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Posts on Sunday, March 17, 2024

Marriage promotes ‘white supremacy’:
George Mason professor
Posted by Beardo 3/17/2024 11:08:07 PM Post Reply
“Marriage fundamentalism” advances “white supremacy,” according to a George Mason University professor. “I theorize that marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a key structuring element of White heteropatriarchal supremacy,” Professor Bethany Letiecq wrote in the Journal of Marriage and Family. (snip) Letiecq employs “critical family theorizing…to delineate an overarching orientation to structural oppression and unequal power relations that advantages [white heteropatriarchal nuclear families] and marginalizes others as a function of marriage fundamentalism.”
Muslim Death Threats to Teachers in Paris replies
Posted by OhioNick 3/17/2024 11:07:23 PM Post Reply
In Paris, 163 heads of schools have made a public protest about the threats to their safety made by “aggressive” Muslim parents. The heads of school, and their teachers, are terrified. They remember the decapitation of Samuel Paty, who had dared to show his pupils — though telling Muslim students they need not remain in the classroom while it was being shown — a single cartoon of Muhammad, as part of a discussion on free speech. Paty’s executioner was not even a parent, but just a Muslim who had heard about his supposed “blasphemy.”
Joe Biden wants to raid Americans’ retirement accounts replies
Posted by Harlowe 3/17/2024 10:37:41 PM Post Reply
Before anybody can claim that I am circulating a conspiracy theory, or citing an unreliable “news” source, I am going to quote President Biden’s State of the Union address and his own website ( as the sources of this information. I will then [Snip] Corporations received an enormous tax break in 2017. While their profits soared, their investment in their workers and the economy did not. Their shareholders and top executives reaped the benefits, without the promised trickle down to workers, consumers, or communities.
Shocking moment California cops tackle
teens to the ground during massive 200-person
brawl caused by two girls 'fist fighting'
as local mall is shut down
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 8:35:43 PM Post Reply
A shopping mall in Southern California was forced to close early on Saturday evening after the venue became swamped by brawling teenagers. Police in Long Beach were quickly on the scene of The Pike Outlets mall after a fight between two girls resulted in an all-out brawl. Footage of the massive scuffle saw about 200 individuals all congregating at the mall after a social media post went viral suggesting there would be a fight between two females, one adult and one juvenile.
Biden Communications Director Tyler: Trump’s
Bloodbath Comments ‘Endorsement of Political Violence’
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 7:57:20 PM Post Reply
Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that former President Donald Trump’s bloodbath comment was an “endorsement of political violence.” Saturday, at a rally in Dayton, OH, Trump said, “If you’re listening, President Xi — and you and I are friends — but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars as now we’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going
Hertz CEO Out As Firm Seeks Traction After
Big EV Bet Goes Bust
Posted by DVC 3/17/2024 7:34:06 PM Post Reply
CEO Stephen Scherr's barely two-year ride with Hertz came to a screeching halt on Friday. In his wake, he leaves a company still working to recover from a big bet on electric vehicles gone bad. It will do so under new CEO Gil West, whose previous posts include executive roles at Delta Air Lines and the Cruise unit of General Motors. Scherr, who came on board in February 2022 after 30 years at Goldman Sachs, ushered the company through its emergence from bankruptcy. Hertz's EV push began in the previous year, with a splashy move to order 100,000 Tesla Model 3 vehicles.
What the Press Still Doesn't Understand
About Its Latest Trump Hysteria
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 6:40:06 PM Post Reply
Following Trump's latest rally, we were all transported back to 2016, a time when the press would routinely take the now-former president's words out of context to paint a picture of a coming fascist state. Call it "bloodbath-gate," which sounds kind of hardcore, but the long and short of it is that Trump was talking about how the automotive industry and the economy as a whole would do if Joe Biden were to win in November.
