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Why Are Americans at Each Other's Throats?
Ask Barack Obama.

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 1/4/2024 3:16:42 PM

At the 2004 Democratic National Convention, Illinois State Sen. Barack Obama said: "There is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America -- there's the United States of America... We are one people..."After announcing his candidacy for president, Sen. Obama appeared on "60 Minutes": "60 Minutes": "You think the country's ready for a black president?" Obama: "Yes." "60 Minutes": "You don't think it's going to hold you back?"

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Midnight Rambler 1/4/2024 3:45:11 PM (No. 1629683)
Americans are not at each others throat, it's the left going for the throat of anyone who dares to disagree.
44 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 1/4/2024 5:59:14 PM (No. 1629745)
Early on, 0bama told us he was going to transform America. Polarization is what he meant by "transform."
19 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 1/4/2024 6:36:56 PM (No. 1629762)
Division is a means to an end. Division means control. People are easily controlled when 60-70% of the population will not work together. The people running this nation want division. Barack Obama is part of that group.
18 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Illinois Mom 1/4/2024 7:06:05 PM (No. 1629773)
Obama simply set the Saul Alinsky "Rules" into motion. You can see them as they activate each one. They are designed to destroy and then radicalize. It's all working according to plan.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: nwcudagal 1/4/2024 8:00:25 PM (No. 1629782)
Look in the mirror BHO.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: franq 1/4/2024 8:50:21 PM (No. 1629793)
60 Lies a Minute. Hussein. A match made in hell.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: broken01 1/11/2024 9:04:59 AM (No. 1633822)
I knew that Obama was a fraud and a liar 20 years ago. It disgusted me because during that summer I was active-duty Navy and my command had gone to Philadelphia and I saw how other Blacks just went gaga for this person. Along with buying John Kerry's (who served in Vietnam) lies during that DNC Convention. For his whole 8-year reign of error Obama sowed the seeds of division. You name it he used the bully pulpit that his wife is worried to death about PDJT getting back this year to speak about how divisive my county had become. Both he and 60 Minutes were trash then and 20 years later both still are. MAGA 2024. FBO, F60M, FJB, Let's Go Brandon.
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Posted by 4250Luis 1/12/2024 5:28:08 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 1/12/2024 5:26:04 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 1/12/2024 5:24:04 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 1/12/2024 5:21:48 AM Post Reply
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in his election-year State of the State speech
5 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/12/2024 5:19:33 AM Post Reply
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Biden struggling in Michigan as Trump
grabs strong lead, poll shows
6 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/12/2024 5:17:53 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden's support is on shaky ground in Michigan, and he trails Republican Donald Trump by 8 percentage points in a head-to-head matchup 10 months before the Nov. 5 election, according to a new statewide poll commissioned by The Detroit News and WDIV-TV (Channel 4). The survey of 600 likely general election voters in the battleground state found only 17% said Biden, the Democratic incumbent, deserved another term leading the country. That number marked a low for a major public officeholder in modern Michigan political history, said Richard Czuba, founder of Lansing-based Glengariff Group, which conducted the poll.
Fani Willis subpoenaed in Trump prosecutor’s
divorce case — as it emerges he wasn’t
even approved by board
17 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/11/2024 5:48:02 AM Post Reply
Embattled District Attorney Fani Willis has been subpoenaed to testify in the divorce case of the special prosecutor handling the Trump election interference case, who she stands accused of having an “improper relationship” with. Furthermore, it has emerged the attorney, Nathan Wade, wasn’t even approved by the relevant board before being hired by the Willis who presides over Fulton County in Georgia. Willis hired Atlanta-based private attorney Nathan Wade as a special prosecutor in the case against Trump and 18 of his associates over their alleged actions following the 2020 election.
Five takeaways from the DeSantis-Haley
debate in Iowa
2 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/11/2024 5:35:36 AM Post Reply
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley took to the debate stage here less than a week before Iowa caucus-goers will select their chosen candidate in the GOP primary. The debate’s tone was immediately negative, with Haley and DeSantis lobbing attacks at each other from the start. DeSantis sought to paint Haley as a “corporatist” Republican beholden to donors while Haley accused DeSantis of lying and repeatedly plugged her campaign’s attack website against him.
