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INVASION: Illegals Near NYC’s Floyd
Bennett Field Going Door to Door Begging
for Money, Food (Video)

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 12/23/2023 3:00:07 PM

Illegals being housed at a tent shelter at Floyd Bennett Field in NYC are going door to door in the neighboring community begging for cash, food, and clothes. Residents are learning the hard way what it means to be a sanctuary city. The New York Post reported: David Fitzgerald, 62, said he has noticed an influx of asylum seeker families showing up on his doorstep in Brooklyn’s Marine Park neighborhood in recent weeks asking for spare change — sparking safety fears among some of his neighbors. “There’s definitely an invasion of immigrants from Floyd Bennett Field in our neighborhood and I see them sitting outside stores … outside the mall


Pottery Barn rules apply here: you broke it, you bought it!!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: VietVet68 12/23/2023 3:31:51 PM (No. 1623112)
Being from Brooklyn I can tell you that the makeup of that area, a fairly well to do, water access community won't take kindly to this intrusion. It may come to a head in an unfortunate way.
19 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Midnight Rambler 12/23/2023 3:32:46 PM (No. 1623113)
They will start to riot soon. they've come to believe thay have a right to be here.
30 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: jalo1951 12/23/2023 3:38:00 PM (No. 1623119)
They thought they were "oh, so superior" to the great unwashed who did not claim to be a sanctuary oasis for illegal aliens. After all no one is illegal. Yes, they are. They wanted it, they got it, karma slapped them up the side of the face. Sorry, not sorry. Stop the jibberish about "comprehensive immigration reform". First things first. Close the border, secure the border, build the wall and patrol the border. Then, and only then can you talk about reform. If FJB stays in office in two years he will have an amnesty bill before congress that will make our heads explode. This is a national security issue, this is a national sovereignty issue.
35 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 12/23/2023 3:52:52 PM (No. 1623129)
And in NYC few people are allowed to own legal guns.
18 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: itsonlyme 12/23/2023 4:04:36 PM (No. 1623135)
AirRick, "crackers"?
10 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Cindiana 12/23/2023 4:12:58 PM (No. 1623138)
"Pottery Barn rules"...yes! Love it, OP.
15 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Foghorn 12/23/2023 4:38:00 PM (No. 1623147)
This will get worse as illegal, unwanted migrants continue to pour into the country. Don't tell me a migrant is illegal, we are not talking about the person, the person broke a law. Don't point a finger at the Republicans for not making the laws to correct the situation, there are laws on the books that Bidin's administration is ignoring. Biden's reelection would cause more to pour into the country and they Biden granting immunity or pardoning all the migrants and then make rules to allow the migrants to become citizens and for Democratic. Two actions that Obama set in motion was opening the border and forgiving student loans. Biden has fully accomplished both.
17 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: mc squared 12/23/2023 5:08:41 PM (No. 1623156)
Born in bred in Brooklyn, I left decades ago. Even then, die-hards couldn't see what was happening. They were secure in 'safe neighborhoods' and the Democrat party ostensibly would take care or their voters. Times change - the pols have a different constituency now and long time residents will have to lump it or leave.
16 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: rochow 12/23/2023 6:18:04 PM (No. 1623179)
They may be knocking on doors to check if anyone is home. Perhaps they are going to return later on in the evening to make themselves at home while you are away.
15 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: NeonVortex 12/23/2023 6:45:11 PM (No. 1623192)
You voted for this. Enjoy.
16 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Omen55 12/23/2023 7:22:03 PM (No. 1623209)
They came here as parasites & should be treated as such.
7 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Luandir 12/23/2023 7:24:00 PM (No. 1623213)
Try to remember These things in November...
8 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: JHHolliday 12/23/2023 8:34:30 PM (No. 1623249)
Tough. They are getting enough from our tax payer dollars....cell phones for God’ sake and EBT cards . Madness. I guess they think they can catch them in the welfare trap. They are Dems and or deliberate destroying this country to retain power.
