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Posts on Saturday, February 17, 2024

As Easter Nears, Some Atheists Insist
‘There Was No Jesus’
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/17/2024 10:08:42 PM Post Reply
The Christian season of Lent always triggers the anti-God squad, and 2024 is no different, with limelight-seeking atheists trotting out the tired “Jesus never existed” thesis in preparation for Holy Week. Writing in Aeon, professional provocateur Gavin Evans leads the band of God-slayers with his February 15 article, entitled “There Was No Jesus,” rehashing old arguments that Jesus was the invention of a group of unscrupulous hucksters who sought to create a religion around a myth of their own creation. The gist of Evans’ plodding 4,100-word piece is that “a cult leader who drew crowds, inspired devoted followers and was executed on the order of a Roman governor”
“85 Million of Us Are Going to Vote!
– They Can’t Cheat Enough to Beat
Him!” – Crowd EXPLODES as Michigan
Autoworker Promises 85 Million Voters
for Trump in 2024! (Video)
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 9:50:03 PM Post Reply
President Trump held another one of his massive political rallies Saturday night in Waterford Township, Michigan. The rally was held one day after a New York City judge ordered him to pay $355 million to New York State for paying his business loans off on time and with interest. This case could possibly be the start of the end of the United States as we know it if it is not overturned. The unprecedented lawfare suits against America’s favorite president has not put a dent in his popularity with voters. In fact, it is having the opposite effect.
The Silent Radio: A Third Year Without Rush replies
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 9:33:33 PM Post Reply
A third year has passed since the death of Rush Limbaugh. The day of the sad news, millions of people were sensible of a loss. Something they depended on for reassurance, reinforcement, confidence, strength, amusement, and interest was now gone and never would come again. Limbaugh was an optimist, and optimists are like bonfires. The shivering gathered about him for warmth -- those fearing an awful and incomprehensible transformation in their country, those to whom the triumph of Marxism looked to be inevitable. His listeners had this consolation -- that at the appointed hour the ebullient voice would issue from the radio,
MSNBC host Katy Tur demands: ‘Is this
fair’ after judge fines Trump, bans
him from business in New York
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 9:29:20 PM Post Reply
MSNBC host Katy Tur recently questioned if it was "fair" that former President Trump was ordered to pay almost $355 million in damages and be barred from his business in New York by a judge Friday in a civil fraud case brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James. During a segment of "MSNBC Reports" on Friday, Tur mentioned that in the 70-year existence of the legal rule Judge Arthur Engoron used on Trump, it was never used against someone who has yet to be proven of doing harm to any individual or entity with their practices.
Survey: Trump Outperforms Biden on Key
Issues Including Immigration, Economy
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 9:14:34 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is outperforming President Joe Biden on a series of key issues, a recent ABC/IPSOS survey found. The survey asked respondents who they trust more — Trump or Biden — to handle a series of key issues in the country, including crime, immigration, the economy, guns, and more.Overall, it appears Americans have more confidence in Trump than Biden to handle some of the most pressing issues of the day. For instance, 43 percent trust Trump to handle the economy, while 31 percent said the same of Biden — a +12 advantage for Trump.
A Black Harvard Professor’s Study Found
‘No Racial Bias’ on Police Shootings
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/17/2024 9:02:37 PM Post Reply
The political narrative of the US left, when it comes to race, are one of the most ‘sacred cows’ of the western world. Hardly anyone dares to counter its assumptions, that are treated like eternal truths. In comes a black Harvard professor leading a study on race and police brutality. He fully expects the results to match the ‘approved’ party line, showing that Houston police shootings have a clear and unmistakable racial bias. When the results show nothing of the kind, the professor has to decide whether he is a scholar or a militant. Harvard Economics Professor Roland Fryer took the hard road, published his study, and ‘all hell broke loose’.
Gavin Newsom’s California: Public Library
in Antioch Abruptly Closes Because of
Rampant Crime, Vandalism, People Using
Drugs and Having Sexual Intercourse Inside
the Library “In Full View of Patrons
and Staff”
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/17/2024 8:50:27 PM Post Reply
The Antioch Community Library in Contra Costa, California was abruptly closed on Saturday. A statement posted to the Contra Costa County Library website gave the reason as, “repeated dangerous incidents in the last few months that have threatened the safety and security of patrons and staff.” A library spokesperson added people were using drugs and having sexual intercourse inside the library and on library property “in full view of patrons and staff.” Contra Costa County is located in the East Bay region, just east of crime-ridden Oakland and San Francisco.
