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Lawyer Kenneth Chesebro pleads guilty
over efforts to overturn Trump’s 2020
loss in Georgia

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/20/2023 2:52:31 PM

ATLANTA — Lawyer Kenneth Chesebro pleaded guilty to a felony on Friday just as jury selection was getting underway in his trial on charges accusing him of participating in efforts to overturn Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 election in Georgia. Chesebro, who was charged alongside Trump and 17 others with violating the state’s anti-racketeering law, pleaded guilty to one felony charge of conspiracy to commit filing false documents in a last-minute deal. His plea came a day after fellow attorney Sidney Powell, who had been scheduled to go to trial alongside him, entered her own guilty plea to six misdemeanor counts.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 10/20/2023 3:05:11 PM (No. 1582113)
Guilty of trying to get a fair election. Guilty of expecting freedom of speech. Guilty of .......OPPOSING the Deep State DC Uniparty Criminal Class.
36 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: danu 10/20/2023 3:11:13 PM (No. 1582118)
the devil went down to georgia, and moved right in. comfy cosy. craven and corrupt. it's sickening.
18 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: FormerDem 10/20/2023 3:22:35 PM (No. 1582125)
These are not cowards. If the pressure is enough to move them then it is waaaay too much. Vote out all the Democrats, everywhere.
22 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Starboard_side 10/20/2023 4:08:20 PM (No. 1582148)
So, your lawyers aren't following the law, but then you're supposed to think Trump (not a lawyer) is expected to know their advice/input was erroneous? Is it against the law the push the limits?
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: philsner 10/20/2023 4:42:34 PM (No. 1582177)
We live in a Stalinist country now.
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Rinktum 10/20/2023 5:20:05 PM (No. 1582203)
Democrats are tightening the noose. Can you even imagine being in President Trump’s shoes? Having the hounds of hades nipping at your heels must be horrifying and would have broken lesser men by now. Pray for President Trump.
11 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: czechlist 10/20/2023 6:40:29 PM (No. 1582284)
taxpayer $$$$!!! The outcome is usually predictable when a government prosecutor is funded with unlimited taxpayer$$.
4 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: kono 10/20/2023 7:16:14 PM (No. 1582319)
When will Algore be charged for trying to overturn the 2000 election results in Florida? Seeking to beat the cheat, particularly through established protocols and procedural measures is not a crime. Stop this nonsense immediately.
4 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 10/21/2023 5:57:51 AM (No. 1582549)
"We can and will make your life miserable if you don't do as we say. Be a shame if you had to pull your kids out of college, lose your home, and get into debt so deep you will never get out in your lifetime. By the way, the IRS would like a word with you."
2 people like this.

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Biden thanks Qatar and Israel for efforts
to secure release of American hostages
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2023 2:34:10 PM Post Reply
The White House has issued a statement from US President Joe Biden on the release of the two American hostages released by Hamas earlier this evening. “Today, we have secured the release of two Americans taken hostage by Hamas during the horrific terrorist assault against Israel on October 7,” Biden says. “Our fellow citizens have endured a terrible ordeal these past 14 days, and I am overjoyed that they will soon be reunited with their family, who has been wracked with fear,” he says. “These individuals and their family will have the full support of the United States government as they recover and heal,
Ukraine war: Zelensky thanks Biden for
proposed multi-billion dollar aid package
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2023 2:31:15 PM Post Reply
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday thanked U.S. President Joe Biden for the prospect of a new multi-billion dollar aid package from Washington. Biden, in a rare address from the Oval Office on Thursday night, said he would be asking Congress for a new round of funding for Ukraine as part of a larger request that also includes aid to Israel. U.S. media reported that Biden would ask for 100 billion U.S. dollars in total, about 60 billion U.S. dollars of which was designated for Ukraine. The White House said details on the proposal would be made public on Friday – but whether it can get through the deeply dysfunctional U.S. Congress
Biden's 100B Aid Package Is 'Dead on Arrival'
Says Senator Cotton
13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2023 12:29:12 PM Post Reply
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) declared that Biden’s $100B aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and domestic security is dead on arrival in the Senate. Cotton calls it a slush fund and he’s not wrong. The largest disbursement would go to Ukraine. The aid package includes $60B for Ukraine, $14B for Israel, and $14B for the southern border. There is $7.4B for Taiwan and allies in the Indo-Pacific, and $10B for humanitarian aid in Ukraine, Israel, and Gaza. As you see, the amount allocated to Ukraine is disproportionally larger than anything else. The senator called out the $11.8B for Ukraine, for example, that is included for Ukraine’s “non-war spending”