5 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 12/23/2023 8:52:29 PM (No. 1623259)
I'm glad to see my fellow Brooklynites coming on this thread - - and straightening out the record. Floyd Bennett Field is not in "New York" - - it's in Brooklyn!
5 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: padiva 12/23/2023 9:14:01 PM (No. 1623268)
Is this place in AOC's district?
3 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 12/24/2023 12:27:38 AM (No. 1623306)
When begging doesn't work, they'll start breaking into homes. It won't end well.
4 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Trigger2 12/24/2023 1:18:19 AM (No. 1623332)
Joey has turned the USA into a 3rd country cesspool.
3 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: mifla 12/24/2023 5:08:49 AM (No. 1623353)
"Sorry, I gave at the office. You may want to ask Mayorkas. Here is his address".
1 person likes this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Talk2 12/24/2023 11:07:40 AM (No. 1623487)
We have been and still are being invaded. One cannot call it anything else. WE ARE BEING INVADED and democrats love it. Maybe when the bombs start going off around the country they won't love it so much.
1 person likes this.

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Why Trump Is Correct About Presidential Immunity 2 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/29/2023 11:15:35 PM Post Reply
The media has driven itself into a tizzy in recent days, claiming that despite serving as president of the United States (and being poised to reclaim that office in less than a year’s time), Donald Trump should not be granted the same kinds of immunity and executive privilege that every other chief magistrate enjoyed before him. Showcasing their ignorance of both the Constitution and history, the mainstream media has framed the concept as something of a novel innovation for President Trump’s lawyers, who are advocating for “broad immunity,” implying that no other presidential officeholder has ever made that claim. Nothing could be further from the truth.
A 2024 Wish List: Sanity at Home and Stability Abroad 4 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/29/2023 10:59:36 PM Post Reply
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Maine's Secretary of State Is An Anti-Trump
Partisan Democrat
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/29/2023 10:52:12 PM Post Reply
Maine's Secretary Of State Shenna Bellows joined Democrats in their attack to take down former President Trump as the 2024 election was terrible news for President Joe Biden. Advertisement The Trump campaign is accusing Bellows of being a "rabid anti-Trump Democrat" who is relying on her interpretation of the 14th Amendment despite not being a lawyer and never graduating from law school. She was also a Biden elector in 2020. In March 2022, Bellows claimed Biden is fighting for democracy, saying, "In speaking to the battle between autocracies and democracies, President Biden reminds us of a crucial struggle of our time. Our democracy is worth fighting for. It matters."
Report: Biden Pushes Netanyahu to Give
Palestinians Money, Mid-war
13 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/29/2023 10:23:04 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is reportedly putting pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to transfer tax money to the Palestinian Authority (PA) that Israel collects on its behalf, but which it has suspended since the terror attacks of October 7.’s Barak Ravid reported Thursday that Biden had a “difficult conversation” last weekend with Netanyahu. He explained: Israel’s far-right ultranationalist Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich in October decided to suspend the transfer of all of the tax revenue funds after the Hamas terrorist attack. But the Israeli government said that it would transfer all the funds except for those it says go to Hamas-run Gaza.
Biden’s Migrant Crisis Overflows Tax-Funded
Shelters in Detroit, Sends Migrants to
Private Homes
10 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/29/2023 10:08:53 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden’s border crisis has sent so many illegal border crossers to Detroit that activists are calling on members of their community to step up to house them in their private homes. The African Bureau for Immigration and Social Affairs — an NGO that settles and cares for African migrants trying settle in the U.S. — is heading up the effort to find places for illegals to shelter in the Motor City. The group’s founder, Senegalese native Seydi Starr, told the Detroit News that Detroit has been working since last year to implement a support network for illegals. And this year the crisis is worse than ever. “We’ve been calling on administrators.
Alleged Intruder in Critical Condition
After Homeowner Opens Fire
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/29/2023 9:56:35 PM Post Reply
An alleged home intruder was hospitalized in critical condition after a Mascotte, Florida, homeowner opened fire on him shortly after 6:00 a.m. Thursday. WESH reported that the alleged intruder is 16 years old. Police believe the suspect tried to break into another home before being shot by the homeowner at the second residence. WKMG noted that the incident in which the 16-year-old was shot occurred on Pine Needle Drive. None of the home’s occupants were injured.