Spineless Joe Biden is inching toward
a full betrayal of Israel
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 8:48:57 PM Post Reply
Is there a Margaret Thatcher in the house who can help stiffen Joe Biden’s spine? The late British prime minister, in a 1990 phone call during the early days of the first Gulf war, famously told a hesitant President George H. W. Bush that it “was no time to go wobbly.” As Thatcher recounts in her first memoir, “The Downing Street Years,” Bush appeared reluctant to act decisively following Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait. Although the United Nations Security Council approved a trade embargo of Iraq, it was left largely to the US and UK to enforce it. Fortunately, Bush adopted the Iron Lady’s resolve and soon unleashed Operation Desert Storm, leading to
Survey: More Believe Trump Would Win 2024
Election than Would Pick Biden
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 8:37:40 PM Post Reply
More Americans believe former President Donald Trump will win the 2024 presidential election rather than would pick President Joe Biden, should that matchup officially materialize, the latest survey from the Economist/YouGov found. The survey asked respondents,” Regardless of who you prefer, who do you think would win the presidential election if Joe Biden were the Democratic candidate and Donald Trump were the Republican candidate?” While the two are tied with 44 percent each in a head-to-head matchup, more believe Trump would actually emerge as the victor.
“As a Result of This Decision, Businesses
Are Going to Flee New York – With Tens
of Thousands of Jobs” – Trump Goes
Off on Crooked New York Courts During
Michigan Speech (Video)
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 8:31:29 PM Post Reply
President Trump was in rare form Saturday night at his massive rally in Waterford Township, Michigan. The rally was held one day after a New York City judge ordered him to pay $355 million to New York State for paying his business loans off in time with interest. This case could possibly be the start of the end of the United States as we know it if it is not overturned. Democrats are behaving like rapid Marxists in their lawfare attacks on President Trump and his supporters. They demand that the people genuflect to their power and never question their lies.
Texas starts construction on new 80-acre
military base camp in Eagle Pass for 2,300
soldiers as Gov. Greg Abbott promises
to 'amass a large army' to combat migrant invasion
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 8:28:16 PM Post Reply
Texas plans to construct a military base along the border with Mexico, the state's Republican governor announced on Friday, as his election-year tug-of-war with the White House over migration continues to broil. A wave of illegal border crossings in recent months has made migration a key talking point in the US presidential election campaign once again, with Republicans seeking to pin blame for the record-high numbers entirely on Democratic President Joe Biden. Governor Greg Abbott made the announcement of the new base in the flashpoint border town of Eagle Pass, where he has amassed national guard troops from Texas and other Republican-led states to erect razor wire and other barriers
BREAKING REPORT: Truckers Plan to Stop
Shipments to NYC in Response to Political
Hack Judge Engoron’s $238 Million Ruling
Against Trump and His Sons (VIDEO)
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/17/2024 8:22:14 PM Post Reply
Truckers to the rescue—again. Truckers bravely exposed some of the worst COVID shutdowns in the world when they parked their trucks in Ottowa to protest the iron-fisted approach used against citizens by the Justin Trudeau regime. Truckers in the US showed solidarity for their Canadian neighbors and helped block shipping between the US and Canada in Detroit, Michigan. Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who was being considered for Joe Biden’s VP, quickly threatened arrest for truckers who dared to block the Ambassador Bridge. American truckers are now reportedly threatening to stop deliveries into New York City over the grotesque $364 million judgment against President Trump
Remember Biden Talking About That 1974
Classified Doc? It Was So Much Worse Than That.
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/17/2024 8:08:24 PM Post Reply
We've been talking for some time about how bad Joe Biden's classified documents scandal was compared to former President Donald Trump's situation. Trump had things transported to Mar-a-Lago only from the time he was president, when he was allowed to have access to them, with Secret Service protection. The issue was over what needed to be returned. But as I've noted in the past, Biden himself admitted there was a document going back to 1974, when he didn't even have any right to have anything from the time he was a Senator. Then after the Hur report dropped, Biden spoke about their investigation spanning "40 years."
