu 2/10/2025 3:57:47 PM (No. 1893405)
btw-we agree w -16-'s reality about the continued use of the foul CR.
mikey mouth is back to his old tricks-making the same old excuses as to why he's lost w/o CR's
--and dem cronies.
[whinging that he doesn't have enough members who like and trust him, perhaps?]
he's enough to make the saints swear.
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