Why Trump Will Win
Power Line,
John Hinderaker
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
3/31/2024 11:29:34 AM
I predicted that Donald Trump would win the 2016 election, one of only two semi-prominent pundits, along with Michael Moore, to get that one right. I picked Trump to win again in 2020; one out of two isn’t bad. And I am picking him again in 2024.
Trump has horrible liabilities as a presidential candidate. Close to half the country wouldn’t consider voting for him, he is dodging jail as he tries to campaign, and so far the Democrats have twice as much cash on hand as the Republicans. How can such a candidate possibly win? The short answer is that he is running against Joe Biden.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
red1066 3/31/2024 11:41:50 AM (No. 1689764)
Those with more than two brain cells to rub together know Trump hasn't done anything wrong and all these courts cases are a political hit job. As a result, Trump doesn't need the mountains of cash to campaign. The MSM is campaigning for him. Every mention of Trump in court only reinforces the belief that Trump is the man, and the demoslut party is nothing but a Marxist American hating group of losers being propped by the elitists and the terminally stupid.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DrOstrow 3/31/2024 12:20:33 PM (No. 1689801)
I sincerely hope you are right Mr. Hinderaker. If you are wrong this country is truly 'over'.
The democrats as a whole, IMHO will DO ANYTHING to stop Donald Trump.
NOTHING is 'off the table'. Take Care Mr. Trump. The ballot printing / distribution / submitting /
counting is just the fall back plan and they WILL used it if it becomes necessary. Put NOTHING
past them and believe NOTHING they say.
They got away with it in 2020 and 2022 didn't they ??
24 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
chagrined 3/31/2024 12:29:37 PM (No. 1689811)
Sorry John, but not sorry. First of all, President Trump did win in 2020. Just the fact this is not mentioned shows a complete unwillingness of the writer to acknowledge massive vote fraud in 2020, and it is highly likely again in 2024 for one simple fact. Bidet, and the miscreants hussein and clintoon were hobnobbing for big bucks in NYC the same day as the wake! This just goes to show they don't give a damn about any police officer, or U.S. citizen and they're gonna rub everyone's face in it while they cheat their way back into office. Btw, it has to be "their way back into office" since potato head has no brain left.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
bpl40 3/31/2024 1:20:29 PM (No. 1689841)
Unless a writer unambiguously acknowledges the massive ballot fraud that thwarted a landslide victory for Trump in 2020, anything else he/she says, writes, predicts, implies about the coming election invalid or incomplete.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Gallo3 3/31/2024 1:40:52 PM (No. 1689861)
Wow. The gallant prognosticator Hinderaker has spoken. Mentions his soulmate Kristol. Both damn Trump with faint praise. With such ardent support, Trump has a chance to win!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Ragman73 3/31/2024 1:48:39 PM (No. 1689868)
The author states he predicted a win in 2020 but doesn't give us one reason why he was "wrong" What did he miss? I suspect in private he might address the "elephant in the room". Better not to have written this article than to overlook/ignore a number of possible factors that led to the outcome of election.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
DVC 3/31/2024 3:02:31 PM (No. 1689895)
Hindraker says the rampant crime issue, which is heavily subsidized and aided by Dems, is going to the pivotal issue.
He could be right. People want to be safe, people want criminals locked away so that they cannot commit new crimes. But the Dems have proven again and again that the release violent felons with no bail and don't care that they prey on ordinary folks.
At least out in Free America we can arm ourselves and hope to meet these violent attackers with some return force. But, really, we don't want to have to actually defend ourselves. We WANT the crooks in prison. Of course, 100% crime free will never happen, but it should at least be a goal, not "100% of all violent felons released in an hour" or however the Dems say it.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Venturer 3/31/2024 3:43:38 PM (No. 1689916)
Trump did win in 2020 --------------------before the midnight rush of fake ballots.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
smokincol 3/31/2024 4:20:49 PM (No. 1689941)
note to Mr. Hinderaker:
you were right about 2020 so don't doubt yourself because, as we all know and you should be right there with is
- the 2020 election was stolen from our President and deep down in your gut you must see the improprieties that gave this worthless sack of blah the office he now holds and the position he assumes
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Also not mentioned is the fact that in 2020 Biden ran as good old lunch bucket, Amtrak Joe, people voted for what they deludedly thought was a return to normalcy, many probably hoped they for Harry Truman, common sense. Instead, the cabal around Biden has shown every day in every way how much they despise normal Americans, making federal hate crimes out of speaking up a school board meetings or standing innocently outside an abortion clinic, SWAT raids on Christians, terrorist watchlist on Catholics, etc., mandating electric vehicles, cutting back on gas production, threatening to do away with natural gas, stoves, etc. on and on every day a new outrage. And now Transgender Day of visibility on Easter Sunday. The Democrats have bared their teeth and shown how much they hate us all.
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