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CNN Caught Editing Trump Clip to Fit Their
Leftist Agenda

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 12/7/2023 11:01:15 PM

CNN will go to extreme measures to make former President Trump out to be the bad guy, and one guest just called them out on it. This week, CNN guest and Republican strategist Lee Carter caught the liberal network selectively editing a clip where Trump said he would be a “dictator” only on “day one” of his presidency, clearly mocking those who claim his policies are draconian. During a town hall with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Trump was asked to promise he would never use his power for retribution. “Except for day one,” Trump replied.


this is my surprised face.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: singermom9 12/7/2023 11:29:42 PM (No. 1612835)
Can we NOT start suing these people for FRAUD.
18 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Lawsy0 12/8/2023 1:56:50 AM (No. 1612884)
First, we have to stop thinking of CNN as a source of news, real news, breaking news or even a repeat of someone else's news. As Rush mentioned, most of their news is merely stenography from several other sources.
16 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: judy 12/8/2023 4:49:16 AM (No. 1612900)
Newspapers did the same thing....I guess they think we don't have other sources!
10 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Trigger2 12/8/2023 5:07:19 AM (No. 1612917)
It's shocking that CNN still broadcasts. How much did Joey pay them for their recent stunt. Enquiring minds want to know.
10 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: homefry 12/8/2023 8:03:53 AM (No. 1613005)
cnn. Why dont someone just step on them?
6 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Kate318 12/8/2023 10:19:09 AM (No. 1613108)
WTH is Sean Hannity asking him to make such a stupid promise? I say, let’s go Roman on these people, President Trump..
3 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 12/8/2023 11:27:53 AM (No. 1613163)
'Journalists' are liars. Period.
2 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 12/8/2023 12:15:12 PM (No. 1613221)
Communist New Network.....pumping out propaganda, as usual.
0 people like this.

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Most Recent Articles posted by ladydawgfan"
CDC Warns It's Time to Fire Up Those Masks
Again, America!
23 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 6:37:31 PM Post Reply
Yes, America — it's that time of year, again. Making Christmas lists, decorating the house with holiday cheer, and watching the anticipation grow on the faces of the little ones as Santa's arrival draws near. Oh, and dusting off the COVID masks, and firing those bad boys up, again. What's that you say? Bah, humbug!? Au contraire, according to the never-wrong, always-right Centers for Disease Control. CDC Director Mandy Cohen released a video on Wednesday recommending masking this winter for those who are sick, or prone to getting sick, and who want to take extra precautions amid rising respiratory illnesses. People with symptoms, a positive test,
Deadspin Releases an ‘Editor's Note’
to Story Accusing a Kid of Blackface,
and It’s…Something
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 6:29:47 PM Post Reply
They say all press is good press, but I'm not sure Deadspin agrees with that after the shellacking it took for trying to destroy a nine-year-old Kansas City Chiefs fan. The saga began in Las Vegas with the young boy attending a Chiefs road game against the Raiders. A side-profile picture emerged of him wearing a Native American headdress and black face paint. One of the columnists at Deadspin then had the brilliant idea of accusing the kid of wearing "blackface," publishing his photo to go viral for all the world to see. It wasn't long before the real story came out, though:
Biden's Latest Campaign Remarks Should
Make People Run Out...and Vote for the GOP
0 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 6:04:31 PM Post Reply
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Got Smugglers to Pay Off? Illegals in
New York City Resorting to Burglarizing Residents
3 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 5:45:13 PM Post Reply
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11-Year-Old Girl Assigned to Sleep With
'Trans' Student on School Trip, Parents Say
5 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 5:29:05 PM Post Reply
An 11-year-old girl was assigned to share a bed with a male student who believes he is “transgender” on a “cross-country” school trip, according to a report from The Daily Signal. The girl’s parents were not notified of the arrangement and found out the night of the trip. Reportedly, the girl’s parents, Joe and Serena Wailes, represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). sent a demand letter to the Jefferson County School Board in Colorado and Jefferson County Public Schools Superintendent Tracy Dorland regarding the situation. In the demand letter to the school board and the superintendent, the parents inquire “whether JCPS will continue this practice