Arab Americans feel 'a bone-deep sense
of betrayal.' And they want Joe Biden
defeated in 2024
Posted by NorthernDog 2/17/2024 6:52:35 PM Post Reply
DEARBORN, Mich. – Mohammad Enayah was asleep when his pinging cell phone alerted him to the message from Gaza. It was 2 a.m. “I hate to tell you this news,” his cousin wrote. Thirty-seven members of his extended family had been killed in an Israeli air strike on a Palestinian refugee camp. Enayah read the first name on the list of victims, his father’s cousin. He scrolled further, then put the phone aside. He couldn’t read on. It would take a week before he would finally make it through the list of those who had died. Enayah would eventually learn
Blasphemy: University Mixed Purple Glitter
With Ashes on Ash Wednesday for LGBTQ Inclusion
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/17/2024 6:28:34 PM Post Reply
The LGBTQ community continues to segregate itself while preaching that all it wants is inclusion. If that’s the case, then why continue to attack the values of those who don’t agree with your beliefs? Ash Wednesday is a sacred day for many Christians. It signals the beginning of Lent, six weeks of repentance and self-denial meant to remind the faithful of Jesus’s forty days of fasting in the desert. For centuries, (Snip) The LGBTQ community knows and understands how sacred and important the time of Lent is to Christians. Yet one group chose to desecrate that tradition by blending purple glitter in with the ashes.
Are Cheerios Chemically Castrating the
American Public?
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/17/2024 6:16:40 PM Post Reply
Researchers recently discovered an agri-chemical found in Cheerios, known to retard fetus development and reduce fertility, in a whopping 90% of samples taken from 2023, a substantial increase from the chemical’s presence in 69% of samples taken just a few years ago in 2017. Via Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology: (emphasis added): Chlormequat chloride is a plant growth regulator* whose use on grain crops is on the rise in North America. Toxicological studies suggest that exposure to chlormequat can reduce fertility and harm the developing fetus at doses lower than those used by regulatory agencies to set allowable daily intake levels. Here we report, the presence of chlormequat in urine
Watch Live: Trump Speaks Today in Waterford
Township, Michigan (Feb. 17)
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 6:16:36 PM Post Reply
Former President Trump will be speaking today in Michigan to support his candidacy in the upcoming primary on Feb. 27 and caucus on March 2. While South Carolina is currently getting all the attention, Michigan is on the calendar as the only other major state of note before Super Tuesday on March 5. Here are all the details on Trump’s Michigan rally today including the start time, live stream, and how to watch online.
Biden Once Threatened 'Devastating Consequences'
for Russia if Alexei Navalny Died in Prison
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 5:53:37 PM Post Reply
The world was shaken when the death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny was announced on Friday. After having fought a long, hard, battle against the country’s authoritarian government, his death is a major blow to the fight for freedom worldwide.The question now is, what happens next? President Joe Biden once told Russian President Vladimir Putin that there would be consequences if Navalny perished in prison. Since this unfortunate scenario has now materialized, it is unclear how the White House will respond.
NBC: Willis ‘Had a Strategy’ of Selective Recall replies
Posted by earlybird 2/17/2024 5:51:07 PM Post Reply
On Thursday’s edition of NBC’s “Top Story,” host Tom Llamas and NBC Legal Analyst Danny Cevallos stated that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) had strategically poor recall when she was asked any potentially incriminating questions. Llamas said, “She sort of had a strategy with the way she was answering questions, right? She seemed to have total recall when she could take the question head-on, and then, at other times, when it was a tough question, there was, oh, I don’t remember.(snip) I have to believe that every attorney who thinks she did a great job(snip)would you tolerate a witness
President Trump Launches Official New
Line of Sneakers During ‘Sneaker Con’
in Philadelphia (Video)
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 5:50:52 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump took the stage at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia this afternoon, where he unveiled a new line of sneakers, merging the realms of politics and streetwear in a bold entrepreneurial move. The exclusive sneakers, which are set to retail at $399, mark Trump’s unexpected foray into the fashion industry. The announcement came via Trump’s Truth Social account on Friday, where he teased his appearance: “Looking forward to being at Sneakercon at the Philadelphia Convention Center, Pennsylvania, at 3 P.M. ET on Saturday. Then leaving for a Big Rally in Michigan!”
