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Keep Your Head on a Swivel

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Posted By: Hazymac, 11/6/2023 7:34:40 AM

This is an essay about surviving. We should be living our lives today with an expectation that something bad will soon happen. That feeling should not dominate our existence or preclude us from pursuing rich and joyful lives, but it should keep us mentally vigilant and physically prepared before disaster strikes. In this Obama-Biden America of open borders, out-of-control violent crime, economic fragility, and international provocations, it is only a matter of time before conflicts abroad become conflicts at home. It is vitally important to keep your head on a swivel. The October 7 Hamas terror attacks on Israeli civilians

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DiegoDude 11/6/2023 7:50:23 AM (No. 1592920)
It's called "situational awareness." Take the ear buds out of your ears, quit stairing at your phone while walking and make sure you look at people around you for starters. If you're driving in unfamiliar territory, keep doors locked, purses out of sight and give yourself an out if possible. I'll run over a perp to get out. If you can, conceal carry. Better to be tried by 12, than carried by 6.
47 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 11/6/2023 8:44:35 AM (No. 1592955)
I carry concealed everywhere I go, especially when I have to go into Atlanta...
29 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 11/6/2023 9:03:40 AM (No. 1592965)
A close family friend who grew up in the 1950s Algeria war zone, snapped at us many years ago to, “be aware of your surroundings!”
23 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 11/6/2023 10:02:34 AM (No. 1593014)
Be armed, be trained, be safe. far away from NY, SanFran, Chicago, DC and maybe Boston. The bigger the city, the more likely some 7th century barbarians will see it as a fat target. Out here in fly-over country, less likely that they'll even know where Kansas is located.
21 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Vaquero45 11/6/2023 10:33:37 AM (No. 1593044)
I carry concealed everywhere I go. I routinely encounter signs at restaurants and theaters stating that weapons are not allowed inside; just as routinely, I disregard them. I’m always looking around for anything suspicious or threatening. I notice that 90% of the people around me have no situational awareness.
23 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: doublesharp 11/6/2023 11:02:16 AM (No. 1593066)
quickstop gas, aka stop n robs, are especially treacherous - choose wisely and don't let tank get below one quarter. Sig p365 is my cc of choice but .380s and j-frames have their place. A toboggan knit cap makes a great hide in plain sight for console car carry.
13 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: cjjeepercreeper 11/6/2023 11:18:25 AM (No. 1593079)
An absolute must read. Many of us are already there on this, but even so the article has some info that you really don't think about, the footwear thing being a prime example.
18 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 11/6/2023 11:34:56 AM (No. 1593090)
Re #7, yes, footwear is a big deal. I see people out and about in this ridiculous beach or pool wear Crocks or flip flops, even in Kansas, in winter. In any event of needing high speed departure, those "shoes" will be a huge hindrance, especially if it is necessary to go across even a few vacant lots or rougher terrain. I learned long ago to always have sturdy shoes on, even dress shoes are top brand leather shoes with laces. I rarely wear dress shoes after retirement, most often hiking/walking combo light boots for everyday wear. And in winter....I see people in shorts and T-shirts in 30 degree weather, here in the midwest, depending entirely on the heater in their car for their lives. If there is a traffic jam, and/or a serious threat, forcing them to flee on foot for miles (like the Israelis did in the music festival attack) they are at a huge disadvantage, and this could be a fatal choice. And how many have a generator and fuel, and know how to to connect it up to at least run their furnace in a winter power outage? Do you know that you cannot siphon fuel from a modern car? So a full fuel tank will not power your generator. You need a full (fresh, non-ethanol) gas can or four. Gas goes bad in a year or less in storage, ethanol free does better.
13 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: downnout 11/6/2023 11:41:21 AM (No. 1593096)
I have been doing this for years. One of the things I do in a public place is to always be able to watch the doors - and to have an escape route.
15 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 11/6/2023 2:28:33 PM (No. 1593212)
If your neighborhood is unsafe, move. Growing up, I was jumped four times, think my brother was jumped once. Dad was assaulted in his convenience store and the store was burglarized. Mother was found unconscious on the street, but she didn't remember anything. Her face was badly bruised, and she might have been the victim of an attempted mugging. She hadn't been robbed. Guessing she fought back, the attacker panicked and ran. At home, neighbors poisoned our cats. People vandalized our house. Dad's car was vandalized with a BB gun to the point he couldn't own one because it kept getting vandalized. Neighbors kept trying to get the house condemned out from under us because it was an eyesore. I remember my parents fighting the condemnation orders in court on at least two occasions. Eventually our house was torched, and we lost it. All of this was over 40 years ago. Always be aware of your surroundings. If they are unsafe, move.
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Foghorn 11/6/2023 3:06:05 PM (No. 1593243)
The objectives of Russia and China may be to support Iran actions until the US sets sanctions in place and break Iran. Once Russia puts in enough pipe lines into China and sanctions are in place on Iran, they can control all the fossil fuel markets in the world. OPEC will be shut out by lower gas prices and they won't be able to compete with Russia. The USA is insistent on shutting off all fossil fuel. How can the USA fly defensive aircraft and operate tanks in the USA (let alone internationally) or ships at sea that consume gallons a day?.