Cori Bush Has Had Enough of This Word
Being Used Against Progressives
4 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 5:22:21 PM Post Reply
These two women are comedy acts. It’s unintentional, but they’re a clown show. Reps. Cori Bush (D-MO) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) are some of the most vocal anti-Israel voices on the Hill. They’re a stone’s throw away from being Hamas’ official representation in Washington, and they’re mostly getting roasted for it. Blessedly, they’re such a minority on the issue of Israel and their recent war in Gaza that none of their initiatives will ever see the light of day. They are tired of being called antisemites, which was irony as thick as cement. [Video, Tweets] Both women lamented how the accurate phrase is being used to attack them
Hamas Official: Jerusalem Will Be Caliphate Capital 9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 5:12:02 PM Post Reply
In the latest example of facts that woke Westerners refuse to acknowledge, a Hamas official stated on TV that its goal is to make Jerusalem the capital of an Islamic caliphate, as he called for war against Jews and Christians. A Hamas official’s unsurprising but disturbing statement that Muslim terrorists want to conquer Israel because they want Jerusalem as the capital of a caliphate was uncovered by MEMRI TV. As JihadWatch noted, this statement is totally in line with years of stated jihadi goals, yet no amount of terrorist honesty can penetrate the woke understanding. After the recent heinous Hamas attack on Israelis,
What Are You Dedicated to? 8 Lights in
the Darkness of Today's World
4 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 5:07:25 PM Post Reply
We are currently in the midst of the holiday of Hanukkah, a holiday of celebrating light over darkness based on miracles that happened in the second century B.C.E. It is a holiday that reminds us of the power of God’s light and was certainly a holiday that Jesus observed, as did every Jew of his time living under Roman rule. The word Hanukkah actually means “dedication," and it commemorates the dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem as well as the dedication of the Maccabees in their war against evil. We may celebrate the holiday by lighting the Hanukkah Menorah (Hanukkiah), but there is one question that arises out of the holiday
Dozens of Hamas Terrorists Surrender.
Can You Guess Who Isn't Happy About It?
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 4:51:58 PM Post Reply
According to a report from the Times of Israel, dozens of Hamas terrorists surrendered themselves to Israeli troops in northern Gaza. "It was estimated that more than a hundred Hamas fighters turned themselves in, the largest group to surrender to the IDF since Israel began its incursion into the Palestinian enclave," reports the New York Post. "Images of the surrender featured dozens of men sitting in rows with their hands over their heads. Many of the men were without their battle fatigues as the IDF troops lined up others to proceed farther down the closed-off road.
‘He Can’t Draw A Crowd’: Dylan Mulvaney
Mocked For Sparse Support At Penn State Event
6 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 4:39:17 PM Post Reply
Dylan Mulvaney earned mockery online after the Tikok star failed to fill a room during a speaking event at Penn State on Tuesday evening. Mulvaney appeared at Penn State at the invitation of the Student Programming Association (SPA). Mulvaney’s speaking fee is typically $40,000, though it’s unclear if Mulvaney and the SPA worked out a cheaper rate for the event. The event was funded with student fees, according to The Daily Mail. A photo, taken and shared by the Young America’s Foundation, of the auditorium that held the event showed a sparse crowd with row upon row of empty seats. Daily Wire host Michael Knowles shared the photo,
Oxford school shooter Ethan Crumbley,
17, is sentenced to LIFE in prison without
parole - after 'monster' who slaughtered
four tells judge to throw away the key
4 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 4:33:40 PM Post Reply
Michigan high school shooter Ethan Crumbley has been sentenced to life in prison without parole after murdering four students in 2021. The 17-year-old ran riot through Oxford High School in the state in November 2021, killing four and injuring seven. Judge Kwame Rowe said Crumbley methodically walked through the school, picking and choosing who was going to die. Students Madisyn Baldwin, 17, Hana St. Juliana, 14, Tate Myre, 16, and Justin Shilling, 17, were killed in the rampage. Six students and a teacher were also wounded. He was convicted of 24 felonies in connection with the school shooting, including murder and terrorism.