Biden DOJ’s Indictment Of Burisma Bribery
Source Raises More Questions Than Answers
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 5:05:12 PM Post Reply
The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) indictment of a FBI informant who shared information about an alleged bribery scheme involving Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and a Ukrainian energy company called Burisma raises more questions than it answers. Alexander Smirnov, the confidential human source (CHS) who alleged in 2020 that Burisma executives paid then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden $5 million each to protect the company’s interests with their political influence, allegedly lied to FBI agents, according to the Thursday indictment unsealed by special counsel David Weiss and his team. Whether or not Smirnov lied to the FBI, as the DOJ alleges, the indictment’s timing and its allegations that Smirnov
Chinese Co. to Raze Trees to Build Michigan
EV Battery Plant, Claims Locals Spreading 'Misinformation'
Posted by mc squared 2/17/2024 4:55:30 PM Post Reply
A Chinese company, with the approval of Michigan's government, is cutting down trees to build a plant to build batteries for electric vehicles. In so doing, they are effectively removing a great carbon sink - trees - to build batteries that are of questionable quality, to power electric vehicles that are of questionable effectiveness, all in the name of "green energy." A Chinese green energy firm backed by Michigan's state government is tearing down trees to make way for a proposed electric vehicle (EV) battery plant designed to help the state meet its climate goals.[snip] has received support from Democrats and climate activists
Fani Willis' testimony evokes long-standing
frustrations for Black women leaders
Posted by halfnorsk 2/17/2024 4:47:28 PM Post Reply
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is used to prosecuting high-profile, challenging cases. But as she parried questions about her own personal conduct from the witness stand against the legal teams for defendants her office has accused of election interference, many Black women recognized a dispiriting scene.
Exclusive: Russia attempting to develop
nuclear space weapon to destroy satellites
with massive energy wave, sources familiar
with intel say
Posted by Dreadnought 2/17/2024 4:47:02 PM Post Reply
Russia is trying to develop a nuclear space weapon that would destroy satellites by creating a massive energy wave when detonated, potentially crippling a vast swath of the commercial and government satellites that the world below depends on to talk on cell phones, pay bills, and surf the internet, according to three sources familiar with US intelligence about the weapon. These sources gave CNN a more detailed understanding of what Russia is working on – and the threat it could pose – than the US government has previously disclosed. Republican Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio, the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, set off a frenzy in
Remembering Rush Limbaugh replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/17/2024 4:46:29 PM Post Reply
On this day in 2021, America lost a great man: the “Mayor of Realville” and “America’s Anchorman,” the great Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh was more than a radio announcer or show host. He was a unique American genius, a patriot who inspired millions. From his one-line zingers — “For government to give, it must first take away” — to his thoughtful monologues, Rush was incomparable. He created a new generation of conservatives and set the gold standard for conservative talk media. Yet, despite his massive fame and popularity, there was nothing elitist or unapproachable about Rush; many of his listeners, including those who never met him,
University Lecturer Tells Students 'Whites
Are Psychopaths' and It's Legal to Rape
Black Women
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/17/2024 4:33:21 PM Post Reply
The California public education system is devoted to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Hence, it recently welcomed an expert in the field. While telling attendees about the American mind, he also schooled them on the law. The University of California San Francisco's (UCSF) February 8th event was advertised like so: In celebration of Black History Month, Dante King, M.ED. will present the lecture “Diagnosing Whiteness and Anti-Blackness: White Psychopathology, Collective Psychosis and Trauma in America”... Attend either in person at the UCSF Nancy Friend Pritzker Psychiatry Building Auditorium or online via Zoom. For a bit of background, Dante's website spotlights a 2021 work called "The 400-Year Holocaust:
Dershowitz: Letitia James ‘Ought to
Be Brought up Before the Bar’
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 3:56:52 PM Post Reply
Friday on FNC’s “Hannity,” Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz railed against former President Donald Trump’s civil prosecution, resulting in a more than $350 million fine and a three-year ban on doing business in New York State. Dershowitz called for New York State Attorney General Letitia James to be brought up before the bar. “Professor Dershowitz, I’ll start with you,” host Sean Hannity said. “You wrote a best-selling book ‘Get Trump.’ Where did you get the title for that book?” “I didn’t make it up,” Dershowitz replied.
