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Nikki Haley's Troubling Land Giveaway
to CCP-Connected Company

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Posted By: Hazymac, 11/4/2023 9:20:28 AM

Former U.S. ambassador and presidential candidate Nikki Haley has been warning about China, calling it part of the "New Axis of Evil" and tweeting that the U.S. should "end normal trade relations with Communist China until it stops killing Americans with fentanyl." In another tweet, she said, "We are living through the most dangerous period in our lifetimes. It feels like Jimmy Carter’s 1970s. But the better comparison might be the 1930s. There’s war in Europe. There’s war in the Middle East. Communism is on the march – not in the Soviet Union, but in China." That's all fine and good, but her campaign trail rhetoric

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 11/4/2023 10:16:51 AM (No. 1591700)
While foreign companies establishing plants here will employ US citizens, any profits go back to China to fund the Chinese military development, and 100% of all Chinese businesses are bases for military and commercial spying. Bad plan to EVER cooperate with your enemy, and for far too long, American government and American business has failed to recognize that China is ALWAYS our enemy, and never, under any circumstances our friend. But, I had already decided long ago that I'd never vote for Haley for anything. Still won't ever vote for her.
23 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Right Time 11/4/2023 10:22:38 AM (No. 1591706)
Aside from being a disloyal backstabber and a neocon, Nikki is full member of the UniParty, as her support for the World Economic Forum and CCP can attest. As a GOP presidential candidate, she is just Jeb Bush in a dress.
27 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: slipstik 11/4/2023 11:10:50 AM (No. 1591734)
Why in the heck are we talking about a handmaiden of the WEF globalist cult? She does not belong in our view. She only has something to offer the uniparty, not any of us.
18 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: oldmagnolia 11/4/2023 11:20:22 AM (No. 1591743)
Nimrata will never have my vote.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: jinx 11/4/2023 11:55:18 AM (No. 1591766)
I don't trust politicians. She's a politician. Period!!!!!!!
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: RedWhiteBlue 11/4/2023 12:55:05 PM (No. 1591802)
I have no use for Nikki...the hyena! And besides that she yells at us like Ol'Yeller Bidet.
3 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: 24tea@Mag 11/4/2023 12:57:07 PM (No. 1591803)
Well, no longer a presidential hopeful on my list. Nothing like helping yourself at the expense of the people you govern. How much went in her pocket. Glad there are term limits for Presidents. Looking forward to the return of MAGA or a non-politician.
4 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: danu 11/4/2023 4:52:33 PM (No. 1591907)
rino hypocrisy knows no bounds; it is mrxst in its overbearing greed. for this phony, get the hook.
2 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: YorkieMom 11/4/2023 8:53:05 PM (No. 1592026)
Haley is Newsom in a skirt. How they love the Chinese.
1 person likes this.

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Biden's Scary Confusion Is Concerning,
as He Comments on Iran and Houthis, Whispers
to Girl, Gets Heckled
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2024 8:52:52 AM Post Reply
It seemed like someone decided on Friday that it would be a better idea to send Joe Biden around to local stores in the Allentown, Pennsylvania, area, rather than having him go off on a confused speech. I don't think that was a smart idea. The more situations that put him in contact with people, the more likelihood you have of him having a problem because of his confusion. But, truly, either way they're going to have a problem because it's Joe. It started off badly. (X) As Joe left the first store, he found out exactly what Pennsylvania voters think of him when someone shouted out, "You're a loser."
Biden Doubles Down: Austin Had Lapse in
Judgment, but WH Has Not Lost Confidence
in Him at Pentagon
29 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2024 6:52:28 AM Post Reply
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has been in the news lately more for what he didn't do than what he did. As we wrote previously, Austin kept almost everyone in the White House in the dark about his whereabouts--when he was actually in the hospital, recovering from a major surgery in the wake of a cancer diagnosis. (Snip) But I need to highlight the direction the Biden Administration has been leaning in answering media questions about the man who is supposed to be running the Pentagon right now. My colleague Streiff wrote on Jan. 7 that despite Biden not being told about Austin's condition until Tuesday: The White House says Austin has
Biden's Latest Remarks on Economy Show
He Has No Idea What He Is Talking About
13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2024 6:12:14 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden has horrible approval ratings when it comes to the economy. That's put the Biden team in a quandary as to what to do when the media asks them about this fact. They've claimed it's just bad messaging--that Americans just don't understand what's going on. That of course is both presumptuous and insulting, acting like Americans are stupid and don't understand when they are paying more for everything. Biden was in Allentown, Pennsylvania, on Friday. I wrote about some of his remarks about Iran and the Houthis, as well as his scary confusion and creeping on a blonde girl.