Cassidy: Trump’s ‘Bloodbath’ Rhetoric
Concerning to Some Voters
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 6:38:20 PM Post Reply
Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that former President Donald Trump’s “bloodbath” comments were concerning for some voters. Saturday, at a rally in Dayton, OH, Trump said, “If you’re listening, President Xi — and you and I are friends — but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars as now we’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able
The Path to Victory for Trump replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/17/2024 6:30:18 PM Post Reply
Following this week's primaries, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have both attained enough delegates to be their respective parties' presidential nominees this fall. Barring some sort of unforeseen event -- a debilitating hospitalization, an ultra-expedited criminal prosecution, or a convention floor revolt -- we will thus get a rematch of the 2020 presidential election. For the many Americans who are neither Trump enthusiasts nor card-carrying Democratic partisans, this choice at the ballot box may be less than fully enticing. But for those patriots who still love this country, warts and all and in spite of our ruinous current trajectory and decadence, it is imperative that Trump secures
Spring break fears as Florida flooded
with deadly party drugs which could be
'100% fentanyl' - dealers exploit chaos
to peddle illegal substances and target
youngsters on social media
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 6:14:29 PM Post Reply
Dealers are flooding Florida with bogus party drugs that could be '100 percent fentanyl' as they exploit the spring break madness, state officials warn. They are using social media to advertise drugs including Xanax, cocaine and ecstasy to tens of thousands of students who have descended on the Sunshine State – but law enforcement chiefs fear the substances are mixed with deadly amounts of fentanyl. Health officials are also braced for a spike in accidental overdoses amid the surge, with one charity expecting to hand out 5,000 doses of naloxone – which is used to reverse the fentanyl's effects – to partygoers.
In on the Joke: The Comedic Trick Trump
Uses to Normalize His Behavior
Posted by Dreadnought 3/17/2024 6:12:38 PM Post Reply
I've been indicted more times than Alphonse Capone,” Donald Trump said from the stage in Winthrop Coliseum in Rock Hill, South Carolina. “It’s true,” he said. It’s not. But what mattered the most was that here he was, late last month, uncorking an especially lively version of what has become a routine rally riff — and one that never fails to send ripples of giggles through the crowds he commands. “My parents are looking down. They’re saying, ‘I never thought this could happen to my son — he’s been indicted!’” he said, hands out, head up, reveling in the hoots on cue. The audio track of the traveling Trump
Dementia Joe Biden Unleashes Nasty “Jokes”
Toward President Trump at Gridiron Dinner
Including Mocking Him as “Too Old and
Mentally Unfit”- Social Media Users
Respond with Fire
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 5:44:46 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden unleashed a series of cruel “jokes” targeting President Donald Trump at the infamous “Gridiron Dinner” in Washington Saturday night, including calling him “too old and mentally unfit” to be President. Unsurprisingly, Trump fans were unhappy with his remarks and responded angrily on social media. As The Daily Mail reported, Saturday was Biden’s first time at the dinner as the White House occupant. The Gridiron Club is an annual Washington tradition that began in the 1880s and features the elites in the nation’s capital trading “jokes” throughout the event. The Mail notes Biden and Kamala Harris sat next to one of the world’s ultimate elitists, liberal Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.
Bibi Netanyahu says it's 'inappropriate'
Chuck Schumer called him an 'obstacle
for peace' and demanded new leadership
in Israel amid war with Hamas
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 5:40:30 PM Post Reply
Pime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for 'totally inappropriate' remarks calling for an election of new leadership in Israel. It comes amid ongoing war between Israel and Hamas operating out of Palestinian enclave of Gaza, which sparked after the terrorists attacked the Jewish State on October 7, 2023. Schumer said in an extraordinary 45-minute speech from the Senate floor on Thursday that Netanyahu has 'lost his way' and has become an 'obstacle to peace' five months after the attacks started the war in Gaza.
Kent State facing backlash after organization
says it plans to host Kyle Rittenhouse
Posted by OhioNick 3/17/2024 5:10:34 PM Post Reply
Kent State University is facing major backlash after a student-run organization announced it was inviting Kyle Rittenhouse to speak on campus. Rittenhouse was found not guilty of shooting and killing two men at a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin in 2020. He wounded one other person. At the time of the shooting, Rittenhouse was 17 years old. Turning Point USA is the organization that is hosting the event; it announced Rittenhouse as a speaker on an Instagram post.
