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"Nasty Surprises"

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Posted By: earlybird, 3/23/2024 3:10:31 PM

Simplicius the Thinker makes a common sensical observation regarding the initial interrogations of the terrorist perps in Russia.(snip)The terrorists are just reciting their rehearsed speech about 'anonymous' Telegram 'shadowy figures' hiring them. But in reality, they were caught heading to the Ukrainian border which already proves they had contacts there waiting for them, which virtually confirms it was an SBU job.(snip) I referenced Victoria Nuland’s recent claim that “Putin will face some nasty surprises on the battlefield”—that’s the actual direct quote. But she also refers in that exact context to “asymmetric warfare.”


Victoria Nuland predicting "nasty surprises" for Russia. Dots can't be ignored. Nuland is a fanatic.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Pete on the Coast 3/23/2024 3:27:31 PM (No. 1684121)
It is being reported that some of the perps were caught after a high speed car chase near the border of Belarus, so if true, would that prove Belarus (Russia's lapdog ally) complicity? Russia has plenty of enemies in the Islamic extremist movement, and "asymmetric" warfare waged by Ukraine is seen by the aerial drones hitting oil refineries, and sea drones sinking Russian ships. Zero evidence so far of Ukraine having any part in the concert massacre.
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 3/23/2024 3:36:25 PM (No. 1684124)
Damn those evil Ukrainians for picking on the poor peaceful Russians. /s off First, I doubt this was Ukrainians. Second, if it was Ukrainians, it's just like the many, many commando raids that occurred inside Germany during WW2. And some will say...."targeting civilians". Well, Russia is specifically targeting shopping malls and schools and hospitals in Ukraine with precision strike missiles, NOT 'accidents'.
20 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 3/23/2024 5:41:07 PM (No. 1684189)
Not ISIS itself, but the people who created ISIS for their "Color Revolutions' are behind it. And I bet that the eight billion dollars in crisp hundred dollar bills that the 0'Biden regime had the UN deliver to the Taliban last week paid for it, MAYBE using muslim mercenaries. ...Although the videos I've seen of the attack, the shooters don't particularly 'look muslim'... although it is admittedly hard to tell, since the ones released so far are just cell phone videos from some distance.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 3/23/2024 5:48:02 PM (No. 1684196)
And I bet 0bama's semi-secret visit to "10 Downing Street" in London last week had something to do with it too.
26 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Rinktum 3/24/2024 5:46:02 AM (No. 1684452)
Not content to create absolute chaos in this country, the Biden administration with the help of some neocon Republicans, are playing a game so dangerous that it could easily explode into WWIII. Those behind this kind of strategy are the worst kind of evil. All war mongers in history had the same blood lust. Whether the ultimate goal was for land, power, money, or depopulation which the globalists are so fond of, it has the same result. We have been here before but the stakes were never this high. These fools are putting the entire planet at ultimate risk and they don’t seem to understand that this can make their false claim of a climate change apocalypse look like a fairy tale. What these people want is something that could only come from the mind of Satan. We have never experienced the amount of dread and foreboding that the majority of Americans are feeling. It is clear that there is something more evil afoot than we have ever experienced before. Something wicked comes this way.
41 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: bpl40 3/24/2024 7:32:03 AM (No. 1684486)
Nuland is a monster. I wouldn't be surprised if she had prior knowledge of Oct. 7.
18 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: TCloud 3/24/2024 9:02:02 AM (No. 1684538)
Bandera's still Toast!
2 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Strike3 3/24/2024 9:34:26 AM (No. 1684563)
The evil and money behind this operation will be identified because Russia has no qualms about torture. We claim that restraint but on foreign soil, anything still goes. If it was Ukraine then we must demand that support to them be stopped and may the stronger mad dog win the fight. Biden is not strong enough or smart enough to be running operations like this but many of his string pullers are. If the conflict escalates it will happen very quickly.
8 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: JackBurton 3/24/2024 10:12:16 AM (No. 1684573)
I searched under SBU and it came back 'strategic business unit.' Could someone decipher that for me?
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Reply 10 - Posted by: NotaBene 3/24/2024 10:27:06 AM (No. 1684579)
Miss Piggy Nuland-Kagan is giving US a bad name. We will lose yet another War.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: Zigrid 3/24/2024 11:46:52 AM (No. 1684632)
Sounds to a lot of fake media reporting from America and the Russian lap dogs...trying to spin the narrative....I think the killing of innocent people was meant to make you take your attention away from the oligarchs who are running the Ukrainian war....and want more money from America....President Trump is right...the world thinks America is their piggy bank....