ICE data from 2023 shows there were only
142K deportations despite there being
over 3.2 million KNOWN border encounters
4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/12/2024 3:30:09 PM Post Reply
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have officially released their statistics for 2023, which according to the data, show a significantly small percentage of illegal immigrants being deported compared to the large number of encounters with Border Patrol agents. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data indicates that Border Patrol agents had more than two million encounters during Fiscal Year 2023, while field operatives came into contact with another million, for a grand total of over 3.2 million encounters with illegal immigrants in the United States and on its borders. ICE's 2023 statistics reveal that only 142,580 non-citizens were deported,
Clyburn: Nobody Can ‘Grasp’ How Good
Biden Is, There’s ‘Disinformation’
and ‘Tweeting’ ‘That’s Not Good’
for America
34 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/11/2024 1:43:33 PM Post Reply
During an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday, Biden 2024 Campaign Co-Chair Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) said that President Joe Biden “has delivered for the American people in such a way that nobody seems to grasp.” And that Biden “can be a greater President when we get people to understand all of what he has done rather than to listen to all of the garbage, the disinformation that’s going on out there and look at the facts and stop listening to all of this tweeting and stuff that’s going on out there that’s not good for the American people.” Clyburn said, “All the facts and figures are
WATCH: Pramila Jayapal Hilariously Talks
About Trump Inciting - an Erection?
15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/10/2024 3:43:04 PM Post Reply
We're certainly getting a lot of drama in the House on Wednesday. As I reported earlier, Hunter Biden showed up as they were considering his contempt resolution and then fled after he was blasted by both Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). This was one heck of a meeting and some kind of drama. Mace even said that Hunter had no "balls." And he was called a "coward" as he fled the room. Then reporters even pursued Hunter as he fled the hearing and asked him what his favorite type of crack was. Of course, he wasn't answering that one.
San Francisco Votes for a 'Ceasefire'
with Hamas, and the Video is Both Hilarious
and Terrifying
16 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/10/2024 3:33:16 PM Post Reply
Welcome to San Francisco, where the city's leaders promote homeless encampments, fluff communists, do nothing about rising violent crime, and coddle terrorist regimes that have committed mass murder. As you can, what was once one of America's most beautiful locations really has its priorities in order. Do you want an illustration of just how messed up San Francisco is? Its city council just voted for a "ceasefire" between Israel and Hamas by an 8-3 margin. Now, I know what you're thinking. What right or authority does an American city council have to tell a foreign nation it must stop fighting a terrorist government that massacred
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Howard Dean says leading GOP candidates
don't look presidential
43 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/16/2024 12:10:35 AM Post Reply
Speaking to Scripps News moments before the start of Monday's Iowa caucuses, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean said that none of the leading Republican presidential candidates look presidential. Dean, who was a presidential hopeful in 2004, had a disappointing showing during the Democratic Iowa caucuses that year. [SNIP] "One thing that Republicans have a problem with is none of their candidates look presidential at this point," Dean told Scripps News. "Certainly not any of the leading candidates." "Biden is the president and he's acting like a president," Dean added about not campaigning in Iowa.
Rob Reiner Attacks Christian Trump Supporters:
How Does Anyone Who Believes in Jesus
Support Donald Trump?
38 replies
Posted by Harlowe 1/17/2024 1:28:54 AM Post Reply
Hollywood filmmaker-actor Rob Reiner is taking aim at Christians who support former President Donald Trump, saying he doesn’t understand how anyone who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ could vote for Trump. [Snip] “Jesus told us to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. How in God’s name can anyone who believes in the teachings of Jesus support Donald Trump?” he wrote. [Snip] As Breitbart News reported, Rob Reiner is producing a new documentary God and Country, which seeks to keep the left’s favorite new boogeyman “Christian nationalism” in the cultural conversation heading into the November elections.
New York Times Editorial Board Begs Republicans
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Posted by Imright 1/16/2024 8:15:30 AM Post Reply
On the eve of the Iowa Republican caucus, the New York Times editorial board begged Republicans to abandon 2024 frontrunner former President Donald Trump in a piece Monday morning. In the piece titled “The Responsibility of Republican Voters,” the left-wing newspaper tried to guilt Republicans into supporting someone else. The board said: Iowa Republicans who will gather on Monday to cast the first votes of the 2024 presidential campaign season, and voters in New Hampshire and the states that will follow, have one essential responsibility: to nominate a candidate who is fit to serve as president, one who will ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.’
Joy Reid sparks anger after saying white
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and Trump is so successful because they
believe he will 'return' America to them
34 replies
Posted by Imright 1/17/2024 4:14:24 AM Post Reply
Cable news pundit Joy Reid claimed Donald Trump won the Iowa caucus because 'white Christians' believe he will 'return' the US to them. Reid called the Midwest state 'hyper evangelical' and therefore full of voters who support the former president in his campaign to regain the White House. Trump handily won the Iowa caucus on Tuesday night with 51 per cent of the vote in frigid conditions to kick off the primary season. Reid discussed how overrepresented white Christians were in Iowa compared to the rest of the country on MSNBC coverage of the caucus.
Nikki Haley Rules Out More Debates with
DeSantis, Says She’ll Only Face Trump
or Biden
32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/16/2024 9:52:58 AM Post Reply
Nikki Haley bowed out of the two upcoming Republican presidential primary debates in New Hampshire the morning after she landed third place in the Iowa caucuses. The former South Carolina governor announced the news on social media, saying the next time she debates she will be on stage beside Joe Biden or Donald Trump, who has skipped all five Republican primary debates. “We’ve had five great debates in this campaign. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has ducked all of them. He has nowhere left to hide,” she said on Tuesday. “The next debate I do will either be with Donald Trump or with Joe Biden. I look forward to it.”