Parents Fume After Trans-Identifying Boy
Wins Regional Irish Dancing Competition,
Heads To World Championship: Report
5 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 3:50:49 PM Post Reply
A teenage boy who identifies as transgender reportedly took first place this past weekend in the under-14 category at the 2023 Southern Region Oireachtas Irish dancing competition in Dallas, Texas, ultimately displacing a girl for a spot in the Irish Dancing World Championships. As rules are changed to adhere to radical Left-wing gender theory, biological male athletes who identify as female have been able to infiltrate girls and women’s spaces and sports. “My daughter was in absolute tears,” one mother of a girl who competed against the male told Daily Signal reporter Mary Margaret Olohan. “She was like, ‘This is so unfair.’ I totally agree.”
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Israel's IDF flushes Hamas's tunnels with
sea water -- and sends terrorists scurrying
out like rats
31 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/9/2023 1:02:59 AM Post Reply
Hear that flushing noise? Amid all the screeching of the anti-Semitic global elites, the haze of pro-Hamas global protests, and the Biden administration's efforts to micromanage how Israel conducts its war against avowed terrorists, Israel's Defense Forces have been quietly takin' care of business. AT's editor, Andrea Widburg has written about the mass surrenders which is happy news indeed, here. But how they did it is fascinating. They've flooded Hamas's tunnels, at least in some places, with sea water, in order to, as Israel's defense minister put it, to “wipe this thing called Hamas, ISIS-Gaza, off the face of the earth.”
Trump told supporters to ‘guard the
vote’ in Philly. Here’s the phrase’s
backstory and why it’s raising concern
29 replies
Posted by Rama41 12/8/2023 11:54:13 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is urging supporters to “guard the vote” during next year’s election, a phrase that has set off alarm bells among pro-democracy advocates who say it signals permission to take extreme measures that could intimidate voters and threaten election workers. The phrase is a relatively novel one for Trump, though activists in the far-right movement have been setting the groundwork for it to be deployed more widely. Former national security adviser Michael Flynn has spent months repeating the phrase in posts, speeches and interviews.
CDC Warns It's Time to Fire Up Those Masks
Again, America!
23 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 6:37:31 PM Post Reply
Yes, America — it's that time of year, again. Making Christmas lists, decorating the house with holiday cheer, and watching the anticipation grow on the faces of the little ones as Santa's arrival draws near. Oh, and dusting off the COVID masks, and firing those bad boys up, again. What's that you say? Bah, humbug!? Au contraire, according to the never-wrong, always-right Centers for Disease Control. CDC Director Mandy Cohen released a video on Wednesday recommending masking this winter for those who are sick, or prone to getting sick, and who want to take extra precautions amid rising respiratory illnesses. People with symptoms, a positive test,
Democrat Rep. Pressley introduces bill
to allow prisoners to vote in federal elections
22 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/8/2023 11:42:26 AM Post Reply
Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley, has introduced legislation to allow incarcerated U.S. citizens to vote in federal elections. The Massachusetts lawmaker also reaffirmed her support for lowering the voting age to 16. (snip) The bill is cosponsored by Sen. Peter Welch, a Vermont Democrat. Pressley argued that individuals in prison or those with a criminal record are “wrongfully stripped of their sacred right to vote and denied the opportunity to participate in our democracy.”
Woman arrested after trying to burn down
Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth home
in Atlanta — stopped by off-duty NYPD officers
22 replies
Posted by FlyRight 12/8/2023 7:01:22 AM Post Reply
A woman attempted to burn down Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth home, arriving with a gas canister and dousing the historic property in fuel Thursday. Video from the brazen attempt shows a woman dressed in all black freely pouring gasoline on the home’s front porch, windows, and bushes around 5:45 p.m., WSB-TV reported. Two tourists from Utah viewing the home were able to intervene to stop the suspect, police said. One witness recalled the suspect began to grow irritated after she was having trouble spreading the fuel around the property, according to FOX 5 Atlanta.