Elon Musk defends Trump and slams establishment
media for taking quote out of context
Posted by Harlowe 3/17/2024 4:55:52 PM Post Reply
Tesla CEO Elon Musk is defending former President Donald Trump on Sunday after multiple establishment media outlets ran headlines stating that the former president warned the U.S. would see a "bloodbath" if he is not reelected. [Snip] "Jan 6 was not a 'bloodbath' by any definition and Trump was referring to job losses in the auto industry when he used that word," Musk, the owner of X, replied to Scarborough. "Your post is extremely misleading." When Trump used the word "bloodbath," he was discussing China's reported plans to build cars in Mexico and sell them cheaply in the United States.
Are Dems Heading for Extinction-Level Election? replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/17/2024 4:52:03 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump has held a narrow but consistent lead in just about every poll for several months now—having never led in the polls in either the 2016 and 2020 election cycles. More significant is where this lead has come from. Trump has not improved his share of white vote at all; his improved standing has come from huge gains in minority votes, as John pointed out recently in drawing our attention to a Financial Times meta-analysis of polls going back several cycles. That chart, in case you don’t remember, looks like this: Nate Silver looks closer at the trend in a new Substack, noting a breakdown
Netanyahu To Schumer: "We're Not A Banana Republic" replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/17/2024 4:20:59 PM Post Reply
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer saying Thursday he has lost faith in the current Israeli government during an interview Sunday morning on "FOX & Friends." CHUCK SCHUMER: A new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel... People on all sides of this war are turning away from a two-state solution, including Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu... I believe in his heart he has his highest priority is the security of Israel. I also believe Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost his way.
The Most “Non-Pretending” and Brutally
Honest Video So Far This Year
Posted by earlybird 3/17/2024 3:58:32 PM Post Reply
This video is buckets of brutal and pragmatic honesty. So much so, that it’s actually stunningly refreshing. In an era where everything is seemingly constructed around false pretenses, manufactured narratives and just plain nonsense, the cold reality of truth stands as a beacon that draws attention from those who just know that things are not right. Watch this video and see a woman who is completely unafraid to state the truth without pretending.Donald J. Trump… because, America. Yep! Every single day more people realize why President Trump is opposed by the system.
Pelosi: We Have to Win This Election Because
Trump Is ‘Predicting a Bloodbath’
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 3:18:59 PM Post Reply
Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Democrats had to win the election because former President Donald Trump was “predicting a bloodbath.” Saturday, at a rally in Dayton, OH, Trump said, “If you’re listening, President Xi — and you and I are friends — but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars as now we’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and
Trump promotes abortion compromise as
Democrats push issue in 2024 race
Posted by Moritz55 3/17/2024 3:10:37 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump weighed in on the abortion debate, which has been a politically fraught subject for Republicans. Reports claim Trump has discussed having a ban on abortions after 16 weeks of pregnancy with three exceptions: rape, incest and the life of the mother. "Pretty soon, I'm going to be making a decision. And I would like to see if we could do that at all. I would like to see if we could make both sides happy," Trump said on "MediaBuzz" Sunday. Trump was vocally pro-life throughout his presidency, but he drew backlash after telling MSNBC in September that Gov. Ron DeSantis' six-week ban on abortion was
An Irish society, an unpaid loan and the hypocrisy of Letitia James replies
Posted by Birddog 3/17/2024 2:56:03 PM Post Reply
To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, here is a tale of financial shenanigans at the American Irish Historical Society, in which Trump-deranged New York Attorney General Letitia James is hoist with her own petard. It involves a grand old building on Fifth Avenue, an unpaid loan, a fading family dynasty, a James Joyce theatrical production which almost ended in fisticuffs, and hypocrisy from the AG as obvious as a glass of green beer.
Planet Fitness STANDS BY decision to allow
men in women's locker rooms and warns
members that their 'discomfort' is not
a reason to exclude transgender people
Posted by OhioNick 3/17/2024 2:32:22 PM Post Reply
Planet Fitness has refused to walk back its decision to ban a member who exposed a 'trans woman' shaving in the female locker room. The statement, which was shared by the Libs of TikTok Twitter account, said although some members may feel uncomfortable sharing facilities, 'This discomfort is not a reason to deny access to the transgender member.' The comments come after Patricia Silva detailed at incident at her Alaska gym where she saw a transgender woman shaving in her locker room.