Fauci Confesses: Six-foot social distancing
guidance was not evidence-based, and ‘sort
of just appeared’
27 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/11/2024 5:30:51 AM Post Reply
Not only is Anthony Fauci a shameless flip-flopper, but he’s an extremely sloppy one at that—why are these criminals in politics (pardon the redundancy) so incapable of covering their tracks? How does a man like Peter Strzok, who spent a career as an investigative agent, put something as incriminating as “we’ll stop” a Trump presidency into writing, on a government-issued cell phone? How does Hunter Biden leave the “Laptop from Hell,” containing graphic evidence of criminal activity, with some civilian computer repair store man? How does Fauci “confess” to Capitol Hill lawmakers that the six-foot social distancing guidance “sort of just appeared” out of the ether,
Obama in the running for Harvard president? 31 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/11/2024 5:28:41 AM Post Reply
Now that Claudine Gay is out as president at Harvard after a plagiarism scandal, will Barack Obama become the university's next president? Here's what's being bruited about in the media, according to the Daily Mail: Barack Obama has been touted as a contender for the next president of Harvard after the resignation by Claudine Gay due to an anti-Semitism and plagiarism scandal. The former president, who graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991, may be a candidate for the position - and he wouldn't be the first ex-POTUS to take charge of an elite college.
Is Qatar, That Built Hamas's Empire of
Terrorism, An Honest Broker?
7 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/11/2024 5:26:50 AM Post Reply
If the ruler of Qatar really wanted to end the hostage saga, all he has to do is issue an ultimatum to Hamas that if the hostages are not released within, say, 48 hours, he will expel all the Hamas leaders who are still in Qatar and stop funding and providing political support to the group. Arab dictators are not known to be merciful toward those who defy them. Apparently, Qatar does not feel that it is under any pressure from the Biden administration to end the ordeal of the hostages. If Hamas released the hostages and laid down its weapons, the war would end tomorrow.
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John Kerry to leave Biden administration
to work on the president's reelection
campaign: report
37 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/13/2024 4:27:00 PM Post Reply
United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, is expected to leave the Biden administration in order to join the president's 2024 reelection campaign, according to an announcement Saturday. Kerry believes that Biden's reelection is the "single biggest" difference that can be made in terms of progress when it comes to climate change, a source told Axios. He will be working with White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients to make the transition in the coming months, according to reports. As of now it is unclear who Kerry's successor will be. Kerry played a major role helping to broker the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and the UAE Consensus. He praised
Nikki Haley Parroted Leftist Talking Point
Suggesting Climate Change to Blame for
Mass Immigration
31 replies
Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 1:43:40 AM Post Reply
Republican presidential primary candidate Nikki Haley once seemingly parroted a talking point used by Democrats that suggests climate change is partially to blame for mass immigration to the United States and other countries. In January 2017, Haley went before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to be confirmed as ambassador to the United Nations (UN) in then-President Donald Trump’s administration. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), in a written question, asked Haley about so-called “climate refugees,” as Democrats claim that mass immigration to the U.S. and other countries is partially due to global warming’s destroying crops, conditions, and communities in certain regions of the world. Merkley wrote:
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Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 1:47:23 AM Post Reply
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Pritzker urges Abbott to stop busing migrants
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29 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 1/13/2024 6:21:14 PM Post Reply
llinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker is urging Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to stop sending migrants to Chicago due to incoming winter storms, an appeal that drew pushback from the Lone Star State. "While action is pending at the federal level, I plead with you for mercy for the thousands of people who are powerless to speak for themselves," Pritzker said in a letter, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. "Please, while winter is threatening vulnerable people’s lives, suspend your transports and do not send more people to our state."
Biden Doubles Down: Austin Had Lapse in
Judgment, but WH Has Not Lost Confidence
in Him at Pentagon
29 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2024 6:52:28 AM Post Reply
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has been in the news lately more for what he didn't do than what he did. As we wrote previously, Austin kept almost everyone in the White House in the dark about his whereabouts--when he was actually in the hospital, recovering from a major surgery in the wake of a cancer diagnosis. (Snip) But I need to highlight the direction the Biden Administration has been leaning in answering media questions about the man who is supposed to be running the Pentagon right now. My colleague Streiff wrote on Jan. 7 that despite Biden not being told about Austin's condition until Tuesday: The White House says Austin has
Fleet of Electric Buses Suspended in London
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21 replies
Posted by mc squared 1/13/2024 10:38:29 AM Post Reply
London has suspended several electric buses after a seemingly spontaneous fire broke out in a double-decker bus, sparking calls for a re-examination of every electric bus used in the capital’s fleet. On Thursday, an electric bus caught on fire on Wimbledon Hill Road in London. While no injuries were reported and investigations into the cause of the fire are still ongoing, the office of London Mayor Sadiq Khan — a chief proponent of the green agenda in Britain — announced the suspension of the same model of electric busses from the route.
