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Trump's Rhetoric

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Posted By: Judy W., 12/9/2023 8:23:55 AM

I cringe every time I hear someone lament Trump’s rhetoric, for one cannot understand Trump and his goals without understanding his rhetoric and how it works. Ultimately, Trump left his life of luxury to save the country, and yes, you can believe him when he says that America will never be a socialist nation. The presidency was a mere means to that end. The Wall Street Journal wants Republicans to win the next battle; Trump wants to win the war. The key to understanding the tour de force that is Trump’s rhetoric, including his most inflammatory statements, lies in understanding that what he says is all calculated.


Leftist media always jump in to "explain" Trump's controversial statements. It's really to fix a lie in people's minds, and it doesn't work well any more. The most memorable instance was the "grabbing pussy" brouhaha. The media insinuated that he meant he walked the streets of New York grabbing women's crotches. What he meant was that when you're a celebrity some women will let you do anything, and most normal people understood that (I think).

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Reply 1 - Posted by: chumley 12/9/2023 8:43:06 AM (No. 1613723)
I dont share the author's belief that all of Trumps moves are part of his larger plan. What would be the plan appointing all those traitors during his first term? What is the plan when his big mouth makes even his supporters cringe? What does he gain by letting the communists run roughshod over him and the country by abusing the court system? What benefit do we get from being invaded by illegal foreigners and having an election stolen? Yes, it exposed them for what they are, but their supporters dont seem to care. I hope the second term is better.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Quigley 12/9/2023 8:48:27 AM (No. 1613726)
I am glad to see an article that delves into this point. There are so many aspects to it. One, not mentioned in the article, is that Trump speaks for himself. A weasel Dim president would have surrogates say all this stuff, and would not rebuke it since he directed it to be said; Trump does the heavy lifting himself. I like that. The insight into the Fiorino comments were helpful to me, since I had always wondered if they didn't go too far, if they were just gratuitous. But I am sure that Trump has dragged these weasels out into the open so we can see just how awful they are. I have the impression that there are just too many of them in too many positions of power to do anything about them. But that could be a trick of the media. But I know several grownups- older grownups- who still support the Dims, which mystifies me and makes me believe that there really are just too many of them.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 12/9/2023 9:12:30 AM (No. 1613745)
No one has to explain Trumps statements to me, I understand the spoken word very well, and I could not say it better. Donald trump is America's last chance to survive as it has in the past and look to a future of Freedom. No one has the courage he has to solve the problems we now have in America. First problem he has to solve is to negate practically everything that Biden has done. Trump can Make America great again, but he needs a good strong party behind them. There are Republicans now in office that need to be primaried. Do it this election.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: anniebc 12/9/2023 9:37:40 AM (No. 1613767)
PDT should keep some of his plans to himself unless he's just saying stuff. He already has the votes; no need to tell the enemy what you plan to do. He needs to vet everyday Americans and hire US to work for him, not the regular political creeps who would betray him first chance. He could do a version of that show he used to have; the test would be the language we speak and how we'd put things into motion. I have a long list of things I could help him with, and I'm sure there are others here who could help as well. He has enough support from the citizens to counter and match the traitors and rats that are the so-called experts at everything.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: udanja99 12/9/2023 9:43:07 AM (No. 1613772)
From day one of his candidacy in 2015 I have loved Trump’s “mean tweets”. They served as wonderful distractions for the media. During his presidency he would throw out a hook in the form of a controversial tweet, real in the enemedia and they would spend the next week screeching about whatever he said. Meanwhile, with the media distracted, Trump was quietly keeping his campaign promises.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: halfnorsk 12/9/2023 10:24:46 AM (No. 1613807)
I recently met a retired CPA at a bar. He made an interesting observation about our times: "Politics is mostly deception." Which explains why Trump drives the Establishment crazy. Because he's the only politician who speaks bluntly and plainly.
22 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Catherine 12/9/2023 10:50:00 AM (No. 1613823)
Trump does say things that are cringe worthy. So what! He knows how to tweak the woke lefties and is having fun at their expense. I didn't hear any wailing or gnashing of teeth when Hillary called millions of us 'deplorables.'