Singer Sessi allegedly driving with phony
diplomatic plates pulled out of vehicle
by Florida cops in wild video
Posted by mc squared 3/17/2024 2:16:54 PM Post Reply
A Latin singer was dragged from her vehicle and arrested Tuesday when she was caught allegedly driving with a bogus diplomatic tag — before her boyfriend was busted for the same crime. Cecilia Selina Mercado, 32, who performs under the stage name Sessi, was pulled over in her Audi Q5 for a traffic violation, according to Local 10. When Sunny Isles Beach police asked the singer to provide her driver’s license, she handed them her passport and claimed to have ‘immunity.’ Video of the initial encounter, recorded by Mercado’s passenger, showed an officer holding her arm and asking her to step out of the car.
Inside Boeing’s shocking personnel scandals:
Drug dealing, love triangle and murder-suicide
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 3/17/2024 1:57:48 PM Post Reply
Boeing whistleblower John Barnett was found dead in his car with a gunshot wound to his head on the same day he was due to testify against the aircraft manufacturer. The mysterious incident happened as the company’s stock has nosedived, fueled by a series of incidents including a door plug which flew off a 737 MAX 9 operated by Alaska Airlines at 16,000 feet on Jan. 5 and a wheel falling off a 777 jet a few weeks later. This led the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) to investigate and discover “unacceptable” quality control issues.
Illegal migrant from Lebanon caught at
border admitted he’s a Hezbollah terrorist
hoping ‘to make a bomb’ — and was
headed for NY
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 3/17/2024 1:52:20 PM Post Reply
A Lebanese migrant who was caught sneaking over the border admitted he’s a member of Hezbollah, he hoped to make a bomb, and his destination was New York, The Post can reveal. Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was caught by border patrol on March 9 near El Paso, Texas. While in custody he asked what he was doing in the US, to which he replied: “I’m going to try to make a bomb,” according to a Border Patrol document exclusively obtained by The Post. In a subsequent sworn interview, Ebbadi said he had trained with Hezbollah for seven years and served as an active member guarding weapons locations
If Biden loses in November, it may be
over squandering the crucial Hispanic vote
Posted by Moritz55 3/17/2024 12:31:15 PM Post Reply
With eight months still to go until the presidential election, many on the Left are in denial of one of the more historic and significant shifts happening within a key voting bloc — Latino voters. The chief fallacy of the Democrats right now is that they believe President Joe Biden’s problems are all about perception. In truth, however, the reality is far starker: The shortcomings of this administration’s policy outcomes are deeply rooted in reality. If Biden loses in November, it will largely be because of Democrats’ shockingly diminished support among minority voters.
From Georgia to New York, 2024 could turn
on the odor of selective prosecution
Posted by Moritz55 3/17/2024 12:24:17 PM Post Reply
The removal of lead special prosecutor Nathan Wade from Donald Trump’s prosecution had the feel of a Southern Gothic. Fulton County, Ga. District Attorney Fani Willis had described Wade as “a Southern gentleman. Me, not so much.” For weeks, the public has been enthralled by accounts of Wade’s illicit affair with Willis. Then there was the roughly three-quarters of a million dollars paid to Wade before he was booted from the case this week. Channeling Tennessee Williams in his play “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” Judge Scott McAfee wrote that, after their testimony, there remained “an odor of mendacity.”
Biden unplugged replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/17/2024 10:54:20 AM Post Reply
In his weekly NRO column yesterday, Andrew McCarthy urges readers to review the transcript of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview of President Biden. Hur interviewed Biden in the course of his investigation last year on October 8 and October 9. The Department of Justice did not see fit to release the transcripts until the day of Hur’s congressional testimony last week. As McCarthy puts it, “the transcript is such a disaster for the administration that the Justice Department knew it could not afford to give Committee Republicans time to read it thoroughly and incorporate it effectively into their questioning of Hur.” McCarthy confines himself to one example.