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Chinese Spying Facilities In Cuba Signal
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Posted by earlybird 7/10/2024 9:30:46 AM Post Reply
China has likely upgraded and expanded its spying facilities in Cuba, according to a new report by an American think tank. (snip) The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington, D.C.-based think tank, produced the study as a follow-up to The Wall Street Journal’s reporting last year that revealed China had secretly agreed to pay cash-strapped Cuba several billion dollars to establish a Chinese electronic eavesdropping facility on the island. This facility is likely to be used for intercepting communications and gathering intelligence on the United States and its allies, according to CSIS.
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Posted by earlybird 7/10/2024 9:18:01 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 7/9/2024 10:35:31 AM Post Reply
Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., third in line to the presidency, said President Biden must "seriously consider" how to secure his legacy for the future as calls grow among Democrats for Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race over concerns about his mental fitness. Murray, who as president pro tempore is third in line to the presidency, said in a statement on Monday that Biden needs to be "more forceful and energetic" on the campaign trail to prove to voters that he is more fit for another term in the White House than former President Trump. "President Biden has to lead the charge in making that case," Murray said.
Biden Family Enter Negotiation Stage –
Letter to Congress Frames Baseline for
Exit Price
31 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/8/2024 3:19:36 PM Post Reply
The Biden family have entered the negotiation stage, as they face two simultaneous enemies aligned in common purpose. Hunter Biden has been brought close into the fold, as the Intelligence Community obviously holds leverage over Dad’s disposition through the entry vector of his son. As this aspect unfolds, the Biden syndicate goes to the mattresses. The threat metric against Hunter is why he is now part of the daily advisory group around the Office of the President. Meanwhile, in a coded message, Joe Biden technically blamed the Obama network today when he called in to the NSNBC radio show and pointed fingers at the DNC elite.
A Drug Addict and His Former Babysitter
Are Officially Joe Biden Gatekeepers
13 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/7/2024 11:27:58 PM Post Reply
Again, I refrain from too much speculation about the process of replacement, but I solidly affirm my 3-year-old prediction that Biden was always going to be replaced.(snip)the following lead paragraph indicates to me that Joe will soon be gone. If it is now accepted that Hunter Biden and Jill Biden are the official gatekeepers for the White House and the office of the presidency, then that indicates no other White House officials or advisors are trusted to take that role. If this is true, that means all of the professional political networks, the concentric circles that surround the Office of the President, have collapsed.
Commerce Blacklists 4 Companies for Training
Chinese Military Pilots
4 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/3/2024 9:13:36 PM Post Reply
The United States is blacklisting four companies for assisting in the training and development of the Chinese military. Two of the companies are located in China and two are located in the UK, according to a notice issued by the Commerce Department. China’s Global Training Solutions and Smartech Future, as well as the UK’s Grace Air and Livingston Aerospace, will be added to the department’s trade restriction list due to their relationship with the Test Flying Academy of South Africa, which the posting says trained Chinese military forces using North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) sources.
Michigan Lawmakers Ask Appeals Court To
Find Democrats’ Election Amendments Unconstitutional
1 reply
Posted by earlybird 7/3/2024 5:15:07 PM Post Reply
Michigan lawmakers filed a legal brief on Monday requesting a federal appeals court consider their lawsuit against two Democrat-backed constitutional amendments they claim violate the Michigan and U.S. Constitutions. “It is extremely important to have these constitutional questions adjudicated as rapidly as possible,” plaintiff and Republican Sen. Jim Runestad said in a Tuesday release from Michigan Fair Elections. “I am a firm believer in the Constitution. The people have a right to have this issue decided in a court of law, so everyone can have confidence that we are preserving civil rights and obeying the Constitution.”
James Clyburn Visits 10 Key Precincts
for Ballot Collection in Three Wisconsin
Cities (Madison, Milwaukee, Beloit) and
No One Notices
10 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/3/2024 2:44:22 PM Post Reply
Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never watch the performance and not see them. The same thing happens when you know the details of how ballots are different than votes, and how the ballots are manipulated. U.S. elections are no longer about “votes,” modern elections in America are about “ballots”. (snip) What is a representative from South Carolina doing in Wisconsin visiting ten key ballot counting precincts in three key cities, Madison, Milwaukee and Beloit?