India Scoffs at Coal ‘Transition’:
‘Not Happening in Foreseeable Future’
10 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/29/2023 9:46:17 PM Post Reply
India burns so much coal that it has an entire cabinet-level ministry devoted to coal. The Ministry of Coal informed the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of Parliament, this week that India will not be transitioning to any alternative form of energy in the “foreseeable future.” The ministry said more mining and importing of coal will be necessary to meet the energy needs of the growing industrial economy. The Hindustan Times noted that no one participating in the just-concluded winter session of Parliament acted like India’s promise at the COP28 climate conference to begin eliminating fossil fuels was sincere.
Remember East Palestine, Ohio? Joe Biden
Doesn't, but the White House Says He Still
Plans to Visit
4 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/29/2023 3:17:29 PM Post Reply
As Joe Biden settles in to enjoy his New Year's vacation, Americans are left to ring in 2024 by dealing with a tanking economy, crime rates through the roof, and conflicts abroad. The people of East Palestine, Ohio, have the added bonus of still coping with recovery efforts stemming from the February 3, 2023, Norfolk-Southern train derailment that left their small community a virtual toxic chemical dump. The toxic chemicals that poured into the air and water supply in East Palestine read like an alphabet soup of hazardous waste. Vinyl chloride, ethylene glycol, ethylhexyl acrylate, butyl acrylate,
Refusing to Be Victims: Armed Women Defying
Would-Be Attackers
6 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/29/2023 2:41:20 PM Post Reply
Gun ownership among women is, if you'll forgive the play on words, booming. That makes sense; a firearm is the only thing that can put a 110-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound, would-be rapist. With rising crime rates in our big cities — and elsewhere — along with some high-profile pro-Second Amendment court cases, it should come as no surprise that women are arming themselves. Gun ownership among women has skyrocketed over the last few years, and in 2023, women from coast to coast used their firearms to thwart attacks or crimes. Fox News Digital reported on legally armed Americans throughout the year who have defended themselves,
Leftists Would Rather Send Their Kids
to War Than Vote for 'Orange Man Bad'
6 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/29/2023 1:33:15 PM Post Reply
Not many of my leftoid friends are still speaking to me. Sure, they'll "tolerate" a needy man in a dress shaking his bahookie in their kid's face, but diversity of thought is verboten to the Marxist ambergris who have wormed their way into every institution in America. Here is how a few of my friendships with pinkos ended via text, email, or Facebook Messenger. Names have been changed to protect the stupid: Y'know, if you scroll through our conversation, you'll see I already said I don't give two f's about investigating Hunter Biden. But I'm beginning to come to the conclusion that you're a lost cause.
Our Razor's Edge 4 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/29/2023 1:15:15 PM Post Reply
At the end of the year, we are on the razor's edge of many things that soon may blow up. Americans are far beyond President Joe Biden's serial untruths of some eight years that he never discussed Hunter Biden's various get-rich-quick schemes. All were predicated on the perception of foreign interests purchasing from the Biden family the influence of then-senator, vice president, and possibly soon-to-be President Joe Biden. The Bidens now risk exposure to criminal charges of multimillion-dollar tax fraud, perjury, influence selling, and bribery as congressional committees and a special prosecutor unravel years of tangled-up quid pro quos. A newly indicted Hunter remains reckless and unpredictable.
Adam Kinzinger: Christian Trump Supporters
‘Don’t Understand’ Their Own Religion
35 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/28/2023 11:08:21 PM Post Reply
Former U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) took to X the day after Christmas to bash former President Donald Trump, claiming that Christians who support him “don’t understand” their faith. “I’m going to go out on a NOT limb here: this man is not a Christian,” Kinzinger posted Tuesday, in response to Trump’s Truth Social Christmas message in which he told corrupt members of the “swamp” to “rot in hell.” [Tweet] Kinzinger went on to assert, “If you are a Christian who supports him you don’t understand your own religion.” “Trump is weak, meager, smelly, victim-ey, belly-achey, but he ain’t a Christian and he’s not ‘Gods man,'” the Trump critic added.