Saudi Reporter Absolutely Grills Top Hamas
Leader in Unprecedented Interview
11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2023 9:59:16 AM Post Reply
In an unprecedented scene, a Saudi Arabian reporter grilled the leader of Hamas, Khaled Mashal, on Friday. Mashal, who lives in the lap of luxury in Qatar while demanding women and children sacrifice themselves for him, was quite obviously caught off guard by the line of questioning. You can see him get visibly angry at times, perhaps due to an expectation that he'd be allowed to spew his normal talking points without any pushback. The video is obviously in Arabic but is subtitled throughout. The pressure in the interview starts immediately, with a question about Hamas launching its new war against Israel without any backing from other Palestinian groups or Arab
Judge temporarily lifts narrow gag order
on Trump in 2020 election interference case
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2023 1:11:11 AM Post Reply
The federal judge overseeing Donald Trump’s 2020 election interference case in Washington agreed Friday to temporarily lift her narrow gag order. The ruling gives Trump’s lawyers time to prove why the former president’s comments should not be restricted as the case heads toward trial. U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan said the gag order would remain on hold — for now — while she considers Trump’s bid to speak freely about the case as he challenges the restrictions in higher courts. The gag order Chutkan issued Monday barred him from making public statements targeting prosecutors, court staff and potential witnesses. It’s the most serious restriction a court has placed on Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric,
Biden Lets Loose on Bibi and Jim Jordan
as WH Walks Back His Bad Remark About
Gaza Invasion
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2023 12:27:13 AM Post Reply
With the Middle East blowing up, with Americans being killed and held hostage, and U.S. forces under attack, you would think maybe that would be taking up all of Joe Biden's time on Friday. Instead, Biden had a summit meeting with EU leaders where he had trouble with his notes and told a wild story about his Uncle Frank, then attended a campaign fundraiser before he headed off to the beach for yet another weekend vacation. But he wasn't quite done with the bad remarks for the day before he hit the beach. Reporters in attendance at the fundraiser reported on those remarks. Biden said that "the Saudis
Tom Emmer, endorsed by McCarthy, favored
to be next speaker candidate
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/20/2023 7:36:55 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON – After Rep. Jim Jordan’s bid for speaker of the U.S. House collapsed Friday, former Speaker Kevin McCarthy threw his endorsement to Rep. Tom Emmer of Minnesota, who had been making calls to GOP colleagues to determine if he would win their support for that top job. “He is the right person for the job. He can unite the conference,” McCarthy said in a statement. “He understands the dynamics of the conference. He also understands what it takes to win and keep a majority.” With McCarthy’s endorsement, Emmer would become the top candidate for the job, but others are also weighing a run. Since McCarthy, R-Calif., was ousted from the speakership
Biden Received Direct Payment from Brother
after ‘Shady’ Loan Transaction, Bank
Records Reveal
7 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/20/2023 7:23:44 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden received a $200,000 personal check from his brother shortly after James Biden received a “shady” loan in the same amount, House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) revealed Friday. James Biden’s now-bankrupt healthcare business, Americore, sent him the wire loan on March 1, 2018, the same day he paid back his influential brother, according to bank records. This is the first hard evidence linking Joe Biden to influence-peddling schemes. In 2018 alone, Americore wired $600,000 in loans to James Biden. The president’s brother received these loans on the assumption that the Biden name “could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to call special
session to consider sanctions on Iran
in show of support for Israel
9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/20/2023 6:43:20 PM Post Reply
TALLAHASSEE - Gov. Ron DeSantis plans to call a special legislative session to bolster state sanctions against Iran, as he and lawmakers continue taking steps to show support for Israel during the war with Hamas. DeSantis' office Friday confirmed the decision to hold a special session but did not provide details about a date or what will be proposed. It also was unclear whether other unrelated issues could be added to the special session. "I can confirm that the strongest sanctions against Iran by any state in the nation, as proposed by Governor DeSantis, will be part of an upcoming special session," DeSantis spokesman Jeremy Redfern said in a prepared statement.