Biden Administration May Relax EPA Rules
Driving Electric Vehicles: Report
Posted by Dreadnought 2/17/2024 3:52:45 PM Post Reply
In recent years, the American car market has been pushed toward becoming a significantly more electric one by the Biden Administration's strict Environmental Protection Agency rules. Those car tailpipe emission rules are so strict that by 2032, two-thirds of all new cars would need to have no emissions at all. But now, after months of pressure from automakers, dealers, labor unions and the other side of the political aisle, the White House may ease up on that plan—a move that will sure to draw the ire of EV proponents and anyone sounding the alarm over global warming. This report comes from the New York Times, citing three unnamed officials
Second Trump presidency would axe Biden
climate agenda, gut energy regulators
Posted by Dreadnought 2/17/2024 3:45:04 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON - U.S. President Joe Biden has spent years implementing programs to fight climate change by advancing renewable energy and imposing tougher regulations on fossil fuels. Much of that work could go up in smoke if his likely rival Donald Trump beats him at the polls in November, according to Republican policy advisers. Former President Trump, who is on track to clinch the Republican nomination, would re-enter the White House with a raft of executive orders to expand oil, gas and coal development, they said. That would include ending a pause on new LNG export permits, scrapping electric vehicle mandates and once again withdrawing the United States
Manure Dumped in Front of Pelosi’s San
Francisco House as Leftists Torment Former
Speaker at Home and in DC Over Support
for Israel
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 3:30:08 PM Post Reply
Former Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is being tormented by leftist protesters at her San Francisco home and and on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. over her support for Israel in its defensive war on Hamas in Gaza. (Photo) This past week a load of manure was dumped in front of Pelosi’s home and two Code Pink activists were charged over a protest that damaged Pelosi’s garage door as well as the street and sidewalk in front of the house with red paint. Code Pink has protested Pelosi at her home for over a decade, but the pressure tactics by the left have been ratcheted up since
Ukraine makes major troop withdrawal in
key win for Putin and Russia
Posted by Dreadnought 2/17/2024 3:00:06 PM Post Reply
Ukrainian troops have withdrawn from the key battleground town of Avdiivka in the east of the country, which could pave the way for a Russian advance as the war nears its second anniversary. The withdrawal, announced as Ukraine faces acute shortages of ammunition with U.S. military aid delayed for months in Congress, aimed to save troops from being fully surrounded by Russian forces after months of fierce fighting, Kyiv said. Most of the city’s pre-war population of 32,000 people has already left, and the town has been almost completely destroyed.
Elites’ Strange Disconnect Between Israel
and Ukraine
Posted by Judy W. 2/17/2024 2:46:13 PM Post Reply
The Ukrainian and Israeli wars are similar and yet also different conflicts—but in more ways than we can imagine. Both Russia and Hamas started the wars. Russia was convinced it would easily crush the smaller neighbor. Hamas hoped to spark a pan-Islamic jihad against the Jewish state. Most of Europe, the United States, and the West understandably supported arming Ukraine to repel Vladimir Putin‘s Russian aggression. By contrast, such support for democratic Israel was strangely mixed. In many elite political, academic and media circles, Israel is criticized for its massive retaliation after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack.
This is the Stupidest, Most Venal Leadership
Class in History
Posted by Judy W. 2/17/2024 2:36:00 PM Post Reply
I ventured deep into the hate factory this week, which I don’t recommend, and basically slathered it all over me. Luckily, I guess, this was polite hate, couched in compound sentences filled with four syllable words. Hurling, nevertheless, said words the way schizophrenics do feces at their cell walls. I’m speaking of course, about The Atlantic, the once august journal now taken over by a group of the most prideful, squeamish ‘intellectuals’ on the planet and don’t they think they are grand. They have awarded each other multiple prizes and degrees, and nominated themselves as our moral betters.
NBC News: Say, Did Anyone Notice That
Biden Broke the Law?
Posted by Garnet 2/17/2024 1:56:19 PM Post Reply
The deuce you say. It took several days, but NBC News' Ken Dilanian reported today -- on a weekend -- that Robert Hur actually had a case against Joe Biden for felony violations of 18 USC 793. Dilanian refers to this as "one of the most surprising findings" in Hur's report, but was it surprising at all? To Democrats, Hur’s finding that there was no criminal case to bring against the president is the most important takeaway. But to some national security experts, the disclosure that Biden told his ghostwriter that he discovered classified documents in his Virginia home in 2017 —
John Floyd, the Father of Georgia DA Fani
Willis, Was a Black Panther Leader
Posted by earlybird 2/17/2024 1:51:33 PM Post Reply
John Floyd is the father of Fulton County, Georgia, district attorney Fani Willis. Willis’s father, a retired criminal defense attorney who wrote a movie script, was a leader in the Black Panther movement, according to South Atlanta Magazine. His full name is John Clifford Floyd.(snip)Defense attorneys said that Willis’s lawyers “prepped” Floyd before his testimony. He said Willis was present and added that he knew of her testimony. Floyd said he listens to “conservative radio a lot” and “last night for five hours all they talked about was this case.” The judge said he would not strike Floyd’s testimony but that it could go to his credibility.