White House Dodges on if Biden Agrees
with Schumer Saying Netanyahu Is ‘Obstacle’
to Peace in ‘Good Speech’
Posted by Dreadnought 3/17/2024 10:49:22 AM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby repeatedly dodged on whether President Joe Biden agrees with Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) remarks that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is an “obstacle to peace” that Schumer made in a speech that Biden said was a “good speech.” Host Andrea Mitchell said, “In the last hour, the President appearing to endorse Sen. Schumer’s comments, comments that he called a ‘good speech.’ That’s praise from the President of the United States in the Oval Office. That clearly was thought out.” Kirby responded, “Well, the President has great respect for Leader Schumer, as you know,
'Hoax-Making in Progress': You Know Biden/Media
Are Panicking With Latest Fake Story Pushed
About Trump
Posted by Dreadnought 3/17/2024 10:40:40 AM Post Reply
I have a basic rule of thumb: Any time you hear a wild story about former President Donald Trump where the media is claiming he said something/did something outrageous, wait 48 hours, and then the spin or the truth on the matter will be revealed. We've seen the fake stories before, like the "fine people" hoax. Joe Biden is still spreading that lie to this day when he talks about his reasons for running for office. On Saturday, you could watch the making of a hoax in real time. In the latest fake story that the media, the Biden campaign, and their fellow travelers are pushing about Trump, we don't
Exclusive: MAGA Inc’s Alex Pfeiffer:
‘Facts Aren’t on Biden and the Democrats’ Side’
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 9:25:16 AM Post Reply
Alex Pfeiffer, the communications director for the pro-Trump super PAC MAGA Inc., told Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday that Democrats are panicked as President Joe Biden enters the general election “because the facts aren’t on” their “side.” Pfeiffer joined host and Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle on the program. Boyle shared he is getting the sense Democrats are “panicking” amid strong polling for Trump and poor polling for Biden across many demographics and asked Pfeiffer for his take.
This is How They Did It - Part 1 replies
Posted by Judy W. 3/17/2024 8:47:22 AM Post Reply
I spent my childhood studying extreme emotional states. My mother, an amateur athlete who won tennis and golf championships into her 60’s, a gifted pianist, beautiful, solidly educated, well read, funny, had reality breaks. I, her eldest child and only daughter, learned how to subvert them. (Snip) But I refuse to engage with the hopelessness they, and many, (most?) people feel. I’ve seen how it ends. Even lefties think the midterms were stolen. Even in my town at the end of the hippie trail, people are saying, “What happened? Do you know? Do you understand? I thought….???” Even they could see the absolute f*up the Dems have created.
Bloomberg goes for broke on climate change crusade replies
Posted by FlyRight 3/17/2024 5:27:49 AM Post Reply
American Greatness reports: “Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (D-N.Y.) is planning to spend over $200 million on a global warming initiative that will seek to reduce the carbon emissions of 25 major cities across the United States. As reported by Axios, the funds will come from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the charitable organization founded by Bloomberg.” Memo to Michael: maybe work on getting Beijing, Wuhan, Mumbai, and Moscow to reduce their emissions first. American Greatness again:
The Moment You Started to Like Donald Trump replies
Posted by FlyRight 3/17/2024 5:20:55 AM Post Reply
Let’s be honest. You know you like Trump, even if you hate him. And I know the reason why. You were brought up to avoid all people who exaggerated or stretched the truth or who portrayed themselves to be winners by denigrating the opposition. Your parents taught you to be humble and not brag about yourself, even in those instances when it was warranted. In school, your teachers routinely took you down a peg if you thought you were better than the guy who sat next to you. If you felt you knew more than your teacher and showed it,
UN Condemns Iran for Human Rights Abuse replies
Posted by FlyRight 3/17/2024 5:18:38 AM Post Reply
In a withering report submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council, Javaid Rehman, the Special Rapporteur on Iran, has accused the theocratic regime of crimes against humanity, barbarity, and repression. Mr. Rehman says the regime is guilty of “murder, imprisonment, torture, rape and other forms of sexual violence, persecution, enforced disappearance, and other inhumane acts, that have been committed as part of a widespread and systematic attack directed against a civilian population”. The 42-page report contains a mountain of evidence of “institutional discrimination against women and girls” and other crimes which include “extrajudicial and unlawful killings and murder, unnecessary and disproportionate use of force,
YouGov Poll Asks Question: When Were Things
Better, Under Trump or Biden?
Posted by Mercedes44 3/17/2024 5:15:18 AM Post Reply
This is the polling question that triggers more concern than all others. 1,400+ people were asked when were things better? Under Donald Trump or Joe Biden. The results are transparently obvious: Better off with Joe Biden 33%. Better with Donald Trump 45%. Trump +12 With independent voters the margin jumps to Trump +22 (25/47) If this type of sentiment holds true through November (it should), this puts the election vote result beyond the reach of the AME Church Network election and polling officials to change them. Brutal Honesty – Illegal alien names and registered identities will create fraudulent 2024 ballots.