5 people like this.

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DOE to solar-ize Puerto Rico, and Granholm
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Russia at sensitive US nuclear weapons site
3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/10/2023 4:10:53 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden’s regime is perhaps the most dysfunctional of all time. First things first, let’s go over the massive threat to national security that the Biden regime continues to be, and to be honest, I hold each and every Democrat personally accountable. In September, Bloomberg reported that under the direction of Jennifer Granholm, the Department of Energy invited high-ranking Chinese and Russian officials to tour a sensitive U.S. nuclear weapons site, to “prove its engineers aren’t breaking a three-decade moratorium against testing nuclear weapons[.]” The article also noted that this invitation came a number of months after Vladimir Putin withdrew his nation from an arms control agreement
House Republicans Want to Chat With Some
of the Biden Crime Family
3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/10/2023 9:23:57 AM Post Reply
Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. (Snip) Now that the Republicans in the House of Representatives have stopped the family feud for a while, they are finally getting around to focusing on the Democrats. We have been hearing for months that the investigation into some of the Biden family finances has uncovered a few things worth further investigation. It's been a long, slow tease thus far, but it all should get more interesting soon, as Athena wrote yesterday: "House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today issued subpoenas to President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, brother,
The Government Wants to Release Grizzly
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Posted by Hazymac 11/9/2023 8:17:18 PM Post Reply
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New York Times Claims Journalist With
Hamas on Oct 7 was “Documenting the Tragedy”
10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/9/2023 2:28:41 PM Post Reply
A Honest Reporting expose set the media on fire yesterday with the revelation that photojournalists working for the Association Press, CNN, Reuters and the New York Times had been embedded with Hamas in the Oct 7 massacres. Four names appear on AP’s photo credits from the Israel-Gaza border area on October 7: Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali. Eslaiah, a freelancer who also works for CNN, crossed into Israel, took photos of a burning Israeli tank, and then captured infiltrators entering Kibbutz Kfar Azza. That’s where entire Israeli families were brutally massacred. Hassan Eslaiah, who provided material for the AP and CNN, has positions that are pretty clear.
Washington Post Caves, Deletes Cartoon
After Palestinian Supporters Claim It's 'Racist'
9 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/9/2023 12:28:36 PM Post Reply
The Washington Post has taken down a political cartoon after readers wrote it to the paper to complain the cartoon was “racist.” David Shipley, editor of the opinion section of the Post, wrote in a rather confusingly worded “Editor’s note” (behind a paywall) that the paper would “continue to make the section home to a range of views and perspectives, including ones that challenge readers,” as part of the explanation of why it was doing the opposite of that. The cartoon, by Michael Ramirez, was preserved in a post to X by Daniel Draymann, the chief product officer at Agot AI whose X profile describes him as “Passionate about … everything Israel.”
Does Joe Biden Understand He Did Anything Wrong? 12 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/9/2023 12:02:35 PM Post Reply
"I can't believe those SOBs at Politico turned against me," I can imagine Presidentish Joe Biden seething this week. "I didn't do anything wrong!" Politico has run a couple of tough pieces on Biden in recent days and, in general, the Infotainment Industry has been taking belated notice of the Biden Crime Family's various shell corporations, seven-figure paydays, and mysterious no-interest family loans. "Fresh revelations contradict Joe Biden’s sweeping denials on Hunter" is the screaming headline over a Politico report this week that contains nothing new — stuff Republicans have been talking about for years. That was Sunday. Wednesday it was "Biden adviser-turned-ambassador opens up on ‘scary’ 2024 polling."
Ex-MMA fighter Javier Baez slams, chokes
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7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/9/2023 9:28:45 AM Post Reply
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You’ll Never Guess to Whom Hillary Clinton
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17 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/9/2023 9:17:06 AM Post Reply
Hillary Clinton trotted out perhaps the most played-out and predictable smear of all time for her longtime rival, Teflon Don. Via The Hill (emphasis added): Former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the wreckage from another Trump presidency would be “almost unimaginable” and likened the former president who beat her in the 2016 election to Adolf Hitler. In an interview on ABC’s “The View,” Clinton said when she was secretary of State, she saw people who would “get legitimately elected” and then would try “to do away with elections and do away with opposition.” “You could see it in countries where, well, Hitler was duly elected, right?”
Tlaib Tlies 10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/8/2023 9:22:00 AM Post Reply
The House of Representatives passed a resolution censuring Rep. Rashida Tlaib for “promoting false narratives” and calling for the destruction of Israel passed the House handily yesterday by a vote of 234 to 188. The censure resolution is posted online here. Tlaib promotes the destruction of Israel “from the river to the sea,” as the slogan has it and as the resolution points out (i.e,, the slogan is “widely recognized as a genocidal call to violence to destroy the state of Israel and its people to replace it with a Palestinian state extending from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea”). Tlaib holds herself out as a courageous Palestinian Arab.