New York Prosecutor Asks Judge to Delay
Trump Sentencing – SCOTUS Immunity Ruling
Changes Everything
12 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/2/2024 7:59:08 PM Post Reply
In a letter to Judge Merchan earlier today, New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg is asking for a postponement of sentencing. Regardless of the corrupt Lawfare trial outcome, the Supreme Court ruling around presidential immunity has thrown a wrench into the former prosecution’s case. Alvin Bragg used evidence, within the trial, that has been deemed by the Supreme court to be inadmissible. President Trump’s lawyers are filing a motion to overturn the judgement based on the SCOTUS ruling. Bragg now requests additional time to review the Lawfare consequences and construct his own legal strategy. (letter)
US Marshals Find 200 Missing Children
in Nationwide Operation
6 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/2/2024 4:01:04 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) found 200 missing children, including sex trafficking victims, abused children and runaways in a six-week nationwide operation, the Department of Justice announced July 1. “One of the most sacred missions of U.S. Marshals Service is locating and recovering our nation’s critically missing children,” said USMS Director Ronald Davis. “This is one of our top priorities as there remain thousands of children still missing and at risk.” Of the children found, 173 were endangered runaways, one was a family abduction, another was a non-family abduction and 25 were considered otherwise missing. The youngest was a 5-month-old baby.
Key Biden Control Officer Says Kamala
Harris “Must NOT Be Worked Around”
if Biden Removes Himself
13 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/2/2024 3:29:58 PM Post Reply
James Clyburn and Barack Obama are the two democrats who could unilaterally remove Joe Biden by withdrawing their support. It must frustrate Jill Biden to know The Lightbringer and the Ballot Master have that kind of leverage over her appointments at Tiffanys. As a result of this dynamic, we remind everyone to pay close attention to how Clyburn and Obama are indicating their position. Additionally, it is worth remembering how Obama and Clyburn agreed on Kamala Harris as the VP selection in 2020, and informed Joe Biden who would be on his ticket. The Jussie Smollet operation was still active when Kamala was installed with Biden.
Jack Smith Lawfare Strategist, Andrew
Weissmann, Apoplectic at Immunity Decision
– The President IS The Executive Branch
20 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/2/2024 1:40:01 PM Post Reply
The tip of the Lawfare spear consists of a small group of former DOJ attorneys and Main Justice leftists who helped AG Eric Holder create the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) when it was formed on behalf of President Obama. Lawfare writ large, are a tribe of leftists who strategically weaponize the justice systems within the DOJ. They are also the main guides, strategists and legal analysts who previously used Robert Mueller and currently use Jack Smith. The tribe is led by a trio of fellow travelers: Mary McCord, Norm Eisen and Andrew Weissmann. (snip)Mary McCord sits at the center of every attack approach deployed against President Trump
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Expecting people to be on time is part
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Posted by mc squared 7/9/2024 12:34:25 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 7/9/2024 6:35:42 PM Post Reply
Did you have this on your 2024 Bingo card? I sure didn't. A Democrat neurologist who treats Parkison's patients went on NBC News — NBC NEWS!! — to talk about Joe Biden's condition — and it was very, very bad for the president. Dr. Tom Pitts works with Parkinson's patients in a clinical setting in Dayton, Ohio. His specialty is listed as Neurology Clinical Interpretation, and although he has never met Biden, he said he could diagnose him with Parkinson's disease "from across the mall" — it's that obvious. "Oh, yeah, I see [patients like Biden] 20 times a day in the clinic. I mean, it's ironic because
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Posted by Hazymac 7/9/2024 4:00:48 PM Post Reply
MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell has called for allowing Joe Biden to have aides with him on stage to speak for him and help him sound coherent. Yes, really. This is where we are now. O’Donnell said that it would be good to “Allow the candidates to have as many staff as they want, join them on the stage throughout the debate, and make sure that all of them have microphones.” He added that “the candidates should be allowed to turn to their staff and confer with them about anything at any time in the debate.” “And we should be able to hear everything they say. So we can hear if the candidate has competent
White House admits Parkinson’s expert
has examined Biden – but says only for
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Posted by Mercedes44 7/9/2024 5:53:44 AM Post Reply
The White House admitted Monday that a Parkinson’s expert who’s visited the executive mansion eight times in as many months has evaluated President Biden — but said the exams only took place during the president’s annual physicals. The revelation was disclosed in a letter from Biden’s personal physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor hours after White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to explain the flurry of recent visits from the Parkinson’s specialist, Dr. Kevin Cannard. “Dr. Cannard was the neurological specialist that examined President Biden for each of his annual physicals,” O’Connor wrote in the letter.