Germany Reaches NATO Spending Goal for
First Time Since the Implosion of the USSR
Posted by Dreadnought 2/17/2024 12:45:31 PM Post Reply
Germany will hit the NATO spending goal of two percent of GDP for the first time in over three decades, according to a Defense Ministry spokesman commenting on NATO spending on Wednesday. The 2024 forecast of 2.01% of GDP is a 28% increase over 2023 outlays. In 2024, 18 of 31 NATO (32 if we think Orban will ever be allowed by Moscow to permit a vote on Sweden's membership by Hungary's parliament) reached the spending target agreed upon in 2024. This is up from 11 member states reaching the target in 2023. According to preliminary forecasts, the number may grow by one as France is on target to
St Louis Park School District To Allow
Muslim Families To Opt Out Of LGBT Reading Lessons
Posted by Beardo 2/17/2024 11:52:24 AM Post Reply
The St. Louis Park public school district in Minnesota will reportedly allow Muslim families to opt out of LGBT reading lessons for students. Two public interest law firms, True North Legal and First Liberty Institute, sent letters to the district saying forcing Muslims to participate in LGBT lessons is a violation of the First Amendment and state law, according to Alpha News. (snip) These third- and fourth-grade level children were exposed to LGBT content in October 2023, which caused “significant confusion and distress” among the families, the outlet reported.
During East Palestine Trip, Biden Rambles
on About Broiler Chickens, Ohio Universities,
and Firefighters
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 11:30:47 AM Post Reply
I often wonder what people think when they meet Joe Biden and they see some of the weirdness that we've reported up close and personal. I reported about the remarks that Biden made on Friday and how he was greeted by protesters that were not happy with him, with many saying it was too little, too late. It was particularly ironic that Biden made a big point, "We look out for one another. We leave no one behind," when many people have felt that he's left them high and dry. He spoke for about seven minutes after not visiting for more than a year.
Crossdressing teacher is placed on leave
after outrage over video showing him at
school wearing pink dress and cowgirl hat
Posted by Imright 2/17/2024 11:27:26 AM Post Reply
A Texas high school teacher been suspended after video emerged of him talking to his students in flowing pink dress, and taking a class in a tutu. Hebron High School in Lewisville took action after footage of chemistry teacher Rachmad Tjachyadi went viral and prompted a furious backlash. One video shows the educator strolling about in a pink taffeta dress and matching pink hat and boots, as pupils look on.Other photos show him wearing the outfit in the classroom and writing on a whiteboard while dressed in a multi-colored tutu. In a letter to parents, principal Amy Broughton admitted it 'would be natural for our families to have questions about this situation',
Two students die at NYU just two days
apart as campus mental health resources slammed
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 2/17/2024 10:44:25 AM Post Reply
Two teen students died at New York University just two days apart, according to police. Last Thursday, 19-year-old student Jacqueline Beauzile was found unconscious and unresponsive at Lipton Hall, which typically houses freshmen, cops said. EMS responders arrived and pronounced the Hempstead, N.Y., teen dead at the scene. Two days later, the body of 18-year-old student Doreah Salti was discovered outside the school’s Barney Building on Stuyvesant Street, which is home to the art department, police said. Salti, of Hinsdale, Ill., was found around 7:30 p.m. unconscious with severe trauma to her body indicating she had jumped or fallen, cops said.
NYC mom fakes COVID cough to escape deranged
knife-wielding menace: ‘What I want
is reform’
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 2/17/2024 10:30:33 AM Post Reply
A West Village woman used an ingenious tactic to escape from an unhinged vagrant who pulled a knife on her earlier this month — claiming she had COVID while coughing in his direction, she told The Post. Jane Duncan was taking her usual walk a few blocks from Washington Square Park on Feb. 4 when a known local vagrant suddenly jumped in front of her and pulled a knife out of his pocket, she said. “As he was pulling the knife, I started coughing all over the place,” the 52-year-old said.
Adams reverses course on plans to use
luxury Harlem complex as migrant shelter
after community outrage
Posted by Mercedes44 2/17/2024 9:28:09 AM Post Reply
Mayor Eric Adams stunningly reversed course on plans to turn an abandoned luxury Harlem condominium complex into a migrant shelter when he was met with community outrage Thursday night. Adams’ change of heart came during a surprise appearance at a St. Nicholas House Resident Association meeting packed with dozens of residents furious over the city’s plan for a building development on Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd once marketed as upscale housing. The 35-story building was quietly slated to become a homeless shelter that could potentially house migrants — a plan that was only revealed to the community this week when some neighborhood residents saw workers bringing bed frames and mattresses inside.
