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Qatar Offered to Expel Hamas; Blinken
Said No

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/16/2024 12:19:16 AM

I have long been wondering about Qatar's willingness to host Hamas' leadership post-10/7. As non-Western as Qatar is, the Emirate has been working assiduously to court Western approval and is hardly a radical Islamist state. This is not to suggest the regime is liberal or Liberal, but rather that they aren't exactly Iranian-style fanatics. The state is pretty much what you would expect in a country that is in a dangerous region filled with radicals but with an elite who are Western-educated and resolutely capitalist. I had long suspected that Western governments had given implicit approval for Qatar's hosting of the radical Islamist terrorist group's

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Reply 1 - Posted by: john56 3/16/2024 12:37:07 AM (No. 1678709)
Of course. Blinken, like Biden, is only "tough" when it comes to his domestic political opponents. My dog is tougher (and he's a sweeties). At least he occasionally barks at a cat.
12 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 3/16/2024 12:40:03 AM (No. 1678711)
Evil minions do evil.
21 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Trigger2 3/16/2024 3:40:39 AM (No. 1678734)
Of course Blinken said no. Joey loves all terrorists and it would go against him.
15 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: TexasHillCountry 3/16/2024 4:05:35 AM (No. 1678744)
Shades of Clinton refusing Sudan's offer to turn bin laden over to us!
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Reply 5 - Posted by: DiegoDude 3/16/2024 5:46:15 AM (No. 1678749)
Can't upset the Muzzie voting bloc now.
9 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: mifla 3/16/2024 5:58:11 AM (No. 1678756)
No one is this administration knows what they are doing.
13 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: 5 handicap 3/16/2024 6:04:37 AM (No. 1678762)
One has to know that Biden is getting his 10% of any funding of HAMAS by Qatar.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Alecto2 3/16/2024 6:36:45 AM (No. 1678775)
Blinken got his orders from Israel. Hamas was needed as a counterweight vs Abbas. As long as there were terrorists then there would never be a two-state solution.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 3/16/2024 9:08:21 AM (No. 1678840)
This is one more piece of evidence that our “government” is being run by the #JihadJunta - the Coup d’etat leaders from November 2020.
3 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 3/16/2024 10:19:08 AM (No. 1678872)
The Hamas leader begged to NOT be released to Tough Tony. They're deathly a-scared of what Tough Tony might do to them. The Hamas guys are bad boys - - but handing them over to Tough Tony would be excessively inhumane.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: bighambone 3/16/2024 11:51:14 AM (No. 1678928)
Well Qatar is where the Biden crew can quietly meet with the Hamas leadership, so you can see why Biden and his leftist and socialist Democrat crew do not want Qatar to kick the Hamas leadership out of Qatar.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: dbdiva 3/16/2024 1:02:14 PM (No. 1678986)
#6... This fake "administration" knows PRECISELY what it's doing. It was installed as a front for Obama to exact as much evil as possible onto this country and our allies. There is no doubt that BO is pulling the strings to destroy us; he was groomed for that purpose. Thankfully though his time is almost up.
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Posted by Dreadnought 3/17/2024 10:40:40 AM Post Reply
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