Joe Biden Demands Billions to Fly, Bus
More Migrants into U.S. Communities
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/20/2023 5:04:35 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s deputies are asking Congress for $14 billion extra to help bus illegal migrants up to the U.S. border and onward into hotels in many cities and towns around the nation. The request is being touted as “border security” even though very few funds would be used to exclude economic migrants. For example, Biden’s deputies have ushered more than 300,000 economic migrants through the U.S. border in September alone. The 2023 inflow has added up to roughly 2.5 million, not counting legal migrants and temporary workers. Instead, much of the requested money would be used to help more job-seeking migrants reach the U.S. border, register and release them
Federal deficit rose to $1.7 trillion
in fiscal 2023
6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/20/2023 4:17:48 PM Post Reply
The federal budget deficit rose to $1.7 trillion in fiscal 2023, according to data released Friday by the Treasury Department. The gulf between how much money the federal government spent and made in revenue rose by $320 billion between fiscal 2023 — which ended September 30 — and the previous fiscal year. The fiscal 2023 budget deficit was equal to 6.3 percent of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), up from 5.4 percent in fiscal 2022. Biden administration officials attributed to spike in the deficit to a steep drop in federal revenue, which rose sharply during rapid economic rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Donald Trump fined $5,000 for violating
gag order in New York fraud trial and
warned twice about imprisonment
11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/20/2023 4:10:44 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump was fined $5,000 by a New York judge on Friday for violating a gag order not to speak about any members of the court staff – and was warned twice about possible imprisonment. “Donald Trump has received ample warning from this Court as to the possible repercussions of violating the gag order. He specifically acknowledged that he understood and would abide by it,” Judge Arthur Engoron said in his order Friday. “Accordingly, issuing yet another warning is not longer appropriate; this Court is way behind the ‘warning’ stage.”
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Dems Praise Biden’s ‘Cognizant’
Israel Response: ‘This Is A Man That
Does Not Seem Demented’
41 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 9:51:03 AM Post Reply
From a sit-down TV interview, to an Oval Office address and even a trip to a war-torn country, Democratic strategists are praising President Joe Biden’s response to the Israel-Hamas war as “cognizant” and “strong.” Biden’s initial response to the terrorist organization Hamas’ attack on Israel came under scrutiny from prominent conservative media figures who criticized the president for failing to make frequent public statements while the war raged in the Middle East. But Democratic strategists told the Daily Caller the president has handled the Israel-Hamas war well, giving numerous public appearances and even presenting himself as a strong commander-in-chief.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Americans
Must Be Ready to Import Palestinians
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Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 9:45:49 AM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a leading voice of the Democrat Party’s far-left wing, is suggesting Americans must be ready to bring Palestinians to their communities. During an interview on CNN, Ocasio-Cortez was asked whether Arab countries in the Middle East ought to open their borders to Palestinians rather than the United States.In response, Ocasio-Cortez suggested she would support such Arab countries taking in Palestinians, but Americans would also need to be open to refugee resettlement. The exchange went as follows:
Stanford scientist, after decades of study,
concludes: We don’t have free will
25 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 10/21/2023 12:32:41 PM Post Reply
Before epilepsy was understood to be a neurological condition, people believed it was caused by the moon, or by phlegm in the brain. They condemned seizures as evidence of witchcraft or demonic possession, and killed or castrated sufferers to prevent them from passing tainted blood to a new generation. Today we know epilepsy is a disease. By and large, it’s accepted that a person who causes a fatal traffic accident while in the grip of a seizure should not be charged with murder. That’s good, says Stanford University neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky. That’s progress. But there’s still a long way to go.
You Just Can’t Make This Up: GOP House
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Group Spokesman as Speaker of the House
– Who Wanted to End Electoral College
– AND There’s Video!
23 replies
Posted by DW626 10/21/2023 8:47:00 AM Post Reply
As reported earlier House Republicans voted down their most popular and respected member, Jim Jordan for House Speaker today. The Republican lawmakers held a secret ballot away from their voters and overwhelmingly decided to oust Jordan from the Speaker’s race. The Republicans voted 112-86 in a secret ballot to oust the Ohio Republican from the race. The House of Representatives has been without a Speaker for more than 2 weeks after Matt Gaetz filed a motion to vacate the chair. Kevin McCarthy was ousted as House Speaker earlier this month in a 216-210 vote. 8 Republicans voted to oust McCarthy: Biggs, Buck, Burchett, Crane, Gaetz, Good, Mace, and Rosendale.
Byron Donalds throws his hat into the
ring for Speaker
23 replies
Posted by DW626 10/21/2023 8:26:52 AM Post Reply
The House speakership has not been a happy thing for Republicans lately. While Nancy Pelosi was a raging leftist who successfully corralled her party and rammed through the leftist agenda (love her or hate her, she was effective), the same cannot be said for recent Republican speakers. John Boehner and Paul Ryan were RINOs. Kevin McCarthy was much more conservative, and for that he deserves credit, but he reneged on promises, especially about January 6. Since his ouster, though, it’s been one humiliation Now, however, with Byron Donalds having thrown his hat in the ring, there’s hope. Whether you think Matt Gaetz was bold to punish yet another.