Fetterman Sides With Republicans Again 19 replies
Posted by DW626 1/13/2024 3:04:59 PM Post Reply
In a rare move, Democrat Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) is receiving praise from Republicans after criticizing his own party’s stance on several issues. Fetterman has slammed the Democratic Party’s progressive “Squad” who refuse to condemn the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel. He questioned why the United States hasn’t yet destroyed Hamas, adding that every terrorist killed is "one more step" toward peace. The Democrat has stood by his pro-Israel stance, angering members of his party who believe more should be done to help Gaza despite Hamas raping and heinously killing innocent Israelis.
Migrant students at Floyd Bennett Field
missing class over long bus rides to school, illnesses
19 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 1/13/2024 1:21:26 PM Post Reply
No-show bus rides, fatigue, and illnesses are making it hard for some migrants housed in Floyd Bennett Field tents to send their children to school, parents told The Post. During school hours this week, The Post observed at least 15 children skipping class outside the city’s controversial mega-tent shelter in southeast Brooklyn, where roughly 1,900 migrants are housed. Despite the city forking over $625,000 this year for buses to take students from the isolated national park to a subway stop, parents blamed missing shuttles for their kids losing out on class time.
WATCH: Jill Biden Explain All the Things
SHE Had to Do to Right the Country
18 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/13/2024 1:22:34 AM Post Reply
If you thought that Joe Biden is a prolific pusher of malarkey, it seems that his wife, Jill, wants to challenge him for the crown. She would have to go a ways, but she's making a big effort with a comment that she made to the audience on the "Morning Joe" show. We already reported on her interview with Mika Brezinski which was just a horrible effort to sell Joe Biden for his re-election. But that isn't going over very well. It just makes it more apparent how desperate Biden's situation is in terms of the polls when she has to make such an effort.
Americans divided on how SCOTUS should
handle Trump ballot access: Poll
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/13/2024 12:20:48 AM Post Reply
Americans are divided on how the U.S. Supreme Court should handle former President Donald Trump’s ballot access, but a majority in a new ABC News/Ipsos poll say they would support the court either barring Trump from presidential ballots nationally or letting states take that step individually. The national poll finds a close division on state-level rulings barring Trump from the ballot in Colorado and Maine, 49-46%, support-oppose. On next steps, 56% are willing to see him disqualified in all or some states, including 30% who say the high court should bar him in all states and 26% who say it should let each state decide.
Joe Scarborough Embarrasses Himself Trashing Trump 15 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/13/2024 9:14:30 PM Post Reply
On Friday, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) announced his endorsement of Donald Trump for president. "Whether you like Trump or not, Americans face a binary choice,” Lee said in a post on X/Twitter. "Biden refuses to enforce our border, prosecutes his opponents, & embraces policies that make life unaffordable for hardworking Americans.I’ll take the mean tweets. I choose Trump." This really triggered MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, and he responded the way we have come to expect of anti-Trumpers. "The mean tweets? Really? That’s all that bothers you?” Scarborough said in response to Mike Lee’s post. "What about the promises of a dictatorship, the execution of generals insufficiently loyal, the banning of news outlets insufficiently loyal,
The Deepest Part of the Swamp The FBI 14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2024 2:33:57 PM Post Reply
The Federal Bureau of Investigation was once considered the greatest investigative organization in the world. Their investigative talents and reputation were unparalleled. The mission, as stated on their website, is to ‘protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.' And they did. They were men and women in white shirts, clean, dedicated, and by the book. But something happened along the way. They became an arm of the Deep State, the deepest part of the swamp, the establishment in Washington, D.C., principally the Democrat Party, which spent years placing operatives in key permanent positions. The FBI has had some low points, notably Waco and Ruby Ridge,
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