Retailers now charging upwards of 35%
interest on credit cards
24 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/9/2024 10:05:41 AM Post Reply
SAN DIEGO — Interest rates on retail credit cards are on the rise, and the numbers may surprise you. Macy’s just sent letters to its card users announcing the interest rate on their Macy's card is jumping to 34.49%. Industry experts told CBS 8 the increase is part of a nationwide trend. “I mean, I follow this so closely that I'm not shocked, but on the face of it, yeah, that's a really high interest rate," said Ted Rossman, a senior industry analyst at Bankrate. Rossman says retail stores already have the highest APRs, and those rates have been climbing
Chuck Schumer Has a New Plan to Throw
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Posted by ladydawgfan 7/9/2024 5:01:33 PM Post Reply
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Dem senators ask DOJ to investigate Clarence
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/10/2024 1:24:41 AM Post Reply
Two Democratic senators are asking Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel to investigate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for possible tax law violations. Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) sent the letter to Garland last week asking him to appoint a special counsel “to investigate possible violations of federal ethics and tax laws.” The two lawmakers pointed to public reporting over the last year which found Thomas failed to disclose multiple luxury trips and gifts from billionaire friends.
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Nuke in Middle of the Night (VIDEO)
22 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/9/2024 9:17:04 PM Post Reply
White House reporters on Tuesday continued to pepper Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre with questions about Biden’s cognitive decline. Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked KJP who the Pentagon contacts if they detect an incoming nuke late at night past Joe Biden’s “8 pm window.” According to The New York Times, Biden recently told Democrat governors that his ‘health is fine,’ “it’s just my brain.” Biden is also reported to have told the governors that he needs to get more sleep, work fewer hours and not do events after 8 p.m. Peter Doocy asked Karine Jean-Pierre about Biden’s early bedtime and the ‘3 am phone call.’ “Well, [Biden] also said he’s the sharpest before 8 pm,
France Just Committed Suicide 22 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/9/2024 12:40:42 PM Post Reply
"Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last," is how Winston Churchill, just months away from becoming Britain's wartime Prime Minister, described the appeasement that led to World War II. "All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. "The same could be said of France's snap election, in which everyone from French Stalinists to the country's business interests banded together to defeat the country's "far right" at the polls. But the far right is not the threat, and the crocodile snapping at everyone's heels is the accelerating Islamification of France.
America Last: NYC Mayor Blows Another
$2.6 Million Taxpayer’s Money on Pre-Paid
Debit Cards for Illegal Aliens — Bringing
Total Spending to a Whopping $2 Billion
22 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/9/2024 7:12:08 AM Post Reply
Mayor Eric Adams’s administration has reportedly injected another $2.6 million of the city’s budget into a controversial program that distributes pre-paid debit cards to illegal immigrants. According to the Office of the NY State Comptroller (OSC), by May 31, 2024, the city reported spending $1.47 billion in Fiscal Year 2023 and $2.72 billion in Fiscal Year 2024 on expenses related to “asylum seekers.” This latest cash infusion brings the total expenditure on this initiative to an eye-watering $2 billion, according to the New York Post.
Software Expert: Thousands of Duplicate
Ballots Were Counted in Georgia 2020 Election (VIDEO)
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/9/2024 6:59:55 PM Post Reply
On Tuesday software expert Phillip Davis testified that thousands of duplicate ballots were counted in the 2020 election in Georgia. Davis testified on how election workers were cheating by counting ballots numerous times using different tabulators. Phillip Davis: You’ll see that they took batches from tabulator 794, batches 8 through 11. They brought it to tabulator 791. They then started grabbing pieces of those four batches. And with those four pieces, they met up brand new batches for tabulator 794. Some of the ballots were in reverse order. They were from multiple batches. In the very first one, you can see that they took batch 22, 20 ballots in reverse,
Over 100 People Were Shot in Chicago Last
Weekend. Here's Who the Mayor Blamed.
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/9/2024 4:09:18 PM Post Reply
This week, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) blamed late President Richard Nixon (R) for rampant violence in his city. Nixon died in 1994. Over Independence Day weekend, over 100 people were shot in the Windy City. Nineteen of these shootings were fatal, according to multiple reports. Johnson’s response to that was to blame a former president instead of acknowledging that the city’s soft-on-crime policies, among other things, contributed to the fatal shootings. “Black death has been unfortunately accepted in this country for a very long time. We had a chance 60 years ago to get at the root causes and people mocked President Johnson. And we ended up with Richard Nixon.
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