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I smell a rat

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Posted By: DW626, 5/17/2024 7:39:56 AM

Joe Biden suddenly anxious to debate Donald J. Trump seemingly out of the clear blue doesn’t smell right. His Fraudulency (H/T John Nolte) can’t put two sentences together much less navigate an intelligent debate with a seven-year old. Clearly we know ol’ Joe didn’t call for this. He’s happy sitting in his basement or on the beach, eating ice cream and falling off his bike at every opportunity. We all know he doesn’t want this. Who set him up and why? I preface the following suggestions on the fact that the Left has already demonstrated how elaborately sinister they can be with the election theft of 2020

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Clinger 5/17/2024 7:56:53 AM (No. 1719438)
I think the rat is right out in the open. Trump vs Biden and CNN with no chance of any outside voice providing support for Trump or disdain for the team CNN-Biden. Moderated by the very people who have called Trump Hitler. They will be provoking Trump to manufacture soundbites and video clips of him loosing it and far more people will see those out of context clips than will watch the debate.
23 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: NorthStar 5/17/2024 8:13:09 AM (No. 1719446)
And the questions will be made available possibly the answers as well, expect microphone mishaps and moderators that hop in and stomp over anything Trump says that would score points. Also instant fact checks.
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 5/17/2024 8:32:15 AM (No. 1719454)
He was afraid he would be sitting home and watching a Trump - Kennedy debate.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: janjan 5/17/2024 8:41:58 AM (No. 1719466)
Trump is definitely being set up and hopefully he knows that. Just as they did before the SOTU speech, they will give Joe a big dose of adderall or whatever he’s taking and prop him up at the podium. I’d say the chances of him saying something bizarre are very good.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: wilarrbie 5/17/2024 9:19:34 AM (No. 1719484)
Trump: drop the Rodney Dangerfield act and just tell us what you will do better. Better than last go, and better than Joe.
15 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: chillijilli 5/17/2024 9:37:36 AM (No. 1719499)
Well, the bottom line here is that Trump agreed to Biden's terms. If we're going to vote for him, we must believe he has a functioning brain and knows what he's doing. It's my guess that Trump thinks of politics as one big spectacle---an over the top reality show with staggering drama. Nobody can outTrump Trump in that arena, so he feels confident voters will see Biden as the doddering, frail, incoherent geezer that he truly is. I agree with Sloan that this smells like a setup, though. NOTHING suggested or initiated by the Dems or Biden will be in Trump's best interest. He should just instinctively reject anything proposed by them and offer other options. Period.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: shredmaster 5/17/2024 9:48:27 AM (No. 1719509)
No audience. Security lapses. Other than getting beyond two sets of Secret Service protection, think of the situation if both candidates were attacked onstage, which leaves Republicans with no candidate and Harris as the Incumbent. Nothing is too far fetched nowadays.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: bpl40 5/17/2024 10:12:43 AM (No. 1719530)
I think Trump (and his advisors) weighed the one sided unfairness of Biden's 'conditions' with the opportunity of getting Donald in front of a biggest audience he has had this season. They (especially Trump himself) apparently have an abundance of confidence that this will be a net positive move. Secondly, don't forget 0bam'a's view that you can count on Joe to f*** it up. Wiley Coyote at work again!
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Venturer 5/17/2024 10:54:33 AM (No. 1719572)
I will believe this debate when I see it.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: RubiconDan 5/17/2024 12:15:31 PM (No. 1719623)
At this point and after so many years, exactly who does not know which candidate they prefer? I detest Biden and will vote for Trump no matter what. Why would Trump agree to these terms with the moderators chosen by the DNC? 1. Because he likes it, he likes to get in their face and it is likely there is no other way to get Biden to a debate. 2. He is hoping Biden makes the most egregious gaffe that it exposes him for the corrupt, demented, and perverted soul that he is. I won't watch this debate or any others because to watch and listen to Biden is torture for me and I am tempted to throw things at my TV.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: OhioNick 5/17/2024 2:14:35 PM (No. 1719729)
On a local talk show, someone suggested that the Democrats want a presidential debate before the convention so that the entire world can see that Dementia Joe needs to go. In other words, the Democratic leadership wants Joe to completely fail and make a buffoon out of himself, so they can choose a different candidate.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: danu 5/17/2024 8:22:37 PM (No. 1719925)
how can the bidemon debate? he's due to be replaced-unbeknownst to us- by manchelle.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: RWPollock 5/18/2024 5:09:47 AM (No. 1720042)
Did the Dems do this as a test and Joe fell for it? If he blows the debate Dems will nominate someone else?
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Posted by DW626 5/18/2024 3:36:40 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 5/17/2024 8:09:36 PM Post Reply
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I smell a rat 13 replies
Posted by DW626 5/17/2024 7:39:56 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden suddenly anxious to debate Donald J. Trump seemingly out of the clear blue doesn’t smell right. His Fraudulency (H/T John Nolte) can’t put two sentences together much less navigate an intelligent debate with a seven-year old. Clearly we know ol’ Joe didn’t call for this. He’s happy sitting in his basement or on the beach, eating ice cream and falling off his bike at every opportunity. We all know he doesn’t want this. Who set him up and why? I preface the following suggestions on the fact that the Left has already demonstrated how elaborately sinister they can be with the election theft of 2020
Is This Why Hillary Clinton's Play Is Failing? 8 replies
Posted by DW626 5/15/2024 2:55:27 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 5/15/2024 7:35:03 AM Post Reply
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I have a sneaking suspicion Michael Cohen
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11 replies
Posted by DW626 5/14/2024 2:59:03 PM Post Reply
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12 replies
Posted by DW626 5/14/2024 2:26:06 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 5/14/2024 7:17:24 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 5/13/2024 2:36:34 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 5/13/2024 12:14:16 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 5/12/2024 8:49:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 5/18/2024 8:00:48 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 5/18/2024 12:26:36 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 5/18/2024 8:16:07 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 5/18/2024 5:30:27 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/18/2024 11:00:01 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Judy W. 5/18/2024 10:28:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2024 1:41:21 PM Post Reply
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to Illegal Aliens from Venezuela
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2024 3:03:59 PM Post Reply
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