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The Methodist Church of Great Britain
Labels Terms ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’ Offensive
30 replies
Posted by Imright 12/29/2023 8:23:35 AM Post Reply
The Methodist Church of Great Britain has called on its ministers, deacons, and elders to stop using offensive terminology such as “husband” and “wife” to avoid making assumptions that are not “the reality for many people.” The church added the changes to its “Inclusive Language Guide,” an initiative aimed at preventing the use of “hurtful language” directed at groups the Methodist Church believes have been “marginalised and/or demonised by common culture.” The church plans to update the Inclusive Language Guide every six months to avoid using language that could offend groups it perceives as marginalized.
Mayor Eric Adams: Illegal Immigration
Spurring ‘Erosion of Quality of Life’
in New York City
29 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/29/2023 12:34:56 AM Post Reply
The arrival of more than 160,000 border crossers and illegal aliens is spurring “the erosion of the quality of life” for New Yorkers, Mayor Eric Adams (D) says. During a press conference alongside Chicago, Illinois, Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) and Denver, Colorado, Mayor Mike Johnston (D), Adams warned again that New York City is falling into disarray as a result of illegal immigration. Every day, President Joe Biden’s administration releases about 5,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the United States interior — many ending up in New York City, where they can work off the books, receive protection from the city’s sanctuary policy, and enjoy free housing
WH Fails to Mention New Border 'Agreements'
Mexico Just Made With US. Speaker Johnson
Calls it 'Amnesty'
21 replies
Posted by Imright 12/29/2023 2:35:54 AM Post Reply
The audacity of the Biden Administration to pull a fast one on the American people about the border crisis with Mexico is stunning. Most people are checked out and not paying much attention to the news, in the lull between the celebration of Christmas and New Year's Eve. Earlier this week, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken met in Mexico City with the Mexican government about the hordes of illegal aliens streaming into the U.S. Here was all we were told in an X post by Mayorkas: (X)
Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows
speaks out after removing Trump from presidential
ballot, acknowledging insurrection allegations
have led to 'unprecedented' circumstances
20 replies
Posted by Imright 12/29/2023 3:32:46 PM Post Reply
Maine's secretary of state has said she would welcome the Supreme Court reviewing her decision to disqualify Donald Trump from the primary ballot, admitting the move was unprecedented. Sheena Bellows on Thursday ruled that Trump could not be on their ballot, in a move which mirrored the December 19 decision made by Colorado's Supreme Court. Both Colorado and Maine found that Trump had participated in an insurrection, and so was ineligible to hold office, under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.
Democrat-led Pennsylvania House passes
resolution naming 2023 the 'Taylor Swift Era'
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/29/2023 11:47:56 AM Post Reply
The Pennsylvania legislature passed a resolution making 2023 the "Taylor Swift Era" in the Keystone State. Sponsored by Democratic state Rep. Danielle Otten, a vote passed the resolution 103 to 100 on Dec. 13, the pop star's 34th birthday. (snip) Other members of the chamber criticized the resolution. Republican Rep. Stephanie Borowicz took the floor to add to the mix of comments. (snip) "Giving Taylor Swift an era while our veterans get a day. Taking down our founding fathers' statues while elevating a Hollywood singer," Borowicz continued. "I'm a no, thank you Madam Speaker."
Ohio’s GOP governor vetoes ban on gender-affirming
care, transgender athletes in girls sports
19 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/29/2023 11:28:12 AM Post Reply
Republican Gov. Mike DeWine vetoed a measure Friday that would have banned gender-affirming care for minors and transgender athletes’ participation in girls and women’s sports, in a break from members of his party who championed the legislation. GOP lawmakers hold enough seats to override DeWine’s veto, but if or when they would do so was not immediately clear. Both within and between chambers, Republican legislators have not been in lockstep this year. In a news conference Friday, DeWine said he had listened to people on both sides of the legislation who “truly believe their position best protects children.”