Hamas leaders are billionaires, rolling
in the dough
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/8/2023 8:37:09 AM Post Reply
Can someone explain to the rest of us why the leaders of Hamas, the world's evilest terrorist organization which has just murdered 1,400 innocent people, are actual billionaires living their best lives in Qatar? According to the New York Post: While their people languish in poverty and are treated as human shields, the leaders of Hamas live billionaire lifestyles. The terror group’s three top leaders alone are worth a staggering $11 billion between them and enjoy a life of luxury in the sanctuary of the emirate of Qatar. The emirate has long welcomed the leaders of the terror group and installed them in its luxury hotels and villas
Canceling Cancel Culture 3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/8/2023 7:02:10 AM Post Reply
"I was not genuine in my own beliefs," says 23-year-old Rikki Schlott in my new video. "I self-censored." Why? What did this college student believe that was so unacceptable that she felt she had to hide it? The fact that she's a right-leaning libertarian. "I was afraid to have Thomas Sowell and Jordan Peterson books on my bookshelf." If her classmates at NYU saw that, she says, she might have been "verbally attacked on social media, maligned as whatever 'ist' or 'ism' people might attack me with." So Schlott kept her mouth shut, eventually dropping out of NYU.
The Unforgettable, Dreadful 2020s 1 reply
Posted by Hazymac 11/7/2023 8:26:42 AM Post Reply
Last Thursday, over at X (formerly Twitter), the Real James Woods responded pithily to a longer comment posted by an account named “Denlesks.” Stated Woods: Biden’s border catastrophe could well be the ruination of America. Here’s what Denlesks posted: Of all the bad things Biden has done the one that will bite us hardest is leaving the border unprotected. America’s next war won’t be in Ukraine or Israel or Taiwan. Our next war will be on American soil against the enemy soldiers Biden let into the country. Denlesks needs to expand his horizons. The prospect is that there won’t be an either/or. Chances are, we’ll be slugging it out somewhere overseas
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Posted by NorthernDog 11/9/2023 11:34:37 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/9/2023 12:12:09 AM Post Reply
Honest Reporting broke a bombshell today: Gaza-based photographers who work for the Associated Press and Reuters were on the scene of the October 7 massacre in Israel very early in the morning, ready to capture the moment when Hamas fighters raped, kidnapped, tortured, and slaughtered almost 1,500 Israeli civilians. Maybe they heard about what happened and decided it was newsworthy, so they hustled on over. Or maybe Reuters and the AP are paying money to people who knew that civilians were about to be massacred and either thought, “Yay” or “What a great opportunity to collect a paycheck.” Here's what Honest Reporting had to say: On October 7, Hamas terrorists
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Posted by Imright 11/9/2023 12:13:09 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 11/9/2023 9:33:32 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/9/2023 2:47:32 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 11/9/2023 8:43:28 PM Post Reply
The FBI secretly investigated Joe Biden in 2007 over his membership in a private Delaware golf club after the owner waived the $34,000 joining fee for him, a shocking new report revealed on Thursday. Biden joined Fieldstone Golf Club in Wilmington, Delaware, in 2001 and remains a member to this day, even playing golf there as president. (snip) Ultimately the secret probe - it's unclear if Biden even knew about it - did not result in allegations of wrongdoing but the story shows the discrepancy between Biden's self-portrayed image as a man of the middle-class and the senator who courted powerful local families like the DuPonts.
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Posted by earlybird 11/9/2023 12:57:10 PM Post Reply
When Illinois lawmakers brag about having a “welcoming state,” they might want to talk to parents like Susie Redfern. In 2019, the Chicago Tribune profiled her and her son Nick as symptomatic of a dysfunctional system failing to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities. But rather than fixing that crisis, the Illinois Legislature created a new one, establishing health care programs for illegal immigrants that have exploded in costs, even as some of the state’s most vulnerable citizens lack access to needed care. It’s a particularly cruel example of the misplaced priorities of the radical left.
It’s Greenbelt: Maryland site picked
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Posted by Amanoftwistsandturns 11/9/2023 8:30:36 AM Post Reply
After years of back-and-forth and speculation about where the new FBI headquarters will be located, the General Services Administration has confirmed Wednesday that a site in Greenbelt, Maryland, has been selected.
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Posted by DW626 11/10/2023 6:31:22 AM Post Reply
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Dem Sen. Merkley: Biden Official Told
Me Israel Can’t Ever Hit Hospitals Hamas
Has Tunnels Under
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/10/2023 12:34:05 AM Post Reply
On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) stated that U.S. Special Envoy for Middle East Humanitarian Issues David Satterfield told him that Hamas does have tunnels under hospitals, but “when you have a hospital full of wounded people, it cannot be a target ever.” Host Andrea Mitchell said, “I can tell you that in the briefing we had today with John Kirby, where they were announcing this pause and the agreement with Israel, he was also asked about continuing strikes against hospitals, ambulances, and the like. And he said that there is always a concern that any action against a hospital would be proportional.
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