Hunter Goes Under the Bus 21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/8/2023 9:55:07 AM Post Reply
Something has changed inside the Department of Justice, though it’s unclear exactly what might be going on under the covers. After years of stalling and obfuscation, doing everything possible to keep First Son Hunter Biden out of any legal trouble, the DOJ filed nine new charges against Hunter last night. None of them are trivial and three are quite serious. He was hit with three felony tax evasion charges and six related misdemeanors. The unpaid taxes add up to $1.4 million and they carry the potential of up to 17 years in prison. This is going to put Joe Biden in a very awkward position in short order and
Moment Detroit woman, 20, 'knocks out
female Kroger worker, 49,' in front of
her one-year-old daughter
20 replies
Posted by thekidsmom66 12/8/2023 1:50:43 PM Post Reply
A 20-year-old Detroit mother allegedly punched and knocked out a female Kroger worker as her one-year-old child watched from a shopping cart. Shelby Parham, from Detroit, Michigan, has been accused of attacking a 49-year-old Kroger worker who lost consciousness and suffered a head injury after the assault. The wild beating was captured on nearby security cameras at a Kroger in St. Clair Shores on Tuesday.
Hunter Biden spent a staggering $872K
on prostitutes, porn and sex club memberships
and took $1.6 M from ATMs: First son's
wild spending is laid out in tax evasion
case that could land him 17 YEARS in jail
and is a disaster for dad Joe's campaign
20 replies
Posted by Imright 12/8/2023 8:44:10 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden spent a staggering $870,000 on prostitutes, sex club memberships and porn and took out $1.6million from cash machines in the wild spending spree laid out in the bombshell tax evasion indictment filed on Wednesday night. Federal prosecutors claim the president's scandal-hit son spent almost $5million on a lavish lifestyle between 2016 and 2019 while failing to pay $1.4million taxes in a case that leaves him facing a maximum 17 years in prison. The indictment set to be a disaster for his father's 2024 run for president alleges that he 'spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items
EXCLUSIVE: Parents Outraged After Trans-Identifying
Boy Wins Girls’ Irish Dancing Competition,
Heads to Worlds
20 replies
Posted by Judy W. 12/8/2023 7:02:46 AM Post Reply
A teenage boy who identifies as a girl is heading to the Irish Dancing World Championships after placing first in the U14 2023 Southern Region Oireachtas competitions. Parents of girls competing in Irish dance are frustrated and outraged, saying that they cannot understand why a boy with physical advantages is allowed to dance against their daughters. “Oh, my gosh. It’s going to make me cry,” said one mother, whose daughter danced in the same competition as the trans-identifying boy in the Dallas, Texas, event. “I never thought I was going to have to deal with this. And my heart breaks for my daughter and the other girls
We Aren’t Prepared For The Hell Democrats
Will Put America Through In 2024
18 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/8/2023 12:26:23 AM Post Reply
Sometimes coincidences happen in American politics, but what’s happening right now with the Democratic Party--the repeated loud and public doubting about Joe Biden’s future by prominent party figures--is not a coincidence. This is coordinated,[Snip]“If he were going to drop out,” Kennedy said, referring to Biden, “the time to drop out would be during the convention because then he would control the delegates, because they’re all Biden delegates, and he would then be able to pick his successor.”[Snip]direct all of his secured delegates to fall behind someone else,
AOC says preventing trans athletes from
competing against women is racist against
black women
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/9/2023 10:16:07 AM Post Reply
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez questioned Fatima Goss Graves during a hearing on Title IX on Tuesday, and claimed that boys should be allowed to compete in girls' scholastic athletics because preventing them from doing so would not only be transphobic, but racist against black women. AOC believes men should be allowed to compete against women in order to protect women, specifically black women, despite so many women and girls having suffered injuries at the hands of male athletes who say they are trans and compete in women's athletics, and women losing out on awards, prizes, or scholarships as a result of men beating them in those games.
US embassy in Baghdad is bombarded with
60mm mortar rounds by Iran-aligned militias
marking the first time it's EVER been
fired upon as explosions rock city in
the early hours of the morning
17 replies
Posted by Imright 12/8/2023 1:24:15 PM Post Reply
The US embassy in Baghdad has been bombarded with 60mm mortar rounds in an attack believed to have been carried out by Iran-aligned militias. Missiles were fired at the diplomatic hub in Iraq in the early hours of Friday morning and they set off the emergency sirens. Staff and residents in the local area were told to 'take cover and await further instruction' as the sound of explosions rung out.
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