11 Top Iranian Commanders Killed in Damascus
Airport Strike
18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/29/2023 9:20:58 PM Post Reply
The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) announced that Sayyed Reza Mousavi, an IRGC commander, was killed by an alleged Israeli airstrike last Monday in the vicinity of Damascus. Iran has vowed revenge for the death of Mousavi, who was reportedly responsible for fashioning a military alliance between Iran and Syria. Now there's a report in the Jerusalem Post that a strike on the Damascus airport took out 11 IRGC commanders. J-Post quotes Saudi Arabian media, but the reports are entirely plausible. "While there is no independent confirmation of Guard Corps names or ranks
Anti-Israel Crew Storms, Blocks Entrance
to World Trade Center, Shouting 'Revolution'
and 'Allahu Akbar!'
18 replies
Posted by mc squared 12/29/2023 11:27:07 AM Post Reply
I have to think that whoever is behind the anti-Israel actions must be trying to pick the worst possible places to target on purpose, because they keep doing things that are guaranteed to tick off people and drive away people from their "cause." They've crashed the Christmas tree lighting, saying they want to "cancel Christmas." They've terrorized little kids in line to see Santa Claus. They've attacked the NYPD and desecrated a nativity scene. They've blocked highways, keeping little kids on two school buses blocked for more than an hour. They've blocked airports and attacked police,
Biden Dept of Energy Continues War on
Consumers - New Fridge/Freezer and Fans
Regulations Enacted
16 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 12/29/2023 4:53:42 PM Post Reply
We all know the routine. Water-saving toilets that don’t flush (flush twice), water/energy-saving dishwashers and clothes washers that don’t clean (run two cycles), lightbulbs that don’t light, dryers that don’t dry (run twice), and all the ancillary nonsense that comes from the intervention of the regulatory state. What Biden and the progressive movement call the “green new deal” effort toward “sustainability,” including the ban on gas stoves and internal combustion engines, simply results in a diminished quality of life, a loss in lifestyle productivity, and the exact opposite outcome from their expressed/intended purpose. It’s an abject mess of stupidity, pushed under the guise of environmentalism.
Gov. Gavin Newsom to Offer Health Insurance
to the World’s Migrants in 2024 If They
Can Get to California
15 replies
Posted by Imright 12/30/2023 2:25:45 AM Post Reply
Beginning January 1, 2024, illegal aliens residing in California will become eligible for taxpayer-funded health insurance — the first state in the nation to enact such a policy. In June of this year, Newsom touted the budget agreement that will make California the first state in the United States to offer health insurance, subsidized by taxpayers, to the state’s estimated 4.4 million illegal aliens so long as they are low-income.Starting in the new year, illegal aliens in California will qualify for Medi-Cal, which is California’s state-funded version of the federal government’s Medicaid program. Since 2015, only illegal alien children qualified for Medi-Cal thanks to then-Gov. Jerry Brown (D).
What percentage of the US population is
LGBTQ? New data shows which states have
the most
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/30/2023 6:18:10 AM Post Reply
New data estimates the greatest number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender U.S. adults live in the South, confirming findings from recent years. Across the country, researchers estimate more than 5% of U.S. adults are LGBTQ+, (snip) Young people ages 18-24 are much more likely to identify as LGBTQ+, according to the report from the Williams Institute at the University of California Los Angeles. (snip) This month's new data from the Williams Institute is the latest batch from the group to rank the states that have the greatest percentage of LGBTQ+ residents. As in recent years, Washington, D.C., takes the top spot, with 14.3% of adults identifying with the acronym.
NY Times: Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence
on 10/7
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/29/2023 12:20:40 AM Post Reply
Since 10/7 there have been reports that Israeli women were raped as well as murdered during the Hamas attack on Israel. And since that day Hamas has been denying it. There have also been a significant number of very online leftists doing their best to downplay or outright deny the sexual violence carried out by Hamas. As recently as a few weeks ago they were all talking about the lack of evidence for it. Here’s an example of the sort of thing I mean. This comes from a leftist site called MintPress News. It’s not an outright denial just a strong suggestion that these claims about Hamas and rape
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