Elon Musk's SpaceX Building Global Satellite
Surveillance Network for U.S. Intelligence Agency
Posted by Mercedes44 3/17/2024 5:10:56 AM Post Reply
According to a recent Reuters report, Elon Musk signed a $1.8 billion contract in 2021 with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) to launch a system of orbiting surveillance satellites. According to the report, “if successful, the sources said the program would significantly advance the ability of the U.S. government and military to quickly spot potential targets almost anywhere on the globe.” Remind me again exactly when Elon Musk bought the Twitter platform. WASHINGTON, March 16 (Reuters) – SpaceX is building a network of hundreds of spy satellites under a classified contract with a U.S. intelligence agency,
Mendacity and Corruption in the Judiciary replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/17/2024 5:05:58 AM Post Reply
Something is seriously wrong with American law schools and the disciplinary outfits that are supposed to monitor corrupt conduct of practitioners. You can see the effects of this degradation in the outrageous behavior of government prosecutors and in the judiciary, which ignores its responsibility to decide fairly and without bias. We are churning out dishonest, corrupt lawyers and judges who are more than willing to look the other way at such behavior, condoning the most obvious selective partisan prosecutions. As the awareness of the failure of the judicial system grows,
More Trouble for Fani Willis as Another
Hammer Is Set to Drop From the House Judiciary Committee
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 2:18:27 AM Post Reply
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis may be able to stay on the Georgia case against former President Donald Trump after a decision by Judge Scott McAfee on a disqualification motion against her. But in the meantime, she seriously compromised herself and the case, given all that was revealed during the Willis is also now facing multiple investigations/inquiries including from the state bar of Georgia, the Georgia Senate and the House Judiciary Committee looking into the misuse of federal funds by Willis' office. disqualification hearing.
Londoners Slam Latest Woke Sculpture:
‘Hideous Political Trash’
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 2:14:36 AM Post Reply
The latest “contemporary” sculpture to be unveiled in London’s Trafalgar Square has sparked an uproar, with critics slamming the cartoonish figure as “hideous political trash.” The square has been home to many art installations over the decades, with the Fourth Plinth featuring a rotating cast of artworks every few years since 1999. Detractors aren’t surprised that the sculpture has been changed, but that the latest replacement doesn’t appear to represent native Londoners.Lady in Blue is a sculpture of a black woman with abstract proportions, including strangely long arms and very pronounced buttocks and legs.
White House set to scale down ceremony
for end of Ramadan amid Arab-American
anger over Joe Biden's support for Israel
and fears of a boycott by prominent Muslims
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 2:06:14 AM Post Reply
The White House is preparing to host a much smaller ceremony for Ramadan amid Arab-American anger at Joe Biden and fears the event would be boycotted by prominent Muslims. Traditionally, the president hosts hundreds of Muslim leaders from around the country for an Eid al-Fitr celebration, which marks the end of Ramadan, the holiest month of the Muslim calendar. But the White House has discussed limiting invitations this year to a smaller group of administration officials and ambassadors from Muslim-majority nations, officials told Politico.
Washington Post Columnist Calls on Kamala
Harris to Step Aside ‘For the Country’s Sake’
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 2:00:45 AM Post Reply
Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker is calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to step aside. The media is terrified of the ticket that they’ve supported for the last three years. Who exactly do they think is going to come riding in to save them? Michelle Obama has made it clear that she has absolutely no interest in running for office. Parker’s column is raising quite a few eyebrows. FOX News reports: Vice President Harris should ‘step aside’ for good of the country, Washington Post columnist says
Video — ‘Ugly and Cruel’: Texas
Neighbors Mourn Teenage Girl Found Left
in Ditch ‘like an Animal’
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 1:54:33 AM Post Reply
Neighbors in San Antonio, Texas, are mourning the loss of a 17-year-old girl whose body was found Tuesday night in a drainage ditch near her home. Kaitlin Hernandez went for a walk with a friend that evening, but her body was later found laying in the ditch, News 4 San Antonio reported Friday: (X) In a social media post early Wednesday, the San Antonio Police Department asked the public for help in identifying a person of interest:On March 12, 2024, just before 11:30 p.m. SAPD Officers were called to the 7600 block of Dell Oak, after a 17-year old girl was reported missing by her family.