14 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: spacer 12/9/2023 12:09:45 PM (No. 1613859)
Yes Catherine WE get it. WE got it the moment he and his lovely wife got off the escalator and he pronounced his fight for America. Thank you for you input..
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Reply 9 - Posted by: JoElla Bee 12/9/2023 12:52:00 PM (No. 1613882)
Trump says things in a way that draws attention to situations that need attention and causes them to stick in the mind. His words work like a spotlight that causes scurrying and exposure of clandestine activities. They are often described as “mean”, “cringeworthy”, and any number of other negative connotations. But, once the brouhaha over the way he said it dies down, and attention is given to the particular situation he was addressing, honesty demands the concession that Trump was right all along even if you didn’t like the way he said it. The realization also becomes clear that the way he says things is the very reason situations receive the needed attention. Names and parties and people become associated with continuing revelations that are linked to those situations. More and more people now understand what he means when he says that WTP are the target and he is just in the way. His growing support is proof of the belief and agreement that he is right. May God bless, guide, strengthen and protect him, and his family. May God grant mercy and the necessary strength, courage, knowledge, wisdom, protection & guidance to him & all who are willing and able to stand for the preservation of our beloved American Constitutional Republic. May He hear & grant their prayers and the prayers of all who cannot stand, but can & do pray on their behalf.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: Geoman 12/9/2023 4:48:02 PM (No. 1613943)
Despite resident Trump-whisperers proclaiming otherwise, if your spoken word causes people who would otherwise vote for you to take a pass, then any resulting loss would be on the speaker. Being president to many, while improving our country, seems better than being a legend to a smaller number of voters than what would be sufficient to put you over the top.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: DanvilleBill 12/9/2023 8:58:32 PM (No. 1613995)
I've read a lot of articles in this salon over the many years (24) that I have spent here. But of all of those articles, this one is, without a doubt, the stupidest of them all. Hands down, #1. I could take it apart, word by word, syllable by syllable, for the nonsensical conclusions it draws. But I have more to do with my time. American Thinker should be ashamed for publishing this drivel.
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The Dark World of Hamas’ Sadism and
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Posted by Judy W. 12/22/2023 7:22:33 AM Post Reply
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Jimmy Carter Personally Experienced Voter
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Posted by Judy W. 12/13/2023 7:46:11 AM Post Reply
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Biden/Buttigieg DEI Policies Endanger
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8 replies
Posted by Judy W. 12/9/2023 10:35:35 AM Post Reply
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Trump's Rhetoric 11 replies
Posted by Judy W. 12/9/2023 8:23:55 AM Post Reply
I cringe every time I hear someone lament Trump’s rhetoric, for one cannot understand Trump and his goals without understanding his rhetoric and how it works. Ultimately, Trump left his life of luxury to save the country, and yes, you can believe him when he says that America will never be a socialist nation. The presidency was a mere means to that end. The Wall Street Journal wants Republicans to win the next battle; Trump wants to win the war. The key to understanding the tour de force that is Trump’s rhetoric, including his most inflammatory statements, lies in understanding that what he says is all calculated.
The End Is Nigh: Hamas Operatives Surrendering
‘In Large Numbers’
21 replies
Posted by Judy W. 12/9/2023 8:10:43 AM Post Reply
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The terrifying rhetoric of COP28 13 replies
Posted by Judy W. 12/8/2023 7:25:53 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Judy W. 12/8/2023 7:02:46 AM Post Reply
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14 replies
Posted by Judy W. 12/4/2023 9:57:48 AM Post Reply
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A Plague of College Student Dishonesty 10 replies
Posted by Judy W. 12/4/2023 8:52:39 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Judy W. 12/3/2023 6:20:42 AM Post Reply
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8 replies
Posted by Judy W. 12/2/2023 7:38:17 AM Post Reply
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1 reply
Posted by Judy W. 11/28/2023 9:21:25 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/21/2023 7:30:01 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 12/21/2023 4:31:42 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 12/21/2023 10:06:58 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/21/2023 1:33:42 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/21/2023 9:52:54 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/21/2023 12:47:40 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 12/21/2023 2:47:48 PM Post Reply
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