Biden Lets Loose on Bibi and Jim Jordan
as WH Walks Back His Bad Remark About
Gaza Invasion
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2023 12:27:13 AM Post Reply
With the Middle East blowing up, with Americans being killed and held hostage, and U.S. forces under attack, you would think maybe that would be taking up all of Joe Biden's time on Friday. Instead, Biden had a summit meeting with EU leaders where he had trouble with his notes and told a wild story about his Uncle Frank, then attended a campaign fundraiser before he headed off to the beach for yet another weekend vacation. But he wasn't quite done with the bad remarks for the day before he hit the beach. Reporters in attendance at the fundraiser reported on those remarks. Biden said that "the Saudis
Judicial Watch: Obama ‘Arrived at the
Emergency Response Scene’ Following
Tragic Drowning of his Chef Near His Home
– Secret Service Video Shows Chef Entering Water
22 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 9:23:29 AM Post Reply
Judicial Watch, a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, has released new records that reveal Barack Obama’s presence at the emergency scene following the tragic drowning of his family’s personal chef, Tafari Campbell. The records, obtained from the Massachusetts State Police, indicate that Obama arrived at the emergency response scene via motorcade. Tafari Campbell, 45, met his tragic end while paddle boarding on Great Edgartown Pond, Martha’s Vineyard, on July 23 with an unnamed female staffer of the Obama family.
Meat-Producing Giant Tyson Foods is Now
Investing in Insect Protein
15 replies
Posted by Harlowe 10/21/2023 3:30:14 PM Post Reply
Tyson Foods, a major U.S. producer of beef, pork, and chicken, is now making plans to develop products from protein that comes from insects. The meat processor said on Tuesday that it has invested in Protix, a Netherlands-based insect ingredients maker.[Snip]That facility will use animal waste to feed black soldier flies, which will then be turned into food for pets, poultry and fish.[Snip]Those flies are not going into human food, at this point.[Snip]In addition to ingredients for the aquaculture and pet food industries, processed larvae may also be used as ingredients within livestock and plant feed,” according to Tyson.
Exclusive: Joe Biden paid nearly $2.75million
CASH for Rehoboth Beach house within weeks
of Hunter sending 'threatening' text to
Chinese business partner demanding to
close $10million deal
14 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 2:57:34 PM Post Reply
It's Joe Biden's favorite place – his summer home in Delaware where he has decamped dozens of times during his 1,000 days as Commander-in-Chief. As revealed on Tuesday he has spent at least 300 of those days either in the country's second smallest state or on vacation. He bought the home at a time that it appeared his political career was over – five months after his Vice-Presidency had ended he was well into his 70s and after all he had decided to forgo a 2016 run for the top job.
Seattle lawmaker furiously denies her
support for defunding the police is to
blame for soaring crime in city, after
children were forced to CRAWL inside a
daycare facility following drive-by shooting
14 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 2:16:49 PM Post Reply
A Seattle lawmaker has furiously denied her support for defunding the police is to blame for soaring crime in the city. Council member Kshama Sawant said the city should not add police resources to the Central District neighborhood after 24 children had to crawl to the bathroom of a daycare facility following a shooting. The incident happened on Monday outside of the A-4 Apple Learning Center, with a 47-year-old man being shot on the street. A bullet pierced through the window of the center, with co-owner Appollonia Washington telling staff and children inside to 'army crawl' to the bathroom and hide.
Music Artist Aaron Lewis Spells TRUMP
24 With 32 Coyotes After Successful Hunting Trip
13 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 3:36:32 PM Post Reply
Disclaimer: The following article discusses events and opinions expressed by a public figure. The content is meant to provide information and does not necessarily reflect the views of this platform. (Photo) Alternative metal vocalist for the hit band Staind recently sent social media ablaze after he posted a photo of his recent hunting trip. Staind vocalist Aaron Lewis took to social media on Wednesday and posted a photo of 32 coyotes he hunted down in Texas. That wasn’t all, though, Lewis who has been a vocal Trump supporter, lined all of the coyotes up to spell “TRUMP 24.”
100,000 Protest Against Israel in London
as Antifa and Islamist Flags Fly
13 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 3:04:10 PM Post Reply
An estimated 100,000 people joined a pro-Palestinian rally in London on Saturday, including supporters of radical Islam and far-left groups such as Antifa and various socialist organisations. The Metropolitan Police said that up to 100,000 people joined a rally to support Palestine in the wake of the deadly Hamas terror strikes on Israel that left over 1,400 people dead and the subsequent retaliation on Palestine. Protests were also held in multicultural Birmingham, as well (X Photo) According to The Telegraph, protesters carried signs including some depicting both British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Hitler moustaches, with the caption “Crime Minister”.
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