Are Democrats Really Losing Younger, Nonwhite
Voters? The Data Sure Suggests It
Posted by Dreadnought 3/17/2024 1:53:03 AM Post Reply
There has been an incredible amount of data out there suggesting the Democrats - and Joe Biden in particular - are losing nonwhite voters. Hispanic- and Asian-American voters voting Republican more and more, and Black voters seem inclined to just stay home. In truth, the Democrats have been taking those voters for granted, and have sought to build and maintain a permanent political majority with them, to the point that they are even admitting that it's the whole reason they want more illegal immigrants to come into the country. But the even trickier situation now is that they aren't just
AOC's NYC district slammed as 'Third World'
as shocking video shows trash-covered
streets overrun by migrants running 'flea
market' and scantily-clad prostitutes
brazenly soliciting men at 'Market of Sweethearts'
Posted by Imright 3/17/2024 1:50:10 AM Post Reply
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's district is being described as looking like a Third World country, after video emerged showing trash covered streets overrun by migrants. Footage captured by Queens resident Ramses Frias shows two streets in the neighborhoods of Corona, Jackson Heights and Elmhurst. The video shows the streets of the area overflowing with trash, as migrants set up make shift flea markets flogging clothing items. Roosevelt Avenue has also become known as 'the market of sweethearts', with viral videos showing alleged sex workers lining the streets of the area.
Elon Musk Calls It Like He Sees It: 'There
Is Either a Red Wave This November or
America Is Doomed'
Posted by Dreadnought 3/17/2024 1:49:02 AM Post Reply
Twitter/X owner Elon Musk was busy posting to the social media platform that he owns Friday and Saturday, interspersing stories of SpaceX rockets taking off with searing political commentary about the state of our nation under Joe Biden and the Democrats. One of his main concerns is illegal immigration, where under the Biden administration, as many as 10 million people have slipped into the country. Biden has made no effort to secure the border and casts blame everywhere he can think of – except on his own disastrous policies. Musk calls the president’s approach “insane” as he reacts to the awful story of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley's murder
Good News From Voter Registration Data replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/17/2024 1:46:23 AM Post Reply
It is always fun to get good news from the New York Times, which always try to spin the data so it doesn’t look too bad for Democrats. A case in point: “Share of Democratic Registrations Is Declining, but What Does It Mean? Virtually every group of voters under 70 has become less likely to register as Democrats compared with Republicans since 2019.” The heading and subhed pretty much tell the story, but here is more: Newly registered voters, who are disproportionately young and nonwhite, have tended to lean Democratic. That’s been less and less true during the Biden era. A majority of states ask people to select a party
Exclusive — Florida GOP Says State Is
Solid Red: ‘Democrats Are Toast’
Posted by Dreadnought 3/17/2024 1:40:38 AM Post Reply
Florida is a “solid red” state, the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) says amid continued chatter of a Trump vs. Biden matchup in key swing states. But Florida, noticeably, has been absent from this conversation, and for good reason, according to the Florida GOP. Following Nikki Haley’s departure from the Republican primary race after Super Tuesday, former President Donald Trump essentially became the presumptive nominee for the Republican Party. And while there has been a bit of speculation on President Joe Biden’s political future given mounting worries over his physical health and mental fitness, all signs point to a Trump vs. Biden rematch.
Fired by Disney, Gina Carano Decries Studio’s
Woke ‘Reeducation Camp’ and Reveals
Hollywood’s ‘Unforgivable Sin’
Posted by Dreadnought 3/17/2024 1:36:14 AM Post Reply
Actress Gina Carano, who has recently filed a lawsuit against Disney for firing her from The Mandalorian for merely expressing opinions, decried Hollywood’s “unforgivable sin” of punishing those who do not perfectly conform to a given agenda. Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter (THR), Carano said that Hollywood’s “unforgivable sin” is being “a person who wouldn’t perfectly conform at a time when emotions were running wild in the world.” As Breitbart News reported, Carano filed a wrongful termination suit against Disney after the corporation fired her for expressing contrary opinions to the company’s left-leaning agenda – a punishment they did not inflict upon Carano’s male
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