No, America Wasn’t ‘Founded’ By Immigrants
The Federalist,
Brianna Lyman
Original Article
Posted By: Harlowe,
1/29/2025 12:16:27 AM
Sunday, CBS News’ Margaret Brennan tried to get one over on Vice President J.D. Vance, badgering him about immigration and claiming “this is a country founded by immigrants.” But this narrative isn’t just inaccurate, it’s a calculated lie... Vance held his own, refuting the baseless claim by noting the country was founded “by some immigrants and some settlers”... [Snip] Britain began establishing the 13 original colonies in the early 1600’s. Over the next century or so, hundreds of thousands of Brits moved to the British colonies that were established by settlers--not immigrants. There was no “nation” being immigrated to by the first settlers.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 1/29/2025 12:47:35 AM (No. 1884303)
Actually, most of our Founding Fathers were born here. IIRC, Hamilton was an exception.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
sunset 1/29/2025 1:00:37 AM (No. 1884306)
They were called settlers
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
anniebc 1/29/2025 4:31:06 AM (No. 1884326)
Even if it were founded by immigrants; they couldn't have been illegal, right? Leftists are more stupid than the definition of stupid. My sister calls it super stupid.
47 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
mifla 1/29/2025 5:30:49 AM (No. 1884341)
Even if true, things change after a few hundred years. It is not an immortal concept.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
chumley 1/29/2025 6:27:24 AM (No. 1884389)
It starts out as settlers or immigrants. If the numbers are small enough and the newcomers disperse into the culture, they assimilate and all is good. If they stay in their own cultural enclaves, they never assimilate and eventually become conquerors. Short of military action, thats how you take over a country.
22 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
JrSample 1/29/2025 7:37:12 AM (No. 1884467)
Australia was founded by convicts sent from England. They currently have a points-based immigration system that is strictly enforced. Funny how we don't hear our pointy-headed elites badgering the Canadian or Australian governments about the enforcement of their immigration statutes.
23 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
felixcat 1/29/2025 7:39:02 AM (No. 1884470)
When America was receiving a lot of European immigrants, it was with the understanding that we needed their strong backs, work ethic and that they would become Americans. We welcome you but no freebies, no accommodation of your languages, etc. Become American and contribute to its success and what you speak at home is your business.
31 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
RussZilla 1/29/2025 7:50:19 AM (No. 1884483)
Only one other country allows birth citizenship, and that is Canada. Europe doesn’t allow it in any of their countries.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
bpl40 1/29/2025 8:54:56 AM (No. 1884522)
Willingness to assimilate is a mandatory requirement for any immigrant coming to our shores. It is part of our culture and heritage. It must be included and practiced as part of our laws.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 1/29/2025 9:58:09 AM (No. 1884596)
I've never understood why immigrants from Siberia had more claim to American land than immigrants from elsewhere.
No more special concessions for Siberian-Americans. We're all on an equal footing.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Encore 1/29/2025 10:18:59 AM (No. 1884616)
The left would have us resort back to a land of ‘clans’. No national unity or identity. What a great weakness that would result in. A lawless land of warlords, a ‘Mad Max’ atmosphere. The left can’t see past their money grubbing hands.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
cor-vet 1/29/2025 10:45:19 AM (No. 1884644)
Brennan proves once again, that a degree in journalism is as worthless as a degree in gender studies or community organizing!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Zigrid 1/29/2025 10:45:57 AM (No. 1884646)
JDVance has to be on his toes every news conference with the drive by media...they know he will run in 2028 and they are starting to work on him now....the Sunday shows are a great classroom for him...and let's remember...he was a scholar.....and the DEI dingbats that are put up against his expertise... leave a lot to be desired when it comes to our National bring it on ABC and NBC and CNN....JD is ready for ya!!
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 1/29/2025 10:49:04 AM (No. 1884651)
To #10:
To your point, the Siberian-Americans are simply immigrants/settlers who got here sooner than the European competition.
The Siberian-Americans' claims to have 'owned' N. America has pros and cons:
In favor, their own, verbally-transmitted myths of creation and ancestry claim they've always been here. They really believe them...but no one else does.
Against: no archeological evidence of human occupation pre-dates the last Ice one was here. In fact, the recent extinction of most large mammals in N.America (mammoths, saber-tooths, sloths, etc) corroborates the timing of their arrival.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Geoman 1/29/2025 11:38:04 AM (No. 1884691)
Re: #10: Many of my ancestors, who had settled in the Virginia/N. Carolina mountains before the U.S. was established are alleged by certain academics and politicians with an agenda, to have walked to North America from or through Siberia via the Siberian Land Bridge, Bering, although the evidence for this migration is not conclusive or even convincing when the fossil records of early hominids are examined. DNA research has proven equally inconclusive. As far as "special concessions," the only beneficiaries of such, which I am aware, are of white people claiming to be of indigenous stock. It was settlers and immigrants who, when critical mass was achieved, used the laws to prevent Native Americans, specifically the Cherokee, many of whom had adopted Christianity and a written alphabet, lived in houses, and were becoming capitalist traders, from actually owning the land on which they had lived and had created their own communities and settlements. Nomads, they were not. Newcomers could push those already established off of the land by force of law, so many kept moving West, into American lands claimed by the French and Spanish but later sold to or taken by U.S. citizens. That is rather like the Tren de Aragua gang removing you from your house by gunpoint or democrat political decree, because they do not honor your claim to property which you may have legally acquired, deeds and titles notwithstanding. My extended family was only able to "own" property through inter-marriage and as a reward for service in the U.S. military from revolutionary times through WWII.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 1/29/2025 12:52:51 PM (No. 1884744)
Margaret Brennan and CBS don't care whether it was immigrants or settlers who came here, they just wanted to embarrass and win an argument with JD Vance. Both CBS an Margaret Brennan are enemies of all that is good and decent.
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Precisely, there was no pre-existing country when the Brits came here—it was just land. “They were entrepreneurs building this nation from scratch, not immigrants joining a pre-existing nation.” The Native Americans were clans—peoples, not nations and “believed to have come from Asia before crossing the Bering land bridge and making their way to the present-day United States.” Anglo Protestants founded this country. “These settlers forged a new nation, instituted customs, traditions, and a national identity.”