The New York judge’s non-legal, hyper-partisan
ruling will only make Trump stronger
Posted by Beardo 2/17/2024 8:02:30 AM Post Reply
One of the tricks of knowing when a leftist judge is pulling a fast one is if the decision is really, really long. (snip) Indeed, generally speaking, in my thirty-five years as an attorney, I’ve never seen an appellate court uphold damages so disproportionate to actual injuries suffered—and again, there were no injuries in this case. The fact that there were no injuries in itself means that the case, from ig to zack, denied Trump due process. I don’t see the judgment surviving an appeal, that’s for sure. (snip) And so, I think that this latest assault on Trump, rather than filling people with revulsion, will bring many around.
What Can a MS Charity Teach Us About Medical Propaganda? replies
Posted by Judy W. 2/17/2024 6:30:37 AM Post Reply
Recently, a heart-wrenching story went viral which inadvertently revealed a great deal about the patient “advocacy” industry. Briefly, this video focuses on Fran, a 90 year-old woman who had spent 60 years of her life continually volunteering for the national Multiple Sclerosis Society and multiple MS supports groups because her (now deceased husband) had MS.(Snip) Recently this 90-year-old noticed people were starting to put pronouns after their names, didn’t understand why this was being done and then asked someone to explain it to her (but was confused by the explanation (. A few days later she was notified that she needed to leave the organization because she was “not inclusive”
Here’s what Trump’s $355M fraud ruling
means for his company, real estate empire
– and wallet
Posted by Mercedes44 2/17/2024 6:13:59 AM Post Reply
A New York court delivered a crushing blow Friday to Donald Trump’s wallet by ordering the real estate tycoon to pay some $355 million after finding him liable of inflating his net worth by billions a year to get better loan and insurance terms. But it’s unlikely that Trump’s name will be erased from the Big Apple skyline after Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron rejected the New York Attorney General’s request to permanently bar him from doing business in the state where he shot to fame. Here’s what the ruling means for Trump’s real estate empire, his family company — and his wallet:
Biden is Such a Disaster During Visit
to East Palestine That His Handlers Force
Press Out of the Room (VIDEO)
Posted by FlyRight 2/17/2024 6:05:53 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Friday departed the White House en route to East Palestine, Ohio for a fly-by photo-op. Biden begrudgingly visited East Palestine more than ONE YEAR after the toxic train crash. Biden, the lifelong scummy politician that he is, decided that since it’s election year he would shake some hands and act like he cares about the people of East Palestine. On Feb. 3, 2023, just before 9 p.m. Eastern, a Norfolk Southern train derailed near East Palestine, Ohio, a small Midwestern town of about 4,800 people near the Ohio border with Pennsylvania.
Lawfare Fani making Trump’s point replies
Posted by FlyRight 2/17/2024 6:03:05 AM Post Reply
It was interesting TV and the show is not over. As you know, there is only so much of the “Elderly Man with a Poor Memory” story that we can take. I guess that many of us want to wait until Special Counsel Robert Hur speaks publicly about just how bad the elderly man's memory is. So a little Nathan-does-Fani is a bit more interesting for now even if she disputes what he did to her. According to Eddie Scarry, Fani had a plan: It wasn’t clear that Willis would be compelled to give testimony, but it’s no shock that it turned out this way when she volunteered.
Potentially damning text messages about
Fani Willis-Nathan Wade affair disallowed
as evidence in blow to Trump
Posted by FlyRight 2/17/2024 6:00:14 AM Post Reply
Potentially damning text messages detailing when Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis’ affair with Nathan Wade began won’t be considered by a judge when he rules on whether the top prosecutor should be thrown off the Trump election fraud case — in a blow to former president’s case. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee said Friday text messages between Wade’s former divorce attorney Terrence Bradley and another defense lawyer couldn’t be admitted as evidence because Bradley spilled information that was covered under attorney-client privilege.
Want to Stop Iran's Regime? Hit the IRGC Assets replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/17/2024 5:53:56 AM Post Reply
No one ever said it better than Osama bin Laden: When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they are attracted to the strong horse." — Thomas Friedman,, July 5, 2010. Especially in the Middle East, leaders are looking for who will protect them. The Biden administration's passive response to Iranian aggression is imperiling the region, the United States and the Free World. Iran, along with Qatar, have brought all the mayhem to the Middle East. When Iran achieves nuclear weapons capability, as it appears on the verge of doing, just think of what mayhem it will be able to bring then. Stop Iran now.