Walgreens Closing Boston Location in Poor
Neighborhood Due to Theft, Locals Outraged (Video)
31 replies
Posted by Imright 1/17/2024 4:03:31 AM Post Reply
Walgreens is closing a store in a lower income neighborhood of Boston due to rampant theft and the people who live there are outraged. They’re actually protesting the store over news of the closure. This is a familiar chain of events in liberal cities. The Democrats who run the city allow theft and don’t punish criminals. Then the store decides to close and suddenly everyone is angry at the store instead of the people who actually caused the problem. This is going to happen in more and more cities until Democrats decide they want to punish crime.
Pope Francis: ‘I Like to Think of Hell
as Empty’
31 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/16/2024 12:20:03 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis said this week he believes in hell but likes to think of it as “empty” because of God’s great mercy. “What I will say is not a dogma of faith but something personal,” the pontiff said Sunday evening on the Italian television program Che Tempo Che Fa. “I like to think of hell as empty; I hope it is,” he told the show’s host, Fabio Fazio. (snip) In March 2018, for instance, the Italian daily La Repubblica reported that the pope had told his longtime friend, Eugenio Scalfari, founder of the newspaper, that he does not believe hell exists.
Asa Hutchinson drops out of GOP primary,
with Trump, Haley and DeSantis remaining
29 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/16/2024 1:38:57 PM Post Reply
Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson on Tuesday suspended his Republican presidential campaign, a day after finishing a distant sixth place in the GOP's Iowa caucuses. Hutchinson's departure narrows the Republican primary field to just former President Donald Trump, who won Iowa in a landslide; Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis; and Nikki Haley, the former United Nations ambassador and ex-South Carolina governor. "I congratulate Donald J. Trump for his win last night in Iowa and to the other candidates who competed and garnered delegate support," Hutchinson said in a statement. "Today, I am suspending my campaign for President and driving back to Arkansas." Hutchinson defended his campaign message of being a principled Republican with
'Let's see what Iowa says to her': Kamala
Harris LAUGHS at Nikki Haley for criticizing
her and says of Trump: 'We beat him before.
We'll beat him again'
27 replies
Posted by Imright 1/16/2024 1:24:04 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris laughed at Nikki Haley's frequent criticism of her, telling ABC News: 'Let's see what Iowa says to her!' The vice president sat down with the news network on the same day Iowa voters were going to their caucus sites. Haley ended up placing third behind winner Donald Trump and second place finisher Ron DeSantis. Trump leads the polls for the Republican nomination and President Joe Biden has made him a frequent target on the campaign trail. Harris expressed confidence that their ticket could beat the former president the same as they did in the 2020 election.
After Visiting All 99 Iowa Counties and
Failing to Win a Single One, Ron DeSantis
Declares Victory “We Got Our Ticket Punched”
26 replies
Posted by earlybird 1/16/2024 11:33:29 AM Post Reply
After visiting all 99 counties in Iowa and failing to win a single one, specifically because he visited all 99 counties in Iowa, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared the dark, unknown and mysterious forces of universe tried to stop him, “threw everything at him,” yet he alone stands victorious. Yeah, he actually said that. The DeSantis campaign put most of their resources into Iowa and gained a total of 23,000 votes (roughly 21%), quickly declaring victory in a tenuous 2nd place finish and proclaiming their victory ticket has been punched. The cognitive disconnect is exceptionally strong; but hey, everyone has a role to play – right? WATCH:
“This is Crazy, It’s a Disaster”
– Public Charging Stations Turn into
Electric ‘Car Graveyards’ in Bitter
Chicago Cold (Video)
25 replies
Posted by Imright 1/16/2024 4:13:13 PM Post Reply
Electric vehicle owners in the Chicago area have not been able to charge their overpriced method of transportation in the bitter cold this week, leaving scenes of dead electric cars littered across public charging stations. It turns out buying a worthless car to virtue-signal for the environment has unintended consequences. Fox Chicago reported Monday the charging stations have turned into electric car graveyards over the past two days as temperatures in the Windy City and its suburbs have dipped to the negative double digits. One man, Tyler Beard, to the outlet he had been trying to recharge his Tesla at an Oak Brook Tesla supercharging station since Sunday afternoon.
Furious Trump shakes his head in disgust
as judge says he sexually assaulted E.
Jean Carroll in dramatic $10million civil
defamation trial
23 replies
Posted by Imright 1/16/2024 6:05:15 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump repeatedly shook his head in disgust as a New York judge told potential jurors in his defamation trial that he sexually assaulted columnist E. Jean Carroll. The former president, 77, was in a Manhattan courtroom on Tuesday just hours after his landslide victory in the Iowa Republican caucus. Carroll's lawyers want Trump to pay $10million in damages for calling her a liar after she claimed he raped her in a dressing room in a luxury department store in 1996.A previous civil jury has already found him liable for sexually abusing her at Bergdorf's, a luxury department store in Manhattan, in 1996
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