Minnesota School District Allows Muslim
Families to Opt Out of LGBTQ Curriculum
Posted by 4250Luis 2/17/2024 5:52:03 AM Post Reply
Alpha News has reported the St. Louis Park School District will now allow parents to opt out of their children from any curriculum that promotes LGBTQ ideology. The move by the district comes after the First Liberty Institute and True North Legal sent a letter on behalf of six Muslim families that stated forcing Muslims to learn LGBTQ lessons is a violation of the First Amendment. The six families previously requested the school to notify them of when LGBTQ-centered lessons were being taught so they could opt their children out of those particular lessons.
The NYT finally admits it: Schools are
teaching our kids divisive critical race theory
Posted by 4250Luis 2/17/2024 5:48:45 AM Post Reply
Schools are just teaching honest history. That’s been the lie educators, teachers unions and the mainstream media have parroted for three years in response to the growing chorus of parents of all political stripes asserting schools are indoctrinating the nation’s children in critical race theory and leftist politics. Now the paper of record concedes we parents were right. In a front-page article in Friday’s New York Times, “Ethnic Studies Collides With Israel-Hamas War,” education reporter Dana Goldstein exposes the truth about K-12 education. The article is ostensibly about the blatant antisemitism embedded in California’s ethnic-studies curriculum, which must be in all public high schools by 2025 and a graduation requirement by 2030.
Trump avoids ‘corporate death penalty,’
but his business will still get slammed
Posted by 4250Luis 2/17/2024 5:45:19 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump won’t face the corporate death penalty after all. A New York judge on Friday spared the ex-president that worst case punishment as he ruled in a civil case alleging Trump fraudulently misrepresented financial figures to get cheaper loans and other benefits. Still, Trump got slammed hard, facing big cash penalties, outside supervision of his companies and restrictions on his borrowing. In a pretrial ruling last year, the same judge threatened to shut down much of the Republican presidential front-runner’s business by calling for the “dissolution” of corporate entities that hold many of his marquee properties.
Reining In Israel replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/17/2024 12:44:44 AM Post Reply
The Wall Street Journal has a long article about the Biden administration’s efforts to stop Israel from winning a decisive victory over Gaza: The looming Israeli military plans to invade Rafah have exacerbated tensions between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and the Biden administration, which has grown increasingly frustrated with its attempts to rein in Israel’s military campaign. The consequences of the distrust between President Biden and Netanyahu, who have spoken 18 times since Hamas’s Oct. 7 assault, have grown only starker in recent days. Biden now appears to be trying to draw a line
International Court of Justice Refuses
to Block Israel from Attack in Rafah
Posted by Dreadnought 2/17/2024 12:30:03 AM Post Reply
The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the United Nations’ judicial body for handling disputes among countries, declined Friday to block Israel from undertaking military operations in Rafah, Gaza, against the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. South Africa, which is pursuing a separate legal action against Israel for supposed “genocide” in Gaza, brought an urgent application to the ICJ on Monday, hours after Israel rescued two hostages from Rafah. South Africa complained of an “assault” but left out the hostages. The ICJ responded by referring to its interim ruling on “genocide” last month, reminding Israel to abide by its obligations. (The ICJ did not block Israel’s military action in Gaza
Navalny dead in the Gulag and Putin crosses
a line
Posted by Dreadnought 2/17/2024 12:15:55 AM Post Reply
Less than a week after Russian President Vladimir Putin put on an intelligent, reasonable, face for visiting American journalist Tucker Carlson, the bloodsoaked visage of a Russian boyar or vozhd appeared, with a report from Russian officials that top dissident Alexei Navalny was dead in an Arctic prison. According to the Associated Press: Alexei Navalny, the fiercest foe of Russian President Vladimir Putin who crusaded against official corruption and staged massive anti-Kremlin protests, died in prison Friday, Russian authorities said. Dissidents said they didn't believe it because nothing the Russian government says is to be believed. But it doesn't help the Russian government any to report this, given the global condemnation
Seattle High School Issues Handout Telling
Children That Enjoying the 'Written Word'
Is White Supremacy
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/17/2024 12:09:40 AM Post Reply
This story will make you miss the days when education was about actually learning skills and subjects that would help to equip children for adulthood. A Seattle high school issued a reading assignment featuring nine supposed traits of white supremacy. The assignment in question dives deep into progressive racial theory and is ostensibly intended to promote critical thinking about America’s societal structures. But a closer look reveals its actual aim: To further indoctrinate children into progressive ideology on race issues. Students in a Seattle English class were told that their love of reading and writing is a characteristic of “white supremacy,” in the latest Seattle Public Schools high school controversy.
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